The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,225 Elder Xuanming


The terrifying phantom beasts around them immediately surrounded the two of them. Such a terrifying aura immediately enveloped the entire mountain range. Even people who were very far away could feel this terrifying aura.

"Xuan...Senior Brother Xuanyue..."

Zixuan'er's face turned pale with fright. It took so many years for her to reach the level of cultivation in the He stage. Even a practitioner in the Dongzhen stage can put a lot of pressure on her, let alone those who are comparable to quasi-sages. A seventh-level fantasy beast?

At this time, her legs were no longer in control, and her body was trembling, but Xiao Chen still looked calm, pulled her, and flew out of the mountains with Lingxian Steps.

There are at least a dozen seventh-level phantom beasts here. Although these phantom beasts cannot go outside, in this Tianming fantasy realm, they do have the strength of a quasi-sage strongman in the world. Even he can't guarantee that he can deal with so many.

However, what he didn't expect was that these phantom beasts were not only extremely destructive, but also extremely fast. They could even release some simple spells, such as wind, thunder, water, and fire. However, these simple spells were not suitable for those below Quasi-Saint level. Cultivator, but it is fatal.

"Boom boom boom!"

For hundreds of miles in radius, the earth and mountains suddenly shook. Lightning, thunder and fire were all over the sky, as if they were about to tear the night sky apart. The scene was already extremely terrifying.

Others nearby were too scared to run around. If they saw a dozen level seven phantom beasts chasing Xiao Chen, they would probably be scared to death.

"Xuan...Senior Brother Xuanyue..."

Perhaps because the speed was too fast at this time, coupled with the aura of terrifying fantasy beasts around her, and the lightning and thunder that filled the sky, Zixuan'er was gradually suffocating, and even her consciousness began to blur.

Xiao Chen pulled her and used the Ling Xian Step in an instant. It was not until early morning that he finally got rid of the pursuit of those fantasy beasts. At this time, the two of them had already arrived at the second place one step ahead of the others. Inside the illusion.

"Master...senior brother..."

Zixuan'er's face was pale and she was still in shock. She looked around and recalled the shocking scene last night, and she was still terrified.

"How are you?"

Xiao Chen turned around, glanced at her, and asked.

"I...I'm fine..."

Zixuan'er looked at him nervously. At this moment, she seemed to be even more confused about the senior brother in front of her, as if she had never known him before.

Thinking back to last night, when she was chased by those terrifying phantom beasts, she had already panicked, but the other party always behaved so calmly and calmly. This was completely different from the senior brother Xuan Yue she knew before...

"Senior Brother Xuanyue, are you...are you okay?" She looked at Xiao Chen blankly. After so many years, perhaps this was the first time she really cared about this senior brother.

"There may be another phantom beast like last night. Don't stay more than ten feet away from me." Xiao Chen said and continued to move forward. Zixuan'er was stunned for a moment and quickly followed.

Several days passed like this, and on the fifth day, Xiao Chen finally got the Tianming Order and successfully walked out of the illusion. He came out two days early and became the first person to pass the trial.

On the sixth and seventh days, the other seven people who had obtained the Tianming Order also came out. Among these seven people, there were naturally Xie Wuxia and two direct disciples of the sect master.

Those who can pass the Tianming test are obviously not ordinary people. Even if only four people can go to the first level domain, the remaining four people will still enjoy extraordinary treatment if they stay in the Tianming Sect.

On this day, many people gathered in the square. Elder Xingxiu finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Xiao Chen pass the test. Next, he was waiting for the final competition.


Seeing Elder Xingxiu coming over, Xiao Chen said hello gently to him. If the other party had not dealt with some minor problems, he would not have been able to participate in the trial so smoothly.


Elder Xingxiu nodded and whispered in his ear, "I have taken care of everything next. If you defeat one person, you can get a first-level Illusion Sea Token, but this person cannot be Xie Wuxia and the sect leader." Two disciples, so I will arrange the drawing of lots later..."


Xiao Chen nodded. Xie Wuxia was just a small role to him after all. There was no need for him to deliberately deal with this person. Obtaining a first-level Illusion Sea Token was his goal.

At this time, Zixuan'er was standing in the distance and felt a little strange when she saw Elder Xingxiu talking to him so politely.

After a while, the elders from other pavilions also came down from the mountain. Tianming Sect has eight pavilion elders, three of whom have entered the quasi-sage realm. Among the remaining five, Elder Xingxiu has the lowest cultivation level, so Xingxiu Pavilion often accepts those who come from the third level domain.

In fact, it is rare for the disciples to see eight elders gathered together, especially the three elders who have become quasi-sages. It is even rarer to see them on weekdays.

But today is an important day. This time Tianming Sect got four places to go to the first-level domain, which is also an honor. Like some other less powerful sects, they often can't get a single place.

"Elder Xuanming is's Elder Xuanming!"

Suddenly, the disciples in the whole square seemed to be boiling. On the top of the peak, a figure suddenly came down. The man had white beard and hair, and was wearing a dark black robe, but he was a bit cold.

When the figure fell, the originally noisy square suddenly became quiet again, and no one dared to make any noise anymore.

This person is the elder of Xuanming Pavilion. He has the highest cultivation level among the eight elders, second only to the sect leader. He is also the great elder of Tianming Sect. When the sect leader is in retreat, he takes care of the sect on weekdays.

Xiao Chen looked at him. Judging from the aura at this time, this person's cultivation level was still higher than that of the Xie family elder that night, and he should be a ninth-level quasi-sage.

On the other side, Elder Xingxiu saw Elder Xuanming coming down and immediately gave Xiao Chen a wink, "Go up..."

The eight people who had obtained the Tian Ming Ling went to the high platform together and showed the Tian Ming Ling and their own soul jade tokens to Elder Xuan Ming for inspection.

The seven people in front were all fine, but when they arrived at Xiao Chen's place, Elder Xuan Ming's expression suddenly became even colder.

The rest of the people below did not dare to say anything, especially Elder Xingxiu. At this time, his heart was about to jump out of his chest, for fear that something would go wrong at this time.

"Your name is Xuan Yue, a third-level domain...disciple of the Astrology Sect?"

At this time, the atmosphere was as cold as frost. Elder Xuanming held Xiao Chen's soul jade token. Two cold eyes, like sharp swords, fell on him, as if he could penetrate everything about him in an instant.

The people below did not dare to say anything, but Xiao Chen still behaved very calmly. This soul jade token was not his, but the real Xuan Yue's, but he had done some tricks on it. Most people would not look carefully. If so, there is no problem.

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