The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,186 Fighting between the Dragon and the Tiger

"Big cow! Big cow..."

The big cow fell to the ground, with blood flowing from its mouth. All the villagers panicked, but the man in purple was still walking towards here step by step, and everyone kept retreating in fear.

"That man, where is he?" The man in purple's eyes were cold, and his voice was like ice, making people shudder as if they were falling into an abyss.

At this moment, a figure finally flew over from a distance. He pressed his palms on Da Niu's chest and used his internal strength to help stabilize his injury.

"Brother A Tian, ​​you're here! Wuwuwu, that man injured Brother Daniu..." Little Caiwei sat on the ground crying and Xiao Chen gently rubbed her hair, "Daniu is fine, don't cry……"

When the villagers saw him coming, they finally felt relieved and said, "Ah Tian, ​​that man..."

Xiao Chen raised his hand, stood up slowly and looked at the man in purple with a somewhat cold gaze, "Your Excellency relies on your own martial arts skills and bullies the weak. Isn't that what I did..."

"You are the one who came to this village more than a month ago."

The man in purple also looked at him with cold eyes. Their eyes were facing each other, as ice as frost. Even in the hot summer, it gave people a feeling of bone-chilling coldness.

"Brother Daniel!"

At this time, Liu Jingjing also ran up, looked at the injured big cow on the ground and vomited blood, her face changed slightly, and said to an uncle next to her, "Uncle Wang, quickly carry the big cow to my yard, lay it down and don't mess around." Move, wait for my father to come back..."


Immediately, several people came and carried the injured bull to the Liu family yard, and Liu Jingjing stepped forward and said, "A Tian..."

Xiao Chen raised his hand, blocked her behind him, and said, "Miss Liu'er, tell the villagers to stay away, and don't come within ten feet..."

"A Tian..."

Liu Jingjing's face was startled. This was the first time in a long time that she had seen the other party look so solemn. Who on earth was the man in purple...

But for now, she could only listen to Xiao Chen's words and immediately evacuate the people nearby.

The sky quickly became overcast. The sky was originally clear, but suddenly there were dark clouds, and it seemed like it was going to rain.

The cold wind blew, causing the trees in the village to stagger, and a layer of ice seemed to have condensed in the air. Even Zhao Dahu and the others couldn't help but shudder at this time, looked at each other, and walked slowly step by step. Backed away.

Xiao Chen and the man in purple faced each other, but at this moment, they were both thinking about why the person in front of them seemed familiar...

It turned out that the man in purple was none other than Ziweisi. That day, he encountered a sudden change in the world. The two of them were seriously injured and fell into the river. Ziweisi, like Xiao Chen, lost most of his cultivation and memory.

"I understand."

Ziweisi's eyes were cold, and as soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly punched him. This punch seemed to have the power of breaking mountains and cracking rocks, causing the surrounding trees to shake violently.

Xiao Chen didn't dare to be careless and fought back with his palms. The two of them punched each other, and the dust flew up in the area. In the small village, the shadows of palm wind and fists continued for a while. Everyone watched from a distance, and they all held their breath at this moment. Take a breath.

"A Tian..."

Seeing the man's moves getting faster and more fierce, Liu Jingjing's heart seemed to be hanging outside. After the two of them fought, the moves became faster and fiercer, and the people in the distance could hardly see clearly.

"Brother... take the knife!"

At this moment, a man next to Zhao Dahu suddenly threw the steel knife in his hand. Ziweisi stretched out his hand to catch it. The blade of the knife shook and struck with a sudden blow, like thunder, unstoppable!


With a sharp sound, the knife struck down, splitting a millstone on the side of the road in two. The ground was cracked with dozens of cracks, and the dust kept flying.

Xiao Chen retreated quickly. Although he avoided Zi Weisi's sharp knife, he still felt that his body was shaken by three points and his steps were a little unsteady.

But just now, when the knife struck down, almost everyone held their breath. At this time, Zi Weisi was seen waving the steel knife, like a tiger coming out of the forest, forcing Xiao Chen to keep retreating. In just a short moment, after The latter is already at a disadvantage.

At this moment, the villagers in the distance were so focused that they didn’t dare to breathe, and Liu Jingjing didn’t even dare to blink. In such a close-quarters fight, the saying “one inch is longer, one inch is stronger” is definitely not unreasonable. That man had a three-pointer in his hand. He has a steel knife, but A Tian is unarmed, how can he defeat him?

What's more, this man's sword skills are becoming more and more fierce, and each strike is filled with murderous intent!

"Brother A Tian... take the sword!"

At this moment, Sun Xiaohou ran out from nowhere, holding an iron sword in his hand, and threw it at Xiao Chen with all his strength.

But how can ordinary villagers have swords in their homes? It seems that Sun Xiaohou picked it up from the ravine while playing outside, but the sword was stained with rust and might break at a touch. It wouldn't be enough to chop firewood, so how could it defeat a steel knife? If he threw it over like this, wouldn't that cause trouble to A Tian?

Just when everyone was worried, Xiao Chen unexpectedly took the iron sword in his hand. At this moment, the rusty iron sword suddenly seemed to have spirituality, and made a clear sword sound like "zheng". Straight through the sky!

"Zheng! Zheng! Zheng!"

With several rapid sounds in succession, Xiao Chen thrust out his sword and stabbed rapidly. It was an iron sword that could break at the first touch, but at this moment, it actually forced the steel sword in Zi Weisi's hand back.

Many villagers in the distance were startled. They didn't know anything about swordsmanship. They only knew that Xiao Chen was very good at wielding a sword.

"Brother A Tian! Okay!"

Seeing that he had defeated the man in purple, Sun Xiaohou cheered loudly. At this moment, Ziweisi's eyes became even colder. He raised his strength and slashed with his sword again.

This sword was extremely fierce. Xiao Chen raised his sword to block it, but with a "clang" sound, half of his body was numbed by the force and he couldn't help but retreat.

"Ah Tian!"

Liu Jingjing was shocked. The purple-clothed man's attack was so fierce that her heart felt like it was going to jump out of her chest with almost every blow.

Xiao Chen's breath calmed down, and after he stood firm, he drew his sword and pointed it diagonally at the ground. The blade of the sword kept making sword sounds, and at the tip of the sword, there was a three-inch green sword light that was hesitating. Seeing this scene , many people exclaimed, "Jiangang... that's Jiangang!"

The so-called sword radiance is not something that ordinary martial arts practitioners can cultivate. For ordinary mortals like them, they have almost only heard of sword radiance from storytellers, but where have they seen it before?

When Zhao Dahu and his group saw Xiao Chen condense a sword light on a broken iron sword, they were shocked at this moment. This is not something that ordinary martial arts practitioners can do...


Sun Xiaohou looked at the three-inch green sword light that was hesitating, and his eyes widened. It turned out that Brother A Tian was the peerless master who was hiding from the world as mentioned in the book...

"Hmph!" Ziweisi snorted coldly, and the long sword shook, and suddenly came out, cold front against cold front, cold light against cold light, the sword struck again!


One of the two wields a sword like a dragon soaring across the sea, and the other wields a sword like a fierce tiger emerging from the forest. They leave no room for attack, and the sound of clanking can be heard endlessly. Wherever they clash, sparks are flying out.


There was a thunderous sound, and dark clouds filled the sky. Finally, raindrops as big as beans fell down, covering the entire village in rain and fog.

However, the two men's attacks were still fast, severe, and extremely ferocious. A layer of invisible mysterious energy gradually enveloped their bodies. Even the raindrops from the sky could not fall on the two of them. Everything within three feet was turned into a mist.


The sound of swords handing over was still heard, and little sparks were shooting out in the rain. The two of them shook the rain in the sky into mist. Slowly, around the two of them, the white mist became thicker and thicker, gradually making it difficult for people outside to see. I didn't know what was going on inside, I could only hear the sound of swords clashing.

"A Tian..." Liu Jingjing's heart was beating fast. The less she could see what was going on inside, the more worried she became.

I don't know how much time passed like this, but suddenly a loud noise came from the fog, and then I saw Xiao Chen flying out of the fog.

"Ah Tian!"

Liu Jingjing's face was startled, worried that his old injury would relapse, and she hurriedly stepped forward. At this time, another figure flew out of the fog. It was Ziweisi, and he slashed down with a knife. The willow trees on both sides couldn't withstand the fierce wind of the sword, and they exploded one after another, turning into dust all over the sky.

"Watch out!"

Xiao Chen stretched out his hand to protect Liu Jingjing behind him. At the same time, he slashed out with his sword. A mysterious force from nowhere turned into a sword energy and flew out. With a "boom", Zi Weisi's sword was struck. blocked.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and the calm little mountain village was finally no longer peaceful. At this moment, those people under the eaves in the distance held their breath, unable to believe the scene before them.

"Miss Liu'er, stay away." Xiao Chen stretched out his hand to send her back, still looking coldly at Zi Weisi opposite.

"A Tian..."

Liu Jingjing was still a little worried about him, but at this time, it seemed that she couldn't help at all. Sun Xiaohou ran over and pulled her away. "Sister Liu'er, Brother Atian will definitely be able to beat away the bad guys." Yes, let’s go over there…”

The rain was getting heavier and heavier. Xiao Chen pointed his long sword diagonally at the ground, and the rainwater slid down the rusty sword edge. Suddenly, the sword couldn't help but vibrate, and it kept making the sound of sword clanging, even if it fell on the sword. The raindrops were beating continuously at this moment.

A sharp sword energy suddenly spread out with Xiao Chen as the center. Even the villagers who had hidden far away felt as if they were about to suffocate at this moment.

Xiao Chen's eyes were cold, and the raindrops all over the sky slowly floated from his feet into the air, spinning around him!

"This this……"

Almost everyone in the distance was stunned. Including Zhao Dahu and others, they had never seen such a strange phenomenon. It was like an invisible air flow swirling around his body. Even at this moment, he felt There was a faint sound of dragon roar coming from his body!

"A Tian, ​​who are you..."

At this moment, Liu Jingjing was also stunned. She saw Xiao Chen's white hair blowing in the wind, and his back pointed at the ground with a sword. How could he look like an ordinary mortal...

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