The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,202 Fighting the Three Saints

"Set up the formation!"

Master Taihua gave another order, and the people below were stunned. Then, everyone who was not injured set up the formation again.

The sky was filled with turmoil and the atmosphere was extremely tense. Taihuazi and the other three looked solemn. The reason why they were asked to set up the formation again was because they had predicted that Lingyin was the Demonic Stone that would destroy the town. The Three Flowers Gathering was too depleted and it would be difficult to fight again. The sound of the flute hurts people.

With the order given at this moment, the formation was quickly set up again, and with the Holy Realm magical powers of Taihuazi and the other three, the area was almost completely sealed, without any breakthrough.

"Your master and disciple, please stay today!"

Suddenly, Taihuazi and the three of them attacked together. Although the three of them had just used the magical power of sealing the sky and locking the earth, the three of them had used the blood essence technique before, and their strength at this time should not be underestimated.


At this moment, Xiao Chen's face paled slightly. Ling Yin stretched out his hand and used a soft force to send him to a hilltop in the distance. Then he used several spells of magic to hit him, forming ten formations on the top of the hill. Two rays of mysterious light protected him.

The offensive of Taihuazi and the others was approaching. Lingyin held the jade flute in his hand. He moved forward and instantly formed a true energy barrier. "Boom-boom-boom" blocked the attacks of Taihuazi and the others.

Master Taihua's eyes narrowed. He didn't expect that she had spent all the strength of the Three Flowers in Jiuyou Valley, but she still had such power at this time. She didn't dare to underestimate it at the moment, quickly formed seals with her hands, and suddenly made a finger strike. Go.

This finger force was fast and fierce, and its power was enough to collapse mountains and crack the ground. With a "bang", the layer of true energy barrier that Ling Yin had condensed was broken through.

After breaking through the true energy barrier, the force of his fingers came suddenly. Even though Ling Yin had extraordinary and holy skills, he should not resist forcefully. He moved his Lingxian Steps under his feet, leaving only an afterimage on the spot, but the main body had already moved to the place in an instant. Ten feet away.

On the other side, Master Cuihan seemed to have already calculated her location. The moment she appeared, a dust fly swept towards her.

Don't look at a small whisk, it has hidden mysterious power, which is extraordinary and can break mountains and rocks. Ling Yin's jade flute turned and used a burst of profound energy to fight back. At this moment, a black shadow suddenly appeared in the sky, carrying murderous intent in its palm, and sneaked up behind her. It was Zhenren Chongjiu.

This palm was also very fierce, and even everyone in Wutian Hall who was far away felt a violent suffocation.


There was a loud noise, and the sky was suddenly turbulent. However, Ling Yin used his jade flute with his left hand to resist Master Cuihan's fly whisk, and his right hand formed a palm, condensing immortal energy, and resisted the palm of Master Chongjiu's sneak attack.

Seeing this scene, many people in the distance looked shocked. Before everyone could react, they saw the dazzling sword light in the sky, and a fierce sword aura shrouded in all directions.

I saw Master Taihua holding a Xuanguang Sword, and slashed towards Ling Yin with one sword. In a shocking moment, Lingyin used a green Xuanjian.

With a "clang" sound, after blocking Taihuazi's sword, Lingyin took advantage of the momentum to jump back, and once again avoided the combined attacks of Master Cuihan and Master Chongjiu on the left and right.

Master Taihua was also shocked by this and stepped back ten feet. Looking at the fairy sword with bursts of green light in Ling Yin's hand, it was the sword that made her famous, Chongxiao, which was later passed to Xiao Chen. And that time on the Lianfeng Platform, Xiao Chen returned the sword again.

At this moment, I saw green light flowing on the Zhongxiao sword body, and the sword's intention was clear. How could Xiao Chen exert the power of this sword in the first place? Probably only Ling Yin in the world can exert the power of Zhongxiao.

Looking at Master Taihua again, the Xuanguang Sword in his hand was trembling continuously, the blade of the sword kept making a gentle humming sound, and the hand holding the sword actually felt a little painful at this time.

The three of them concentrated for a moment, and then launched an offensive towards Ling Yin. On the hilltop in the distance, Xiao Chen crossed his legs and closed his eyes. Even though he was thinking about his master, he knew that now he must regain his strength as soon as possible.

More than half a year ago, when he was being chased by Ziwei Si, there were faint signs of a breakthrough in his cultivation at that time, but he had been unable to break through the "Return to True Realm".

Later, he fell into the river and went downstream, losing all his memories. Wasn't the time in Guhe Village the "return to basics" that he had been searching for?

But for some reason, he still feels that there is an obstacle in his heart, which makes it still difficult for him to break through and return to his true state. He doesn’t know where this obstacle comes from...

And at this moment, the scene of the day he left suddenly appeared in his mind, "A Tian..."

Liu Jingjing's voice seemed to ring in his ears again, and the fact that she was dressed in red and burst into tears that day was all imprinted in his mind at this moment.

It turns out that this earthly relationship has not ended.

Throughout the ages, anyone who wants to cultivate to become an immortal and break through the Great Dao must understand the cause and effect of the mortal world, otherwise it will easily become a demonic obstacle in the future.

"I see……"

At this moment, Xiao Chen seemed to have realized something again. He formed seals with his hands and slowly placed them on his Dantian. Auras of spiritual light gradually appeared around his body.

In the distance, Master Taihua saw this scene and was shocked. If this boy breaks through in cultivation today, the consequences will be unpredictable...


At the moment when he lost consciousness, Ling Yin suddenly stabbed him with a sword. Master Taihua suddenly woke up. He blocked the sword with a "clang", but was still knocked back more than ten feet by the Chongxiao Sword in Ling Yin's hand.

"Master Taihua..." Many people in the distance were startled, but Master Taihua made a quick decision and said quickly, "Stop that man!"

After hearing the order, everyone did not dare to hesitate and immediately flew towards the hilltop where Xiao Chen was. However, as soon as they approached, twelve mysterious lights suddenly rose into the sky, blocking them all from outside. However, Ling Yin laid down a of mana.

Everyone looked shocked. No matter how many there were, they wanted to break through the magic power. Unexpectedly, as soon as they rushed forward, they were all knocked away by the twelve magic powers. What's more, they vomited blood and couldn't stop the magic power deployed by Ling Yin. , how can they easily defeat it?

At this moment, Xiao Chen's spiritual energy was flowing smoothly, and it seemed to be integrated with Zhou Tian's spiritual energy. Master Taihua secretly thought that something was wrong, and his face became even more ugly. He could no longer care about so much, the sword body shook, and The sword then slashed towards Xiao Chen.

This sword was very powerful and full of murderous intent. Ling Yin was dragged by Master Chongjiu and Master Cuihan. He threw the Chongxiao Sword in his hand, and the whole sword seemed to turn into a hundred feet of green light, and it instantly moved towards Master Taihua. Fly away.

Master Taihua's sword had already reached Xiao Chen, but when he felt the divine sword flying from behind, he had to turn around to block it.


A loud noise shook the hearts of the people in the surrounding Wutian Palace, their ears were buzzing, and they all stepped back.

I saw Master Taihua holding the sword in his right hand, and the palm of his left hand resting on the sword body. The entire sword was placed across his chest, but it was still vaguely unable to withstand the Chongxiao Sword.

But seeing the flames blazing where the two swords met, Master Taihua couldn't help but be secretly shocked. This sword was so powerful... Is it because Ling Yin's cultivation is too strong, or is this sword too strong?

Just as he was losing his mind, a chill suddenly penetrated from behind. Master Taihua was suddenly startled. The chill from behind made him feel like he was falling into the abyss. He actually forgot that there was another person behind him... …

"Go to hell!"

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