The atmosphere in the entire Wutian Hall was as cold as frost. Under such a tense confrontation, many people below were silent. They stood in place one by one, but they did not dare to speak out.

Master Cuihan smiled faintly, "I don't know who Fairy Yaoguang is looking for, and what does it have to do with my Wutian Palace..."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere seemed to become even colder, and everyone below was silent. They knew more or less about Xuan Qingmen, but after all, they had only heard about it and had never seen it with their own eyes. The woman they met today obviously exceeded their expectations.

"I don't want to say the same thing a second time. Hand him over. I want to take him away today." ✫✺

Ling Yin's eyes were as cold as an iceberg, and his voice was also ice-cold. Such an invisible deterrent gave people a heavy pressure like a mountain.

Master Taihua said coldly, "Fairy Yaoguang, you may have come to the wrong place today. The person you are looking for is not in my Wutian Palace. Please come." At the end of his words, he raised his hand slightly.

Everyone below was still shocked and silent. They never expected that today, even the three Supreme Masters would be so polite to this woman from the Xuanqing Sect. Is she really that great...

At this moment, everyone couldn't help but think of the saying that had been circulated in the past, that there was the Xuanqing Sect in the Immortal Yuan, the Xianqiong Sect on the top of Yuding, the Miaoyin Fairy in the Xuanqing Sect, and the Donghua Immortal Lord in the Xianqiong Sect.

One is rumored to be the only innate three-flower gathering in the world, and the other is rumored to have already ascended to heaven, and is just a clone in the world. Of these two...who is higher and which is lower?

Everyone held their breath and remained silent, regardless of whether Fairy Miaoyin or Immortal Donghua was superior or inferior. Judging from today's situation, it was probably not easy to end the matter.

Sure enough, while everyone was holding their breath and concentrating, Ling Yin slowly picked up the jade flute in his hand, and the breath on his body suddenly became colder. "So, the three of them are determined not to hand over the person." Out……"

Master Cuihan smiled again and said lightly, "What's the matter with you? Since my senior brother said that the person you are looking for is not here, why bother to pester him endlessly? In my opinion, it's better to go back to where you came from." Go ahead..."

"In that case, I'm offended."

Ling Yin's eyes were cold, and when she raised the jade flute in her hand, it suddenly turned into a ray of light and rushed straight into Wutian Palace. Everyone below saw that she dared to directly force her way in, and they all turned pale with horror.


Master Taihua's eyes turned cold, and with a flick of his sleeves, a burst of profound energy surged out. Next to him, the other two people swept their whisks, and a powerful burst of profound energy flew out with a "boom". The strength of the three people actually confronted Ling Yin in mid-air.

Under the excitement of the remaining power, everyone below was shocked, and many people showed horrified expressions. They saw arrays of mysterious lights in the sky. The three Supreme Masters were already extraordinary and became saints. And this Fairy Miaoyin of the Xuanqing Sect, unexpectedly Can you compete with the three supreme masters on your own? How can you believe it if you haven't seen it with your own eyes...

Obviously, Taihuazi and the others did not expect that the other party's skill was so profound. As rumored, no one could match the most outstanding person in the Five Realms of Immortal Yuan in the past thousand years...

"The Seventh Xuan Qing, Fairy Miaoyin, has a well-deserved reputation. I have learned from you today!"

Suddenly, Master Taihua's mysterious power was shaken, and the yin and yang qi came out of his body. The Taoist magic in his body was flowing smoothly, and the power of the holy realm was so easy. At this moment, the sky was filled with wind and clouds, and an overwhelming amount of mysterious power surged out, and suddenly Cover the universe!

Facing such a terrifying force, Ling Yin remained motionless. He raised his left hand and his true energy instantly enveloped his whole body, blocking all of Taihuazi's layers of yin and yang power.

"where is he."

The voice was still cold and cold, making everyone in Wutian Palace below feel as if they were falling into a pool of cold water. They did not expect that her cultivation level was so terrifying. Without moving, she already gave people a pressure as heavy as Mount Tai. Could it be that her cultivation level was so terrifying? That rumor... is it true?

"If you say you're not here, you're not here. It's useless to be persistent!"

Master Taihua's profound power was activated again, gathering spiritual energy from all directions, and the situation changed. Master Chongjiu and Master Cuihan each held their whisks, and with left and right movements, they swept the whisks towards Lingyin at the same time, with the power of collapsing mountains and cracking the earth!

Facing the power of three people, Ling Yin still had cold eyes. He raised his right hand, and the jade flute in his hand kept spinning. A green light suddenly appeared, and "boom, boom, boom" actually blocked the power of the three people. .

Everyone below looked at each other in shock. She was able to withstand the attacks of three real people at the same time. With such strength, could it be that she had already reached the third realm or above? It's scary just thinking about it...

At this moment, the hearts of Taihuazi and the three of them are no longer as peaceful as they appear on the surface. The three of them originally had the cultivation level of the second realm. However, after their failure in enlightenment that time and seeing that terrible dream, their cultivation levels have changed. They have actually fallen back a level.

How difficult is it for a person to become a saint? Even if it is said that it is difficult to reach the sky, it is not an exaggeration.

Each of the twelve realms of saints is as high as the sky. The three of them could have entered the third realm, but because of that dream, their cultivation fell back to the first realm.

If the three of them still have the second level of cultivation at this time, how can they be so strenuous now?

"Ask me one last time, where is he..."

Ling Yin's voice was suddenly as cold as ice. At that moment, Taihuazi and the three of them all secretly thought that something was wrong. She had not yet used the power of the Three Flowers Gathering on the Top, but her strength was already so terrifying. If the Three Flowers Gathering on the Top Seal appeared, it would be terrible. how……


At this moment, a terrifying roar suddenly came from the other side of Jiuyou Valley, which seemed to make the entire Wutian Palace tremble, and everyone below turned pale. This sound came from Jiuyou Valley again... This For three days, the sound of the demonic roar made them panic.


At this moment, Taihuazi and the other three secretly thought that something was wrong. Suddenly, they remembered the terrible dream that made them regress in their cultivation, and the... demon that appeared in their dream!


Ling Yin glanced in the direction of Jiuyou Valley. At this moment, she seemed to suddenly sense something. Even a wisp of black energy flashed on her left wrist.

"You said you weren't here!"

Ling Yin got lucky and knocked back the three of them. Taihuazi and the other three were still distracted. After being knocked back, they just came back to their senses and saw Master Taihua saying coldly, "You heard it just now. A person has become a demon, Fairy Miaoyin, do you want to release such a demon today?"

"If he becomes an immortal or a demon, it's not your turn to deal with him!"

Ling Yin raised his sleeves, and his profound energy surged. This blow was like the waves of the sea, the rugged mountains, both like the great road, a wonderful agreement with the dust!

The three saints all felt that their inner energy was being shaken, and they stepped back at the same time. When they stood firm, another stream of immortal power came from the opposite side. The three of them had to quickly raise their inner energy to resist. Suddenly, the nine heavens surged, shaking Wutian Palace. Three places, Taihua Palace, Chongjiu Valley, and Cuihan Mountain, were all trembling.

Everyone in the Wutian Hall below has already turned pale with shock. They never expected that the Xuan Qing Sect, Lord Yao Guang, was so terrifying!

"Ling Yin, you are too arrogant!" Suddenly, Master Chongjiu's eyes sharpened, and he quickly formed a seal with his hands, "Eighty-one Layers of Trapped Heavenly Lock!"

When the voice fell, I saw that the originally clear and clear sky was suddenly shrouded by thousands of miles of dark clouds, as if even the nearby heaven and earth were blocked, and it became dark in an instant!

Suddenly falling into darkness, all the disciples were frightened. They saw black clouds surging in the sky, and chains that bound the sky and the earth appeared faintly, and they wrapped around Ling Yin fiercely.

This is the magical power of the Holy Realm, which is extraordinary. No matter how high Ling Yin's Taoism is, he does not dare to directly resist. He launches the Ling Xian Steps in an instant, becoming almost invisible and avoiding the eighty-one Heavenly Locks.

"Set up the formation!"

Master Taihua gave a sharp shout, and the elders below finally reacted, and immediately led everyone in Wutian Palace to set up the "Xingluowanxiang" formation.

This formation was set up by tens of thousands of people from Wutian Palace, and it was extremely powerful. Once the formation was completely set up, it would be impossible to escape from it, no matter how high your cultivation level was.

Coupled with the Holy Realm magical powers of the three Taihuazi at this time, not to mention going to Jiuyou Valley to rescue Xiao Chen, even she herself will be trapped here.

At this moment, Ling Yin no longer hesitated and jumped back to avoid the attacks of Master Chongjiu and Master Cuihan. At the same time, he held the flute with both hands. With an inner force, the sound of the flute broke through the strong enemy and pushed away the pursuing Master Chongjiu and Master Cuihan. Master Cuihan was shocked and backed away.

"Watch out for the sound of the flute!"

Master Taihua sensed that something was wrong, and immediately activated his inner energy to protect his ears and heart. Master Chongjiu and Master Cuihan also retreated, and quickly used their internal energy and mental skills to avoid being injured by the sound of the flute.

However, the three of them were able to withstand the sound of the flute, but how could those people in formation below resist the sound of the flute?

I saw Ling Yin holding the flute in both hands, and the sound of the flute was like the faint sound of ancient times, which made people have nowhere to avoid it!


For a moment, there were screams and screams below, and the sound of the flute reached my ears, which immediately shattered the true energy in everyone's body. They were unable to avoid it. Even some elders who were not low in cultivation could not bear the powerful sound of the flute. What's more, those disciples?

Soon, the entire Wutian Palace was in disarray. The "Xing Luo Wan Xiang" formation that had just been set up had already collapsed before it was used.


Even Taihuazi and the other three were trapped by the sound of the flute. Only then did they remember that the word "wonderful sound, wonderful sound" and "wonderful sound" are not in vain.


Waves of screams continued, and down there, thousands of people were seen holding their heads in their hands. Their eyes were bloodshot, and there was even blood spilling from their bodies. There were even some people with lower cultivation levels, their eyes were There is blood overflowing from the ears, mouth and nose. If the sound of the flute does not stop, these people will die suddenly!

Ling Yin had no intention of killing people here. After seeing that the formation was broken, he slowly put down the jade flute in his hand. As soon as the sound of the flute stopped, those people seemed to have lost their strength, and they all collapsed limply.

The three Taihuazi finally woke up, but at this moment, the three of them only felt a strong wind coming. The next moment, Ling Yin had broken through the defense of the three of them and headed towards the Nine Nether Valley. Fly away.

The three of them were startled, especially Taihuazi, whose expression changed, and they chased after him in an instant. He raised his palm and struck down with thunderous force.

Ling Yin turned around, and the jade flute in his left hand was instantly transferred into his right hand. He raised his left hand again, and with a "bang" sound, he hit Taihuazi on the chest with his palm. His face turned pale and he flew backwards. .

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