The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,200 Breaking the Restriction

"Senior Brother Taihua!"

Master Chongjiu and Master Cuihan rushed forward in an instant and caught Master Taihua who flew back. At this time, a look of surprise flashed across the faces of the three of them.

"We can't let her go to Nine Nether Valley!"

Master Taihua's eyes were full of shock, but he soon forced himself to calm down. The three of them were about to cast a spell to stop Ling Yin, but they saw Ling Yin raise his hand and use the jade flute in his hand as a pen to draw curse seals in the air.

"That is……"

The three of them were shocked again when they saw the mysterious light curse seals formed in an instant, as if carrying an ancient power, they suddenly covered them.


The expressions of the three people changed. However, the moment the curse seal came down, they moved slowly. They were immediately bound by layers of curse seals and could no longer escape.

"This is... the Nine Heavens Xuannv Seal!"

The three people were trapped in the curse seal, and their faces immediately showed shock. At this moment, a three-flower gathering seal appeared faintly between Lingyin's eyebrows. Her three-flower gathering seal never appeared easily, but she had just used it When doing this curse seal, you have to rely on the power of the three flowers gathered at the top.

After temporarily trapping the three people, Ling Yin put away the jade flute in his hand without any further delay. With a movement of his body, a flash of lightning flashed and he flew towards Jiuyou Valley, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

"She... is terrible!"

The three secretly thought that something was wrong and looked at each other. Now they could only think of a way to break the Nine Heavens Xuannv seal. The elders of Wutian Palace below were also shocked. What kind of curse seal was this that could actually trap it? How could this woman have such terrifying strength among the three supreme masters who have entered the holy realm...

Waves of terrifying demon roars were still coming from the Nine Nether Valley. At this time, the two elders and a dozen disciples who were guarding outside the valley had already turned pale with fear, but they did not dare to approach the Nine Nether Valley. .

"What...who is this person! Stop!"

Seeing a green figure suddenly falling from the sky, more than a dozen people were even more shocked. Two old men reacted quickly and said sternly, "Nine Nether Valley, who are you..."

However, before he finished speaking, Ling Yin flicked his sleeves, and a burst of magic flew out, immobilizing the dozen or so people in place, unable to move.

No longer caring about these people, Ling Yin headed towards Jiuyou Valley. When she reached the outside of the valley, suddenly a restraining force hit her. Upon closer inspection, there was a very powerful force at the mouth of the valley. The forbidden barrier.

I saw that the power of restraint was constantly emerging in the barrier. No matter how high the cultivation level was, if a person broke through forcefully, he would definitely be damaged.

Ling Yin came three feet away from the barrier, condensed his energy all over his body, formed seals with his hands, and shot out a burst of magic power that broke through the void. With a "boom", the barrier of Jiuyou Valley shattered.

After the barrier was broken, the demonic roars became even more terrifying. Even the top of Jiuyou Valley was shrouded in layers of black clouds, as if demonic energy was surging. The scene was as terrifying as it could be.

"Chen'er, hold on..." Ling Yin frowned, and with a movement of his body, he turned into a green light and went into the valley instantly.

When she reached the innermost level of the Nine Nether Valley, the sight in front of her made her frown even deeper. She saw restrictions surging all over the sky. All the seals on the Demon Suppressing Stone had been activated. The terrifying seals and restrictions, Anyone who tries to break in will be destroyed!


Seeing Xiao Chen who was like a demon at this time, Ling Yin felt sad in his heart, clenched the jade flute in his hand, and instantly turned into a ray of light and flew towards it.

However, when she was still ten feet away from the magic-suppressing stone, the sky was full of forbidden divine thunder, "rumbling" and kept falling towards her.

Even though she had advanced cultivation and was able to withstand the divine thunder in the sky with secret techniques, when she was still ten feet away from the Demon Suppressing Stone, the curse seal on it suddenly emitted a dazzling light, and a series of terrifying and restrictive powers hit her. In the end, she Had to retreat.

How can the power of the ancient Heavenly Emperor be taken lightly? Even if there is only one wisp left, how can a mortal be able to contend with it?


I saw Xiao Chen's head full of white hair flying, his blood-red eyes slowly fading away, his appearance gradually returned to normal, and his consciousness seemed to have finally regained consciousness for the time being.

"Why, why is it you..."

At this moment, Xiao Chen's voice was still a little confused, but in his mind, the scene at Tianmen that year gradually became clearer.

After many years of separation, I didn't expect that when master and disciple meet again, it will be like this.

Ling Yin's eyebrows were deeply furrowed, and she said with a spiritual thought, "Chen'er, calm down and gather your Qi, and use the teachings taught to you by my teacher back then. Don't be disturbed by the evil energy here..."

Why is Ling Yinxiu so advanced? When she arrived, she saw that this place was filled with evil and filthy air. The Demon Suppressing Stone has suppressed countless monsters for thousands of years, but because of this, the Demon Suppressing Stone has also absorbed countless evil and filthy air.

And these demonic and filthy auras are the best nutrients for the Three Corpse Demons. No wonder these days, Xiao Chen has gradually lost control of his mind, and the Three Corpse Demons also seem to be awakening.

Now, the seal on the demon-suppressing stone seemed to be heavier again. Ling Yin no longer hesitated, his true energy condensed all over his body, a layer of radiance covered his body, and he flew towards the demon-suppressing stone again.

However, after several attempts, he still could not break through the restriction of the magic stone. Even this restriction could not be broken. How could he break the seal on it and rescue Xiao Chen?


Suddenly, Xiao Chen raised his head and let out a long roar again. His restored consciousness gradually became confused at this moment. The white hair behind his shoulders was dancing wildly, and his eyes became more and more blood red again.


Ling Yin's eyebrows furrowed, and he couldn't help but form seals with his hands. He immediately struck the demon-suppressing stone with a series of mysterious light seals. However, he could only break the outer layer of the forbidden seal, but he still couldn't shake even half of the demon-suppressing stone inside.

At this moment, Master Taihua's voice suddenly came from outside Jiuyou Valley, "Ling Yin! Are you really going to ignore all the people in the world and release such a peerless demon? Only the Demon Suppressing Stone can seal this demon. You If the Demon Suppressing Stone is destroyed, nothing in this world can suppress it!"


I saw Xiao Chen's eyes were blood red, and another terrifying demonic roar came out, shaking the nine days and shaking the wind and clouds. The people in Wutian Palace outside were already frightened and panicked.

Ling Yin's eyebrows became deeper and deeper, but her eyes at this moment were extremely focused. She suddenly stretched out her hand and drew down the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder. Those divine thunders surrounded her body and helped her. Break through the layers of forbidden seals in front!


There was a loud noise, and the last layer of restrictions was finally broken. Ling Yin jumped in front of Xiao Chen. However, when she reached out and touched the demon-suppressing stone, a terrifying power surged out from it, and there was a "bang" , and actually bounced her away.

"Master..." Looking at the master who was thrown away by the demon-suppressing stone, Xiao Chen's consciousness seemed to have regained consciousness little by little.

Ling Yin stood firm, put two fingers together, condensed her true energy on her fingertips, and tapped the Demon Suppressing Stone with another finger. With a "bang" sound, the entire Demon Suppressing Stone suddenly trembled violently, and she also once again He was blown away by the power of the magic stone.

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