At this moment, the entire square became extremely quiet. No one had imagined that he could be so calm and composed in the face of a strong man in the Holy Realm...

"Hmph! I want to see how much more you can do!"

Suddenly, Tian Mozi made a move with his magic power, and his whole body was suddenly enveloped in black energy. The black mist in the sky instantly gathered together and fiercely enveloped Xiao Chen.

"Be careful..."

Seeing the black mist condensing into a line and rushing down, Bei Mingzi and others were shocked and quickly stepped away. ❈

After all, they are cultivators of immortality. In the past, they could still fight against Tianmozi's Heavenly Demon Kung Fu with their Taoist skills. The two sides were on par with each other. But now that Tianmozi has cultivated in the Holy Realm, not to mention that they can't resist, they are just beaten by them. If you touch that black mist, your soul will definitely be stained by turbidity.

But at this moment, Xiao Chen was still as calm as water, his eyes indifferent, "Then you should watch carefully."

As soon as he finished speaking, he made a swipe of his finger, and a ray of green light flew out. Everyone could not see clearly what that ray of green light was, and they only heard a "clang" sound. This ray of green light actually hit Tian Mozi's hundred-foot demon The anger was blocked in the air.

"That is!"

Many people were shocked when they saw that it turned out to be an immortal sword. They had seen many immortal swords, but such a magical sword was rare.

I saw that the body of Zhongxiao sword was filled with jade, especially at the tip of the sword. The azure sword light sputtered out like a meteor, completely blocking the black energy condensed by Tianmozi's magic technique. outside.

Many people are secretly frightened. Even if their fairy swords have been practiced for hundreds of years, they will definitely be stained by turbidity once they come into contact with this kind of demonic energy. However, this sword is so clear and not stained by turbidity at all. It is really powerful. …

Of course they don't know that Zhongxiao is an ancient divine sword, also known as "Wugou". To put it bluntly, Tianmozi's small magic power, even the demonic energy in the Tomb of Gods and Demons, may not be able to stain Chongxiao.

Back then, Ling Yin fought against Wentian in the bitter cold land of the far north. Who was Wentian? Even his demonic energy couldn't stain the Chongxiao Sword at all, so how could Tianmozi do it?

"This sword... is so powerful."

Bei Mingzi stood in the distance and couldn't help being slightly surprised. He was also a swordsman, and his cultivation level was higher than the others here, so he could naturally feel the sword intent of Chongxiao Sword at this time...


In the middle of the sky, Tian Mozi seemed to have noticed the power of this sword. He shook his hands and condensed two black mists again, covering the Chongxiao Sword at once.

This time, the two black mists were obviously much more powerful. Everyone in the distance held their breath. At this moment, the black mist actually enveloped the sky, and no trace of blue light came out.


Elder Xuanming and others were all shocked. Could such a powerful divine sword not be able to withstand Tianmozi's Tianmo Kung?

"Hmph! It seems that it's nothing more than that..."

Tian Mozi sneered, but before he could finish his words, a green light suddenly emerged from the black mist, and in the next moment, a huge green light dispersed the black mist!

Xiao Chen made a sword gesture with both hands, waved his two fingers, and the Chongxiao Sword suddenly became brighter. With a "clang" sound, he slashed towards Tian Mozi with one sword!


Seeing the Jade Light Fairy Sword flying towards him, Tian Mozi's eyes turned cold, he raised his palms, and the black mist condensed in front of him in an instant. However, it was almost dispersed by the Heavy Sky Sword.

And Tian Mozi was shocked violently in mid-air. He didn't expect that this sword could be so powerful. He had underestimated the opponent from the beginning. Now he didn't expect that the opponent's strength was far beyond his expectation. Bar?


Blocking the sharp light of Zhongxiao Sword, Tianmozi sneered, suddenly condensed his hands, and took out a sword with bursts of blood. With a "clang" sound, he slashed towards Zhongxiao with one sword.

"Zheng! Zheng! Zheng!"

The two swords were fighting in mid-air, like two rays of light, one green and one red. Every time they collided, a strong sword energy would be generated, and even the people below would tremble violently.

"The devil is in chaos!"

Suddenly, Tian Mozi shook his palms, and several streaks of blood mist flew up around him, condensing with the blood sword. In an instant, they turned into countless streaks of bloody sword light, and slashed fiercely towards the Chongxiao Sword.

In the bushes in the distance, Zixuan'er couldn't help but change her face when she saw the scene of bloody swords in the sky. At this time, she may not even know whether she was worried about Xuan Yue or this. From the beginning , is not from Xuan Yue.

The moment the bloody sword shadow hit the sky, the sword formula in Xiao Chen's hand changed. At this moment, the Chongxiao Sword actually turned into thousands of green sword shadows in an instant.

"Zheng! Zheng! Zheng!"

The sky was full of sword energy fighting together, and the situation suddenly changed, the sky and the earth were pale, and even the surrounding mountains trembled!

Everyone present was horrified and looked at the sword shadows in the sky with amazement. Although the two were fighting swords at the moment, they were also fighting skills. If they were not careful, they would end up with the sword destroyed and people killed. .

"What a powerful sword..."

In the distance, Bei Mingzi and others were also shocked. They were able to compete with Tian Mozi's "Tian Mo Luan". Not only was this sword powerful, but his sword control skills were even better. At the same time, he also had that body, like The unfathomable abyss of skill is even more difficult for them to match...

"Why does this kid have such profound skills..."

This time, the expression on Tian Mozi's face finally became solemn. This person has clearly not yet entered the holy realm, but why does he have skills that rival him?

Of course he didn't know that what Xiao Chen was practicing was the fragment of the ancient heavenly book. No one knew who created this ancient heavenly book, and no one knew the secrets in it.

He also didn't know that Xiao Chen had realized the artistic conception of immortality, immortality, and returning to the true nature, as well as the spiritual power of his mother's twelve complete innate spiritual roots...

All this combined, there was no fear of him at all.

But until now, Xiao Chen has not used all his strength, because in his opinion, there is no need to use all his strength. He has no grudge against Tianmozi. In the final analysis, it is just for profit, unlike dealing with Zhenjun Xuanxiao and Ziweisi. As always with those people, he had to fight with his life.

At this time, Tian Mozi naturally had reservations, but he became increasingly unable to see through how many tricks the young man in front of him still had hidden.


There was another sharp sound, and the sky was filled with sword shadows. Both of their swords were extremely powerful, but at this time, between the brothers, no one could do anything to the other.

Tianmozi said coldly, "Who are you?"

Everyone's eyes fell on Xiao Chen at this time, especially the elders of Tianming Sect and the six quasi-sages who had returned from the first-level domain. They could not hide the shock in their eyes. What on earth was this young man? people? Why did it suddenly appear in the Bone Erosion Land?

I have never heard of such a powerful young man before, no, that's not right... Many years ago, there seemed to be such a powerful young man, but that person just caught a glimpse and disappeared without a trace. In the end, no one knew his name.

And where did this young man come from at this time?

At this time, Xiao Chen still had a calm face and said calmly, "It doesn't matter who I am. If the Master of the Heavenly Demon Sect is willing to leave today, you and I will be in peace. Otherwise, the fight between you and me today will only happen in the dark..." …But someone benefited.”


Hearing what he said, Tian Mozi's expression became even more condensed. Could there be someone else peeping nearby? But if there were others, why didn't I notice it? This kid probably wants to fool himself!


I saw Tian Mozi snorting coldly. At this moment, the magic power was restored, and blood mist suddenly appeared on his body. He said coldly, "Boy, you are good at it, but if I can't win you today, how can I still be here in the future?" The fantasy sea is established! If you want to blame it, you have to show your strength! The devil - blood prison!"

As the last four words fell, the entire sky suddenly turned blood red, and even within the clouds, there were waves of terrifying and shrill screams.

The disciples of the Tianming Sect below had never seen such a terrifying scene before. They were all trembling with fear and their legs were weak.

Looking at Tian Mozi again, his appearance became even more terrifying. As he raised his palm, the blood mist all over the sky condensed, as if he had transformed into an ancient blood demon, and fiercely attacked Xiao Chen.

Facing the overwhelming blood mist, Xiao Chen's expression condensed. This "Heavenly Demon Blood Prison" was extremely powerful, and it was impossible to resist it with ordinary means.

At this moment, he no longer hesitated and used the control of life and death. In an instant, the power of life and death surged out like a flood, colliding with the blood mist in the sky.

Everyone in the distance was shocked. What kind of force is this?

Tian Mozi was also shocked in his heart. Although he couldn't see it, he could feel the power of life and death. It could completely resist the power of his blood demon, and even, bit by bit, it was destroying his blood demon. Swallowed by power! What kind of power is this...

"What...what's going on!"

Suddenly, the flowers, plants and trees outside the square withered and withered at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if they had lost their vitality in an instant.

Not only outside the square, but even on the entire mountain, wherever it was shrouded by this force, the flowers, plants and trees quickly withered.

Bei Mingzi and others were also surprised. Could this invisible power be the legendary...

"Manipulate life and death!"

Tian Mozi seemed to finally know the source of the power of life and death at this moment. His expression changed and he looked at the young man below in disbelief. Who is this kid? He actually possesses such heaven-defying means of manipulating life and death!

At this moment, this force of life and death is still spreading. In order to resist this force, Tianmozi's power of blood demon has also increased greatly. The forces of both sides are confronting each other, almost tearing the void apart. If this continues, the entire mountain peak will surely be destroyed. Unable to bear it, it completely collapsed!

At this moment, a vague voice suddenly came from outside the Tianming Sect's peak: "Two fellow Taoists, it's better to stop! If the fight continues, such a small place cannot bear it, and it may lead to divine punishment." Yes, once the heavenly punishment is triggered, I am afraid that the entire area for dozens of miles will be wiped out..."

Just when the voice fell, there were indeed thunderclouds gathering in the nine heavens, vaguely carrying a terrifying power of heavenly punishment. Everyone couldn't help but be shocked. The one who caused the heavenly punishment was definitely not the devil. Then it's him...

At this moment, everyone looked at Xiao Chen in shock. His power at this time could actually bring about heaven's punishment!

Xiao Chen was also slightly shocked. His current strength had not reached the limit of the second level domain at all, but why would he be punished by heaven? Could it be because of manipulating life and death...


The thunder had already sounded, like a shock from the eternal heaven. Xiao Chen frowned, no, he can no longer use the power of life and death, otherwise he will be punished by heaven. This kind of heavenly punishment is absolutely unbearable for him at the moment. down.

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