The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,174 Cause and Effect

At this moment, the room was silent. Perhaps in the past few days, Su Changqing had consumed too much energy to heal Xiao Chen's injuries and remove the heart-corrosive bone poison from Xiao Chen's body. At this time, his face was slightly pale. In addition, recalling the old events at this time made it even harder to hide the sadness in his heart for losing his beloved daughter.

Xiao Chen was also motionless at this time, with a look of confusion on his face. A long time ago, when he was just a little naughty boy in Ning Village, he often heard the children around Zhao Wangsun scolding him for being a little boy without parents. Bastard, no matter how many people there are on the other side, he will charge forward, but how can he beat so many people by himself? He always comes back injured every time.

Therefore, in the eyes of outsiders, he has loved fighting with others since he was a child. As a result, people in the villages around him regarded him as a child without parental supervision and would not let their children play with him.

At that time, he also thought about who his biological parents were and why they were so cruel to abandon him.

Whenever he thought about this, at a young age, he would always feel a little resentment in his heart, telling himself over and over again that even if they met in the future, he would not recognize each other...

But Wuniang never paid attention to the rumors outside the village. She was benevolent, righteous, polite, wise and trustworthy. She never taught Yichen less, and she never mentioned Fairy Miaoyin.

Later, Xiao Yichen gradually grew up and no longer cared about what others said, but at such a young age, he still had big concerns.

Only on bright nights every month, he would sit by the window sill and look at the moon in the sky in a daze. He would sit there for a long time, and sometimes he would fall asleep leaning on the window sill. Therefore, Wu Niang would also come to watch at this time. Looking at him, he carried him to the bed and covered him with a quilt, for fear that he would catch a cold.

At this moment, recalling the past events of that year, Xiao Chen felt an unspeakable pain and silent sorrow in his heart. The most sorrowful thing was that no one could see it.

"Then what happened next, what happened next..."

"Later..." Su Changqing took a deep breath and slowly told what happened next.

"Daddy, daddy..."

Just when Su Changqing and his wife were mourning, the voice of their youngest daughter Su Qian came from outside. Seeing the scene in the secret room and the haggard father, Su Qian had already guessed about it, and her face turned pale. .

"Who is that person? Why did he do this to a little baby..."

Su Qian also couldn't understand why someone would be so crazy as to inject three corpse demons into the body of a baby who was not yet one month old.


Su Changqing sighed and said, "The three corpse demons are originally from the three realms and six realms. They are transformed by the hostility and filth of all living beings. Once they condense into shape, the consequences will be disastrous..."

When he said this, he looked at the baby held tightly in his wife's hands and continued, "Now the three corpse demons are dormant in his body. In the future, as his cultivation level increases, the three corpse demons will also use him as his body." The cauldron grows slowly, and once it takes shape, the whole world will inevitably be devastated... If people know the secrets about him, do you think there will be room for him in this world..."

At the end of her words, Su Changqing closed her eyes deeply, and Mrs. Su held the baby in her arms. The more she looked at the child, the more she looked like Rou'er who had just been born back then. She couldn't help but burst into tears, "Rou'er." Er, Rouer, your life is so miserable..."

The whole room was shrouded in a sad atmosphere. After a long time, Su Changqing slowly opened his eyes and said, "Once the three corpse demons take shape in his body, they will completely devour him. By then, I'm afraid no one can stop it." …”

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Su trembled even more, hugged the baby in her arms tighter, and kept stepping back, "Changqing, what are you going to do...Do you want to kill him? He is Rou I paid for it with my life...I don't care, I don't care about the three corpse demons..."

Su Changqing took a deep breath and closed his eyes quietly. His heart at this time was like a knife being twisted, but in his heart, there was not only his late daughter, but also the entire Su family, and ...all the people in the world.

"Wait...Dad, I thought of it."

Suddenly, the expression on Su Qian's face condensed, and Su Changqing opened her eyes, looked at her and said, "Qian'er, what did you think of?"

Su Qian walked towards the mother holding the baby in her arms, her gaze fell on the baby without moving, and said, "Father just now said that the higher his cultivation level is in the future, the three corpse demons will use him as a cauldron and grow faster. So, if he grows up in the mortal world and becomes an ordinary mortal, will the Three Corpse Demons remain dormant and unable to awaken? "

Hearing this, Su Changqing frowned deeply and nodded, "What you said is not that I have never thought about it. If he grows up in the mortal world and does not enter the gate of immortal cultivation or the gate of demon, then the three corpse demons will , it is possible that he will never wake up, but..."

At this point, he paused for a moment, frowned deeper, and continued, "But if something changes, I'm afraid..."

"Try it……"

Su Qian looked at her father, who was now filled with worries, and then turned to look at the baby in her mother's arms. She said sadly, "Sister, this child encountered a great disaster as soon as he was born. If he enters the immortal sect in the future, There must be many disasters. Instead of this, it would be better for him to marry a wife and have children in the mortal world, and live his life quietly... In this way, no one will know his identity, the Three Corpse Demon , and will never wake up.


Su Changqing nodded helplessly. At the moment, this was the only way to save the child's life. Su Qian said again, "By the way, dad, don't you have a good friend outside in Suzhou City? In my opinion, it's better... …”

"What about him? I haven't known him for a long time. I wonder if he is now..."

Su Changqing concentrated, thought for a moment, and finally shook his head, "No, Suzhou looks like a mortal place, but in fact it condenses the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. This child must never be sent to Suzhou."

When he said this, he took two steps forward, looked at the baby tightly held in his wife's hands, and sighed, "How can the dragon be a creature in the pond? It's strange that this child was born extraordinary. Once he goes to a place with abundant spiritual energy, The land, I’m afraid it will be…sigh.”

Three days later, Su Changqing found his youngest disciple Xu Jin. Xu Jin was the last disciple he accepted. He was ranked last, but he had won his trust. The matter of the baby must not be spread out and let anyone know.

"Ajin, when you go to the mortal world outside, you must transform your cultivation, otherwise you will be noticed by Wutian Palace and become a teacher..."

"Master, don't worry. This disciple will live up to Master's trust and bring Senior Sister Rou's child safely to the mortal world..."

So, Su Changqing's young disciple Xu Jin, aliased as Yang Jin, and another senior sister, transformed into a young couple, and went to the outside world together.

But after searching for a long time, Xu Jin could not find the most suitable place. If it was a place with poor mountains and rivers, there would probably be people from the Demonic Way entrenched nearby. And if it was a place with beautiful mountains and beautiful waters, there would often be people from the Xuanmen who came down from the mountain to recruit disciples. This child was extraordinary. , over time, he will be favored by Xuanmen masters.

In addition, Xu Jin was also worried about being targeted by people in the demonic way, so he finally thought about it and went to the Xuanqing Gate in the Middle Earth of Immortal Yuan.

The Xuanqing Sect is the leader of the five realms of righteousness. No one from the Demon Sect or the Wutian Palace in the Lingxu Realm would dare to come here to cause trouble.

The ancient village is far away from Xuanqing Mountain and is an absolutely mortal place. Such a small village will not attract the attention of the experts of Xuanqing Sect.

So in the end, Xu Jin decided to bring the child into this village...

At this moment, after hearing the cause and effect of that year, Xiao Chen sat quietly and said nothing. His life experience finally came to light, but at this moment, he felt an unspeakable depression...

It turns out that I am a demon, a three-corpse demon that everyone must get rid of...

But Master, you told me that all things in nature have their own spirits. As cultivators, we should put the common people of the world first, and personal life and death as the second priority...

Master... isn't the thing you hate the most the devil? But why did you save me back then...

You clearly know that there are three corpse demons in my body, and there is no way to break it. When the three corpse demons take shape, there will be a peerless demon in this world.


Master, what on earth were you thinking at the time... Not only did you not kill me, but you allowed me to become your disciple despite being such a peerless demon child...

Are you thinking that one day, when I finally become a demon in this world and heaven and earth cannot tolerate me, you will come out and bear all this for me?

Ling Yin...Ling Yin, hahaha...

Silent mourning, the saddest thing. At this moment, Xiao Chen didn't show any emotion on his face, but in his heart, it felt like a knife cutting, like a needle pricking, like a thousand arrows passing through...


Suddenly, Su Changqing let out a muffled groan. It turned out that in these years, he had been using the Purple Qi Donglai Xuan Gong to suppress the Ghost Heaven Curse that the man had penetrated into his body. This curse was a secret curse that was not passed down from the sky. It was unparalleled in the world. If there is a solution, he can only rely on his Taoism to suppress it.

However, the situation will get worse day by day. In addition, he has lost a lot of energy in healing Xiao Chen's wounds and detoxifying in the past few days. It is inevitable that this ghost curse will have a chance to take advantage of.

"Evergreen, how are you?"

Mrs. Su stood aside with a rather nervous look on her face. Su Changqing shook her hand and said, "It's okay..." Then she looked at Xiao Chen, "That's how it was back then."

Xiao Chen raised his head and looked at the two people in front of him. At this moment, he felt mixed emotions in his heart. After a long time, he slowly got out of bed and said, "Where is my mother's tomb? I want to see it..."

"Okay, kid, come with me..."

"Jiansu Peak" where the Su family is located is surrounded by mountains and surrounded by spiritual energy. There are places like the Sword Washing Pond, Jade Lotus Terrace, Jiansu Fairyland and other places on the mountain. It is extremely difficult for people who are not from the Su family to go up to Jiansu Peak, or even even go there. Can't find it.

Although Su Changqing kept Xiao Chen's affairs strictly confidential these days, when someone suddenly appeared on the mountain, how could he not attract the attention of others?

Therefore, these days, it is inevitable that some people will secretly talk behind their backs, "I heard that the eldest lady brought back a seriously injured person two days ago. I don't know who he is..."

After about a stick of incense, Xiao Chen and Su Changqing came to a deep valley called "Fengming Stream" in the back mountain. They saw that the flowers and plants in the valley were luxuriant, the springs were gurgling, and the cliffs were filled with bunches of red flowers that looked like fire. The phoenix flower sways gently in the wind.

When she came to this place, Mrs. Su's eyes turned red again, and she choked out, "I remember that when Rou'er was little, she loved to play here the most. Every time she had a quarrel with her father, she would always come here alone. …”

Xiao Chen walked towards the valley and looked at the clusters of red and fiery phoenix flowers on the edge of the cliff. In the shadows of the flowers all over the sky, a figure seemed to flash, but in the blink of an eye, it disappeared again...

Mrs. Su wiped her eyes and said, "Your mother's and your father's tombs are inside. You can go in..."


Xiao Chen nodded lightly and walked into the valley step by step. But every time he took a step forward, his feet seemed to have a huge force, and his heart felt like it was being pressed hard by a big stone...

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