The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,192 The Demon-Suppressing Stone

Leng Baihu walked hard on the top of the snowy mountain, fearing that he would fall off the cliff if he was not careful. But how could he reach the desireless sky thousands of feet high in the sky?

"Is there anyone! Is there anyone up there!"

He could only shout loudly towards the sky, but the snow and wind in the sky soon covered up his voice. Even if he shouted like this, no matter how hard he tried, how could his voice reach the Wuyu Sky?

For mortals, Wuyu Tian is the fairyland beyond the sky. The distance between immortals and mortals is as difficult as climbing to the sky.

"There must be a way, there must be a way..."

Leng Baihu was shivering with cold. If he were still the mortal boy he was before, let alone being unable to climb up to the top of a mountain like this, even if he came up, he would freeze to death in a short time. How can a mortal come up here? of?

After a while, he seemed to finally think of something, the art of looking at the Qi! There must be some formation nearby, but how can it be seen with the naked eye? And Brother Chen taught me the art of looking at Qi back then, and it will definitely be useful now!

"Everything has its own energy, and the change of one energy can adapt to all shapes..." At this moment, Leng Baihu closed his eyes and let the wind and snow blow wildly in the sky, and his mind formed its own way!

The next moment, when he opened his eyes again, everything around him became hazy, but he saw that on the top of the mountains, there was a mysterious light reaching into the sky!

"Found it!" Leng Baihu was overjoyed. This was the qi-gaining technique that Brother Chen had taught him. Sure enough, he had found the formation here!

But, how can he use these formations to go up?

Impossible, he can't use these formations to go up, but he can use these formations to attract the attention of the people above.

Thinking of this, Leng Baihu no longer hesitated and immediately came to a mysterious light. He made a slight seal with his hands and shot a stream of spiritual power into the center of the mysterious light.

This is the spirit of the ancient tree that he absorbed from the towering sacred tree in Wuyou Valley. This level of spiritual power is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

At this moment, in a palace in Wuyutian, Hua Weiyang was talking to Bai Luan and Zi Yuan, but at this moment, she suddenly sensed that someone was moving the spiritual power array of Tianwai Peak, and her expression immediately condensed. Could it be that? At this time, someone has already arrived...

Obviously, Bai Luan and Zi Yuan also sensed it. Hua Weiyang reached out and flicked his hand, and a picture immediately appeared in the void, and that picture was exactly the picture on the top of the mountain where Leng Baihu was at this moment.

"How did this boy find the spiritual power array? No, he looks like a mortal boy. How did he run up here? What is he doing?"

Bai Luan and Zi Yuan were also a little confused. They thought it was someone who went to Tianwai Peak, but they didn't expect it was just a young boy. The wind and snow in the picture were too heavy, and they couldn't see clearly the appearance of Leng Baihu, but they thought that such a young boy It must be a bit weird to suddenly appear on Tianwai Peak.

Bai Luan said, "Two of my subordinates went down to see who that young man is."


Hua Weiyang nodded slightly, Bai Luan and Zi Yuan looked at each other and immediately went out of the hall.

On the top of the mountain, the wind and snow got worse, and Leng Baihu was still gritting his teeth and persisting. At this moment, two figures finally fell from the sky. Their clothes were fluttering, one white and one purple. They were Bai Luan and Zi Yuan.

"Kid, what are you doing up here?"

Zi Yuan fell first. Leng Baihu heard the sound and was immediately happy. He saw these two sisters again and said, "Sisters, do you still remember me? I am Leng Baihu. I was in Wuyou Valley. Brother Chen …”

Bai Luan and Zi Yuan also recognized him at once. He was the mortal boy who followed the Lord in Wuyou Valley. They were deeply impressed. Moreover, Leng Baihu absorbed the spirit of the ancient tree at that moment. This spiritual power is unmistakable.

"Xiao Bai, why are you here? Do you know where this place is?"

Zi Yuan frowned slightly, still remembering that day, His Majesty said to him, "If one day, you think clearly, come to Wuyu Heaven to find me. Of course, you must have the strength to reach Wuyu Heaven."

However, if he came to seek apprenticeship with His Majesty at this time, it would be a bad time.

"I know! Of course I know. This is the bottom of Wuyu Tian. It took me a month to reach..."

Perhaps because of the excitement at this time, Leng Baihu's voice suddenly became choked up, "Sister Ziyuan, a month ago, Brother Chen was kidnapped by people from Wutian Palace..."

"What did you say!"

At this moment, Bai Luan and Zi Yuan both changed their expressions.

A moment later, in the Wuyu Heaven, after hearing what Leng Baihu said, Hua Weiyang felt a little dizzy at this moment, and even couldn't believe it, and asked again, "Leng Baihu, are you sure..."

"Absolutely true!"

Leng Baihu nodded firmly and said, "That day, I was hiding on the hillside and saw with my own eyes that they took Brother Chen away..."

"Wutian Palace..."

Hua Weiyang looked at Mrs. Xianshu, her face gradually turned pale. It seemed that this time, there would be no mistake. Wutian Palace had obviously blocked the news and did not announce the matter. What should we do this time?

Hua Weiyang's heart was beating harder and harder. No wonder she had always had a bad premonition before. It turned out that it was not Xiao Chen who encountered danger when he went to Fengyun Tian, ​​but... this time, Wutian Palace.

Wutian Hall has three main places, Taihua Palace, Chongjiu Valley, and Cuihan Mountain, where the three real people are located. Behind these three main places, there is another place called "Nine Nether Valley".

Nine Nether Valley has always been accessible to only Supreme Masters. Ordinary elders and disciples are not allowed to enter. Even the Master of the Seven Halls must agree to the consent of the three current Masters who have become saints if they want to enter.

Therefore, few people in the world know what is inside the Nine Nether Valley. In fact, in the deepest part of the Nine Nether Valley, there is an ancient "Demon Subduing Array". In addition, there is also a "Demon Suppressing Stone" with the power of the Emperor of Heaven.

Therefore, Jiuyou Valley is the place used by Wutian Temple to suppress the "demon" in the world. Of course, there are also other people who are possessed by demons and are sealed in Jiuyou Valley.

However, those people are often just sealed under the ordinary restrictions of Jiuyou Valley. As for the demon-subduing array and the demon-suppressing stone, they have not been opened for thousands of years.

But now the Demon Subduing Array has been opened, and the seal of the Demon Suppressing Stone has also been activated. Under the layers of prohibitive seals, a white-haired man was trapped on the Demon Suppressing Stone by black chains, it was Xiao Chen.

Being imprisoned by both the Demon Subduing Array and the Demon Suppressing Stone, it can be said that he has lost his cultivation. Even in his heyday, it was impossible to escape. This shows how much Taihuazi and the other three people value him.

On this day, another person came outside, still Taihuazi. This month, he would come to Jiuyou Valley once every three days. He was the only one every time. I don’t know if it was for other reasons or because he was afraid of the people here. The seal will come loose.


Seeing this person approaching, Xiao Chen's eyes were bloodshot again, like a ferocious wolf's eyes that wanted to pounce and tear the person in front of him to pieces.

But this time, Taihuazi just stood outside the demon-subduing array as before, staring at him carefully, looking at about half a stick of incense, saying nothing, and then returned to the way he came.

"Taihuazi! Ah!"

Xiao Chen's eyes were terrifying, like ferocious wolves. He struggled hard, causing the chains on both sides to continuously make cold banging sounds, and suddenly there was a restriction hitting him from the sky. The harder he struggled, the more the restriction became. The more powerful it is.

When Taihuazi returned outside, Master Cuihan said, "Brother Taihua, what did you see today...?"

Taihuazi frowned deeply, but finally shook his head and remained silent. Master Cuihan said, "Since you can't see anything, why not kill him directly."


Taihuazi shook his head and said, "He has a big secret about the last annihilation. If it is not solved, you and I will have no hope of immortality."

"Really..." Master Cuihan's eyes narrowed slightly, and at this moment, he seemed to have fallen into some kind of deep thought.

Three more days passed, and on this day everyone from Yeying came back, and it was discovered that Xiao Chen was indeed captured by Wutian Palace and imprisoned in Jiuyou Valley.

"Nine Nether Valley, the Demon Suppressing Stone, the Power of the Heavenly Emperor..."

In Weiyang Palace, after hearing the news, Hua Weiyang felt that the world was spinning even more. She was almost unsteady and her face suddenly turned extremely pale. Even though she could deal with the three holy realm experts from Wutian Palace, she couldn't suppress him. The magic stone has the sealing power of the Emperor of Heaven. Who in this world can open it?

"Weiyang, don't be impatient... there will definitely be a way."

Mrs. Xianshu saw that her face was pale and she was already a little shaken. She quickly came over and supported her, for fear that something would happen to her at this time.

"Xianshu, you don't understand..."

Hua Weiyang still seemed to have lost her soul, saying, "Back then, the Six Realms were in turmoil. In order to prevent the demons from passing through the human world to the heaven, the Emperor of Heaven devoted his whole life and borrowed the power of Nuwa to use the remaining Sky-Mending Stone. Refined into a demon-suppressing stone, it completely sealed the passage between the world of human and ghost..."

"Although the Demon-Suppressing Stone later broke into pieces, and Wutian Temple only got a small piece of it, after all, it has the power of the Emperor of Heaven. Once the Demon-Suppressing Stone is sealed, no one can open it, except for one person..."


At this moment, Mrs. Xianshu's face became particularly nervous.

Hua Weiyang was still a little staggered and walked slowly outside. "Xuanqingmen, Fairy Miaoyin, she is the only one in this world who can open the Demon Suppressing Stone..."

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