Until now, the disciples still don't know what happened. In the past, people in the sect often had conflicts with the Tianmo Sect, but they were never serious enough to seal the mountain. This time, Elder Xuanming suddenly ordered the seal to be sealed. Mountains will inevitably cause panic...

"Elder Xuanming, what happened? So that the mountain must be closed?"

At this time, two more old men came over, and they couldn't understand. This time they were sending four disciples to the first-level domain, while the remaining elite disciples participated in the competition between Qiu Hou and the Heavenly Demon Sect.

But everyone did not expect that the Tianmo Sect would produce such a powerful disciple this time, but they managed to win by a narrow margin. However, the two Qing Hong and Zi Dian suddenly challenged Elder Xuan Ming. Now Elder Xuan Ming was injured. But even so, it's not serious enough to close the mountain, right?

At this moment, Elder Xuanming was still looking in the direction of the Heavenly Demon Sect. There were many disciples discussing below, but Xiao Chen's face was always as calm as water. He had probably guessed what Elder Xuanming was worried about. It seemed that this time, It is not easy for him to successfully go to the first level domain.

In the next few days, the entire Tianming Sect felt like a storm was coming. Ancient defensive formations were opened one after another. Especially at night, the light emitted by the formations was like a sharp blade. The night sky is unsettling.

In addition to activating all the formations, Tianming Sect has also sent out urgent news these days, urgently recalling those sect disciples who were sent to the first level domain in the past.

These disciples were all sent to the first level domain hundreds of years ago. In the past, they were disciples of Tianming Sect, but now their status is on the same level as the elders, and they are even among those with lower cultivation levels such as Xingxuzi. above the elders.

After more than ten days, six former disciples have returned to the sect. These six people all went to the first-level domain hundreds of years ago. When they were sent away, they were still handsome young men with green hair, but now they have He is a middle-aged man with hair as white as snow.

However, their cultivation has already entered the realm of quasi-saints, but becoming a saint is still a legend. Even now, a large amount of spiritual energy has poured into the world, and their talents are not low, and they have practiced in the first-level domain for hundreds of years. But it is still difficult to step into the holy realm in one step. If they step into the holy realm in one step, it will really be a world between immortals and mortals. They can come back and destroy the Heavenly Demon Sect in one fell swoop.

Of course, in the past thousand years, the Tianming Sect has sent far more than six disciples to the first-level domain, but most of them died in the first-level domain, either because of conflicts with others, because of vendettas, or because they provoked big forces. Even the soul was destroyed, or accidentally died in a dangerous situation... In short, in the past thousand years, no one has successfully become a saint and returned.

With the return of these six quasi-sages, the disciples of the Tianming Sect finally feel a little more at ease. At the same time, they have also gone to visit these six senior quasi-sages who have returned from the first-level domain.

Now that they see these six seniors who have become quasi-sages, the disciples are even more admiring for the first-level domain. However, what they see is only the six returning quasi-sages in front of them, but they cannot see those more dead ones. People in the first level domain.

And this time, even though the six quasi-sages have returned, the entire Tianming Sect still hasn't relaxed, and is strengthening Zhoushan's defensive formation every day, especially Elder Xuanming, who was injured that day, but These days, the injury has not fully healed, so he went out to strengthen the formation again.

Xiao Chen was also practicing in his room these days and didn't go anywhere. The only elders in the middle Xingxu came to see him a few times, and Zixuan'er came once.

A few days ago, he also thought about whether to leave Tianming Sect. Although the exit has been sealed, it is not difficult to get out with his ability. But if he leaves now, he will not want to leave. It is even more difficult to get a legitimate place to go to the first-level domain.

So after repeated consideration, he decided to stay and wait and see what happens.

Just after noon that day, Xiao Chen was practicing in his room. Suddenly, there was a violent vibration outside. Dust fell from the beams, and the tables and benches on the floor were shaking. The whole house seemed to be about to collapse. .


There was a loud noise, and the whole house shook violently. The window was the first to break and fall down. Then the tables and benches in the room also shattered. Even the bed he was sitting on was cracked from the middle, and the ground was shaken. A crack appeared.

The moment the whole house collapsed, Xiao Chen opened his eyes and went outside. Outside, the mountains were shaking and the ground was shaking. The entire Tianming Sect was in panic. Every disciple of Xingxiu Pavilion was in panic. He was so frightened that he ran around to avoid the boulders flying in the air.


There was another loud noise, and the entire mountain peak trembled violently. Even Xiao Chen could barely stand still. He looked up and saw a tall figure appearing in the sky.

The figure covered the sky, covering almost half of the sky. All that could be seen was that its beard and hair were white, and it was wearing a Taoist robe, but its eyes were filled with blood, and it looked terrifying.

"God... Tianmozi!"

Looking at the terrifying giant shadow in the sky, the elders of the Tianming Sect were all frightened to death. The man in the sky was none other than the head of the Tianmo Sect, named "Tianmozi".

This person was originally a Taoist, but later he accidentally obtained an ancient demonic scripture. After practicing the demonic skills in it, his cultivation level greatly increased, so he changed his name to "Tianmozi".


Another loud noise was heard in the sky, and Tian Mozi smacked down another palm. Suddenly, the mountain peak cracked, and boulders all over the sky fell down crazily. Some disciples were unable to dodge and were hit by the boulders. They all vomited blood and were crushed. Go down.


At this moment, a scream sounded not far away from Xiao Chen, and Zixuan'er was almost hit by a boulder. Xiao Chen flew over in an instant, "What are you doing here?"

Zixuan'er was in shock, her face turned pale, she looked at the terrifying figure in the sky, then lowered her head, looked at Xiao Chen, and said in a trembling voice, "Xing, Elder Xingxiu, just asked me to come over and call you, saying that he was in Xuan Elder Ming has secured a place for you to go to the first-level domain... I, I just came here, and here..."


Xiao Chen didn't say much, grabbed her in his arms and took her to fly to the main peak. Although the entire mountain peak was shrouded in defensive formations, only the top of the main peak was where the center of the formation was, so that was the only place where the formation center was. Temporarily safe.

And other places, such as Xingxiu Pavilion, even though they were shrouded by defensive formations, they could not withstand the impact of Tianmozi outside, so huge rocks fell from the sky, and no one could withstand them.

On the way to the main peak, Zixuan'er saw many disciples being hit by boulders. She was so frightened that she trembled all over, "Senior...Senior brother, will we die today...I, I want to go back and see Master... …”

"I don't know whether you will die or not, but I won't die anyway."

Xiao Chen frowned slightly. While avoiding the boulders in the sky, he used the Ling Xian Step faster. He thought that just now Zixuan'er said that Elder Xingxu had secured a spot for him from Elder Xuanming. He probably already knew what was going on. .

It seemed that several elders of Tianming Sect knew that they were doomed this time, so Elder Xingxiu thought about it and finally went to Elder Xuanming and told his story, so they discussed it and wanted him to deal with the demon for them. son.

These old guys are not cheap. They wanted to remove their quotas earlier, but now they asked for their quotas, so they gave them their quotas. But that day, the devil obviously had the cultivation level of the Holy Realm, so he asked himself to deal with a strong Saint Realm man. , thanks to those old guys who can figure it out.

When he arrived at the main peak, Xiao Chen pressed Zixuan'er, "Stop running!" and then pulled her behind a boulder in a bush.

"Stay here, don't go anywhere."

Xiao Chen hid behind the trees and boulders, looking at the square in the distance. He couldn't show up easily now. After all, that person in the sky was a powerful man in the holy realm, and he couldn't let the other party notice his aura.

In the square, in addition to the elders of the Eight Pavilions, there are many other elders of the Tianming Sect, as well as those old men with high cultivation levels, who are struggling to support the formation.

Elder Xuan Ming looked up at the terrifying figure in the sky. While supporting the formation, he said with some difficulty, "Master Tianmo Sect... If you are here for the competition that day, you and I can discuss it again... …”


Tianmozi snorted coldly, "Don't you know why I'm here today? Why, Beiming is still hiding and won't come out, right?" As soon as he finished speaking, he slapped him hard with another palm. .

His palm was extremely terrifying, but when the palm force fell, a golden light barrier was instantly covered above the entire Tianming Sect, and with a "bang", the palm force was resisted.

This is exactly the defensive formation left by the two founders of the Tianming Sect. Although this formation can temporarily withstand Tianmozi's attack, every time this person strikes with a palm, the earth will shake and the mountains will shake. Some of the defenses are weak. The land could not withstand the force of the impact and collapsed one after another. Even on the main peak, the disciples could not bear the aura of the powerful saint.

Elder Xuanming knew in his heart that the two families had long been mortal enemies. If the sect leader stepped into the holy realm first this time, then it would not be the Tianming Sect that faced the fate of being exterminated today, but the Tianmo Sect... But this time, Tianmozi The first sect leader stepped into the holy realm.

In fact, he had already had a premonition that day, so he ordered the mountain to be closed. If it were not for the results of the half-month sealing of the mountain, the Tianmozi would have destroyed the defenseless Tianming Sect with almost one palm when he attacked today...

At this time, many old men rushed out from various halls. These were all masters of the Dongzhen period. They concentrated their true energy to help the elders maintain the formation unbreakable.

"Hmph! Let's see how long you can hold on. Old Beiming, you heard me clearly. If you don't come out, once this formation is broken, I will kill you all!"

As soon as Tian Mozi finished speaking, he struck out with another palm, this palm was even more ferocious. With a "boom", dust suddenly flew all over the sky, and several surrounding peaks obviously sank dozens of feet.


Those cultivators in the Dongzhen stage could not withstand the impact of this holy aura. They vomited blood and fell down one after another. The disciples were already pale with fright and hid behind the building and did not dare to come out.

"Old Beiming! Come out!"

Tian Mozi slapped down one palm after another, and the sky and the earth suddenly shook. The elders of the Dongzhen stage and the extraordinary stage who maintained the formation vomited blood and fell down one after another.

In the bushes in the distance, Zixuan'er was stunned, and Xiao Chen frowned and said nothing. Thinking back to the past, the Dongzhen period was almost like a mythical existence, but now under the impact of the aura of the holy realm, it is so unbearable. hit……

Even those quasi-sages, if they lose their formation at this moment, they will not be able to withstand the moves of the strong men in the holy realm. Is this the horror of the holy realm?

Xiao Chen looked at the terrifying giant shadow in the sky. He was just a cultivator who had just entered the holy realm, but he was already so terrifying. He was completely different from those quasi-sages.

And if in the future, I meet a Saint of the Third Realm, will the Devil of that day be just like these Dongzhen Stage cultivators at this moment, vulnerable to a strong man of the Three Realms?

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