The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,191 Hurt and Parting

Xiao Chen rushed out of the door, and when he got outside, the whole village was completely silent. The cold wind was howling, and there was no longer the lively atmosphere as before.

"Lord Xiao, long time no see..."

At this moment, a cold voice came from not far away, and a figure was slowly approaching. It was none other than Ziweisi. It seemed that his memory had also been restored.

And in mid-air, people in black clothes were hanging out of thin air. Those people seemed to be the masters of Wutian Palace. The villagers had never seen such a posture before, and they were already too frightened to say anything.

"Ah Tian, ​​Ah Tian...these people, who are they..."

Even though the old people in the village were well-informed, they were frightened by this scene. Who are those flying in the air?

"Ah Tian!"

At this moment, in the Liu family courtyard, Liu Jingjing rushed out regardless of the obstruction. Xiao Chen stretched out his hand to block her behind him.

"A Tian, ​​they..." Liu Jingjing was also frightened by the scene in front of her. It was the man in purple that day. Who were they...

"The bride is as beautiful as a flower, and the groom is so handsome. He is truly a talented man and a beautiful woman, Lord Xiao..."

Ziweisi's voice was calm, but just as he finished speaking, several men in black came up from behind. These men in black held many children in the village hostage, and Sun Xiaohou and Caiwei were among them.

"Little monkey! Picking Wei!" Liu Jingjing's face was startled, and the other villagers were also frightened. These people... what were they doing to catch the child?

"Ah Tian, ​​Ah Tian...who are they..."

At this moment, only the old village chief was a little calmer. Most of the other villagers were panicked, especially those who saw their children being caught.

"Woooooooo...Brother Atian, save me..."

Some young children were so frightened that they began to cry. This cry made the villagers cry so hard that their hearts trembled. "Children are ignorant. You, don't hurt the children..."

"What? Lord Xiao, you haven't remembered who you are yet..."

Ziweisi's voice was cold and indifferent as he got closer and closer. Seeing that the swords were already on the necks of the children, the villagers were so frightened that they threw themselves on the ground and begged for mercy, "Don't hurt my children, please." , don’t hurt my child..."

"The children are innocent, let them go and I will go with you.

Xiao Chen's voice was as cold as frost, and the cold wind raised the white hair behind his shoulders. At this moment, he seemed to have turned back into the feared Lord of Wuyu Tian before. Even though he had lost his cultivation, he was still frightened. The people behind Ziweisi were trembling.

"A Tian, ​​you..."

Liu Jingjing's eyes were blown red by the wind and filled with tears. Ziweisi smiled coldly, "Are you still calling him 'A Tian'? Then I will tell you who he is. He is a man of no desire." Lord, with more than 300,000 people under his command...the Lord of the Demonic Way, Xiao Yichen..."

Hearing this, the villagers were stunned. They couldn't understand what the Lord of Wuyu Heaven or the Lord of Demonic Way was.

"A Tian..."

Liu Jingjing's eyes were filled with tears, but she still slowly stretched out her hand to him. Xiao Chen turned around, looked at her and said, "I remember who I am, I am not A Tian, ​​forget me..."

"forget me……"

"forget me……"

These three words seemed to have been echoing in her ears until Xiao Chen was taken away by the people from Wutian Palace and flew into the vast clouds.

The children were rescued. The villagers rushed forward and hugged their children tightly, but Liu Jingjing chased out of the village regardless of the obstruction. She burst into tears and her heart was broken: "You haven't come to watch a snow fall with me yet. Why?" , why don’t you mean what you say, Ah Tian…”

Today she was dressed in red, but she burst into tears and her red makeup was wet with tears.

At this time, on a hillside in the distance, there was a figure hiding there. That person was the Leng Baihu who had come to this area before. He had been looking for him since Xiao Chen disappeared half a year ago, but today, he came late. One step forward.

"Those people must be the people from Wutian Palace that Brother Chen mentioned before. The one wearing purple clothes just now must be the Master of Ziwei Palace. It's going to be bad this time..."

Today's Leng Baihu is no longer the ignorant young man in the mortal world of the past. He knows all the cultivation forces in the world, and he also knows that Xiao Chen is not an ordinary person.

"No, I have to go to Wuyutian and let someone save Brother Chen..."

After making up his mind, Leng Baihu no longer hesitated, and immediately raised his flying sword and flew in the other direction, so as not to disturb those people in Wutian Hall just now.

Now, he is probably the only one who knows that Xiao Chen has fallen into the hands of Wutian Palace. If something happens to him, no one will be able to go to Wuyu Palace for help.

At this moment, Wuyutian, the atmosphere in the palace was particularly solemn. It had been more than half a year since Xiao Chen disappeared, but there was still no clue.

But now in the uncertain situation, Hua Weiyang did not dare to disclose the matter rashly, and then mobilized everyone's efforts to find Xiao Chen's whereabouts.

At this moment, Bai Luan came back from outside in a hurry. When Hua Weiyang saw her coming back, she looked slightly nervous and asked, "How is the situation outside now?"

Now, what Hua Weiyang has to worry about is not only the whereabouts of Xiao Chen, but also the righteous sects of the Five Realms of Immortal Yuan. Recently, they have pointed their finger at Wuyutian for the power of the earth's spiritual veins.

During the last Double Ninth Festival meeting, at Zhongyue Peak, the various factions failed to resolve the matter in the end, and now they gathered together again, obviously targeting Wuyutian again.

Bai Luan frowned slightly and said, "Many sects have gone to Tianmen recently, including the major sects in the Central and Southern Regions headed by Zangfeng Valley and Yuxu Temple. As for the Xuanqing Sect, there is no movement yet. But presumably they will come out this time too.”

After listening, Hua Weiyang frowned deeply, what should I do now?

Everyone under Wuyu Tian thought that Xiao Chen had returned to Wuyu Tian, ​​but they could hide it for a while. When all the heroes in the world gather together, no matter how good his disguise skills are, they will definitely be seen through by then... I want to It was almost impossible to hide it from the seven Xuan Qings, especially the leader Qing Xuanzi. She could not even imagine how far this person's Taoism had reached.

"There is another thing that my subordinates are currently worried about..."

At this time, Bai Luan raised his head again. Hua Weiyang saw that she was about to speak but stopped, and frowned and asked, "What's the matter? You said..."

Bai Luan said, "Recently, Wuyan Cangming has been making faint movements on the other side of the Wuwu Sea in the West. I just don't know if they are coming towards the various factions in the five realms of Xianyuan, or from Wuyu Tian..."

"Shen Cangming..."

Hua Weiyang frowned even more. This person was originally a peerless prodigy of the Xuan Qing Sect and the disciple of Qing Xuanzi's uncle Kusong Zhenren. He was involved in the Tianshu incident three hundred years ago and ended up jumping off the Immortal Burial Cliff.

Later, this person went to the ancient realm of Xianbei and was hunted by others. He was eventually seriously injured and was rescued by the high priest Si You. The high priest used the power of the supreme You clan to save his life and help him recover his skills. Finally, Then help him sneak into Tianmen.

Originally, the high priest wanted to make Shen Cangming a pawn he laid in the world, but he did not expect that Shen Cangming would eventually escape his control.

In any case, Shen Cangming is a very powerful person. Whether it is his methods or strategies, or his own strength, it is definitely not comparable to the enemies Wuyutian has encountered in the past. There is absolutely no doubt about this.

At this moment, Hua Weiyang's frown deepened. If even Shen Cangming made a move against Wuyutian at this time, then Wuyutian... would be in danger.

what to do? What should we do now? The second brother should be no longer in the world at this time. Even if he is here, due to the relationship between the Renyou clan, he will never take action for Wuyutian...

The cold moon was silent, reflecting the entire Wuyu sky as clear as water. The silver sea of ​​clouds slowly undulated and surged. Hua Weiyang came outside Wuyu Hall and looked at the clear and washless flower forest below, her eyebrows gradually furrowed. deep.

She had not slept for several days, and after hearing what was going on outside today, she felt even more worried.


At this moment, a low dragon's roar suddenly came from the sea of ​​clouds, and then the sea of ​​clouds surged, and a strange dragon stirred up the wind and clouds, and flew up, it was Zhu.

"Zhu, do you know where he is?"

Rui was originally the soul that Xiao Chen gained through the Soul Confinement Technique. It was supposed to be the best able to sense Xiao Chen's whereabouts, but now, even it can no longer sense where Xiao Chen is.


A faint sigh disappeared into the sea of ​​clouds, Hua Weiyang frowned, and turned the dragon's body twice, then dived into the sea of ​​clouds again.

Just like that, another month passed, and before I knew it, it was already December, the middle of winter, and the world was already covered with heavy snow, but in the Wuyu sky, the flowers were still blooming brilliantly, and the fallen flowers were colorful.

"Then Tianwai Peak?"

It was already snowing heavily at the foot of the mountain, and among the heavy snow in the sky, only a young man in thin clothes could be seen walking forward with difficulty.

Both sides of the boy's cheeks were turned purple by the snow and wind. It was none other than Leng Baihu.

It took him a month, asking around, traveling through mountains and rivers, before he finally arrived at Tianwai Peak under Wuyu Tian.

But at the moment, he could only sacrifice his flying sword and barely fly to the top of Tianwai Peak. It was impossible to fly to the Wuyu Heaven.

Not to mention that with his current cultivation level, it is impossible to fly to the sky ten thousand feet high. Even if he goes up, there are many restrictions outside Wuyu Tian. If he breaks in rashly, he will only die under the restrictions of those sky thunders. Down.

"Brother Chen was captured by those people. I have to find a way to get up..."

Looking at the windy and snowy mountain, Leng Baihu gritted his teeth, sacrificed his flying sword, and flew to the top of the mountain.

The wind and snow were blowing wildly all over the sky, and soon a layer of ice crystals formed on his body, and the flying sword under his feet was shaking and trembling. In such bad weather, going to the top of the mountain with a sword would not be possible unless he had extremely strong skills. A high level of cultivation, otherwise one careless move could result in the sword being destroyed and people killed.

After about a stick of incense, Leng Baihu finally reached the top of the mountain with his sword. The top of the mountain was covered with wind and snow, just like the vast Kunlun. The sky was full of wind and snow, almost engulfing the young man's small figure.

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