The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,197 The flowers fade and the flowers fly all over the sky

At this moment, the entire square was silent, and everyone stared blankly at the Ten Thousand Poison Pill in Liu Xuanyin's hand without saying a word.

According to legend, the most poisonous poison in the world is the Ten Thousand Poison Pills, which destroy the heart and corrode the bones... There is no antidote. Once taken, the gods will not be able to save you, and they will definitely die!

"How? Palace Master Weiyang, do you dare to take it in public? This Ten Thousand Poison Pill in Liu's hand..." Liu Xuanyin took the Ten Thousand Poison Pill in his hand, looked at Hua Weiyang and said calmly.

But here, both Mingyue and Ziyuan had already changed their expressions. Mingyue said coldly, "Liu Xuanyin, you keep saying that I have a conspiracy in Wuyutian. I think today, it is you who hides evil intentions in Zangfeng Valley!"

As soon as these words came out, not only did the atmosphere in the square become colder, but the wind also blew like a bone-chilling howl.

At this moment, everyone was silent. Some looked at Liu Xuanyin, some looked at Hua Weiyang and Mingyue, and some looked at Ling Yin, Master Qingxuan and other dignitaries on the high platform.

The atmosphere gradually became as ice-like as frost, but Liu Xuanyin still looked indifferent and said calmly, "The master of Mingyue Valley said that I, Zangfeng Valley, harbored evil intentions. It's better to tell me how I, Zangfeng Valley, harbored evil intentions in front of the righteous way in the world today."


Mingyue pointed her hand, but at this time, in front of these righteous sects, how could she prevail against one of the four great sects, the Valley Master of Zangfeng Valley?

But how could she not see that more than ten years ago, Feng Xuanzhi, the "Xuanzu" of the Zangfeng Valley who had been hidden for six hundred years, reappeared in the world. Therefore, over the years, the strength of the Zangfeng Valley has gradually approached the Xuanqingmen, so he is unwilling to give up. After succumbing to the Xuanqing Sect, even what Liu Xuanyin said just now, "The Xuanqing Sect is now the leader of the righteous path in the world", has a hint of irony.

This time, if Fairy Miaoyin goes directly to rescue Xiao Chen, Zangfeng Valley and those sects that follow Zangfeng Valley will definitely make a big fuss about this, which will definitely shake the Xuanqing Sect's position in the righteous way.

Although Xuan Qing Sect is indeed powerful now, and no sect in the Five Realms of Immortal Yuan can match it, if someone keeps causing trouble behind the scenes, it is inevitable that the history of humiliation will be repeated.

I still remember that more than 3,000 years ago, the Xuanqing Sect was extremely powerful. In the battle with the Demonic Way, the founder "Xuanzhenzi" united with the heads of several sects at that time, as well as the heads of countless sects below, and fought with the ancestor of the Demonic Way "Tian Xinzi" "The fight to the death, that battle between good and evil, was extremely cruel and ended with the disappearance of Tian Xinzi, the ancestor of the evil way.

Although in that unprecedented battle, the demonic path was ultimately defeated and withdrew from the prosperous land of the Five Realms of Immortality, that war also caused immeasurable losses to the righteous sects at that time.

At that time, countless sects fell, and the secret law books were also lost, which also caused the spiritual energy to deplete, almost like the legendary "End of Dharma Age".

Even Xuan Zhenzi returned home from serious injuries and passed away not long after. It can be imagined how heavy it was for the entire Five Immortal Domains at that time, as if they had gone back thousands of years in one fell swoop.

From then on, Xuan Qing Sect's nightmare also began. Because the elders were all killed in that battle, and coupled with the lack of spiritual energy, the disciples in the sect became worse with each generation and could no longer comprehend the high-level mental skills of Xuan Qing Sect. The strongest The sect fell and finally became history.

In the following more than a thousand years, sects such as Zangfeng Valley rose again, and finally the Tianmen was established, ushering in a prosperous age of immortality again.

At that time, the Xuan Qing Sect had long been unknown. Most of its disciples left, and most of them went to other sects. Most of the rest were living in vain and listless. Even if there were still people who wanted to revive the sect, they were unable to do so. If you don't even have the qualifications to enter Tianmen, how can you talk about reviving the sect?

That period of time was the darkest and most difficult time for the Xuan Qing Sect. If it were not for the efforts of generations of heads to support and pray for the emergence of the founder Xuan Zhenzi every day, I am afraid that the Xuan Qing Sect would have ceased to exist.

It wasn't until six or seven hundred years ago that the sixteenth-generation leader of the Xuanqing Sect, "Xuan Yin Zhenren", appeared and caused a sensation.

At that time, Xuan Qing Sect was already regaining its former glory, but for some unknown reason, just when Xuan Qing Sect was about to regain its glory, Master Xuan Yin suddenly passed the position of head to his disciple Qing Xuan, and then disappeared. , there has been no news since then, and the person who disappeared with him that year was Feng Xuanzhi, the owner of Zangfeng Valley at that time.

Later, Master Qingxuan took over the Xuanqing Sect, and he was strict in recruiting disciples, trying to restore the glory of the past. Soon, Tianmen sent an invitation... and then, it was today's situation.

Nowadays, everything in Xuan Qing Sect is hard-won, but the higher the position one holds, the more people want to pull him down. The seven lords of Xuan Qing Sect are not unaware of all this.

What happened today was unavoidable. Liu Xuanyin was holding a poisonous pill, and at this moment, he was killing every word of his heart. However, the person he was forcing was not Hua Weiyang, but Xuan Qingmen!

Waves of cold wind blew across the square. At this moment, everyone was silent. Liu Xuanyin looked at Hua Weiyang and said again, "What? Is Master Weiyang still thinking about it?"

Many people looked at Hua Weiyang. After taking this Ten Thousand Poison Pills, she would definitely die. Would she dare to take it?

Hua Weiyang took two steps forward, looked at Liu Xuanyin and said, "If I take this pill, will everyone no longer be in trouble today..."

Obviously, she also knew in her heart that what happened today was unavoidable. If she did not take this poison pill, even if Ling Yin went to save Xiao Chen, she would be criticized by everyone in the world in the future. She had played into the hands of Liu Xuanyin.


Liu Xuanyin's eyes turned cold, he flicked his fingers, and with a "whoosh" sound, the poison pill flew towards Hua Weiyang.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked, but at this moment, Gui Si stepped forward, and before Hua Weiyang caught the Wan Du Dan, he struck out with a palm, and with the force of his palm, he immediately hit the flying Wan Du Dan. Poison Pill was shaken back.


Many people were shocked. Liu Xuanyin's cultivation had been hidden from the beginning, and with the help of Feng Xuan in recent years, it had improved by leaps and bounds. Not to mention how terrifying the power of his throw was. But to be able to retreat so easily, it seems that Gui Sicque's skill is not low.

The Ten Thousand Poison Pills were knocked back. Liu Xuanyin's eyes narrowed slightly, and he flicked his finger again. The force of this flick was even more fierce, and the Ten Thousand Poison Pills flew back towards Hua Weiyang again.

Gui Si took action again, but the power of the Ten Thousand Poison Pills was really extraordinary. Even Poria Cocos from a distance was shocked when he saw it, "Brother Si Que..."

"This traitor seems to have improved a lot in cultivation over the years."

Far away from the Tianmen, Elder Kunyi's eyes were cold, and he saw Guisi but with a flick of his left hand, he instantly formed an invisible force and pushed back the flying Ten Thousand Poison Pills.

Such a ten thousand poison pill was hit by him and Liu Xuanyin, but the power generated in it was extraordinary. Even those who were a little far away felt faintly suffocated, and those who were close had already retreated. opened.

"This person's cultivation level..."

On the high platform, Master Qingxuan also focused his gaze, looking at Gui Sique without moving, thinking that the inner skills and mental methods that this person learned did not seem to be transmitted from Tianmen... but he did not know which sect's inner skills and mental methods. It doesn't look simple.

At this moment, many people in the distance held their breath. Liu Xuanyin snorted coldly, and suddenly made a seal with his hands. A seal flew out, carrying the wind and thunder, and rolled up the Ten Thousand Poison Pills.

Gui Si didn't seem to dare to be careless. He made a series of seals with his hands, and a strong wind stirred up. But at this moment, a hand gently pressed his shoulder, and the strong wind in the sky was gone.

And the Ten Thousand Poison Pills that came with the force of wind and thunder in mid-air slowly stopped spinning, and finally slowly landed on Hua Weiyang's fingertips.

"Miss Weiyang..." Gui Si turned his head, with a slight look of shock on his face.

At this moment, Hua Weiyang's face was as calm as water. Everyone held their breath and looked at her motionless. Did she really dare to take this Ten Thousand Poison Pill?

"Palace Master..."

Mingyue and Ziyuan, who were standing behind, wanted to step forward, but were stopped by Hua Weiyang. They saw her walking towards the front of the square step by step, holding the Ten Thousand Poison Pill in her hand, but seemed to be fine.

"If people in the world can put aside their prejudice against him, why not Weiyang take this Ten Thousand Poison Pill today..."

The voice echoed throughout the square, and everyone still couldn't believe it. She would definitely die if she took this Ten Thousand Poison Pills. Did she really dare to take it?

Over at Zangfeng Valley, Liu Xuanyin's eyes were a little cold. I wonder what he was thinking about at this moment. As for Xuanqing Gate, everyone was silent and even the expressions on their faces at this moment were... Very dignified.

At this moment, everyone's eyes fell on the woman who was walking forward slowly. She only heard her slowly say, "Life is a lifetime, grass and trees are autumn, only life will lead to death, only death will lead to life, if Weiyang dies today." , can resolve the eternal grudges between good and evil spirits, and prevent wars and disputes from happening in the world... there is no need to regret death. "

At this point, she resolutely picked up the Poison Pill in her hand. At this moment, everyone opened their eyes wide and held their breath. Is she really going to take the Poison Pill?

"Palace Master... don't!"

Mingyue and Ziyuan no longer cared so much, and rushed forward in an instant, but Hua Weiyang flicked her sleeves, and a stream of spiritual power surged out, forming an invisible wind wall, and both of them were driven away. Blocked outside.

"Palace Master... no!"

No matter how Mingyue called, at this moment, Hua Weiyang seemed to be completely unable to hear it, and said slowly, "If all of this started when I went to Xuanqing, then today, everything ends with me..." At the end of the sentence, I saw her picking up the Ten Thousand Poison Pills and swallowing it in her mouth.

"She...she! She actually!"

At this moment, everyone present was shocked. They never expected that she actually took the Ten Thousand Poison Pills!

The people in Tianmen were also stunned. This was the demon sect witch that they wanted to capture no matter what...

Over at Zangfeng Valley, Liu Xuanyang also stood motionless, obviously not expecting that Hua Weiyang actually took the Ten Thousand Poison Pills.

As for Liu Xuanyin, his face was very gloomy at this time. He had tried all his tricks, but in the end, he failed to realize that Hua Weiyang had no fear of life and death. Not only did his plan fail this time, but in the future, he might not be able to use Xiao Chen's incident to influence Xuan Qing again. The door is closed.

"Palace Master...Palace Master!"

Mingyue and Ziyuan screamed hoarse, but still couldn't break through the spiritual wind wall. They could only watch, helplessly watching Hua Weiyang fall backwards...

Blood slowly flowed from the corner of her mouth, bit by bit, staining the skirt of her chest red, like plum blossoms blooming one by one in the snow.

"Wait until next year, when the Wuyu flowers bloom all over the sky, it will definitely be beautiful then..."

She seemed to have seen the day when the flowers in the world bloomed and filled the sky, the day when the flowers in the world would never wither.

And a smile slowly appeared on her face, another mouthful of blood gushed out, and she fell back.

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