The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,229 The storm is coming

As expected by Xiao Chen, just when everyone in the Tianming Sect was happy, on the other side of the Tianmo Sect, the faces of Qinghong Zidian and Qinghong Zidian seemed to have layers of frost on their faces. "They used to be disciples." It’s better to add something different to the competition this time. What does Elder Xuan Ming think?”

At this moment, the noisy square immediately became quiet again. Elder Xuanming waved his hand and signaled to take Xu Hua down for treatment. Then he walked a few steps forward and his eyes fell on Qinghong and Zidian. "I don’t know, these two elders , what are your plans?”

Elder Zidian sneered and said, "It is said that Elder Xuanming's Xuanming Divine Art has been cultivated to the ninth level. Today, I am not talented and want to learn a lesson. How about..."


Upon hearing this, many people in the Tianming Sect were startled. What exactly did the Tianmo Sect want this time? I have clearly lost the competition just now, is it possible that I still want to cheat?

The expressions on the faces of the elders also became serious, and they all speculated in their hearts, what is the real intention of these two people, Qinghong Zidian? ✵

"Forget it, I will accompany you two to fight today, but not here. Elder Xuanming took a few steps forward, and the other elders were startled when they saw him accepting the challenge. "Elder Xuanming..."

Elder Xuanming raised his hand. He knew that today's battle was unavoidable, but he could not destroy the palace buildings of Tianming Sect, let alone Zhoushan's defensive formation. He said, "The terrain down here is narrow. It's not as good as the two of you. Follow me." How about going to high altitude?”


Qing Hong and Zi Dian sneered. As soon as they finished speaking, they made a secret on their hands and suddenly turned into two long lights, one green and one purple, and flew into the sky.

Elder Xuanming no longer hesitated, and instantly turned into a ray of light and flew up. Everyone below held their breath. They saw the clouds rolling up that day, and the three of them faced each other in the air like gods. It was unimaginable what the battle would be like later. How intense...

"Elder Xuanming, please.

Qinghong and Zidian stared at each other for a moment, and as soon as they finished speaking, they suddenly attacked Elder Xuanming.

I saw only those two people. Elder Qinghong had a divine sword in his hand, which was like a dragon swimming out of the sea. It instantly caused the clouds to surge and the sky and earth to turn pale. Elder Zidian had a purple sword in his hand, which penetrated the wind and thunder, instantly attracting the mysterious force. Thunder bursts, "crackling" fell straight towards Elder Xuanming.

Even the disciples below could feel the terrifying power coming from the sky at this moment. Fortunately, it was in the sky. If it were down here, how many people would be affected?

In the sky, ten miles of clouds were shaken away in an instant. Elder Qinghong formed a seal with his hands. Dozens of green lights suddenly flew up from all over his body and gathered on the green sword. The whole sword immediately turned into green lights. The giant sword, carrying the power of destroying the heaven and the earth, struck at Elder Xuanming with one strike.

Facing such a divine sword attack, Elder Xuan Ming did not dare to be careless even though he had the power of the Nine Heavens. He raised his palms and Xuan Ming's Qi suddenly burst out like a waterfall, blocking the attack of the sword with a bang.

On the other side, Elder Zidian found the right moment and struck through the wind and thunder with his sword. Storms surged in the sky, and the sword that shook the sky and the earth, without leaving any room, struck at Elder Xuanming fiercely.

Seeing the two sharp swords attacking at the same time, Elder Xuanming changed his palm movements again, and with a dance of his sleeves, he actually gathered the spiritual energy from all directions, and instantly formed a barrier in front of him. With a "boom", the green rainbow and purple lightning Both of their swords were blocked.

Many people below were shocked. With the power of one person, he could resist two people whose cultivation level was almost the same as his own. Elder Xuanming was really powerful...

After fighting like this for a while, the clouds on that day gathered and dispersed, dispersed and gathered again, and the people below were already dazzled by the sight. In the end, they only saw three rays of light fighting back and forth in the sky, attracting people with a radius of dozens of miles. , the sky is full of clouds.

Slowly, the spiritual energy of Tianming Sect's mountain gate began to condense. Qinghong and Zidian knew that it would not be good for them if they continued like this. At this time, they intended to make a quick decision. The two of them looked at each other and suddenly threw their swords away. The swords were intertwined in the sky and became one in an instant!

"Two swords combined!"

Below, the elders of the Tianming Sect were all shocked. They knew how powerful the combined swords of Qinghong and Zidian were. At that moment, the sky was full of wind and thunder, and the combined swords suddenly transformed hundreds of feet. With a power that shook the heavens, he slashed at Elder Xuanming with one sword!

This sword was already close to the power of the holy realm. Everyone below held their breath. Looking at Elder Xuanming again, his eyebrows were furrowed. At this moment, he also used the ninth level of Xuanming's magical power!

The sky was full of wind and clouds, suddenly gathering towards him, and the originally bright and sunny sky suddenly became much darker. Even a huge black hole seemed to have appeared in the sky. Everyone was shocked. This was the ninth level of Elder Xuanming. Is the Divine Art so terrifying...


With a loud shout, it was obvious that Elder Xuanming had pushed his true energy to its limit. Veins burst out on his forehead, and his figure seemed to have increased tenfold in an instant.


There was a loud noise, and finally, Elder Xuanming's Nine Heavenly Divine Skills collided with the swords of Qinghong and Zidian. The powerful force almost tore the void apart, and even on the ground, large swaths of dust were kicked up. , some disciples with lower cultivation levels could not bear the impact of this terrifying power, and were thrown away at this moment.

Looking at Qinghong and Zidian again, veins were popping up on their foreheads, and sweat was pouring down like rain. They had obviously pushed their strength to the limit, but at this moment, they were unable to compete with the power of Elder Xuanming.


With a sharp shout, Elder Xuanming's body burst into strange fire, and his strength surged several times. Qinghong and Zidian finally couldn't bear it anymore and flew backwards. Even the hundred-foot giant sword was struck instantly. Returning to his original form, Qing Hong and Zi Dian flew back and flew out.


Everyone at the Tianmo Sect was shocked. They didn’t expect that the two elders wielding two swords were no match for Xuan Mingzi…

Looking at Elder Xuanming again, he had just been burned by strange fire. At this time, there were still lines of strange fire on his face. It was obvious that his internal organs were damaged because of his excessive exercise just now, but now, he is still holding on. That’s all.

Qing Hong and Zi Dian fell back to the ground, and suddenly the sky was full of dust and smoke nearby. In the flying dust, they could see that their faces were pale, and there was a mouthful of blood gushing out of their mouths. It was obvious that Elder Xuan Ming had tried his best just now. In one blow, both of them were seriously injured.

"As expected of the head of the Eight Pavilion Elders... he's awesome, let's go!"

The two people, Qing Hong and Zi Dian, had cold and stern eyes. They finally stopped lingering at this moment. With a flick of their sleeves, they took everyone flying to the distant sky.

But here, everyone in the Tianming Sect still seemed to be in a dream. The moment just now, they have not come back to their senses yet.

It wasn't until Elder Xuanming fell from the sky that the disciples woke up and stepped forward to check the elder's injury.


Elder Xuan Ming's face turned pale, and finally he couldn't bear it anymore, and a mouthful of blood rushed up. The two people of Qinghong Zidian also had the cultivation of the ninth level of quasi-sage. It can be imagined that they were in the sky just now. He was almost fighting with his life against those two people.

"Xuan...Elder Xuanming..."

Seeing Elder Xuanming vomiting blood, the other elders of Tianming Sect were all shocked. After so many years, they have never seen Elder Xuanming injured so seriously. And the sect master is currently in seclusion and cannot come out. Elder Xuanming is almost It has become the pillar of Tianming Sect. If this pillar collapses, the entire sect will collapse...

"Elder Xuanming...what should we do now?"

Several elders were a little anxious. Apparently they also had a bad feeling. This time, things might not be that simple.

Elder Xuan Ming clutched his chest, his face turned pale, and he looked in the direction where the people from the Tianmo Sect left just now. In the end, he only said two words: "Seal the mountain."

"Seal the mountain..."

Hearing these two words, all the elders present were shocked, while the disciples looked confused. Seal the mountain, what does it mean to seal the mountain...

"Elder Xuanming...does this really have to be the case?"

The faces of several elders were full of shock. After all these years, Tianming Sect has never issued an order to close the mountain. Once all the defensive formations are activated, sealing the mountain will also cut off all connections with the outside world. Even spiritual power.

This time, is it really serious enough to close the mountain?

The faces of all the disciples were confused, and Xiao Chen looked at the surrounding peaks. When he first came to Tianming Sect, he noticed that there were extremely strong defensive formations on the surrounding peaks, but these formations, It cannot be opened easily.

However, even if all the defensive formations are activated and the mountain is sealed, can they withstand the attack of a strong man from the Holy Realm?

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