The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,222 Murderous Intent on a Cold Night

Seeing Xiao Chen's calm demeanor at this time, Elder Xingxiu was even more frightened. At this moment, he was even more sure that the other party was definitely not an ordinary person, and he was afraid that he had a great background.

He was a little nervous. At this time, he slowly came to the case, slightly arched his hands, and whispered, "I wonder... what do you call me, senior?"

Xiao Chen glanced at him, slowly walked down from the bed, and said, "It's a bit inappropriate for the elder to call you such a name. I am indeed not Xuan Yue, but I don't have any ulterior motives in coming here..."

"Then your Excellency..."

Elder Xingxiu's heart beat even harder. He had met many people in his life, even those big shots from the first-level domain, but only the young man in front of him could put an invisible pressure on him.

Even when he walked into this door just now, he felt like he had entered the other person's small world. In this small world, the other person was the master. Why did he have such a trembling feeling...

Xiao Chen saw that he looked very unnatural and said, "Elder, don't be nervous. I am here for a legitimate place to go to the first-level domain, so I need a first-level Illusion Sea Token."

Upon hearing this, Elder Xingxiu finally relaxed slowly, but after a while, he gradually frowned again, and Xiao Chen asked, "How is it? Is there any problem?"

Elder Xingxiu raised his head, shook his head quickly, and finally lowered his head slowly, frowning and said, "This time Tianming Sect got a total of four first-level fantasy sea orders, which means that only four of them went to the first level. There are more than a thousand people competing for these four spots..."

"The elder is worried that I am not strong enough to compete?"

Xiao Chen looked at him and said calmly. Elder Xingxiu raised his head, was stunned for a moment, shook his head quickly and said, "No, no... Don't worry, I will make arrangements for this matter..."

"In this case, Elder Lao will be there."

Xiao Chen nodded slightly, he did not need Elder Xingxu to open the back door for him, and no one in such a big Tianming Sect could even think of opening the back door. He only needed Elder Xingxu to clear away some unnecessary troubles for him and hide them for him. identity.

After a while, Elder Xingxu had not left yet, but seeing his frown, Xiao Chen asked, "Elder, is there anything else you can do?"

Elder Xingxiu thought for a while, raised his head and said, "That Xie Wuxia..."


Xiao Chen's eyes were still indifferent and he asked, "Where is this person's origin? Elders might as well tell me.


Elder Xingxiu nodded and said, "This man is the son of the Xie family, and the Xie family has considerable influence in the first-level domain. This time, he came down to experience..."

"I see."

Xiao Chen nodded slightly. No wonder he was so arrogant. It turned out to be a young master from an aristocratic family who came down from above for training. However, these had nothing to do with him and he didn't care at all. He was like a mantis on the roadside waving its claws at you. You Do you care?

However, Elder Xingxiu was afraid that something would go wrong, so he whispered, "Your Excellency..."

"Don't worry, elder. I'm here for the first-level Illusion Sea Order. I won't cause trouble. Naturally, I won't care about anything that has nothing to do with me."

Xiao Chen said calmly. After hearing this, Elder Xingxiu seemed to finally heave a sigh of relief. Although Xie Wuxia has always been arrogant and domineering, even the elders don't look down on him, but the strength of the Xie family is not low. What if he is here? If something goes wrong, I'm afraid Tianming Sect will also be implicated.

Next, half a month has passed, and today is the day of the Cold Mountain Exam. If you want to get a place in the first-level domain, you must first pass the Cold Mountain Exam.

The rules are also very simple. About a hundred miles east of Tianming Sect, there is a Hanshan mountain range. On weekdays, very few people go there because it is full of dangers and ferocious beasts often appear.

But this time more than a thousand people entered, and the elders had already placed 64 Cold Mountain Orders in the mountains in advance. As long as they successfully obtained the Cold Mountain Order within seven days, they would be considered passed, and those who failed to get the natural elimination.

Of course, for the sake of fairness, the elders have set up a large formation in advance to seal off the Hanshan Mountains trial area. No one is allowed to enter except the disciples.

Xiao Chen naturally participated in the trial in the name of Xuan Yue. Originally, he had just come to Tianming Sect. According to the rules, he had to practice here for at least ten years before he could be qualified to participate in the Cold Mountain Trial. However, this time Elder Xingxu came forward to prove that he was a master. Before that, he was eligible to come to Tianming Sect, so this time, he was allowed to participate in the Cold Mountain Examination in advance.

In the mountains, there are dangers everywhere, ferocious beasts often appear, and some dark forested areas often have poisonous swamps, so even Xiao Chen is not careless.

Some of the sixty-four Cold Mountain Tokens are buried in bottomless valleys, and some are placed in some ferocious beast caves. No matter where they are, you need to be careful to find them.

In the trial area, the spiritual consciousness is blocked by the formation and cannot detect very far, and the entire Hanshan Mountain Range is very wide, almost endless, so it is not easy to find these sixty-four Hanshan Tokens. One thing after another, during this period, not only must we guard against the ferocious beasts in the mountains, but we must also guard against being attacked by others.

At night, a bright moon hung high in the sky, making the entire mountain range even more cold and terrifying. Especially the strange peaks and rocks standing in the distance gave people a particularly weird feeling.

As the middle of the night approached, Xiao Chen found a deep valley and a cave to rest for a while. There were often vicious beasts at night. If it was not necessary, it would be best not to wander around again, especially if your spiritual consciousness was limited. Down.

At this time, on another mountain peak, the moonlight was like water, reflecting the inside of the cave very brightly. There were two figures standing in the cave, none other than Zixuan'er and Na Xie Wuxia.

With Zixuan'er's strength, it is obviously impossible to stand out among more than a thousand people and get the quota to the first-level domain, but it doesn't matter, just need Xie Wuxia to get the quota, and when Xie Wuxia completes his experience, he can go back Afterwards, it would not be difficult to pick her up again.

In fact, for a young master like Xie Wuxia from an aristocratic family, there are countless women in the world who want to throw themselves into the arms of a wealthy family, but there is no one he can like, and the one he can like must be from an aristocratic family. He is a rich man, but he doesn't like him.

Only Zixuan'er is not only so delicate and charming, she also has a natural fairy aura in her body, and her cultivation talent is not bad at all. She is not inferior to those daughters of aristocratic families. It is not an exaggeration to call her a little fairy. He naturally likes her. No more.

However, as long as Zixuaner's Tongxin Jade is in the hands of that person, he can't do anything. This makes him hate and annoyed, especially that day, the other party dared to completely ignore him. His murderous intention has long been Not a little bit.

But being in Tianming Sect, he has no choice. This time he came down to practice. If trouble occurs in Tianming Sect, it will affect his future. The entire Xie family is so big, and there are infighting among the clan. , the intrigues continue, and I don’t know how many people are looking forward to him making mistakes.

"Thank you brother, are you still blaming me..."

Zixuan'er was seen with her head lowered and her eyebrows slightly furrowed. She looked pitiful. Under the moonlight, she was even more pitiful.

"How could I blame you?"

Xie Wuxia said softly, and Zixuan'er suddenly raised her head, "But that day...after that day, you never came to see Xuan'er again. I, I thought..."

Before she could continue, Xie Wuxia stretched out his hand and gently touched her watery cheek, shaking his head, "I have my own plan, don't think about it..."

"Thank you brother..."

Zixuan'er looked up at him. Under the gentle breeze, the two of them seemed to be as confused and infatuated as before, slowly becoming entangled with each other.

The feathered clothes and skirts were falling one by one with the wind, but at the end, Zixuan'er suddenly trembled all over, and quickly backed away, holding her chest, lowering her head, and said with a red face, "No, no, not now. …”

Obviously, if she doesn't get the Tongxin Jade back, she will not be able to lose her virginity. Unless Xuan Yue dies, then the restriction of the Tongxin Jade will disappear.

Xie Wuxia's brows furrowed slightly, and he knew it, so he had no choice but to lean down, pick up her clothes one by one, and slowly put them back on her body.

At this moment, a cold wind suddenly blew in from outside the cave. Zixuan'er couldn't help but shiver all over. She quickly covered herself with clothes and whispered, "Thank you, brother, someone seems to be coming outside..."


Xie Wuxia then made a silence gesture and said, "Go inside, don't come out, I'll go take a look."

"Well, be careful..."

As Zixuan'er spoke, she retreated into the cave. Then, Xie Wuxia came outside. After making sure there was no one around, she said, "Elder, come out."

Just as he finished speaking, a figure suddenly appeared in the void. This person was covered in a black robe, and his appearance was even invisible under the night.

Being so sneaky, he is obviously not from the Tianming Sect, but the trial area has been blocked by the Tianming Sect's elders with a formation, but he was able to come in quietly, which is obviously an extraordinary level of cultivation.

"Sir, how are you these days?" The man asked softly. Judging from the voice, he was an old man.

At this moment, Xie Wuxia's eyes suddenly turned cold and full of murderous intent. He nodded and said, "I'm fine. How many people did the elder bring in this time?"

Hearing this, the elder in black seemed to be hesitating for a long time before saying, "Sir, we really have to kill that person... If the clan finds out, I will bring people down privately, I'm afraid..."

Xie Wuxia's eyes suddenly became even colder, and he said solemnly, "This person must be killed. The seven-day trial in Hanshan is perfect. Even if he is killed here, no one will know. If he goes outside, , if the clan knows about it, there will inevitably be some trouble..."

"Okay, sir, don't worry. This person will not come out of Hanshan alive this time, and no one will know about this..." The elder in black nodded slightly, and as soon as he finished speaking, he disappeared strangely. In the night.

Looking at the rocky land ahead, Xie Wuxia concentrated his gaze, murderous intent flashed past, and finally walked back to the cave.

Inside the cave, Zixuan'er had already put on her clothes. When she saw him coming back, she glanced outside again and whispered, "There is someone outside..."

Xie Wuxia shook his head and smiled softly, "Maybe someone was passing by and didn't notice us."

"That, that's good..."

One day has passed, and this is the second night of the trial. The bright moon is still hanging high in the sky, but tonight there seems to be a hint of cold murderous intent in the night wind.

Xiao Chen was walking in a forest, the night wind was blowing, and suddenly a bit of chill was approaching. He stopped. Even though his consciousness was blocked in this mountain, his survival instinct would not disappear. At this moment, he felt the warmth of the woods. Outside, there is murderous intent approaching.

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