The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,203 Breaking the Seal


Master Taihua's expression suddenly changed. Only then did he think of Xiao Chen behind him, but it was already too late.

I saw that Xiao Chen had stood up at some point, his eyes were colder and more terrifying than ever. There was no mercy in the sea of ​​blood and hatred!

Therefore, he took action without leaving any room. The Thirty-three Layers of Lihen Palm struck the master Taihua on the waist and abdomen with a "bang" sound.


The sudden heavy injury caused Master Taihua to spurt out a mouthful of blood, and he flew backwards. This scene frightened the people in Wutian Palace in the distance. "Master Taihua..."


The expressions of Master Chongjiu and Master Cuihan also changed. They did not expect that Senior Brother Taihua would be so seriously injured by that person.

The two people hurriedly stepped forward and supported him. They saw that he was wearing a moon-white Taoist robe, which was mostly stained red by blood. Xiao Chen's palm just now not only caused damage to his internal organs and meridians throughout his body, but also damaged his body. A large piece of skin and flesh was also broken into pieces.

"Uh... poof!"

Master Taihua gushes out another mouthful of blood. He had just used all his strength to resist Ling Yin's Zhongxiao Sword. He did not expect that Xiao Chen would suddenly attack him at this time, so he did not have any precautions.

Even if he has cultivated to the Holy Realm, it is almost difficult for anyone who has not yet become a Saint to hurt him. However, the Thirty-Three Levels of Lihen Palm were created by Xiao Chen by merging the fragments of ancient heavenly books. Its power is immeasurable. , and at such a close range, he wanted to avoid getting hurt? It’s almost impossible…

"Taihuazi...this palm can only be regarded as interest at most..."

Xiao Chen's face was terrifyingly cold, as if layers of dark clouds were covering him. Even people far away from him felt a terrible chill from him at this moment.

The three people from Taihuazi turned pale. Master Chongjiu and Master Cuihan could not have imagined that even if Senior Brother Taihua had just been trying to resist Ling Yin's Chongxiao Sword and was attacked by a sneak attack, how could his body of a saint be that of an ordinary person? Can it be traumatic?

But what is that kid's ability? He is clearly not a saint, but that palm just now injured Senior Brother Taihua so seriously. It's simply unbelievable...

At this moment, when Master Chongjiu and Master Cuihan looked at Xiao Chen, their eyes were obviously more uneasy and fearful, especially the cold and terrifying eyes of the other party, and the dream they saw... and the devil's eyes in the dream. , so similar!

"No matter what you do today... you can't let him... leave! Ugh!"

Master Taihua's face was pale, but when he looked at Xiao Chen, in addition to a trace of uneasiness and fear, there was also a determination not to let him leave!

As soon as he finished speaking, he raised his palms and concentrated his true energy to repair the injured body. He did not hesitate to waste his own vitality...

People in the distance were already silent, but at this moment, a violent vibration suddenly came from the Jiuyou Valley, causing Taihua Palace, Chongjiu Valley, and Cuihan Mountain to tremble.

Feeling the strange movement coming from Jiuyou Valley at this time, the faces of the three real people were already extremely ugly. If something happens again in Jiuyou Valley at this time, it will undoubtedly make things worse.

But at this moment, Taihuazi and the others no longer care about Jiuyou Valley. The three of them know clearly that Jiuyou Valley can still be forcibly sealed by means, but once Ling Yin and his disciples are allowed to leave today, what will happen in the future? It is almost impossible to capture Xiao Chen again.

What's more, they have already seen this child's strength just now. He has not yet stepped into the holy realm, but he can severely damage their saint body with the power of a mortal. Once the opponent has the strength of a strong man in the holy realm, then How will it be?

Thinking of this, the three of them all seemed to be falling into a cold pool. No matter what today, even at all costs, they must keep each other!

In the blink of an eye, the three of them attacked again, and the storm surged again in the nine heavens!

After fighting like this for who knows how long, the seals nearby have gradually loosened, and the formations of those who set up formations in the distance are already in pieces.

Next, we can only rely on the three people of Taihuazi, but the three of them don't look good at this moment, especially Master Taihua. The consequences of forcibly consuming his life energy are already very serious.

At this moment, Ling Yin's jade flute was played, and the sound of the flute, like the faint sound of ancient times, went up to the nine heavens. Not only did the people around them feel dizzy, but the darkness that originally enveloped hundreds of miles was also heard. The clouds continued to disperse.


The expressions on the faces of Taihuazi and the other three people changed. This was the seal of heaven and earth set up by the three of them with the power of the Holy Realm. Once it was broken, it would no longer be possible to keep the two masters and disciples.

"She must not be allowed to break the seal..."

Master Taihua's face was crossed, and he couldn't help forming seals with his hands. At this moment, rays of mysterious light flew from his body, making the originally loose seal firm again.

Seeing this, Master Chongjiu and Master Cuihan next to them couldn't care less. The two of them had to use their own vitality. Even if their cultivation levels regressed today and they returned from the Saint to the mortal world, they would never be allowed to leave! As for what will happen in the future, we will have to wait until the next day to worry about it. In short, today, we must keep these two people no matter what!


Above the nine heavens, the situation suddenly changed again. The black clouds that had dispersed quickly gathered again. At this moment, a sword energy suddenly rushed up. Everyone in the distance trembled. Only Xiao Xiao was seen. Chen already had an ancient sword in his hand.


The expressions of Taihuazi and the other three people changed again. They saw Xiao Chen holding swords in both hands and slashing outward with one sword. The sword energy suddenly broke through the clouds, and with a "bang", it actually split a mountain peak in the distance. Suddenly the sky was filled with smoke and dust.


At this moment, Taihuazi and the three of them seemed to have suffered a heavy blow. They were shaken back by the power of Emperor Gu. Everyone below had already turned pale with fright, but at this time they stood still and did not dare to move. Don't even dare to step forward rashly.

Looking at Xiao Chen again, there was a faint flash of blood between his eyebrows. Although it was only fleeting, Ling Yin noticed the abnormality. "Concentrate and calm down... don't be disturbed by external evils!"

Xiao Chen had no choice but to suppress the evil spirit in Emperor Gu's sword. But at this moment, when he saw Taihuazi, the hatred and anger in his heart was difficult to suppress. The more so, the more powerful the three corpse demons were in his body. Restless and easily awakened.

Ling Yin frowned, swiped his fingers, and shot a beam of immortal energy into him. This was the immortal energy of the three flowers gathering together, which could suppress the three corpse demons in his body.

The sky was surging and after suppressing the three corpse demons in Xiao Chen's body, Ling Yin no longer hesitated. At this moment, the three-flower gathering seal reappeared above her eyebrows, and then three mysterious lights shot straight into the sky. go.


There was a loud noise, and the black clouds in the sky were shaken away. The seals of Taihuazi and the three people were loosened a little. They saw that the three people's faces were pale, but they were still struggling to hold on.

But then, under Ling Yin's repeated attacks, the seals of the three people were already full of cracks. Both Master Chongjiu and Master Cuihan turned pale, with blood flowing out from the corners of their mouths. The magic power is too strong, and it is difficult for anyone in the world to match it. If the two of them continue to resist like this, their souls will definitely be damaged.

Taihuazi was severely injured by Xiao Chen's palm before, and now he was trying to resist Ling Yin's Three Flowers Gathering, which undoubtedly made matters worse. Not only was blood pouring out of his mouth, but there was blood overflowing from his eyes, ears, mouth, and nose. The moon-white Taoist robe had already been stained red with blood, making it look extremely terrifying.

A sudden change occurred today. The people in Wutian Palace were already frightened and overwhelmed. Their eyes were full of fear and their bodies were shaking. Even the three Supreme Masters could not withstand the power of this woman... What could they do? ?


Looking at Ling Yin again, her clothes are fluttering, and her whole body is shrouded in radiance. This moment is like the ancient Nine Heavens Mysterious Lady coming to the world. The powerful restrictions of the Wutian Palace in the past have now become transformed under the power of her Three Flowers Gathering. It is as weak as a window screen, broken layer by layer, unable to withstand it at all...

But at this moment, Xiao Chen could clearly feel that when she used her magic power like this, didn't she think about the consequences of doing so...

Why, why... That day at Tianmen, didn't you say that the fate of master and disciple was over... Why, you still come to save me today...


With a loud noise, the seal above the nine heavens was finally broken through a crack. At this time, below, watching the seals of the three real people's magical powers being broken, the people in Wutian Palace stood motionless one by one. It's as if they've all become numb.

"Senior Brother Taihua!"

However, the expressions of Master Chongjiu and Master Cuihan suddenly changed. Master Taihua's face was gloomy. At this moment, it seemed as if he had made the most difficult decision. He could not help but make seals with his hands and his eyes were stern. Ling Yin, even if I exhaust all my blood today, you will never take him away!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the sky was full of gloomy wind, and blood essence was continuously pouring out of Master Taihua's body, turning into streaks of blood light, which shot straight into the clouds, sealing the cracks in the sky again!

"Senior brother..."

Master Chongjiu and Master Cuihan were both shocked. Looking at Master Taihua, he suddenly lost nearly half of his blood, almost making him unsteady and almost falling from the air.

"Master Taihua..."

Seeing this scene, the two elders of Taihua Palace below were also shocked. Then they saw Master Taihua slowly lowering his head. At this moment, it seemed as if he had made another heavy decision, and finally turned to the two elders. Humanity said, "Go to the top of Yuding quickly... and invite Immortal Lord Donghua!"

Hearing this, the two elders were stunned, and the next moment, before the two of them could react, Master Taihua had already sent the two of them thousands of miles away with a magic power.

The sky was filled with violent winds, and everyone below was dumbfounded. For thousands of years, Wutian Palace has never asked anyone or any force for help, but today... Master Taihua actually asked the Xianqiong Sect for help.

Next to them, Master Chongjiu and Master Cuihan never expected that today Wutian Palace would have reached the point where they would go to the top of Yuding to invite Immortal Lord Donghua.

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