The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,226 Heavenly Demon Sect

The atmosphere gradually became tense. Not only did the disciples dare not speak out, but even several other elders did not dare to speak at this time.

Everyone's eyes slowly fell on this disciple of Xingxiu Pavilion. Although his aura was no different from other disciples, his recent performance was very extraordinary.

I also heard that a while ago, he openly provoked Xie Wuxia. You must know that Xie Wuxia is the son of the Xie family in the first-level domain. In Tianming Sect, even the elders have to give him three points. He is a young man from the third-level domain. Why do you little people dare to provoke the Xie family?

In the distance, Zixuan'er also squeezed her fingers tightly and looked at the stage, holding her breath and saying nothing. The former senior brother Xuan Yue had given her too many surprises. Now her mind was in chaos and she didn't know what she was thinking.

This is probably one of the drawbacks of the large amount of spiritual energy pouring into the world today. Although the younger generation is practicing faster, they have too little experience. If it were an old man in the Hehe stage who had been practicing for hundreds of years, he would be in trouble. How could you be so overwhelmed?

"Why don't you answer what I'm asking you?"

Elder Xuanming's eyes were as cold as ice as he stepped closer to Xiao Chen. At this moment, even the people in the audience felt inexplicably cold, as if their whole bodies were covered in frost.

Elder Xingxiu also squeezed his fingers tightly, and his expression became more and more nervous. But he was nervous at this time, but he was not nervous that Elder Xuanming would make things difficult for Xuan Yue, but worried that... Xuan Yue's cultivation level was probably not good enough. Above Elder Xuanming! If Elder Xuanming takes one more step forward, I'm afraid...

"Elder Xuanming!" ★

At this tense moment, Elder Xingxu suddenly flew to the stage, blocked Xiao Chen behind him, and said, "This disciple is indeed from the third-level domain astrology gate. It is the first time for him to see such a scene today. It is probably inevitable that he will A little nervous, Elder Xuanming, no wonder..."


Elder Xuanming's eyes still fell on Xiao Chen, and he snorted coldly, "I see him acting like this because he is unconvinced, not nervous..."

"This, this... Elder Xuanming, you are thinking too much. How dare he, a young disciple..."

Elder Xingxu's heart was beating more and more fiercely. He was afraid that if Elder Xuanming continued to entangle like this, the consequences would be bad. The elders below were also a little strange, why did Xingxuzi protect this disciple like this? What is the relationship between this disciple and him?


Elder Xuanming snorted coldly and asked him, "How long has this disciple been in Tianming Sect?"

Hearing him ask about this matter, Elder Xingxiu couldn't help but trembled slightly in his heart, and whispered, "Back to Elder Xuanming, in less than ten years..."

"Less than ten years? Be specific!"

“One… one month.

As soon as these words came out, the whole square seemed to be covered with a layer of frost. The elders were all stunned and speechless. For a month... this Xingxuzi was a little too courageous!

"good very good……"

As expected, Elder Xuanming sneered, "One month, not bad, not bad, Elder Xingxiu is getting more and more powerful now..."

Seeing the terrifying look of Elder Xuanming, Elder Xingxiu immediately trembled, as if falling into the ice abyss, and said quickly, "Elder Xuanming, please listen to my explanation! Although Xuanyue has only been here for a month, he is extremely talented. He was qualified to enter the Tianming Sect as early as one Jiazi ago, but that time, he gave up his entry qualification to his fellow junior sister, so he came one Jiazi late..."

At this point, Elder Xingxu saw Elder Xuanming's even more terrifying look, and suddenly woke up. Oh no, I spilled the beans...

Down below, the elders were also shocked. How many things did Xingxiuszi do below that they didn't know about...

In the distance, Zixuan'er's face suddenly turned pale, too bad...

Xuan Yue had given her the second-level Huanhai Order because there was only one Xingluo Sect at that time. As for the entry qualifications for Tianming Sect, it was only after the master had agreed with Elder Xingxiu that she was allowed to enter.

With her cultivation at that time, she was not qualified to enter the second level domain, let alone enter the Tianming Sect to practice. What should I do now? Once Elder Xuanming knew about this, I was afraid, I was afraid...

The atmosphere in the entire square was as cold as ice. Elder Xingxu's face was pale and he did not dare to continue talking, while the rest of the people seemed to have seen the terrifying look in Elder Xuanming's eyes. 6̾̾

"What did you say."

"I said, talking about Xuan Yue, he came a year late..."

"last sentence……"

"The last...the last sentence, the last sentence...he, he gave up the entry his fellow junior sister..."

"Okay, very good..." Elder Xuan Ming's face turned extremely cold. He glanced at the audience and shouted sternly, "Don't come out yet!"

All the disciples below were so frightened that they stepped back. Compared to the sect leader, they were more afraid of the great elder who was in charge of punishments. No one dared to disobey any of his words.

Zixuan'er's face was extremely pale. She knew that she couldn't hide this matter anymore, so she had no choice but to bite the bullet and walk forward step by step.

When they saw her, many disciples in other pavilions except Xingxiu Pavilion were stunned. Didn't she often be with Senior Brother Xie...

"Ha, it turns out it's her. I asked, what qualifications did she have to enter the Tianming Sect with her little ability back then..." Not far away, several women gathered together, sneering as if adding insult to injury.

"Oh it's you……"

Elder Xuanming's eyes suddenly became colder. Zixuan'er trembled all over, almost to the point of tears. She said in a trembling voice, "Elder Xuanming, I, I was wrong..."

The entire square suddenly became silent. Coming from the third-level domain to the second-level domain, committing fraud is not as simple as expelling the sect. This violates the entire cultivation law of the Bone Erosion Land. To put it more seriously, it will be punished. Entering a forbidden place!

The Forbidden Land is the most terrifying place among the ten places in the Bone Erosion Land. It is also called the Land of Exile. Anyone who mentions these four words will instantly lose their dignity. What’s more, she is a little girl who went to the Forbidden Land. In such a terrible place, life would definitely be worse than death.

Zixuan'er was almost so frightened that she could walk unsteadily. At this moment, Xie Wuxia stood up and said to Elder Xuan Ming, "Junior sister Xuan'er may have been a little ignorant at the beginning, but over the years, she has practiced hard and is now Her cultivation level has already surpassed that of most disciples in the sect. I hope Elder Xuanming can forgive her for once for her hard work over the years..."

Hearing this, several of the women below were unconvinced. With Zixuan'er's qualifications, if Xie Wuxia hadn't helped her with her meridians and given her so many elixirs over the years, would she have been able to achieve her current level of cultivation? At most, it's just a god...

Elder Xuan Ming looked at Xie Wuxia. Firstly, Xie Wuxia was his disciple. Secondly, the Xie family was very powerful in the first-level domain. He didn't want to say anything more. What happened a few years ago was going to be investigated now. Meaningless.

Xie Wuxia smiled softly and looked at Zixuan'er, "Junior sister Xuan'er, there is nothing to do with you here. Please step back."

Zixuan'er suddenly felt as if she had received an amnesty, but her heart still seemed to be hanging outside, and she cautiously stepped back.

On the high platform, Elder Xuanming slowly withdrew his gaze, and Elder Xingxiu immediately trembled with fear when he saw the look in his eyes. He felt like there was an abyss behind him, and even his legs could not help but tremble.

"Elder Xingxiu, I will slowly clear up today's matters with you after this."

Elder Xuanming looked at Elder Xingxiu with cold eyes. As he spoke, he handed Xiao Chen's soul jade token into his hand. As soon as he finished speaking, there was a "bang" and he handed Xiao Chen's soul jade token into his hand. Tian Ming Ling was crushed into pieces, obviously invalidating his qualifications.

The atmosphere in the entire square was as ice-like as frost. No one dared to say a word, and no one dared to question Elder Xuan Ming's decision.

That night, the cold moon was like a hook, and the wind was still blowing, causing the big trees in the yard to stagger. Xiao Chen was meditating with his eyes closed in the room, when the footsteps of Elder Xingxu suddenly sounded outside.

"Elder, please come in."

With a "squeak", the door opened, and Elder Xingxu walked in anxiously, handed the soul jade tablet back to him, and whispered, "Fortunately, Elder Xuanming, no abnormalities were found in this soul jade tablet today... …”

Xiao Chen slowly opened his eyes, and seeing his cold eyes, Elder Xingxiu suddenly trembled and said quickly, "Don't worry, I will definitely find a way next, I will definitely find a way..."

"Elders don't have to be so afraid."

Xiao Chen slowly got up and lay down, walked slowly to the window, and looked at the crescent moon in the sky, which was as cold as a hook. In fact, he knew in his heart that Elder Xingxu was not to blame.

With his current strength, it may not be impossible to forcefully obtain a first-level Illusion Sea Token from Tianming Sect, but in this case, even if he goes to the first-level domain, it will inevitably cause a lot of trouble. If it is not necessary, time, he wouldn't do that.

Just like this, another three days passed, and today is the day of the final test. Xiao Chen's qualifications were revoked before, and then one person was re-elected. Now there are eight people. The rules are very simple. One-on-one, the winner will get it. First-level domain quota.

However, when the competition time was approaching at noon, there was a sudden commotion outside, and then, two disciples from outside hurriedly ran to the high platform.

But seeing the two disciples acting in a panic, they came to Elder Xuan Ming and said a few words in a hurry. Immediately afterwards, Elder Xuan Ming's expression changed and he looked to the east.

The disciples in the square were still discussing the upcoming first-level domain qualification competition. Only a few of them noticed the change in the expression on Elder Xuan Ming's face, but they didn't know what happened.

"Ha ha!"

Just as the disciples were discussing incessantly, a burst of laughter suddenly came from the eastern sky. The laughter came, and the disciples with lower cultivation levels were shocked to the point where their energy and blood surged, and even worse, they became dizzy. He could hardly even stand firmly, which showed that the person who came here had a high level of cultivation and was definitely not taking it easy!

Not only the disciples couldn't bear this powerful sound skill, but also several elders couldn't bear it. On the high platform, Elder Xuanming slapped his seat, stood up quickly, and faced the direction of the laughter. He also released a burst of sound power, which canceled out the opponent's sound power.

"what happened……"

Only then did all the disciples wake up and looked towards the eastern sky. They vaguely saw two rays of light, one green and one purple, flying towards this side.

Xiao Chen's eyes narrowed slightly and asked, "Who is here?"

Elder Xingxiu stood beside him. When he saw the two purple and green rays of light that suddenly arrived, his expression changed, "It's the Heavenly Demon Sect, Qinghong Zidian..."

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