When I came to Fengming Stream, I saw phoenix flowers all over the valley swaying in the wind. When the wind blew through the mountain stream, it made a sound like a phoenix...

Xiao Chen's footsteps became heavier and heavier, as if among the phoenix flowers blooming in the valley, there was also the shadow of his mother who often appeared in his dreams, but when the wind blew, it disappeared again.

Finally, he came to a mountain stream. The water flowed down from the cliff and gathered into a pool below. Not far from the pool, there was a tomb with only five characters on the tomb of the female Su Rou.


Xiao Chen's footsteps suddenly became heavier, but in the end he walked over step by step. Next to Su Rou's tomb, there was an unmarked tomb with a tombstone, but there was not a word on it.

I think this unmarked tomb is my father's tomb. My father has always been a member of the Xiao family, so there is not a single word on this monument...

At this moment, Xiao Chen's heart became even heavier, and the vague images from his dreams appeared over and over in his mind.

"Brother Feng, you must protect our children..."

"Arou... don't! Don't! Arou..."

The heartbreaking sound seemed to be ringing in his ears. Xiao Chen tightly held the blood jade in his hand, and he could imagine the scene at that time.

Taihuazi struck down Taihuazi with the power of the Holy Realm. Her mother had spiritual power as strong as Weiyang. She sacrificed herself to block Taihuazi's blow and protected herself and her father. At the last moment, she She sealed all her spiritual power into the Samsara Jade, and used her spiritual power to continue to protect herself who was not yet a full moon...

Now, Xiao Chen finally understood why when his master gave him the Samsara Jade, he felt a blood connection at that moment.

He finally understood why every time in the past, when his life was in danger, the Samsara Jade always blocked it for him...


The hand holding the blood jade began to tremble slightly. The wind slowly blew past the mountain stream, making a sound like the cry of a phoenix. Xiao Chen's eyes slowly turned red.

"Now that you and your father are in Fengming Stream, no one can separate you anymore. You no longer need to pay attention to everything outside. No one can persecute you anymore..."

Xiao Chen's voice was a little choked, and at the end, his face suddenly became a little cold and scary, and he slowly looked at the blood jade in his hand, "Taihuazi, you want to become an immortal and live forever. But I want to make you a demon forever..."


The clear sky can change at any time, and suddenly there is a thunder, and then there are layers of dark clouds.

At this time, in the three secret realms of Wutian Palace, Taihua Palace, Chongjiu Valley, and Cuihan Mountain, the three real people woke up at the same time. Their faces were pale, their eyes were full of fear, and their bodies were covered in cold sweat. They looked as terrifying as they could be.

"It's this dream again, someone's coming... someone's coming!"

"Really, real person...what's wrong?"

Outside the secret hall, a disciple from Taihua Palace hurriedly came in. When he saw the pale and uneasy face of Master Taihua, the disciple turned pale with fright and did not dare to say anything.

Since that time, when the three masters were enlightened, they saw a terrible dream at the same time, and their cultivation levels fell back a level. After this period of time, the disciples were always anxious and uneasy, always feeling that something big was going to happen. , from time to time there will be an inexplicable palpitation.

At this moment, Master Taihua's face turned pale, with cold sweat dripping from his forehead. He asked the disciple, "What's going on over there at Lian Zhensi?"

Hearing this, the disciple muttered for a long time, and finally lowered his head and said, "The whereabouts of Master Qisha is unknown, and as for Master Lianzhen..."

When he finished speaking, he raised his head slightly and glanced at the expression on Master Taihua's face before continuing, "Master Lianzhen was about to capture Xiao Yichen, but that woman suddenly appeared. , severely injured the master of Lian Zhen Hall, and took Xiao Yichen away..."

"That's unreasonable!"

Master Taihua's face became angry, and he clapped his palm. With a "bang" sound, the stone platform in front of him was shattered into pieces. The disciple was so frightened that he quickly stepped back with a look of horror on his face. He had never done anything like this in so many years. I have seen Master Taihua get so angry. How could he get angry easily when he has cultivated to the level of the three Masters?

At this moment, the disciple did not dare to say anything. It was not until a moment later, when the anger on Master Taihua's face dissipated, that he continued to speak: "Three days ago, Master Ziwei and Master Tanlang arrived. It’s past…”


Master Taihua slowly calmed down, his face was still a little gloomy, and he said coldly, "Even if we use all the power of Wutian Palace, we will definitely bring this person back within half a year..."

After hearing this, the disciple trembled all over again, his face turned slightly pale, and he cupped his hands and said, "Yes, I will pass on the words..."

"That's all, go down." Master Taihua waved his hand, and an invisible look of exhaustion flashed across his face.

"Yes..." The disciple cupped his hands and then slowly walked out.

In Fengming Stream, Xiao Chen stood in front of two tombs. He stood like this for an unknown amount of time. It started to rain lightly in the sky. The phoenix flowers in front of the tombs swayed gently in the breeze and drizzle.

The rain became heavier and heavier. Xiao Chen's body was slowly soaked by the rain, and his vision was gradually blurred by the rain. He squatted down, picked up a handful of soil, and sprinkled it in front of the two graves. Finally, he slowly stood up and left.


The rain is getting heavier and heavier, and in the nine heavens, there is a sudden thunder, and lightning pierces the sky, releasing thousands of sharp rays of light, as if to tear apart all the darkness in the world...

Outside the valley, Su Changqing and Mrs. Su saw him coming out, and they both walked up. Xiao Chen looked at the two people who were soaked by the rain. At this moment, even though he had thousands of words to say, he didn't know how to say them. In the end, he just Turned into four words "Grandpa, Grandma..."

"Okay, okay, good boy..." Mrs. Su's eyes were moist and she kept nodding. She looked at him now as she looked at Rou'er back then.

Xiao Chen walked forward step by step, letting the slanting wind and drizzle hit his face, but the road ahead was still under his feet. He looked at the rainy and mist-covered green mountains in the distance and said, "I can't stay here..."

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Su was startled for a moment, then slowly said, "But your injuries are not healed yet. It's raining so hard, where are you going..." As she spoke, tears started flowing down again.

“The world is so big, there’s no place we can’t go.”

Xiao Chen took a deep breath, turned around, looked at the two people in front of him, and said with a heavy heart, "You guys... take care of yourself."

Su Changqing frowned and said nothing. He knew in his heart that Xiao Chen just didn't want to bring trouble to the Su family or embarrass him...

Ever since he fell under the ghost curse of the mysterious man, he has gradually retired from the world. Nowadays, most of the affairs of the Su family are left to Su Qian, and at the same time, there are other elders of the Su family.

The three of them went outside. The rain had stopped and it was getting dark. Xiao Chen turned around again and looked at the two old people. He said "take care" and then stopped staying any longer. With his feet a little closer, he started Qinggong and headed out of the mountain. went.


Mrs. Su stretched out her hand to keep him, with tears streaming down her face. Su Changqing pressed her shoulders, looked at the direction Xiao Chen was leaving, shook her head and sighed, "Exactly the same as Xiao Zhufeng back then..."

At this time, in a small pavilion on another hillside in the distance, a woman in red stood outside the pavilion, staring at the direction Xiao Chen left, her eyebrows deeply furrowed, and she murmured to herself: "Just now How could that person be him...why is he in our house?"

"Junior sister...does it mean you recognize that person?"

At this moment, another man in green clothes walked out of the pavilion. Judging from his tone, he didn't seem to be from the Su family.

The woman in red's eyes flashed, "Of course I recognize him! I saw him last time in Wuyou Valley, and he was the one who shot my blue wolf out of the eye!"

"Oh?" The man in green's eyes narrowed slightly, looking in the direction Xiao Chen left, and asked, "Who is this person? Dare to offend Junior Sister?"


This woman was none other than Su Meier who had appeared in Wuyou Valley before. At that time, her two green wolves killed two horses of Leng Baihu. When one of the green wolves rushed over, Xiao Chen pinned her Shot out the eyes.

At this moment, she only saw her eyebrows frowning. When she thought that this person was the Lord of the Wuyu Heaven, she was the Miss Su family. She couldn't afford to offend this person. She said, "This person, he is the Lord of the Wuyu Heaven." The Lord, Xiao Yichen!”

"Xiao Yichen..."

Hearing this name, the man in green was stunned. Su Meier turned around and saw a look of astonishment on his face. She frowned and said, "Why are you making such a fuss?"

"No, it's nothing..."

The man forced a smile. Seeing his strange expression, Su Meier thought of something. She pointed at him and said with a serious face, "I'm warning you, you dare to say anything about this man's appearance at Su's house today." I can't forgive you!"

Although Su Mei'er can be a little willful and unruly at times, she also knows the general picture. I wonder if this Xiao Yichen is the seriously injured person who was rumored to be brought back by his aunt a few days ago? It seems that the changes in Fengyuntian and Yunzong are indeed true...

Anyway, this person's identity is unusual. If people outside know that he appears in the Su family, I'm afraid it will bring endless trouble to the Su family...

Let's talk about Xiao Chen. After leaving Jiansu Peak where the Su family was, he went all the way to the southwest. At the same time, he also sent a spiritual message to Weiyang on a jade note, telling them to go back to Wuyutian first and not to worry.

And along the way, he had to be careful. When it was getting dark, he suddenly stopped. His face looked a little pale, and his forehead was covered with cold sweat.

"Boy, can't you hold it in any longer?"

At this moment, a voice sounded next to him. Xiao Chen instinctively became alert, but the voice sounded again, "Boy, don't be nervous, it's me."

"Bone Demon?"

Xiao Chen turned his head and saw the Bone Demon slowly walking over. After the changes in the sky that day, the Bone Demon had been silent and for some reason appeared at this time.

"The aura of this immortal bone on your body is too strong. If you don't want to be discovered, go back."

Xiao Chen frowned slightly. He has not fully recovered yet. Once he encounters a quasi-sage like Lian Zhensi, he has almost no chance of winning. The aura of the bone demon's immortal bones is too strong and will inevitably attract quasi-sage level masters.

"It's okay, I just came out to breathe..."

As the Bone Demon spoke, he slowly walked out, still looking so arrogant, "Humph, if that person that day had been me back then..."

"Okay, I know, he's just a quasi-sage, you can kill him with one palm."

Xiao Chen's face was a little pale. Thinking back to that day in Yunzong, Guiyunshan was severely injured by the mysterious man and was knocked back into silence. He didn't know if he could summon Guiyunshan now. If he couldn't summon Guiyunshan, then he would be in trouble now. It's dangerous, the Bone Demon must go back, otherwise it will definitely attract people from Wutian Palace.


The Bone Demon snorted coldly and said, "You could have waited until your injuries fully recovered before coming out, but you had to come out in such a hurry. Who can you blame?"

Xiao Chen was silent. He naturally had his reasons for not staying in the Su family. Although Su Changqing was the head of the Su family, the entire Su family was so big that he did not have the final say alone. I am afraid that... the Su family would not tolerate it. No less than yourself, if that's the case, why bother embarrassing grandpa.

"The sky is so big, is there no place for me to go...cough, cough, cough!"

Xiao Chen's face suddenly became paler. He thought he was walking too fast just now and his breath was not yet even.

He now needs to return to Wuyutian as soon as possible, but the journey is far away, and most of Yuding is controlled by Wutian Palace. I am afraid that dragnets have been set up everywhere. It will not be easy for him to get through now.

Especially now, he has not fully recovered from his injuries, and his skills are far less than what he was in his prime. Once he encounters any quasi-sage of level three or above, his life will be in danger.

So now, he must find a place to recover his skills first, but the power of Wutian Palace is too widely distributed, and he may be found at any time...


Suddenly, another thunder sounded in the sky, and then raindrops as big as beans fell down. Soon, Xiao Chen's whole body was soaked by the rain again. His clothes stuck to his skin, and when the wind blew, he became even more wet. Biting chill.

The world is so big, is there really no place to go...

At this moment, he felt a hint of coldness again, and this coolness did not come from the miserable wind and rain in the world at this moment, nor did it come from the clothes soaked by the rain, but... the blood jade clinging to his chest .

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