The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,227 Green Rainbow and Purple Lightning

"Heavenly Demon Sect, green rainbow and purple lightning..."

Xiao Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, and in the blink of an eye, the two rays of light, green, rainbow, and purple, fell on the square, immediately arousing a strong wind and causing many Tianming Sect disciples present to retreat.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The two burst out laughing. Looking closely, one of the two people was wearing green clothes, and the other was wearing purple clothes. They looked very similar, but the difference was that the person wearing purple clothes had purple lightning wrapped around his body, while the one wearing green clothes had purple lightning wrapped around his body. That man's body was shrouded in a faint green light. ✸

Both of them have achieved quasi-sage cultivation. Many people present felt suffocated, but Elder Xuanming had cold eyes and walked towards the stage step by step. "It turns out that it's the two from the Heavenly Demon Sect, Qinghong and Purple Lightning, from above. Farewell, we haven’t seen each other for a while. You two are fine today..."

People from the Tianming Sect are very familiar with the two elders of the Tianmo Sect, Qinghong Zidian. Even the new disciples know that the Tianmo Sect is the mortal enemy of the Tianming Sect. It is clear that the two families will compete and make progress together. , but secretly, they both want to get rid of each other.

Every other Jiazi between the two families would have a competition between the disciples. Last time it was in front of a Jiazi, and in the blink of an eye, another Jiazi passed.

Only this time, the people from the Heavenly Demon Sect chose to arrive at this time. Did they have some ulterior motives?

Since there are often competitions between sects in the Bone-eroding Land, it stands to reason that the elite disciples should be kept in their own sect. Then why should we fight for places in higher places and send all the elite disciples of our sect away? Going?

This is the special feature of the Bone Corrosion Land. The first-level domain and the fourth-level domain are as far apart as the sky. Whether it is aura or resources, the fourth-level domain is far inferior to the first-level domain.

But even so, the battles in the fourth-level domain are also not small, so each sect wants to send its disciples with extremely strong talents to higher-level places. When these disciples have cultivated the great road in the future, they will definitely come back. "Guangzong Yaozu".

To put it more simply, it used to be difficult for a master of the Dongzhen stage to emerge in the fourth level domain, and the two sects have been fighting for hundreds of years. If at this time, whoever comes out with a master of the Dongzhen stage first will definitely be able to destroy them. Drop each other.

Such things are not unrecorded. Many years ago, there were two sects in the fourth-level domain that were fighting all the time. The head of one of the sects won a place in the third-level domain and sent his direct disciples to the third-level domain. Later, this disciple actually reached the extraordinary stage of cultivation, and when he came back, he directly destroyed the rival sect.

The Bone Corrosion Land is so dangerous. Strength is respected, and the weak eat the strong. It is common for the weak to be exterminated. Unlike the five realms of Xianyuan, which have a righteous order, the Bone Corrosion Land does not have any righteous and evil ways. points, some are just the strength of strength, the simple truth of winning the king and losing the bandit.

At this moment, everyone was attentive and silent. The Tianming Sect and the Tianmo Sect have been fighting for nearly a thousand years, and these days, it happened to be the time when the Tianming Sect sent four disciples to the first-level domain. But at this time, the Tianmo Sect did not invite them. Coming here, is it too much of a coincidence?

"Hey, hey, not even a moment has passed, but Elder Xuanming is still as heroic as ever, and his energy is still as strong as before..."

Qinghong and Zidian walked up slowly. Everyone around them held their breath and remained silent. The cultivation level of the two elders of the Tianmo Sect was similar to that of Elder Xuanming.

Elder Zidian said, "What? Don't you see the Beiming Sect Master here?"

Elder Xuan Ming looked at him with a faint look in his eyes and said, "The sect leader has been in seclusion to study the mysteries a few days ago, and it is not yet time to leave the seclusion today."


Elder Zidian narrowed his eyes and said with a smile, "It's not time to leave seclusion. Does that mean that Bei Mingzi hasn't reached the point of becoming a saint yet?"


Hearing him address the sect master like this, an elder immediately stood up. However, his cultivation was far inferior to that of Qinghong and Zidian. As soon as he finished speaking, Elder Qinghong shot two cold eyes at him. That day, the elder of the Ming Sect felt as if he had been hit hard. His face turned pale, as if he had been hit hard in the chest by a giant hammer, and he kept retreating.


The few disciples behind him were all shocked and hurriedly stepped forward to support him. At the same time, they looked at the two people, Qinghong Zidian. While the sect leader was still in seclusion, these two people were too arrogant!


Just when the atmosphere was tense, Elder Xuanming suddenly turned cold, looked at Qinghong and Zidian, and said coldly, "So today, you two came to our Tianming Sect. What do you mean?"

"What's the matter?"

Elder Zidian smiled and said, "Could it be that Elder Xuanming has forgotten that a period has passed since the last competition. This time, the two of us are naturally here for the competition between our two families..."

Hearing this, many people frowned. It is not unusual for two families to have martial arts competitions once every sixty years. This is because the two families are separated by a Hanshan Mountain Range, and within the Hanshan Mountains, there are many spiritual energy and cultivation resources. There were quite a few, which led to the two families becoming enemies over this.

Later, a competition was used to determine the ownership of the Hanshan Mountains. A competition was held every sixty years, and the winner would receive sixty years of training resources in the Hanshan Mountains.

Last time, the Tianming Sect won. The Tianmo Sect seemed very unconvinced by this. People often came to the border areas to cause trouble, but the sect leader was in retreat and did not want to cause more trouble, so he let them go. Just don't cross the mountains.

But this time, the Heavenly Demon Sect seems to be a few months ahead of schedule. In the past, it was a competition after autumn. Therefore, this time the sect leader is in retreat and plans to leave after autumn. Now it is several months ahead of schedule. The sect leader has not yet left seclusion. How can this competition be held? ?

Elder Xuan Ming's eyes narrowed slightly. Now that the sect master has not come out of seclusion, he can only take care of everything in Tianming Sect. I am afraid he will have to accept this competition. He said, "Okay, in one month, the competition will be held here." ”

"Ha ha!"

Elder Zidian raised his head and smiled, shook his head and said with a smile, "What the hell, after a month, I think it's better to choose a day than to hit it, so I might as well try it today!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he flicked his sleeves back. Clouds suddenly surged in the sky, and a dark cloud suddenly appeared in the eastern sky. But upon closer inspection, it was not a dark cloud, but a dense cloud above the clouds. , a large group of figures.

Seeing this scene, many people in the square immediately changed their expressions. In the past, when the two families competed, they would agree on a time and each would be well prepared. However, this time, not only did the Heavenly Demon Sect suddenly attack, but they had already been prepared for it, and they came so unexpectedly. Multiple people...what do they want to do?

Looking at the figure on the cloud, many disciples of the Tianming Sect with lower cultivation levels felt very depressed. This time the Tianmo Sect came with a fierce momentum, and they must have some intentions...

"Okay, then it's better to choose a day than to hit it."

At this moment, a cold and indifferent man's voice was heard. Everyone looked around and saw a man in red walking down from the stage. It was none other than Xie Wuxia. His cultivation level Among the disciples, it can be said to be one of the best.

At this time, many Tianming Sect disciples looked at him, and they finally breathed a sigh of relief. Although the Tianmo Sect was coming fiercely this time, fortunately, Senior Brother Xie was there, as well as the two senior brothers under the sect leader... …

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