The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1195: Prejudice of the world

At this moment, everyone held their breath and remained silent. They wanted to see what Ling Yin was going to do. Many people still remember clearly what happened to Tianmen that year.

The cold wind blew slowly from the square. Seeing Hua Weiyang kneeling in the square, many people in Xuanqingmen were also stunned. They still remembered that Xiao Yichen was interrogated and she came to Xuanqing alone... …

Is she really the demonic witch who kills without batting an eye as the outside world says? And is Xiao Yichen really the ruthless demon whose hands are stained with the blood of countless people, as everyone outside said?

At this moment, many Xuan Qing disciples, as well as young disciples from other sects, were lost in thought. The young Xuan youth from before murmured, "Brother, look at her... She is not like what those people outside said..."


The senior brother next to him looked around, but this time, he didn't scold him again, he just sighed deeply, and this sigh seemed to be filled with deep helplessness.

"Get up."

Ling Yin looked at Hua Weiyang from a distance, her face was still as calm as water, there was no change, and no one knew what she was thinking at the moment.

However, Hua Weiyang did not get up, and still said, "If Fairy Miaoyin refuses to agree, Weiyang will be here...kneeling for a long time."

At this time, the crowd became even quieter, and many people were stunned. Even the faces of the Xuan Qingmen elders had slight changes. At this moment, I couldn't help but think of the time when Yichen soldiers defeated themselves. Ling Yin begged for three days and three nights outside the head's palace... This scene was so similar.


Just when the whole square was silent, Lord Xuanyang stood up from his seat and pointed angrily at Hua Weiyang, "You witch... you are so ridiculous! Come on! Get this witch down for me!"

As soon as these words came out, Mingyue and Ziyuan immediately became on guard, and people from other sects were also slightly shocked. However, at this time, no one came forward to arrest Hua Weiyang. The disciples standing behind Master Xuanyang at this moment, Everyone looks at me and I look at you, not knowing what to do.

" guys!"

Seeing that no one listened to his words at this time, Lord Xuanyang was even more startled, and then he became angry again. Master Qingxuan next to him said softly, "Junior Brother Xuanyang, sit down..."

"But, but, senior brother, this..."

Lord Xuanyang was still waiting to say anything, but Master Qingxuan waved to him, "Sit down, sit down..."


Lord Xuanyang sighed heavily, glared at Hua Weiyang in the distance, flicked his sleeves, and then sat back down in his seat. Lord Meiyue looked at him and said, "Junior brother, the head brother will make a decision on this matter." , you don’t have to be so anxious..."

"Senior sister, why are you... ugh!" Master Xuanyang shook his head and sighed, and finally stopped talking.

Master Qingxuan looked at Ling Yin and said, "Ling Yin, back then on Tianchi Peak, you insisted on accepting him as your disciple. Today, it is up to you to decide."

At this moment, the entire square was extremely quiet, with only the wind blowing and the rustling of leaves, and no one spoke anymore.

He actually picked up the tea cup in front of him and drank a cup of tea. He still remembered the dirt-covered young man who suddenly broke in and disturbed the Xuan Qing Ceremony in Tianchi Peak Square.

"If you want to kill, just kill me! That's right, I just bumped into you, so you have to kill me too. Anyway, there is no good person in your Xuanqing sect..."

"This boy is the new disciple of Pingyang Peak this year. His name is Xiao Yichen. He doesn't know the rules. I will take him back now..."

"No need...I will take you back to Zixiao Peak..."

"Ling Yin, today is a grand ceremony. Don't act recklessly. Accepting a disciple is nothing to play with..."

"Junior sister, please don't joke with the head brother, then..."

"I have made up my mind, senior brother, there is no need to say any more..."

Scene after scene, the fallen leaves are flying all over the sky, as if everything is still yesterday. The disciples who have just started in recent years have never seen the scene where Ling Yin accepted a disciple more than thirty years ago, but the older generation and the Senior brothers and sisters witnessed that year with their own eyes.

I really drank another cup of tea. Cause and effect are always difficult to understand.

"Palace Master..."

The entire Tianchi Square became even quieter. Mingyue wanted to step forward, but she finally took back the untaken step. Then she remained motionless and looked at Hua Weiyang silently.

The wind stirred up Hua Weiyang's long hair behind her shoulders. Three thousand black hairs, each strand of which was surrounded by thousands of sorrows, were like flowers and beautiful family members, but how could they be there? There was so much helplessness in this world.

Just when it was quiet, suddenly, a faint voice sounded in the distance, "As we all know, Wuyutian gathers the devils in the world, and Xiao Yichen is the master of Wuyutian. Go and rescue such a demon. Fairy Miaoyin , but you have to think clearly, this move is not only related to you personally, nor is it only related to the Xuanqing Sect, but... the safety of the righteous path in the entire world."

Everyone followed the sound and saw that the speaker was none other than Liu Xuanyang, the Second Valley Master of Zangfeng Valley. Although the tone of his words was vaguely yin and yang, but every word made sense. The Valley Master next to him, Liu Xuanyin, never spoke, and no one knew what he was thinking.

"Pindao actually thinks that Master Liu Ergu's words are reasonable."

At this time, an old man with a white beard stood up, followed by the heads of several other sects.

"I also agree with what Master Liu Ergu just said. That person is now at odds with my right path. How can I rescue him?"

For a time, more and more people stood up, and the discussion gradually became louder. Apparently everyone thought that it was very inappropriate and even absurd to rescue Xiao Yichen from Wutian Palace at this time. .

"You are all wrong!"

Just when the crowd was noisy in the square, a clear female voice suddenly silenced everyone present.

The person who spoke was a woman standing next to Qian Yu Nichang, but most of the people present only recognized Qian Yu Nichang and did not recognize her. She was also a disciple of Meiyue Zun, and she was none other than Fuling.

"You are all wrong..."

I saw Fuling taking a few steps forward. Facing the various sects today, she was fearless and said word by word, "You all say that Wuyutian gathers the devils in the world, but have you ever thought about it, if it weren't for the devils in the world?" He has gathered all the sects. How many fights will there be in this world, how many people will die... Even the four major demon sects, he is the one who checks and balances in the middle. Why do you always think that he is the leader of the demons? …”

Hearing such "deviant" remarks, many people present were slightly shocked. Whose disciple was this woman? She dared to say such treasonous words in public.

Hearing her say these words, Master Meiyue frowned slightly and shouted in a low voice, "Fu Ling, step back!"

When the master drank like this, Fu Ling's body trembled slightly, but she did not retreat. Instead, she continued, "Back then, he didn't kill anyone, but you claimed that he did. In the end, it wasn't him who jumped off the Immortal Burial Cliff, but you." Everyone pushed him down with their own hands...Why do you still feel that you are not at fault until now?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked. Lord Meiyue's expression had completely changed. "Shut up!"

What happened to Xiao Chen back then was almost like how everyone didn't mention what happened to Shen Cangming when Xiao Chen was still in the Xuan Qing Sect. It has become a taboo in the Xuan Qing Sect now.

Fu Ling's body trembled. She knew that if she continued to speak, she would definitely be punished, but if she didn't speak today, she was afraid that she would never have the chance to say what she had always wanted to say in front of the whole world's righteous people.

"Because of the prejudice in your hearts, you have had an indelible prejudice against him from the beginning, saying that his origins are unknown, and that he is a spy sent by the devil, because from the beginning, you have determined that he is a member of the devil. people……"

At this moment, the whole square was quiet. No one spoke. His Majesty Xuanyang sneered. Just as he was about to say something, Fuling said first, "Sir Xuanyang, I know that you have never liked him because he once contradicted him. But have you ever thought about why Your Majesty always has to argue with a child when he was just a child at that time..."


In front of so many people, Master Xuanyang blushed at what she said and was speechless. He could only look at Master Meiyue and lowered his voice and said, "Senior sister, tell me, look at what you have taught me." apprentice!"

I saw Lord Meiyue frowning tightly, wanting to say something, but he stopped talking.

At this time, many Xuanqing disciples in the back looked at Fu Ling blankly and said nothing. What Fu Ling said just now was something they did not dare to think about. But when they thought about it carefully, it seemed that Fu Ling Senior sister is right...

"I, I think... what Senior Sister Fuling said is right..."

At this moment, a young boy's voice sounded, but it was the Xuan Qing disciple from before.

The senior brother next to him was startled. Just as he was about to stop shouting, the young man pointed at Hua Weiyang in the square and said in a daze, "Brother, look, if she is really what those people outside say, she kills people without batting an eye and has sinister intentions." Witch, then why is she here today... No matter how I look at her, she is not like what those people said... On the contrary, I think she is a kind and righteous person..."


The senior brother was at a loss for words, and around there were many Xuanqing disciples who looked at Hua Weiyang in the square. In the past, they only heard what their elders said about this demonic witch, but after seeing them today, they realized that was not the case at all. thing.

"I also think what Senior Sister Fuling just said makes sense..."

"Yes, what Senior Sister Fuling just said is correct!"

For a time, more and more Xuanqing disciples responded, and soon, the entire Tianchi Peak seemed to be boiling. This scene shocked the elders, but for a moment, they could not stop these disciples from drinking. .

"Rebellion!" I saw the old face of Master Xuanyang turned red, and he shouted angrily, "You want to rebel today, don't you?"

However, even he was not able to stop so many disciples from drinking. In addition to the Xuan Qing Sect, even the young disciples of the sects outside started to respond.

At this moment, all the leaders and elders of each sect lost their countenance. They never expected that such a ridiculous scene would appear. What is this witch capable of? Is it possible that you can still confuse people from a distance?

These are the disciples they have cultivated, but now they are so rebellious and wanton, going to protect this witch and the big devil Xiao Yichen.

"Shut up!"

After a while, the elders in charge of each sect scolded their disciples, and just when it became quiet, another voice suddenly came from outside the square.

"Oh, obsession, obsession, you always say that others have too much obsession and will not be able to achieve greatness in the end, but it is not the case for you. How come there are Tao and demons in the world? They are always just the prejudices of the world."

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