The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,196 Ten Thousand Poison Pills


Hearing this sudden voice, many people's expressions froze and they looked outside the square. If what Fuling said just now was treason, then what this person is saying now is, how can Tao and Demon come to the world? Some are just the prejudices of the world. If it is so outrageous, wouldn’t it be even more deviant?

I saw a person walking up slowly on the steps outside the square. The man was dressed in Tsing Yi and looked very young. However, there was a ring of stubble around his mouth, which made him look a little bit older.

And in his hand, he actually held a wine gourd. After drinking all the wine in one gulp, he threw the gourd behind him.

Then, with a slight tap of his feet, he landed lightly beside Hua Weiyang, and bowed his hands to Zhenren Qingxuan and others on the high platform. "This junior has returned to Sique, and has seen the leader of Qingxuan and several of his lords. Don’t be surprised if I come here uninvited today.”

"This young man is..."

Master Qingxuan focused his gaze, and next to him, Venerable Li Yuan said, "His name is Gui Sique. He used to work in Tianmen back then. Later, he was expelled from Tianmen for accidentally killing a fellow disciple. He came here not long before the Tianmen martial arts competition." Xuan Qingmen, I think it was at that time that I met Yichen.”


Master Qingxuan's eyes were still fixed on Gui Sique, but he still seemed to have some vague doubts.

"Brother Sique..."

Behind him, Fu Ling was also stunned for a moment. She didn't expect that Brother Sique would suddenly come to Xuan Qing at this time. Speaking of which, she hadn't seen him for a long time, and she didn't know where he had been during this time.

In her impression, Guisi was always mysterious. She didn't know where he went every time, but every time he came back, he would always bring her some small gifts.

At this moment, Qian Yu Nishang's eyes also fell on Gui Sique, motionless, not knowing what was in her heart.

"It's the traitor!"

Far away at the Tianmen, Elder Kunyi snorted coldly. She naturally recognized Gui Sique, and she remembered that time when she had already captured the witch. Then one night, Gui Siju teamed up with Xiao Chen to come to the Tianmen and capture the witch. The witch was rescued.

"Gui Sique..." Hua Weiyang didn't expect that he would suddenly appear at this time. Who is he?

Guisi didn't say much, turned around and looked at the leaders of each faction, and said lightly, "Now that the world is tense, is it not just divided into good and evil as you think? The major forces in the Lingxu Realm, I don't know if you know it or not, And Wutian Temple is obviously very ambitious. Once they successfully remove the obstacle of Wuyutian, then they can slowly infiltrate and gradually reach the five realms of Immortal Yuan, each sect..."

As soon as these words came out, many people fell into deep thought. This sentence seemed to have some truth. In the past, perhaps everyone did not know much about the Lingxu Realm, but in recent years, the relationship between the two places has The barrier has slowly loosened, and you can walk through it at will. How can you still treat it the same as before?

"But you all are gathered here today, but you are still obsessed with the so-called good devils in your hearts. Don't you know that now, all over the world, and even in the outer world of that day, all the foreign cultivation forces are now eyeing the five realms of Xianyuan? Is it the place with the most spiritual energy?”

At this moment, Guisi looked at everyone and said word by word, "Ten thousand years ago, we and other mortals were miserable, until the Qing Emperor appeared and passed down the cultivation methods to the world. Now, the mysterious forces of the sky are peeping in. The darkness is ready to make a move, and everything that happened thousands of years ago will happen again, but you are still here... obsessed with the so-called distinction between good and evil, the sect."

These words made more people fall into deep thought, including Qinghong Sect and Yuxu Temple, which are the four major Xuanmen. Only Liu Xuanyin from Zangfeng Valley remained silent and his expression never changed. No one knows what is in his heart.

After saying these words, Gui Si turned around and slowly helped Hua Weiyang up, "Miss Weiyang, get up first..."

After saying that, he turned around again, looked at Liu Xuanyin in the distance at the Hidden Front Valley, and whispered to Hua Weiyang, "Miss Weiyang, I will deal with this person first. Today... the girl must not do anything stupid."

"You...who are you?"

"His... just a good friend."

After saying the last sentence, Gui Si said no more. He looked at Liu Xuanyin and said loudly, "I don't know what Master Liu Gu thought of what Gui Si said just now."

The square became quiet again, and everyone looked at Liu Xuanyin again. After all, among the four major Xuanmen, only Zangfenggu had the strength to compete with Xuanqingmen.

Although Zangfeng Valley has been declining since Feng Xuanzhi disappeared hundreds of years ago, now Fengxuan has reappeared in the world and revitalized the entire Zangfeng Valley. Today's Zangfeng Valley is no longer "Zangfeng", but It's the edge that no one can match!

Since Liu Xuanyin is the Valley Master of the Zangfeng Valley, he plays a very important role in the Five Realms of Immortality. His words naturally carry a very heavy weight, and are definitely not comparable to those of the heads of ordinary sects.

At this moment, Liu Xuanyin slowly stood up, while Liu Xuanyang, who was next to him, naturally stepped back because he knew that it was no longer his place to speak.

"Liu thought that the righteous sects in the five realms of our Immortal Yuan have been fearless of external evil for thousands of years. But now, when did we need a demonic organization to check and balance external enemies?"

His expression was indifferent when he spoke, and his face did not change at all, but he thought again and said, "More than three hundred years ago, the four demon sects joined forces to invade. Master Liu Valley still remembers that bloody battle... Could it be that No, are you too confident?"


Hearing him suddenly mention the battle between good and evil, the expressions of many old men present changed. Even though more than three hundred years have passed, they still feel frightened when they recall that tragic battle. Incessantly.

The whole square became quiet again. Liu Xuanyin's face still showed no change at all. He only saw him saying, "Okay, as you said, the world is in chaos and it is not appropriate to have another dispute between good and evil. But who can Prove that everything she said today is the truth and not a conspiracy of the devil." At the end of the sentence, he pointed at Hua Weiyang.

As soon as these words came out, many people present were stunned. Then they thought of something. Yes, Liu Valley Master's words are very reasonable. Everything today was said by Hua Weiyang herself. No one can prove it. What she said was true.

Was Xiao Yichen really captured by Wutian Palace a month ago? Why is there no news about such a big thing and no one knows about it? This is somewhat unjustifiable.

Not long ago, various factions planned to go to Wuyutian again because of the power of spiritual veins. Just a few days ago, they actually said that Xiao Yichen was captured by Wutian Palace. Isn't it a coincidence? Could it be that this is really a conspiracy of the devil...

At this moment, many people began to doubt, but the expression on Liu Xuanyin's face remained unchanged, and he said calmly, "Since the Xuanqing Sect is now the leader of the righteous path in the world, everything must be carefully considered before anything is done. Just as I thought about it just now, But what Shaoxia said is that the forces from all over the world are now eyeing him. Because of this, everything that follows must be considered more carefully, because it is not only about the Xuanqing Sect, it is very likely... the lifeblood of the entire world's righteousness. "

What he said made everyone speechless to refute it. It was indeed true. Even the several nobles on the high platform began to think carefully. Liu Xuanyin's words were indeed true.

At this time, many people looked at Hua Weiyang again, and the atmosphere became tense again.

I saw that Hua Weiyang's face was still calm. Facing the doubtful eyes of everyone, he resolutely said, "Everything Weiyang said just now is true. If there is half a lie, or as Liu Guzhu said, it is because I have no desire." The conspiracy, then let me be wiped out in ashes immediately, my soul will be scattered, and I will never be reincarnated."

"Palace Master..."

Hearing her making such a poisonous oath, Mingyue's face changed slightly. For some reason, she suddenly had a bad feeling in her heart at this moment.

And everyone was unsure, with uncertain expressions on their faces. She did not look like she was lying, but no one could prove that what she said was true, which made it difficult.

Gui Si stood aside and slowly frowned. Liu Xuanyin was not as easy to deal with as he thought.

Liu Xuanyin smiled coldly and said, "Palace Master Weiyang, if you make an oath to prove that what you say is true, wouldn't it mean that everyone in the demon world can easily make a poisonous oath?"

After he finished speaking, he looked at Qingxuan Zhenren and several other deities on the high platform, and continued, "Nowadays, the forces in the four directions are in chaos. In Liu's opinion, it is not appropriate for Xuanqing Sect to make any move before the truth is clear. I don't know if Qingxuan What does the leader think?"

As soon as these words came out, all the people from the sects below looked at Master Qingxuan, and saw that Master Qingxuan's eyebrows were slightly knitted, and it was obvious that it was difficult to make a decision at the moment.

Although the Xuan Qing Sect has a high status now, everyone is watching every move. This fact is too involved, especially before the truth is determined, and it cannot be carried out rashly. Even though Ling Yin has the intention to save Xiao Chen, but this Wouldn’t it be true that if you give someone a handle, you will definitely be discussed by people all over the world in the future?

The atmosphere gradually became tense, and everyone looked at Hua Weiyang again. How could she prove that everything she said was true and not a conspiracy of the devil? Everyone present did not want to repeat the mistakes of more than three hundred years ago.

"I don't know how Liu Gu wants me to prove it."

At this moment, Hua Weiyang's expression remained unchanged. She looked at Liu Xuanyin in the distance and said lightly, this time, not only did she want to save Xiao Chen, but she also couldn't damage Ling Yin's reputation.

"If Palace Master Weiyang insists on proving that what he said is true, then it is not completely impossible..."

Liu Xuanyin slowly turned around. At this moment, his eyes seemed to become much colder. Even the leaders who had nothing to do with him suddenly felt a cold feeling on their backs.

"Liu Valley Master, but it doesn't matter..." Hua Weiyang looked at him, but her eyes were still fixed, without any dodge.

"It's very simple..."

At this moment, Liu Xuanyin suddenly stretched out his hand, and black mist condensed on his palm. When the black mist dissipated, a black thing appeared on his palm.

"That is!"

At this moment, many people's expressions changed. It was obvious that this thing was extraordinary. Even if they were far apart, they could all feel it. It was so poisonous that it would kill them if they touched it!

Even Master Qingxuan, who was sitting on the high platform, couldn't help but change his expression slightly at this moment: "Ten Thousand Poison Pills..."

According to legend, the most poisonous thing in the world has no antidote. The faces of Li Yuan, Mei Yue and others also changed. How could Liu Xuanyin have such a powerful thing in his hands? Could it be Feng Xuanzhi... No, it's impossible. Even Feng Xuanzhi can't refine the Ten Thousand Poison Pills!

Liu Xuanyin said lightly, "This Ten Thousand Poison Pill was accidentally obtained by me from the ancient ruins under Zhongyue Peak last time. According to records, even if a person becomes a saint, once he takes the Ten Thousand Poison Pill, within three moments, he will There is no doubt that he will die. There is no antidote in the world that can cure the poison of the Ten Thousand Poison Pills. If Palace Master Weiyang dares to take the Ten Thousand Poison Pills in public, it will prove that everything you just said is true. "

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