The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,198 Before the flowers are gone, people are still young


At this moment, even Master Qingxuan, who was sitting on the high platform, couldn't help but feel moved. It could be clearly seen that at that moment, his hands trembled.

He couldn't help but think back to that time. At that time, Xiao Chen wanted to kill the chess player. In desperation, he had no choice but to hit him with a dragon chant palm. He originally wanted to stop Xiao Chen, but he didn't expect that this woman suddenly rushed out. Blocked that palm for Xiao Chen.

At that time, he could see it, and today...

In the distance, Ruoshui was also stunned, and Qian Yu Nishang seemed to be silent at this moment. In her mind, she recalled that day. Hua Weiyang came up and wanted to say something to her, but she only said, "That's right." The devil's path."

"Palace Master...Palace Master!"

"Palace Master..."

The wall of wind finally dissipated, and Mingyue was full of tears and rushed forward desperately. At this moment, the entire square seemed quiet, no one spoke anymore, and there were only fallen flowers all over the sky, drifting in the wind.

"Sister Master has been away for three days, why hasn't she come back... This flower tree will grow up quickly..."

Little Lianhua's face was covered with dirt, she held a shovel in her hand, and she planted a Weiyang tree in the courtyard. When the tree bloomed, petals all over the sky fell with the wind, like snowflakes. Weiyang was originally transplanted from Lianhua Palace. He came here and named it "Weiyang Tree".

"When the tree grows up and blooms with flowers, will Master Sister come back... Master, Master! When will Master Sister come back..."

Little Lianhua took the shovel and ran out of the yard, only to see Mrs. Xianshu standing there, looking motionless in the direction where Hua Weiyang left that day.

"Master, what's wrong with you..."

"Weiyang, Weiyang... ugh!"

In Wutian Palace, Jiuyou Valley, under the Demon Suppressing Stone, Xiao Chen suddenly opened his eyes. His eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes. At that moment, his heart seemed to have been stabbed hard by something. He didn't know. Why is he so heartbroken? He just wants to scream to the sky!




One after another, the terrifying howls shook the entire Jiuyou Valley. The demons who were originally suppressed in the Nine Nether Valley were so scared that they did not dare to move.

At this time, outside Jiuyou Valley, some people from Wutian Palace were so frightened that they almost sat down. The terrifying sound coming from Jiuyou Valley was like an ancient demon, which frightened them. trembling.

"Then, what's in there..."

The faces of more than a dozen people were pale. They had been guarding outside Jiuyou Valley for many years, but they had never felt so scared. At this moment, the terrifying sound of demonic roars coming from inside made them paralyzed, as if there would be some big demon at any time. Rushing out from inside, they were instantly wiped out.

Soon, two elders rushed to Jiuyou Valley. Jiuyou Valley is an important area and cannot be lost. At this moment, the two elders looked very nervous and asked, "What happened?"

"No, I don't know..."

The dozen or so disciples who were guarding outside the Nine Nether Valley looked terrified. They had no idea what was going on, and they had no idea who was being suppressed inside the Nine Nether Valley. It was so terrifying...


Those terrifying roars were still coming out from the Nine Nether Valley. Even the two elders with high cultivation levels felt very panicked under the shroud of the terrifying demonic roars.

One of the disciples trembled and said, "Two elders, otherwise, you go and see what it is, otherwise, I, we don't dare to stay here..."


The two elders were resolute. They looked into the Nine Nether Valley and forced themselves to calm down. "No one can enter the Nine Nether Valley without the permission of the three Supreme Masters. You go to them immediately and inform the three Supreme Masters of the situation here..." …”

"I, I'm going!"

More than a dozen people were all rushing to run outside, but at this moment, a figure suddenly flew from outside. The figure was dressed in moon-white Taoist robes and had an extraordinary aura. He was none other than Tai Huazi.

"Ta... Taihua Zhenren!"

The two elders immediately bowed their heads and cupped their hands. Just as they were waiting to say something, Master Taihua looked into the Nine Nether Valley and said, "You guys go out first."


More than a dozen disciples and two elders all hurried out. Originally, the three Supreme Masters usually practiced in their own secret realms, but recently, for some unknown reason, they came out so frequently.

After those people left, Master Taihua turned around and walked towards Jiuyou Valley. With a single stroke of his fingers, he chanted the incantation and opened the barrier of Jiuyou Valley.


The roaring sound inside was even more terrifying, frightening those usually dishonest monsters to hide underground and not dare to come out.

Master Taihua frowned and came under the Demon Suppressing Stone. He saw Xiao Chen's eyes were blood red, white hair flying behind his shoulders, and a faint black aura emerging from his body. He seemed to be transformed into a demon.


Xiao Chen's eyes were horrified, but no matter how hard he struggled, he could not break free from the confinement of the Demon Suppression Stone. He saw that the entire Demon Suppression Stone was covered with incantations. The more he struggled, the more powerful the incantations on it became.


The terrifying howl resounded throughout the Nine Nether Valley, "Let me out, ah——"

"If you want to go out, I'm afraid you can't..."

Master Taihua's eyes were cold and indifferent. As soon as he finished speaking, he pointed his finger and struck a few more talismans on the demon-suppressing stone. There was a "bang", which seemed to strengthen the seal again.


Xiao Chen struggled with his hands, causing the iron chains on both sides to continuously make cold collision sounds, but it was difficult to break free no matter what, the sealing power of the Demon Suppressing Stone.

Three days passed like this, and the disciples guarding outside Jiuyou Valley seemed to be in a state of fear every moment.

Even in the past three days, not only could they hear the terrifying screams of demons coming from Jiuyou Valley every day, but also people outside could hear the screams of demons coming from Jiuyou Valley from time to time at night. Everyone in Wutian Palace , it is inevitable to feel a little anxious.

At noon that day, the demonic roar coming from Jiuyou Valley seemed to envelope the entire Wutian Palace, "Taihua Palace", "Chongjiu Valley", and "Cuihan Mountain". Everyone in these three places was frightened. , they have never felt such a terrible feeling in all these years, and they always feel like something big is about to happen today.

In the secret realm of Taihua Palace, I saw Master Taihua closing his eyes lightly, as if he was meditating to comprehend something. But at this moment, a spiritual thought suddenly came from outside, but it was blocked by a layer of secret techniques. Blocked outside.

After a long time, Master Taihua slowly opened his eyes, and with a single movement of his fingers, he removed the layer of secret techniques, and then the spiritual thought from outside finally came in.

After receiving the divine message, the expression on his face suddenly became extremely solemn. At this moment, a disciple hurriedly ran outside. Master Taihua frowned and said, "Why are you panicking?"

"Really, real person...outside, outside...that, Xuan, Xuan..."

I saw that the disciple's face was full of panic, and even his words were incoherent. At this moment, a clear female voice finally came from outside the secret realm, "Xuanqingmen Lingyin, I came here today to pay a special visit to the three masters of Wutian Palace." ”

Hearing this sound, Master Taihua's expression immediately changed. This is his secret realm of Taihua, which blocks everything from the outside world, but the other party can ignore the restriction and penetrate the sound. What kind of state has this woman's cultivation level reached!

At this moment, everyone outside is panicking. For thousands of years, no one has dared to break into Wutian Palace. But at this moment, in the mid-air, only a woman in green clothes is seen, holding a jade flute, like the sky. Like Xuannv, even without moving, she already gave everyone below a heavy pressure as heavy as Mount Tai.

"You, you...Wutian Palace and your Xuanqing Sect have been doing nothing for three thousand years, but today you broke into my Wutian Palace and destroyed my Wutian Palace formation,"

Even some elders with a high level of cultivation at this time couldn't help but tremble when they spoke, let alone some disciples with a low level of cultivation.

The aura on the opponent's body at this moment is not like that of those strong men in the Holy Realm, which can be overwhelming as soon as it comes. However, precisely because of this, they feel even more trembling. This feeling cannot be explained. , it’s like...the other party is not a strong person in the world at all.

Just when everyone was trembling with fear, three figures finally appeared from behind, and three powerful auras instantly enveloped the entire Wutian Palace.

"They are three supreme masters..."

At this moment, many people had a look of slight shock on their faces. The three Supreme Masters have all become saints. How can they see them easily on weekdays?

But today, all three real people came out at once, which further proves that the person named Ling Yin in front of him is definitely not an ordinary person!

Only three people were seen, with extraordinary aura, like immortals. Today, Master Taihua is wearing a moon-white Taoist robe, Master Chongjiu is wearing a dark purple Taoist robe, and Master Cuihan is wearing cyan clothes, holding a handle in his hand. whisk.

"Fairy Xuanqingmen Yaoguang, I don't know why you broke into my Wutian Palace today."

Master Taihua's voice was cold and cold. After all, the three of them have become saints and their cultivation is far beyond those of the people below. Therefore, when facing Ling Yin, they will never be as panicked as those below.

Ling Yin was currently suspended in mid-air. Facing the three of them, his face remained unchanged. He only said coldly, "Where is my evil disciple?"

As soon as these words came out, the surrounding atmosphere became as ice-like as frost. Without any unnecessary polite words, they asked where Xiao Chen was. This made Taihuazi and the other three frown even more. .

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