At this moment, everyone in the square stood motionless, with dull expressions on their faces. Tianmozi sneered in his heart. Sure enough, when these people knew that their two ancestors were dead, they would completely lose their fighting spirit. The remaining few The old thing is no longer a problem.

"Hand over the quota for the four first-level domains!"

He shouted coldly, and then Tian Mozi slapped a palm down, and a large amount of dust suddenly rolled up on the ground. Bei Mingzi reacted first, used all his strength, and suddenly blocked the sky with a palm, with a "boom" sound, But under the pressure of Tian Mozi's palm, he kept sinking into the ground.


Elder Xuanming and others were all shocked and rushed forward to help. However, even with the combined efforts of all of them, they could not resist the power of a strong man in the holy realm.

Soon, several elders with lower cultivation levels had blood flowing out of their eyes, ears, mouth and nose, and their legs sank into the ground little by little. In the sky, Tianmozi's palm force turned into a hundred feet of bloody palm prints. These If a person holds on any longer, his body will explode and die.

But even so, the elders did not intend to give up, let alone hand over the four places. They knew in their hearts that the two ancestors had died in the forbidden place, and the Tianming Sect would probably not be able to keep it today.

But even if they tried their best, even if they did not hesitate to attack themselves and release the power of the soul, they would still have people successfully bring the four disciples to the first level domain today.

Only in this way will it be possible to avenge today's destruction of the family in the future...

"Hmph! Stubborn and stubborn..."

Tianmozi snorted coldly, how could he not see what these people were thinking? I saw him land another palm, and the power of the palm increased several times.


With a loud rumbling sound, the surrounding peaks collapsed at the same time. The entire square could not withstand this terrifying force and cracked from the middle. Suddenly, the sky was filled with dust.

Several elders were directly turned into a blood mist under the impact of this force, and even the quasi-sage powerhouses such as Elder Xuanming were shocked to the point of bleeding from their seven orifices. The power of the holy realm was extremely terrifying.

This time, everyone finally fell into despair and panic, and in the midst of the panic, they saw a figure walking slowly outside the smoke. With a flick of his sleeve, the dust and smoke in the sky immediately dispersed.

"Xuan...Senior Brother Xuanyue..."

In the bushes in the distance, Zixuan'er was stunned. Brother Xuan Yue was still beside her just now, but in the blink of an eye, he was already in the square...

Others were also stunned, because at this time, Xiao Chen no longer looked like the disciple Xuan Yue, and even the aura on his body was completely different.

"Little friend..."

Elder Xuan Ming was the first to react, and he couldn't help but feel shocked. It was indeed what Xingxuzi said, this person... was not the real Xuan Yue.

"Oh? Who are you..."

In mid-air, Tian Mozi's eyes also fell on Xiao Chen. Just now in the bushes, Xiao Chen had been hiding his aura and not being noticed by anyone.

But at this moment, he walked out. With Tian Mozi's cultivation in the Holy Realm, how could he not notice the aura about him that was different from everyone else's?

After discovering this breath, Tian Mozi's heart condensed. Why did this person give him such a unique feeling? It’s the aura of artistic conception flowing around this child...could this be it!

Tian Mozi couldn't help being slightly shocked. For cultivators, the unity of heaven and man is the highest state. If you want to reach this state, you need to understand the artistic conception of heaven. In simple terms, the artistic conception of heaven includes the cycle of life and death, the flow of prosperity and decline, and the rebirth of spring. Autumn killings, sunrise and sunset, summer thunder and winter snow... these all belong to the artistic conception of heaven.

It is not difficult for a person to sense the artistic conception of heaven. Even for a mortal, seeing flowers blooming and falling, and knowing the flow of life, death and prosperity is also a kind of induction. However, it is not easy to truly understand the artistic conception of heaven. Only those who are enlightened can proceed to the next stage of cultivation.

Therefore, understanding the artistic conception of the way of heaven is the only way for cultivators. Those who cultivate immortality follow the way of heaven, and those who cultivate demons go against heaven...

It is extremely difficult to truly understand the artistic conception of heaven and achieve the unity of heaven and man, but at this moment, what Tianmozi sensed in Xiao Chen was a completely different artistic conception! Not among the five elements, not subject to the constraints of heaven...

In just a short moment of looking at each other like this, Tian Mozi almost lost his mind. You must know that a person who has become a saint will never easily be distracted by external objects. Being distracted is also a taboo for cultivators. This is especially true for people with higher cultivation levels.

At this moment, Tian Mozi quickly calmed down his mind. He wanted to see who the boy who could make him almost lose his mind was. Thinking of this, with a movement of his mind, a ray of consciousness flew towards Xiao Chen. .

The divine consciousness of a person who has become a saint is by no means easy. In almost an instant, this divine consciousness enveloped Xiao Chen.

However, at the moment when his divine sense was detected, Tian Mozi seemed to have an illusion. In just this moment, he seemed to see the sun, moon and stars, all through the ages... And he was actually a tiny speck of dust in this vast universe. of mustard seeds.

Suddenly, Tian Mozi woke up and took back his consciousness in an instant. But in that moment, he seemed to have experienced ten thousand years.

At this moment, a cold sweat broke out on his back, but nothing changed in the vicinity. Everyone was still looking at him calmly. The elder of Tianming Sect who was injured by him before was still lying on the ground at this moment, and there was no one around him. Any slight change, the feeling that lasted for thousands of years, was just his illusion.

"How could this be so..."

The more Tian Mozi thought about it, the weirder he felt. Where did this kid come from, and why did he feel so weird? Was that really an illusion just now...

At this time, Xiao Chen's face was still calm. He looked at Tianmozi in the sky and said lightly, "Master Tianmo Sect is here today. I think it's enough. If you want to decide the outcome with Beiming Sect Master, , in my opinion, it is better to wait until the day after Beiming Sect Master also steps into the Holy Realm, then you will fight for another three days and three nights... But today, the Heavenly Demon Sect Master relies on the strong to bully the weak, even if he is destroyed Tianming Sect, what can we do? In the future, it will only be talked about..."

As he said these words, everyone in the square was stunned. Was he talking to Tianmozi? Bei Mingzi couldn't help but be startled and looked at him, wondering who this person was?

Elder Xuan Ming immediately sent a spiritual thought and told Xiao Chen. After Bei Mingzi received the divine message, he was even more shocked. This person clearly did not have the cultivation of the holy realm, but why did he have a feeling that people could not see through? It's like the abyss of a treacherous valley. You can't see the bottom at a glance...

"Ha ha!"

Tianmozi raised his head and smiled. In his opinion, although the man in front of him had understood a certain special artistic conception, he had not yet become a saint, and yet he dared to teach him a lesson before he became a saint. Therefore, in his opinion, the other party was like It was a mantis that bared its teeth and claws at him.

I saw his sharp eyes: "Boy, you are interesting. When I capture your soul, take it back and study it carefully!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his palms condensed, and a black handprint suddenly appeared in the void, and with a sudden movement, he grabbed Xiao Chen.

"It's the devil's hand!"

Even the few quasi-sages present who had returned from the first-level domain couldn't help but change their expressions when they saw the fierce black handprints.

This Heavenly Demon Hand is a secret skill that has been lost ten thousand years ago. Heavenly Demon Son occasionally obtained a strange book. Although he only learned 20 to 30% of it, once he is caught by this Heavenly Demon Hand, he will have three souls and seven souls and cannot even think of escaping!


The moment Tian Mozi grabbed it, dust suddenly flew up in the square, and many people were blown away by the impact. However, when the smoke and dust dissipated, there was nothing in Tian Mozi's hand. Xiao Chen In an instant, he appeared a hundred feet away.


Many people were shocked again. They were able to escape from the hands of the demon. This person...

Elder Xingxu, Elder Xuanming and others were also shocked. If it were them, they would have had no chance of escaping just now, but this man...

"Senior Brother Xuanyue..."

In the bushes in the distance, Zixuan'er was also shocked. She seemed to be in a dream, staring blankly at Xiao Chen in the distance. Just now... Did the senior brother escape from a strong man in the holy realm? ?

On the other side, Xie Wuxia also had a look of surprise on his face. It was impossible. Unless he was in the holy realm at that speed just now, could this person be...impossible!

At this moment, the voice of the elder that night sounded in his mind again: "Wuxia! Remember not to provoke this person again... Otherwise, it may bring disaster to the clan! Remember, remember..."

At this moment, Xie Wuxia seemed to be stunned. A person with a holy realm cultivation level is certainly scary, but what is even more terrifying is that this person is obviously still so young. How could he have such a terrifying cultivation level...

Then what kind of terrifying force will be behind him? Could it be that in the legend, after the collapse of the ancient Eastern cultivation world, the six ancient tribes also disappeared...

Although the six aristocratic families still exist in the world today, strictly speaking, they can only be regarded as established by the descendants of the six ancient clans. They must not be confused with the real six ancient clans of ancient times. The real six ancient clans, As early as the last era of annihilation, the ancient Eastern cultivation world disappeared after its collapse.


At this moment, Tian Mozi didn't take it seriously. He turned his palm and grabbed Xiao Chen with another demon hand. However, it was the same this time. Xiao Chen dodged almost instantly. No one saw clearly how he moved away. .

After doing this several times, almost everyone in the square was stunned. They couldn't believe that he could easily escape from a strong man in the Holy Realm again and again. Moreover, this was a secret that had been lost thousands of years ago. Demonic hands!

"Could it be that...this is the legendary shrinking of the ground into an inch? It is not limited by spatial distance..."

Many people were stunned. They couldn't see clearly how Xiao Chen managed to evade the devil's hands time and time again. The only explanation was the long-lost ancient skill of "shrinking the ground into an inch".

"This kid really has some skills..."

Tianmozi's eyes narrowed slightly. His Demonic Hand rarely failed to deal with people who were lower than himself. However, at this time, he was completely unable to catch the opponent. What is this ability? This made him even more curious about the young man in front of him...

In the distance, Zixuan'er had also been stunned for a long time. Only then did she wake up. This person... he was not Senior Brother Xuan Yue!

"Now, can we have a good talk?"

In mid-air, Xiao Chen slowly fell back to the ground. He looked at Tianmozi and said calmly, unless it was a last resort, he would still not easily fight a person in the holy realm. A person in the holy realm is definitely not The quasi-sage is comparable, even if he is better than the opponent and kills a thousand enemies, he will definitely lose eight hundred.

Tianmozi sneered, looked at him and said, "Boy, you do have some abilities, but if you want to save the entire Tianming Sect today, I think you are probably just dreaming..."

As soon as he finished speaking, he put his palms together towards his chest, and his whole body was suddenly covered with a layer of blood, and his appearance suddenly became even more terrifying.

Bei Mingzi and others were all shocked, "It's the Demonic Art..."


Looking at Tian Mozi who was gradually transforming into a demon in the sky, Xiao Chen's face was still as calm as water, and he said calmly, "So what do you mean, there is no need to talk anymore?"

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