Soon, the people from the Tianmo Sect came to the square outside, and many people started talking in the distance. The expression on Elder Xuanming's face remained unchanged. He looked at Qinghong Zidian and said, "This competition is going to be a success." , I don’t know how you two plan to compare.

Elder Zidian smiled and said, "This time, since Bei Mingzi is not here anyway, I think there is no need to make so many tricks. It's simpler, three people from your Tianming Sect, three people from my Tianmo Sect, one on one, Best of three."

"Okay, then we will win two out of three games, but I don't know, if there is a tie, how will it be calculated?" Elder Xuanming looked at the two of them and asked calmly.

"There is no tie..."

At this moment, a gloomy voice sounded, and a man in black clothes walked out from the Tianmo Gate. The man was lifeless and his face was as lead, and he couldn't help but look a little scary. The disciples of the sect subconsciously retreated further away.

Behind the man in black, a man in green and a man in purple stood out. The man in purple said lightly, "If there is no winner, then we will fight until one side dies..." …”


As soon as this statement came out, it immediately caused a big commotion. Over the past few hundred years, although the two families have been fighting constantly, every time they competed, it was only about winning or losing, not life or death. What this person said is hard to come by. Today's competition turned into a battle of life and death?

And looking at the current situation, although the cultivation levels of the three people on the other side are different, they are obviously slightly better than our own. The man in black and Xie Wuxia have similar cultivation levels, but the man in green and purple are slightly higher than the two on our side. As a direct disciple of the sect master, this competition may be a bit uncertain...

"What? If you don't dare, then this first competition will be up to me..."

The man in black had a gloomy look on his face, and there was a faint black mist emerging from his body. I don't know if it was due to practicing magic or something else. In short, it made people feel uncomfortable when they looked at him.

In the Bone Erosion Land, although there is no clear distinction between good and evil as in the Five Immortal Realms, since ancient times, there has been a way to cultivate immortals, and there has been a way to cultivate demons.

The Heavenly Demon Sect is located between the two. There is a way to cultivate immortals and a way to cultivate demons. This man in black is obviously closer to the path of cultivating demons.

"Why don't you dare?"

At this time, Xie Wuxia walked forward, looked at the man in black, and said lightly, "Since Your Excellency is so confident, it's just right, you will be my opponent..."

"Thank you, senior brother..."

There were many Tianming Sect disciples around who were startled, but think about it, this man in black seemed to be the one with the highest cultivation level in the Tianmo Sect. Except for Senior Brother Xie, no one could be his opponent...

"Wait a minute."

At this time, Elder Xuanming walked up, glanced at Xie Wuxia, and said, "Wuxia, please step back first." After saying that, he looked at the direct disciple of the sect leader behind him, "Guangcheng, come up."


The disciple named Guangcheng walked up. Obviously, his cultivation level was the lowest among the three. Elder Xuanming looked at him and said, "Guangcheng, in this first competition, you will take the field."

Hearing this, the disciple named Guangcheng was stunned. Not only was he stunned, but all the disciples of the Tianming Sect nearby were stunned. The man in black from the Tianmo Sect had the highest cultivation level, and only Senior Brother Xie could win. Well, if you send Guangcheng up, doesn’t that mean you’re sending the opponent to win a round? this……


Guangcheng bowed his hand. Although he didn't understand why Elder Xuanming sent him to deal with the most powerful person in the enemy, at the moment, there was no way out.

At this moment, Xie Wuxia's eyes narrowed slightly, as if he vaguely understood Elder Xuanming's intention.

A moment later, Guangcheng and the man in black from the Tianmo Sect went to the fighting stage. All the disciples of the Tianming Sect below held their breath and concentrated. However, the result was no doubt that Guangcheng was defeated after only twenty moves. When the formation came, he was directly knocked away by a sharp black energy from the opponent.

"Senior Brother Guangcheng!"

Many people were shocked when they saw black energy bursting from Senior Brother Guangcheng's face and a black palm print on his chest. Two elders immediately stepped forward and used their skills to block the black energy from intruding into his body.

"Send him down for treatment." Elder Xuanming's expression remained unchanged, as if he had expected such an outcome, and there was no trace of emotion on his face.

"Haha, it would be too easy to win against you..."

At this time, the man in green jumped lightly and flew to the fighting stage. With a confident smile on his face, he said lightly, "In the second game, who will come up to fight?"

Due to the defeat in the first game, the disciples of Tianming Sect below became nervous at this time. At this time, another direct disciple of the sect leader came out and said, "I'll do it!"

"Senior Brother Xu Hua..."

I saw that the disciple's face seemed to be covered with a layer of frost, and his eyes were particularly sharp, obviously he wanted to avenge his junior brother.

However, at this time, Elder Xuanming came out again. "Xu Hua, please step down. This time, Wuxia will come up." After saying that, he looked at Xie Wuxia.

"Yes, elder..."

Xie Wuxia smiled softly, kicked off his feet, and flew up to the fighting stage. A strong wind immediately whipped up on the entire fighting stage, causing the disciple of the Tianmo Sect to take a few steps back.

At this moment, everyone finally understood why Elder Xuanming asked Guangcheng, who had the lowest cultivation level, to fight in the first game.

It is precisely because the man in black is the most powerful person in the Tianmo Sect. His cultivation level is similar to that of Xie Wuxia, but his magic skills are very weird. Xie Wuxia may not be able to win for sure.

The second most powerful person in Tianmo Sect is this man in green. His cultivation level is slightly better than that of Xu Hua, who is second in Tianming Sect. Finally, the third most powerful person in Tianming Sect is also slightly better in cultivation than Tianming Sect. The lowest Guangcheng.

In this way, the first versus the first, the second versus the second, and the third versus the third. Even if Xie Wuxia wins the first game, Tianming Sect will definitely lose in the remaining two games.

So at the beginning, Elder Xuanming asked the third one on his side to fight against the enemy's first one, then he used the first one on his side to fight against the enemy's second one, and finally he used the second one on his side to fight against the enemy's second one. third……

In this way, even though they lost the first game, they will definitely win the second game, and the third game will be evenly matched. Only in this way can the Tianming Sect win.

"Elder Xuanming is so powerful..."

At this time, many elders of Tianming Sect were smiling. It turned out that Elder Xuanming had already calculated it accurately. No wonder Guangcheng, who had the lowest cultivation level, was asked to challenge in the first round.

"This old Xuanming dog is still so cunning and cunning after decades..." Qinghong and Zidian looked at each other and cursed secretly.

In the distance, Xiao Chen also focused his gaze and looked at Elder Xuanming. It seemed that this man also had a lot of troubles in his heart. If the strange senior could be as good at planning as this person, Wuyutian would be even stronger. , It's a pity that after Senior Wei was severely hit on the head by Master's finger, he became unconscious from time to time.

The second competition began, and there was no suspense in this one. After all, Xie Wuxia came from a famous family and possessed all the powerful mystical skills of the Xie family. He knocked the man in green out in less than thirty moves.

"Okay! Okay! Thank you, senior brother! Good fight!"

Seeing Xie Wuxia knocking the man away, many Tianming Sect disciples immediately cheered, while the faces of Tianmo Sect and Qinghong Zidian were a little gloomy. At this moment, another one The figure flew onto the stage, but it was the man in purple who had the lowest cultivation level in the Tianmo Sect.

"Don't worry, I will definitely win this one."

Xu Hua pinched his fingers, no longer hesitating, and flew lightly to the fighting stage with his feet. The two faced each other, and without saying much, they attacked each other with a sharp and killing move.

This competition is obviously more intense than the previous two. Because the strength of the two sides is not much different, every move and every move is related to victory or defeat.

"Heavenly Fire!"

"Blood Wave Finger!"

In addition to fighting with flying swords, the two of them also used their magical powers to attack each other's vital points. Everyone below held their breath. The battle that mattered the outcome was decided by these two people.

"Boom boom boom!"

On the fighting stage, thousands of feet of dust were stirred up, and the two men were seen attacking fiercely. After fighting for a while, both of them were injured.

Xu Hua was struck by several swords and was bleeding all over his body. The purple-clothed man from the Demon Sect did not fare well that day either. He was severely injured by Xu Hua's "Bei Ming Divine Palm". The cold air entered his body and eroded his internal organs. His movements became slower and slower.

"Senior Brother Xu Hua..."

Everyone below had their hearts hanging on the outside. At this moment, Xu Hua's energy condensed all over his body and he shouted "Beiming Divine Sword!"

"It's the sect master's Beiming Xuan Gong..."

Many people were shocked. At this moment, Xu Hua's flying sword suddenly turned into three, and three into nine... In an instant, it turned into countless sword energy and slashed towards the purple-clothed man from Tianmomen. go.

Faced with the attack of such terrifying swordsmen, the man in purple did not dare to be careless and condensed the true energy barrier in an instant. However, he was struck by the Beiming Divine Palm and the cold air entered his body. At this time, his skill dropped a lot and he could only barely resist. One or two.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Xu Hua worked hard and used the essence and blood all over his body. With a single stroke of his finger, blood was drawn from the wound and gathered on the flying sword. In an instant, the sword energy in the sky turned blood red, and its power increased several times. !

"Senior Brother Xu Hua!"

Everyone below was shocked to see that Xu Hua's face, which was originally pale due to blood loss, was completely colorless this time. However, the sword energy in the sky was indeed strengthened countless times, and it broke the purple-clothed man in one fell swoop. The True Essence Barrier.

"Tsk tsk tsk!"

There was a bone-piercing sound, and the man in purple could not resist it at all. In an instant, he was pierced by dozens of sword energy, and his whole body flew backwards, his life or death unknown.


Xu Hua's legs went weak and he knelt down on the stage. He obviously couldn't hold on anymore due to the heavy consumption of energy and blood, but there was no doubt that he won this competition.

"Senior Brother Xu...Senior Brother Xu has won! Senior Brother Xu has won!"

The entire square was filled with cheers. On the other side of the Tianmo Gate, Qinghong and Zidian had gloomy expressions. They won two out of three games. Not only did they lose, but in the last game, the man in purple was seriously injured and his meridians were severed. All the internal organs were shattered...

At this moment, the entire Tianming Sect was immersed in the joy of victory, and the disciples were cheering. But in the distance, Xiao Chen didn't think this was a good thing. It seemed that they... were all happy too early.

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