After a few days, the village finally became quiet. After that night, no one came to the fields to destroy crops at night.

And every time in the midsummer season, the villagers start to get busy again. They work at sunrise and rest at sundown. Men plow the fields, women weave clothes, the master teaches in the courtyard, and the children catch dragonflies and grasshoppers by the fields. This way The simple and unpretentious life is incomparable to those prosperous big cities where people sing in the morning and sing in the evening.

People gradually forgot about Zhao Dahu a few days ago and concentrated on taking care of the land so that there would be a good harvest in the autumn. Xiao Chen had been in the village for more than a month and had already become familiar with the villagers. During these days, he would also help everyone Planting rice and sowing seeds, fetching water and driving cattle, or taking care of someone's children.

From a stranger at the beginning, he gradually became familiar with him, and everyone no longer called him "Young Xia Shao Xia", but called him "A Tian", just like a family member.

Even Matchmaker Wang from the next village heard about such a person. Yesterday she came to the village and wanted to work as a matchmaker, but she was kicked out by some aunts, saying that "the wealth does not flow to outsiders."

So early this morning, the three aunts and six women in the village gathered together, not knowing what to say.

"Tell me, if this guy comes to our village, he is a member of our village. He has also reached the age of marriage..."

"Hey, hey, you've got it. This man was rescued by Liu'er. This injury was cured by Dr. Liu. He's also Dr. Liu's son-in-law. What does it have to do with you?"

"Hey! Why is it none of my business? Let me tell you, today's young people, they are all popular about what is called free love. Emotional matters require two people to be in love with each other. How can you say save them? If you want to marry him, do you have to marry him? Look at my daughter, she is also eighteen this year, and she is no worse than Liu Jingjing. No, I have to find a chance..."

"Yes, yes, you have it, your daughter, your daughter doesn't leave the door and doesn't step out of the door, how can she have any chance? According to me, my daughter has the chance..."

"Your daughter? Your daughter is only twelve years old..."

"Can't we wait for a few more years, hehehe..."

At noon, Xiao Chen came back from the fields. As soon as he entered the village, he was stopped by Aunt Wang, "Oh my god, my god, come on, come on, come on. Come on."

Xiao Chen saw that she kept waving to him and asked, "Second Aunt Wang, what's the matter?"

"Oh, look at you kid, you've been here for so long and you're still so mature, why don't you just call me Aniang? Hehehehe..."

"Uh... Wang Aniang, what can you do?"

Second Aunt Wang looked at him and said with a smile on her face, "You just came back from the fields? Come on, come on, come and sit in Aunt Wang's yard for a while, I'll get you a bowl of water..."

"This...Uncle Liu went to the county fair today, and he will probably come back in the afternoon. Little Huzi is at home alone, and I have to go over and cook for him."

"Hey! That little kid is not hungry. He just went to dig in the fields. Come here, come here..."

"Well, why don't we wait for another day? I'll leave first..."


"Second Aunt Wang, what's wrong with you?"

Xiao Chen had already left, but now he came back. Aunt Wang slapped her forehead and said, "I remembered something happened to my cow recently. It has been refusing to eat grass. This, this, this is the only cow in the house." , if you get sick and starve to death, you won’t be able to cultivate the land..."

Xiao Chen smiled softly, "That's it. Aunt Wang, you just told me earlier. Don't worry, I'll go take a look for you right now."


Aunt Wang smiled. At this moment, a woman's voice suddenly came from not far away, "A Tian, ​​what are you doing there?"

"Miss Liu'er..."

Xiao Chen turned around and saw Liu Jingjing arriving at some unknown time. Second Aunt Wang was also stunned for a moment and said with a smile, "Um, Liu'er, didn't you go to the market? Why are you back so soon?" ah……"

Liu Jingjing came over, looked at Aunt Wang, then at Xiao Chen, and asked, "What are you doing?"

Xiao Chen smiled and said, "Second Aunt Wang said that her cows don't eat grass and asked me to go and see if they are sick..."

"Cow? Don't eat grass? Are you sick?"

Liu Jingjing looked at Second Aunt Wang with a puzzled expression. She saw Second Aunt Wang looking embarrassed and said, "That, that, that is, that..."

"Okay, okay, when dad comes back, I'll ask him to come over and take a look. After Liu Jingjing said that, she pulled Xiao Chen and walked towards the yard.

"Hey, hey... that, no, Ah Tian..."

Watching the two people walking away, Aunt Wang stomped her feet vigorously, with a feeling that "the duck you got has flown away again", and said, "You Liu'er, you are shameless, pulling and pulling in broad daylight..."

Back outside the yard, Xiao Chen saw Liu Jingjing pouting and looking unhappy, and asked, "What's wrong? Uncle Liu hasn't come back yet?"


Liu Jingjing snorted at him softly, took out a bundle from behind the willow tree and handed it to him, "Here, I bought you new clothes."

"So you went to town..."

Xiao Chen took the bundle she handed over and slowly raised his head, "Thank you, Miss Liu'er..."

"Miss Liu'er, Miss Liu'er, call everyone you meet a girl! Humph!"

Liu Jingjing was so angry that she stamped her feet, pouted, and looked at him with resentment in her eyes, but she looked extremely cute. However, Xiao Chen had no idea what was wrong with her and asked, "Miss Liu'er, what's wrong with you..."

"Hey, it's okay, it's okay..."

Liu Jingjing shook her hand and said, "Go back to the house and put it on and see if it fits. If it doesn't fit, I can take it to the town to have it changed before it gets dark..."


Xiao Chen nodded and was about to walk to the back of the yard when he suddenly thought of something and said, "No, I still have to go..."

"Okay, okay, when I came back, I brought mung bean cake to little Huzi. The little fat boy is very happy to eat it now."

Xiao Chen scratched his head and smiled, "You are still thoughtful..."

Liu Jingjing hummed, "Then I don't want to be more considerate. That little fat guy must be crying and making a fuss because of hunger again... Okay, okay, go ahead."


Xiao Chen nodded, and just as he was about to turn around and go back to the house, there was a sudden noise from the east village entrance, which caused all the domestic dogs in the village to bark wildly.

"what happened?"

Xiao Chen immediately turned back, and Liu Jingjing looked at the entrance to the east village, unable to see clearly under the cover of trees, and frowned, "It seems something happened..."

Xiao Chen immediately put the bundle in her hand and said, "I'm going to take a look, Miss Liu'er, you're right here..." As soon as he finished speaking, he ran towards the entrance of the East Village.

"Ah Tian, ​​wait!"

Liu Jingjing's face changed. For some reason, her heart was pounding at this moment, as if it was about to jump out of her chest. Suddenly she had a very bad premonition. She didn't care so much, put her clothes under the willow tree, and immediately followed her. Go up.

At the entrance of the east village, I saw Zhao Dahu leading a few big men with knives in their hands and arrogantly breaking into the village. However, the villagers kept retreating with hoes, and no one dared to rush to stop him.

In the past, no matter how domineering Zhao Dahu was, he would not dare to break into the village with a knife and hurt people wantonly in broad daylight. Besides Zhao Dahu, there was a strange man next to him. The man had a stern face and was wearing a purple suit. , with his hands behind his back, looking cold and extremely frightened.

None of the villagers had seen this person before, but he didn't look like a country boy. They didn't know where Zhao Dahu invited such a person from. I'm afraid he might be in trouble this time.

"Zhao...Zhao Dahu, you, what do you want!"

Normally, the villagers are afraid of being bullied by the Zhao family, especially Zhao Dahu, who is even more cruel than his father, Zhao Tianba. Now they saw him breaking into the village like this and even hurting several people. Can you not be afraid?


Zhao Dahu smiled coldly, and swung a steel knife in his hand so loudly that the villagers kept hiding in fear. If the knife was cut down, it would cut people in half. Who dared to rush forward and stop them?

"Where is that kid? Get him out and die!" A man next to him shouted coldly. It was the man who was captured by Xiao Chen at the edge of the field that night.

The villagers were so drunk that they didn't dare to speak. Some people quickly winked and signaled to come to A Tian quickly. These people were so fierce. They were just ordinary farmers. How could they fight?

At this time, the cold man in purple finally spoke, "I heard that more than a month ago, a man with extraordinary martial arts skills came to your place. I am not very talented. I came here today to learn from him. Where is that man... now?"

Although it was a hot summer day, the cold sound made people feel as if they had entered the twelfth lunar month of winter, and they felt chills all over their bodies.

"You evil people, don't come to the village to hurt anyone! Get out of here!"

Suddenly, a strong young man rushed towards Zhao Dahu and his group with a hoe. All the villagers were shocked, "Da Niu! Don't go there! They will kill you..."

Da Niu is a simple and honest person, and he doesn't want Zhao Dahu and his gang to bully the villagers all day long. He just went to the backyard to get a hoe. At this time, Zhao Dahu saw the savage bull charging over and immediately stood on guard with a knife. Although he had practiced Wu, but knew that if this wild bull fought for his life, he would not give up his life.

Seeing Da Niu rushing over with a hoe, Zhao Dahu and others also raised the steel knives in their hands, but the mysterious man in purple still turned a blind eye. Until Da Niu rushed closer, he just flicked his palm, and a streak of It was pushed out with great force, bringing with it a strong wind, and with a "bang" sound, it was directly shaken to the point where the big cow vomited blood and flew backwards.

"big cow!"

The villagers were all shocked. They were all ordinary people. How had they ever seen such a powerful skill? That man clearly didn't touch Daniel, yet he injured him so seriously...

"Brother Da Niu!" Little Caiwei also ran over from behind the crowd. When she saw Da Niu's mouth full of blood, she was so frightened that she started crying.

And here, Zhao Dahu and others were also shocked by the blow just now. Although they had all practiced martial arts, it was only the skills of fists and feet at most. But the blow just now, the palm was invisible, and the damage was invisible. How can this be an ordinary martial arts practitioner?

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