
At the head of the hall, Wang Ting was sitting upright, his face becoming more and more stern. He glanced at his daughter next to him, and then looked at the two old men below: "Yunmeng usually behaves nonsense, this time you will join in!"

After hearing the scolding, the two old men below did not dare to raise their heads. After a while, one of them whispered, "Leader, please calm down...Miss, she is the same..."

"What is it!" ❉✩❋

Wang Ting still had a stern look on his face, and looked at his daughter next to him, saying, "If you are captured by Shura this time, do you know what the consequences will be!"

"Isn't this...isn't it okay..."

Wang Yunmeng stuck out her tongue and looked aggrieved. Finally, she raised her head and pulled her father's sleeve. "Okay, Daddy, I understand. Next time I..."

"How dare there be a next time?"

Wang Ting glared at her, flicked his sleeves, and said coldly, "From today on, you are not allowed to leave the Immortal Palace for even half a step without my order!"

"I, I..." Wang Yunmeng pouted, looking extremely aggrieved, and finally tilted his head, "I don't! I don't..."


Wang Ting pointed his hand, and the people below lowered their heads and dared not speak. He was the leader of the ASEAN Alliance, and in the entire Immortal Palace, this daughter was the only one who dared to contradict him in front of everyone.

"Miss, stop talking..." The two old men quickly glanced at her. Wang Ting was so angry that he flicked his sleeves and said, "Take her down here!"

"Miss, let's go..."

The two old men walked up and kept winking at Wang Yunmeng, indicating that they should not continue to contradict the leader at this time.


Wang Yunmeng tilted her head and looked at the top of the hall. Her eyes were red and she still looked aggrieved. She choked out, "I also want to share some of my father's worries. I have already obtained the information. Who knows?" They will lie in wait there..."

"Intelligence? What you call intelligence is fake news released by Yanyue Qingwu with the purpose of luring you over?"

Wang Ting still had a stern look on his face, and looked at the two old men again, "She was deceived, and you will also be deceived!"

The two old men lowered their heads and whispered, "Shura has always been scheming, especially the ruthless Yan Yue. The young lady accidentally fell into her trap. This encounter is indeed the dereliction of duty of the two of us. After this incident, I The two are willing to accept the punishment..."

"Yue Yue is ruthless... I will definitely take revenge! Huh!" Wang Yunmeng wiped his red eyes. Although he was aggrieved, he still looked stubborn and unconvinced.

"That's all, you go down."

Wang Ting finally waved his hand helplessly, and at this moment, a disciple suddenly came in from outside and whispered a few words in his ear.

Wang Yunmeng frowned, looked at the disciple, and said displeasedly, "Hey! You can't let me hear what you said secretly!"

"Little, miss..."

The disciple turned around and saw her eyes were red, with a few crystal clear tears hanging on her long eyelashes. Thinking that she had been reprimanded by the leader just now, he couldn't help but smile awkwardly.

Wang Ting frowned, "Okay, you go down first, you have nothing to do here."


Wang Yunmeng turned around and left, but before he and the two old men reached the entrance of the temple, he saw Taoist Hao coming back. The two old men immediately said respectfully, "Elder Hao..."

However, when they said this, the two of them were stunned. They saw that the white-haired young man next to Hao Daoren was actually the benefactor who saved them in Yunling that day.

"Young hero, it's you..."

The two of them thought they had seen it wrong at first, but after repeated viewings, they were sure that it was the young hero that day, and the frosty white hair was unmistakable.

"Sir, it's you..."

Wang Yunmeng was also stunned for a moment, and it took him a while to react. He was still tearful a moment ago, but now he was smiling. He turned to his father sitting at the head of the hall and said, "Dad! He was the one who was rescued that day in Yunling." Our young master..."

Daoren Hao was also stunned for a moment. What is the situation now?

Xiao Chen looked at the woman in green clothes in front of him, and then he recognized that she was the woman he had rescued in the mountains that day. But that day, he only remembered the resentful look of Shura's red-clothed woman, and the others , seem to have forgotten everything.

"Sir! Do you still remember me? It was that day in Yunling..."

Wang Yunmeng turned around and looked at Xiao Chen and said excitedly. Xiao Chen nodded slightly, "It turns out to be a girl." He thought that the person he accidentally saved that day turned out to be the daughter of the leader of the ASEAN Alliance.

At this time, Wang Ting also walked down from the head of the palace, took a look at Xiao Chen, and saw at a glance that this young man was hiding something secretly, and said, "It turns out that the young hero was the one who saved the little girl in Yunling that day. man of……"

Xiao Chen slightly arched his hands and said, "Xuan Yue, I have met the leader of the ASEAN Alliance."

"Young hero Xuanyue, you're welcome, please."

Wang Ting raised his hand and led him towards the hall. Unexpectedly, he turned out to be the mysterious young man who saved his daughter. What a coincidence.

At this time, Wang Yunmeng no longer looked aggrieved. He thought that what happened in this world was really a coincidence. The person his father wanted to see was actually the person who saved him. He smiled and said, "Dad, you don't know, Mr. Xuan Yue can... It was amazing. That day, he used a fairy sword to break Shura's demonic aura. With a single wave, he killed all the demon spirits, as well as that Yanyue Wuqing. In the end, she wanted to sneak attack me, but she was killed by the young master. He was knocked back by a palm..."


Hearing what his daughter said, Wang Ting also had a smile on his face, but he knew in his heart that this young man's ability could compete with Tianmozi who had stepped into the holy realm. Even if he was ten moon-weary ruthless, how could he? Is he his opponent?

"Young Hero Xuanyue, please sit down."

Wang Ting stretched out his hand and invited Xiao Chen to take a seat. However, Xiao Chen felt that the other party was too enthusiastic. He was just passing by and saw him and took action by the way.

But at this time, he knew very well that if a person in a high position like the leader of the ASEAN League treated someone so warmly, it would not be just because that person saved his daughter.

Xiao Chen is not really Xuan Yue. He is the Lord of Wuyu Tian. He still understands some simple truths. He said, "I have heard from many people recently that there are Shura causing trouble in the Illusion Sea. The leader of the alliance... is... Are you worried about this?"


Hearing him mention Shura, Wang Ting couldn't help but frown. The recent Shura incident really worried him. It wasn't that no one in ASEAN could deal with those Shura, but that those Shura were too difficult to deal with. Not only could they summon monsters, but they could also When the evil spirit is released, ordinary cultivators cannot get close to it. Once they are contaminated by the evil spirit, they will turn into monsters driven by Shura.

"The struggle between the Fantasy Sea and Shura has been going on since ancient times, and it is not just in the past two years. It's just that recently, Shura has become too rampant and frequently comes to the Fantasy Sea to cause trouble. You don't have to worry about this, young hero. I have already informed the other party. The three alliances issued a letter, and this time the four alliances will join forces to expel them. "

"That's good."

Xiao Chen nodded. He didn't know much about the dispute between Huan Hai and Shura, but at the moment, it seemed that the ASEAN leader was indeed in trouble, otherwise he wouldn't have a sad face. Even his daughter almost fell into the trap that day. In the opponent's hands, it can be seen that this Shura is really powerful.

As for the people he met that day, except for the woman in red who was somewhat virtuous, the others were just Shura tribesmen with mediocre strength.

"If the alliance leader needs anything, you can tell me about it. This Shura... I would also like to know them."


Hearing what he said, Wang Ting couldn't help but his eyes lit up, he nodded and said with a smile, "If the young hero has this intention, that would be great. Speaking of which, don't you know where the young hero is from?"

Xiao Chen said, "This time I went down the mountain to practice, Master once told me not to mention her name in front of others... Alliance leader, please don't be offended."

"No wonder, no wonder."

Wang Ting nodded, thinking that despite his young age, his cultivation was already extremely extraordinary. Compared to Chu Qingyu, he was no less generous. If such a talented person could be used by himself, wouldn't it be a God-given opportunity? And behind him, there might be an entire force...

On the surface, the four alliances of the Fantasy Sea are united to resist the invasion of Shura aliens. However, in fact, for thousands of years, they have been fighting openly and secretly. Not only the royal court, but also the other three alliances, who doesn't want to unify the four alliances? Become the Lord of the Fantasy Sea?

Therefore, in recent years, while resisting Shura, the four alliances have also been secretly gathering their own forces, and even used various tactics such as "beauty traps" to poach each other's talents.

Although there are people like Chu Qingyu and others in the ASEAN Association, the Chu family is too powerful after all, and has even made the royal court faintly afraid. Although he is called the leader of the ASEAN Association, the Chu family will not treat him as such at all. The leader takes it seriously.

The eight million forbidden troops under King Mu Chu Yun can raise troops to rebel at any time. What is even more frightening is that in the secret realm of the Chu family, there is an old monster who has been immortal for a thousand years. It is said that the old monster Chu Fengyang has recently entered the third realm. Got it!

If that were the case, a strong man in the third realm might be able to make the entire ASEAN tremble with just a wave of his hand.

But until now, there is an inevitable reason why the Chu family dare not rebel and cause trouble, and this reason is Lingxiao Palace.

Lingxiao Palace lives alone in the center of the fantasy sea. It does not belong to any alliance, but it seems to balance the power of the world. Even the Chu family has to be afraid of this mysterious Lingxiao Palace. Even if it is a Jiazi ago, Chu Yun He sent Chu Qingyu to Lingxiao Palace to learn from his master.

Over the years, Wang Ting has often had to hold back. In fact, there is another very important reason, that is, there is no one like Chu Qingyu under his command.

Even if the ASEAN Alliance wins in the Four Alliance Martial Arts Competition, when others say, it is Chu Qingyu of the Chu family who wins. What does it have to do with his royal court?

But it would be different if he had a young man under his command who could compete with Chu Qingyu.

It's a pity that people like this are like dragons and phoenixes. Where can I find them?

Over the years, he has searched everywhere and taught many disciples. His disciples are extremely talented in front of ordinary people, but compared with Chu Qingyu, they are not worth mentioning.

But this time, he didn't expect that he would meet a young man who could compete with Chu Qingyu. Could this be a God-given opportunity?

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