The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,238 The Four Alliances Join Hands

Until dusk fell that day, the royal court arranged for Xiao Chen to stay in the Immortal Palace, but Xiao Chen declined politely on the grounds that "it's too cold at high places."

In fact, the Wuyu Heaven is thousands of feet high in the sky, much higher than this Immortal Palace, but he has never been used to it. How could he not be used to the "cold weather at high places" in this Immortal Palace?

However, if he stayed in the Immortal Palace, firstly, he would be watched everywhere and would have difficulty moving, and secondly, if the leader of the ASEAN Alliance suddenly left an outsider in the Immortal Palace, it would inevitably attract the attention of many people.

In this way, Xiao Chen would rather go to the city below and find an inn at random, which is more comfortable than living in this fairy palace. However, since Wang Ting intends to win over him, even if Wang Ting has no intention to win over him, he can save him. How could Wang Ting let him stay in an inn if he had married Wang Ting's daughter?

To the south in Dongcheng District of Zhaoyue City, there is a plum grove called Plum Grove Garden. It was built by the royal court after spending countless manpower and financial resources for more than twenty years.

This Plum Grove Garden occupies a very large area, surrounded by green mountains and green water. Not only is the scenery quiet and undisturbed, but it is also surrounded by green mountains and surrounded by spirit gathering formations. Therefore, the spiritual energy is extremely abundant and is very suitable for cultivation.

More importantly, there is a barrier outside this Plum Grove Garden, and no one, including Wang Ting, can peek inside.

Therefore, it is extremely difficult for ordinary people to live in this Meilin Garden, but this time, Wang Ting allowed Xiao Chen to live in it, and the treatment was better than leaving him directly in the Immortal Palace.

As the night fell, Xiao Chen followed Taoist Hao to the Plum Grove Garden. As soon as he stepped in, he felt the unusually abundant spiritual energy here, which was even more powerful than some sects that cultivate immortality.

Behind the two of them, there were sixteen maids. These sixteen maids were no ordinary maids. Not only were they all beautiful, they were good at singing and dancing, they were proficient in music, chess, calligraphy and painting, and they also had some cultivation skills. Because, she can also cast some small spells, just like the real little fairy from heaven.

Along the way, Xiao Chen saw that the scenery of the lakes and mountains in the plum forest was indeed excellent, and the layout of some pavilions, waterside pavilions, and pavilions were also very small and unique, which matched the spiritual energy formation of Zhoushan Mountain. It was obvious that the royal court was also a person with a big heart. .

When I came to a tower, I saw that the garden was full of fallen plum blossoms, which looked like snow. As a breeze blew by, some fell into the lake, making ripples, and some fell into the pavilions in the center of the lake, like dark tiles stained with frost, and still lingering. Some of them fell on Xiao Chen's shoulders and hair. At this moment, he looked even more otherworldly and less immortal.

“I never expected that there would be such an elegant place among the hustle and bustle of the city.”

Xiao Chen walked slowly into the courtyard, stepping on the fallen plum blossoms all over the ground. He saw the ancient rocks in the courtyard, the clear water in the pond, and a few carp crawling under the rockery.

Taoist Hao chuckled and said, "My little friend will live here from now on. If you need anything, just ask... That little girl Yunmeng can't take any time off all day long. I think she will probably come to disturb you every day these days. When the time comes, please don’t think she is noisy, haha.”

When night fell, the sixteen maids stayed behind, while Taoist Hao returned to the Immortal Palace in the mist. Xiao Chen sat on the balcony by the lake. The environment in the Plum Grove Garden was indeed very comfortable, but the more comfortable it became, The less he will take it lightly, the less likely he will forget the purpose of this trip.

"Dong, dong, dong..."

At this moment, there was a gentle knock on the door outside the house, followed by a maid's voice: "Master, the hot water is ready. If you want to take a shower and change clothes now, please move to Meilin Beiyuan."

Xiao Chen slowly opened his eyes. Under the flickering lights, he could vaguely see two figures standing outside the door. It was good now. Even when he was bathing and changing clothes, there were people waiting for him. No one in Wuyu Heaven had ever served him like this.

When I came to a pavilion in Beiyuan, I saw two strings of lanterns swaying in the wind under the eaves, and two women in white clothes standing below. When they saw him coming, they all bowed gently and saluted, "Sir."

And beside the bathtub behind the screen, there were two fair-minded women standing. One was holding neat clothes, the other was holding a plate of wine and fruit. They were nothing more than emperors in the world.

"You guys go out."

"Yes, sir."

Xiao Chen took off his clothes and got into the bathtub. Waves of heat surged up, and in his mind, scenes from today's day appeared again.

From Wang Ting's words and eyes, it was not difficult for him to see that the ASEAN leader also encountered a problem. Perhaps only he could solve it. This would be the best. If the other party did not need him at all, then this Why did he get the quota in the Ancient Immortal World?

At this time, in a secret hall in the Immortal Palace, the lights were bright, and there were three people in the hall, the two old men beside Wang Ting and Wang Yunmeng.

At this moment, Wang Ting had a solemn look on his face, and after a long time he said, "Are you two sure that you saw it right that day?"

"Absolutely sure."

The two old men nodded solemnly again. The old man in purple on the left said, "I saw clearly that day. Not only could he easily break through the Shura Mist Realm, but he was also completely unafraid of Shura's evil spirit..."

"Not afraid of Shura's energy at all..."

Wang Ting stared intently, was he really not afraid of the evil spirit at all?

Seeing that he still didn't believe it, the old man in green on the right said solemnly, "This is absolutely true. The two of us would never have seen it wrong that day. He was not using Qigong to use his true energy to resist the Shura demons, but the evil spirits of those demons." Qi cannot corrode him at all..."

"Is it really that great?"

There was still some disbelief on Wang Ting's face. Even if he had stepped into the holy realm, he could not say that he was not afraid of the Shura Demon. Not to mention the serious consequences for ordinary people being corrupted by the Shura Demon. Even he, once he was accidentally attacked by the Shura Demon, The erosion of evil spirits will, at the very least, damage one's Taoism and cause one's cultivation to regress.

It is precisely because of this that for thousands of years, the practitioners of Huanhai, no matter how high their cultivation level is, even if they have stepped into the holy realm, they have never dared to easily enter the land of Shura. They can only continue to practice in the border land. expulsion.

However, in recent years, the evil spirit of Shura has become more and more powerful, and with the addition of several strong Shura men, the cultivators on the Huanhai side, even though their numbers far exceed those of Shura, have frequently suffered defeats.

Seeing that the alliance leader was deep in thought, the old man in purple whispered, "I heard that King Mu lost a battle at Guiluoyan not long ago and lost nearly 200,000 people... What does the alliance leader think of this matter?" ?”

"Of course I know about this."

Wang Ting concentrated his attention. This time it was not just the people of the Chu family who lost, but also the cultivators of the ASEAN Association.

Whenever encountering the "Shura Mist Realm", everyone must retreat as soon as possible, otherwise once they are trapped and infected by the Shura Qi, they will often die, and if they are infected by the Shura Qi, even after death, they will Become a monster driven by those Shura.

Because of this, this time, the Royal Court sent a letter to the other three alliances. The four alliances must unite to win the battle no matter what. Otherwise, if this continues, morale will be greatly reduced, and cultivators from all forces will evacuate one after another. If you avoid it, the consequences will be even more embarrassing.

The old man in purple said, "I have an idea. Since this Young Hero Xuan Yue is not afraid of the Shura demon, then this time, on the basis of the original plan, it is better to have one more person, and he will only represent our Immortal Palace, the leader of the alliance." ……what do you think?"

"very good!"

Wang Ting showed his face and smiled, "Young hero Xuanyue is very capable, and he is not afraid of the evil spirit. This time, it can be said that God is helping me..."

When he said this, he turned back and said to the old man in purple, "This time Young Master Xuan Yue saved Meng'er in Yunling. Tomorrow you ask Meng'er to bring some gifts to Meilin Garden, otherwise it won't be justified..."

The old man in purple immediately understood his intention and said with a smile, "Okay..."

"in addition……"

Wang Ting looked at the old man in green next to him, "Mr. Feng, try your best to find out the origin of this person. He is definitely not a disciple of Xingluo Sect."

The next day, Xiao Chen was watching fish in a small pavilion in the middle of the lake, when someone came from behind. He saw the man's fluttering green clothes, which blended with the scenery of the lake and mountains, making his figure even more beautiful. He was not someone else, but It was Wang Ting’s daughter, Wang Yunmeng.

"Miss Yunmeng."

Xiao Chen turned around and saw Wang Yunmeng smiling like a flower. "Mr. Xuanyue, are you here alone? Dad asked me to come and say thank you for saving me that day."

Xiao Chen said, "If the road is uneven, why bother?"


The smile on Wang Yunmeng's face was as bright as clouds. She blinked her big, watery eyes and looked at him and said, "This Merlin is quite big. You don't know how to walk alone, right? Come on, I'll take you to play!"

This was the case in the next few days. Wang Yunmeng would come to Meilin every day to look for him, and would bring some snacks from time to time. As the apple of the eye of the leader of the ASEAN League, and with such an appearance, he was so shy that the entire ASEAN , I don’t know how many people want to embrace a beautiful woman, and then rise to the top of their lives.

However, Xiao Chen had no intention of meddling with the beauty in front of him, and through insinuations these days, he also learned some things about the Four Alliances and Shura from Wang Yunmeng, and most importantly, the only quota in the Ancient Immortal World.

The Land of Illusion Sea does have a quota, and the token of this quota is called "Illusion Sea Glazed". There is only one in the entire Land of Illusion Sea, and it is currently sealed in the "Four Alliance Temple". Only those who hold Illusion Sea Glazed, this The quota is valid only now.

A few days passed. On this day, Xiao Chen was watching fish at the pavilion in the middle of the lake as usual. A cloud suddenly approached in the sky. If he looked closely, he saw that it was not a cloud, but Taoist Hao coming in the mist.

"Daozhang Hao."

Xiao Chen guessed that the other party would come today, because yesterday, he learned about the alliance of the four alliances from Wang Yunmeng. This time, the four alliances would each select one of the most outstanding young people to go to Guiluoyan, and in one fell swoop Destroy the Shura there, so as to boost the morale of the cultivators in the Illusion Sea.

And these four young people, Chu Qingyu of ASEAN, also known as Gongzi Chu, is the son of King Mu of ASEAN, and can be said to be the most outstanding among the four young people.

The remaining three people are Shenfu Longzhan, the son of the leader of the Western Alliance. This man is born with supernatural powers and holds a war-god halberd. It is said that he has the power of the war-god Xingtian, which is very impressive.

Bai Yuhan, the leader of the Southern Alliance Yunge, is a direct disciple of the leader of the Southern Alliance, and his cultivation level is also very high. The last one, named Shangguan Ruoxue, is the daughter of the leader of the Northern Alliance, Shangguan Hong. She has been gifted with extraordinary talents since she was a child. Rumor has it that Her cultivation level is not inferior to Gongzi Chu's.

Today, Taoist Hao came to Meilin to look for him. Xiao Chen had probably guessed what was going on, but before the other party spoke, he had to confirm one thing first, whether he could get the Illusion Sea Glazed Glass. If he could get the Huan Hai Glaze, he would help Huan Hai repel Shura, otherwise there would be no discussion.

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