After the black mist dissipated, a figure suddenly fell from the sky. It was none other than Xiao Chen. With a single stroke of his finger, the Chongxiao Sword suddenly became brighter, and with a few "sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss not not what not who who who who who who who who who who who who who who who knows who doesn wants to wants to infuriating in and out. The monsters all over the ground were killed in physical and mental form.

Seeing these powerful monsters being killed in an instant, the woman in green clothes and the two old men were both shocked. This person is so powerful...

On the opposite side, the face of the Shura woman in red also changed, and she saw a man with white hair, who did not look like someone from the ASEAN. She shouted coldly, "Who are you! Mind your own business here!"

“Nosy?” ✦

Xiao Chen glanced at her and said calmly, "It's a bright world, but you are here hurting others with monsters. That's all. I will let you go today. If you don't leave, your body and soul will be destroyed."


The woman in red glared at him, then suddenly raised her palms, and billowing black mist came immediately. The two old men behind were suddenly startled: "Young hero, be careful!"

However, Xiao Chen still had cold eyes. He raised his sleeves slightly, and the black mist in the sky was unable to get close to him. Seeing this scene, the two old men behind him were even more shocked. How could this young man be so sacred? Don't be afraid of this Shura demon...

The woman in red obviously did not expect that among these immortal cultivators, there were actually those who were not afraid of her Asura Qi.

Her face couldn't help but change slightly, and she wanted to activate the black mist again, but Xiao Chen flicked his palm, and the black mist dispersed all over her body, and even she was shaken back.


The two Shura guards immediately stepped forward to support her, feeling a little frightened in their hearts. This person clearly did not condense the true energy to protect her body, but why was he not afraid of Shura's energy at all?

"Step aside!"

The woman in red seemed unconvinced, gritted her teeth, and suddenly rushed forward again. But this time, she appeared to be attacking Xiao Chen, but in fact her target was the woman in green clothes beside her.

However, Xiao Chen couldn't see through her little blindness. The moment she grabbed the woman in green clothes, Xiao Chen was already in front of her, swung out his palm, and with a "bang", This palm was neither heavy nor light, and it knocked her away in one go.


The woman in red clutched her chest, her face suddenly turned pale, and several Shura guards from behind caught up and supported her, "This person is powerful, princess, let's go first!"

In the end, several people from the Shura tribe fled far away. Before leaving, the woman in red turned back, glanced at Xiao Chen resentfully, and said bitterly, "Boy, I will remember you..." "

After those Shura clan members escaped, the mountains finally slowly regained their tranquility. At this time, the two old men woke up from a dream and clasped their fists at Xiao Chen, "Thank you, young hero, for saving me. I don't know yet." , what do you call the young hero?”

"It's just that the road is uneven... There are still remaining monsters around here, so be careful." Xiao Chen said lightly. After saying that, he raised his flying sword again and flew out of the mountains in an instant.

"Young hero...young hero!"

The two old men chased after each other, but in the end they disappeared. The woman in green clothes also walked up, staring blankly at the direction Xiao Chen left, and murmured, "This young master, he didn't even reveal his name..." …”

"Forget it... take a look at their injuries first, and then we have to leave here as soon as possible." The two old men came to their senses and immediately walked towards the injured guards.

By the time dusk fell, Xiao Chen had already arrived at a big city with his sword. This city, when viewed from a distance, had no edges. It was indeed very big.

When he arrived near the city gate, Xiao Chen got off the flying sword and walked into the city. The city was bustling with traffic and traffic, and it was very lively.

I originally thought that the Bone Erosion Land was a very vicious place, but I never thought that there could be such a prosperous big city.

Only then did Xiao Chen realize that the Bone Erosion Land was the fragment left behind after the ancient Eastern cultivation world was shattered. Apart from some dangerous places, how could there not be a prosperous place?

As he was walking, there was a sudden sound of gongs and drums in front of him. Xiao Chen walked forward and saw that the road ahead was blocked, but he didn't know who those people were beating the gongs and drums.

At this time, I just heard someone talking on the roadside, "Have you heard? A few days ago, Gongzi Chu came back... A year ago, Gongzi Chu went to Lingxiao Palace and worshiped Taoist Master Lingxiao as his teacher. This time Shura Disturbing the Illusion Sea, he came back specifically to deal with those Shura..."

"Seriously? That's great! These Shuras are finally so rampant this time..."

"I heard that Young Master Chu has entered the Holy Realm and received the true biography of Ling Xiao. Among this younger generation, I don't think anyone can match him. This time, our ASEAN Association is not inferior to the Divine Palace in any way. And Xiaoque..."

"Young Master Chu's talent is so high. I heard that on the night he was born, a ten thousand-foot white rainbow suddenly fell from the sky, making the entire White Maple City look like it was daytime. But it was amazing..."

"I also heard that Young Master Chu once gained enlightenment one day and saw the Nine Heavens Mysterious Lady in his dream. Now he has three abilities in his body, all of which were passed down from the Nine Heavens Mysterious Lady..."

"This time, Shura is finally finished and can no longer harm others..."

Along the way, Xiao Chen heard a lot of people talking, and most of them were about a person named "Gongzi Chu".

However, Xiao Chen didn't pay much attention to these rumors on the roadside. When night fell, he found an inn. He had been traveling all the way down these days and was exhausted physically and mentally. He needed a good rest.

"Sir, here comes the wine you requested!"

In the corridor outside the room, the waiter came in with two bottles of wine. When leaving, Xiao Chen stopped him again, "Little brother, wait a moment."

"Sir, do you have any other orders?"

"On the way here, I saw many people mentioning the word 'Gongzi Chu'. I wonder who this Young Master Chu is?"

"Hey! This guest, when I saw you, I came from outside, right? This Young Master Chu is extraordinary. He is the son of King Mu. King Mu has eight million forbidden troops. He has resisted the invasion of Shura over the years and provided us with ASEAN He has made many military exploits!”


"Hey, guest, you don't know yet, right? Young Master Chu himself is a dragon and a phoenix among people. He was a member of the Four Alliances in the martial arts competition before Jiazi. Young Master Chu single-handedly defeated the other three alliances. Later, he even joined the Lingxiao Palace. Recently, he joined the Lingxiao Palace. I also heard that he has already stepped into the holy realm! What a blessing to my ASEAN!"

"Well...I understand, go and do your work."

"Great! If you need anything, please just ask! By the way, Shura has been rampant recently. They are cruel and murderous. I heard they cannibalize people. It's very scary. If you go out, please be careful. Finally, It’s better not to go to the mountains alone.”

After the shop assistant left, the room became quiet again. Xiao Chen sat by the window and thought about what he met in that mountain during the day. Was it Shura?

In addition to being huge in size and capable of summoning monsters, those Shura seemed to be no different from ordinary cultivators. No matter how you looked at them, they didn't look like the monsters that those people said could eat people.

Especially the woman in red. When Xiao Chen thinks about it now, for some reason, the resentful look in her eyes when she finally left can still be clearly seen in his mind, as well as the words "I remember you." But she didn't seem to be... As cruel and bloodthirsty as people say.

The night breeze outside was blowing softly. Xiao Chen came back to his senses and shook his head, thinking that because she was good-looking, you thought she was not a murderous person. If she was ugly, then you thought the waiter was right. Bar?

He poured a glass of wine and stopped thinking about it. At this time, the moon outside the window was shining brightly. He didn't drink much wine, and he didn't know when he started drinking. At this time, the jade bottle flickered, and the bright moon in the wine seemed to It turned into Wei Yang's appearance, and in a blink of an eye, it was gone again.

The next day, Xiao Chen immediately set off for Zhaoyue City. After walking for three days, he finally arrived at this big city where the leader of the ASEAN Alliance was located.

The city is indeed very prosperous. Even in the sky, there are islands suspended. On the islands, there are beautiful buildings and jade buildings, which look like the residence of immortals.

When Xiao Chen first came to this city, he felt that the power of the earth beneath the city was extremely strong, and the entire city was shrouded in a thick layer of spiritual energy. Because of this, the islands in the sky were able to float without falling.

"Little friend, you are here."

Not long after Xiao Chen entered the city, he saw a Taoist in green clothes and white hair coming towards him from a distance. The Taoist was holding a fly whisk and his face was red. It was none other than Hao who gave him the Immortal Alliance Order that day in Tianming Sect. Taoist.

"It turns out that the Taoist Master had already predicted that I would come today."

Xiao Chen walked forward. He was not very wary of the Taoist Hao in front of him. Now that he has realized the true state, his spiritual consciousness has become much sharper than before. If the other party has evil intentions, his eyes will... There must be no escape from his spiritual consciousness.


Taoist Hao smiled and said, "That day in Tianming Sect, I saw that my little friend is very impressive. I have submitted the matter to the leader of the alliance a few days ago about how to save Tianming Sect. Today, the leader of the alliance is waiting for me in the house. Please also invite me." Come with me, little friend.”

Xiao Chen thought to himself, the leader of the ASEAN Alliance would actually wait for a person whose identity is still unclear? What kind of medicine are these two people selling in their gourds? But since he is here today, he naturally wants to meet the ASEAN leader.

"Then please ask the Taoist Priest to lead the way."

"Haha, little friend, come on." Taoist Hao smiled, and with a gentle sweep of the fly whisk, a cloud of mist immediately gathered on the ground and took him flying up to the sky.

It turns out that the "fairy palace" where the ASEAN leader is located is not built in the city, but on the clouds above the city. Through the clouds, you can see islands floating above the sea of ​​clouds, and even fairy mountains are looming, and these islands On the top of the fairy mountain, there is a Qionglou Yuyu, which really looks like a fairy palace.

At this time, in a palace, I saw a middle-aged man with hair as white as snow sitting in the palace. The middle-aged man was majestic and had immortal energy on his body. He was obviously a saint. He was none other than the leader of the ASEAN Alliance. Royal Court.

Of course, in the entire ASEAN, it does not mean that his cultivation is the highest. Although he has become a saint and has ascended to the position of leader, ASEAN is so big that the Immortal Palace is just the tip of the iceberg, and there are even more profound cultivation outside. A mysterious recluse.

Beside Wang Ting, there was a woman in green clothes. This woman was actually the woman who was rescued by Xiao Chen when she was in danger in the mountains that day. The two old men who were there that day were also in the hall at this moment. Both of them lowered their heads silently, not daring to speak. Apparently they had just returned to Zhaoyue City today.

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