
Xiao Chen stopped, turned his head slightly and looked back, and said lightly, "Who sent you here. Just as the voice fell, six figures came to the woods and surrounded him.

These six people were all wearing black robes and masked. They had such a strong murderous aura on them. They seemed to be assassins who worked for others for many years, and their cultivation was not low.

"Before approaching the target, you exposed your murderous aura first. As a killer, you are not qualified."

Xiao Chen said lightly. Compared with Ye Ying's assassination method, these six people were too weak, and he didn't need to ask, he also knew who sent these people.

"You are about to die, so you talk too much nonsense! "

Suddenly, a figure attacked in an instant. This person attacked very quickly. In almost an instant, he attacked in front of Xiao Chen, and the sharp blade in his hand went straight for his throat!

However, when the sharp blade in his hand was still an inch away from Xiao Chen's throat, it suddenly stopped, and he and his whole body seemed to be petrified, motionless.

Seeing this, the other five people attacked at the same time, but without exception, when they attacked in front of Xiao Chen, they suddenly froze and did not move.

Xiao Chen, with his hands behind his back, slowly walked through the six people without saying a word, and under the moonlight, I saw that each of the six people had a silver needle inserted into their throats.

Slowly, the six people's eyes were filled with black bloodshot, and finally with a "thump", they all fell down, and there was no longer any sign of life.

This night was destined not to be too peaceful. The black-clothed elder of the Xie family must have known about the death of these six people immediately, but Xiao Chen did not want to make too much noise, so as not to affect his getting the first-level Fantasy Sea Order and going to the first-level domain smoothly.

After midnight, the moon gradually sank to the west, and the chill in the entire mountain range gradually became heavier. In addition to the low roars of strange beasts coming from the distant mountains from time to time, there was also There was a chill in the wind.

"If you take another step forward, I can't be sure if you will be the same as those six people..."

Xiao Chen sat cross-legged in the cave, still with his eyes closed. Although he didn't know how the other party found him or how he got into the mountain, he didn't seem to care, because the cultivation of the man outside was only the sixth level of Quasi-Saint.

If it was in the past, a sixth-level Quasi-Saint would be very threatening to him, but now, for him who has realized the fifth level of the "Return to the True Realm" of the Immortal Realm, these Quasi-Saints, when they appear alone, no longer pose any threat .

The cold wind was howling outside, and the black-clothed elder also stopped. Just at that moment, he seemed to realize that he had completely underestimated his opponent this time.

In the dark and cold cave, there was only a looming figure, but it seemed that there was a huge danger hidden, which made him have to be careful and alert, even though he had the cultivation of the sixth level of Quasi-Saint.

"You are Xuan Yue..."

The black-clothed elder seemed to be testing, but just as he finished speaking, he realized that the cultivation of the person in front of him was probably not lower than his own. How could he come from the third-level domain? Then who is he?

"Get out."

As if there was some surprise, only one cold word came from the cave. The black-clothed elder's eyes condensed. At this moment, there seemed to be a flash of murderous intent in his eyes, but at the moment he raised his palm, Xiao Chen's cold voice came out again in the cave, "You might as well try to move, I will make you die more ugly than those six people. "

The moment the words fell, Xiao Chen finally opened his eyes, and the black-clothed elder suddenly felt his breath choked. In the darkness, he could not see the other party's appearance, but only those two eyes. Those cold eyes seemed to make him fall into the abyss in an instant.

The other party's cultivation, could it be...

The black-clothed elder's face changed horribly, and he couldn't believe it. Could it be that the other party was a saint! And this artistic conception at this time, what kind of artistic conception is this, which made him so breathless...

After a long while, The oppression of the artistic conception disappeared from him, and in a short moment, he felt like he had walked through the abyss of death, his whole body was soaked with cold sweat, and only at this moment, when the other party took back the artistic conception, could he breathe a little.

"I didn't know that the master was here, so please don't blame me for offending you..."

The black-clothed elder's body trembled slightly, and before the other party asked him to leave, he didn't dare to move at this moment.

"Leave the vicinity within three breaths, and leave Hanshan within half a minute. "

Inside the cave, only Xiao Chen's cold voice was heard. The black-clothed elder raised his head and reacted at this moment. Without hesitation, he turned into a ray of light and went far away.

After a while, Xiao Chen slowly walked out of the cave. He was not afraid of the Xie family, but he didn't want to cause trouble here, so just now, it was better to shock that person than to kill him directly.

Another day passed. On the third day, Xiao Chen found a Hanshan Order in a snake nest in a deep valley. After finding the Hanshan Order, he no longer stayed in the mountain. He went directly outside and returned to Tianming Sect to hand over the Hanshan Order to the elder in charge of this trial.

Next, people came out of the Hanshan Mountains one after another, including Xie Wuxia, but today, there seemed to be a layer of severe frost on Xie Wuxia's face, especially when he saw Xiao Chen was still alive.

Maybe Xie Wuxia didn't know what happened. Not only did he fail to kill Xiao Chen that night, but the elder also sent him an urgent message, telling him not to provoke this person again, but he didn't explain clearly what happened. What's the matter, does this person have some kind of backing? But what kind of backing would a little person from the third-level domain have?

In the next few days, until he was preparing for the "Tian Ming Test", Xie Wuxia was still very puzzled. Normally the elders would not be like this, but what happened this time? Does this person really have a big backer?

At this moment in the square, the two met again. Xie Wuxia's eyes were cold, and he suddenly remembered that day. The other party told him to go outside for a walk, to the four seas and the wilderness, the nine heavens and the ten realms...

"Thank you, thank you, senior brother..."

At this moment, a woman in purple clothes walked over not far away. It was Zixuan'er. Seeing Xie Wuxia and Xuan Yue were deadlocked here, she subconsciously pulled Xie Wuxia's sleeves and whispered, " Thanks, senior brother, let’s go over there…”


Xie Wuxia snorted coldly, stopped looking at Xiao Chen, and turned to the other side. However, at this moment, Xiao Chen suddenly said, "Junior sister."


Zixuan'er was stunned for a moment and turned around. For some reason, now that she saw this cold-hearted senior brother, she sometimes felt a little inexplicable fear. At this time, she whispered, "Senior Brother Xuan Yue, what's wrong... "

People nearby were all attracted by the situation here. Xiao Chen said lightly, "What? Now that you see me, don't you even say hello?"


Only then did Zixuan'er realize. Strictly speaking, Xuan Yue was her senior fellow student from the same school. How could she not even say hello?

Even if she hated Xuan Yue in the past, etiquette is important in Xuanmen. What's more, she only hated Xuan Yue who used to pester her all day long, but now this Xuan Yue who has become cold and cold has given her She felt unattainable.

"Xuan, senior brother Xuan Yue..."

She slowly lowered her head, while Xie Wuxia was at the side, his expression slowly turning ugly. Who here knew about his relationship with Zixuan'er?

"come over."

Xiao Chen turned a blind eye to Xie Wuxia, his eyes only falling on Zixuan'er.

Zixuan'er was stunned for a moment, raised her head and subconsciously glanced at Xie Wuxia beside her, but in the end she slowly walked towards Xiao Chen, lowering her head and not daring to look at him, "Senior Brother Xuan Yue, call me, what's wrong with me? …”

"Keep your head up."

Xiao Chen looked at her and said calmly.

But at this moment, for some reason, after what happened that day, she didn't dare to raise her head and look at the other person. Especially every time she saw the other person's cold eyes, she felt like she was facing an abyss.

"I said, hold your head up."

Xiao Chen's voice seemed to have suddenly become much colder. Not only did Zixuan'er tremble all over, but even the people around her felt an inexplicable coldness behind their backs.

"Xuan Yue...senior brother."

Zixuan'er finally raised her head slowly, but at this time, she looked like a timid kitten. For some reason, she was so afraid of the senior brother in front of her. In the past, he was obviously obedient to her. …

"I haven't seen you for a while. Junior sister is getting more and more beautiful now."

Xiao Chen looked at her beautiful face and suddenly said such a sentence, which shocked everyone around him.


Zixuan'er was also stunned for a moment, never expecting that he would say such a thing... However, the next moment, something even more unexpected happened to her.

Xiao Chen suddenly stretched out his hand, gently touched her face, looked into her eyes, and said word by word, "You are my fairy couple, but you are walking with other men, how unbecoming it is..."

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