The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,242 The Hidden Mist Realm


It was really hard for everyone to imagine that he could break through the Shura Mist Realm by himself. How could this be possible? Could it be that his magic power is just enough to restrain these Shura demons?

This Shura Mist Realm cannot be broken through strength alone. In other words, even if the four alliance leaders come in person, they may not be able to successfully break through the Shura Mist Realm.

And with so many of them gathered here, with their concentrated power, they would definitely be better than Xiao Chen, but why was the other party able to break through the Shura Mist Realm? ❉♦

At this moment, everyone remembered that last night he had vowed that he would definitely break through the Shura Mist Realm at Chenshi today, and now it happened to be Chenshi...

Chu Qingyu and the other two looked at Xiao Chen with doubts at this time. During the previous journey, the four of them didn't pay much attention to this man who didn't speak much. Although Chu Qingyu paid a little attention, it was only Just paying attention, not even caring.

But now it seems that the strength this person showed just now really surprised them. Putting aside the ability to break the Shura Mist Realm, the power of the sword and palm just now is not inferior to any of them. Anyone.

Long Zhan and Bai Yuhan didn't think too much because they were not from the ASEAN Association, but Chu Qingyu seemed to have other concerns at this time.

"The fog boundary has been broken. Everyone, you can come over."

Xiao Chen turned around and said lightly, Taoist Hao told him before that there is no need to hide his strength when necessary. On the contrary, he should let all the cultivators of the four alliances see his strength, because this time he represents , not just ASEAN, but also Asgard.

Everyone just woke up from a dream and looked at the array of strange peaks in front of them. Now that the Shura Mist World has dispersed, if they don't attack now, how long will it take?

The cultivators from all four alliances immediately moved forward. However, after a stick of incense, they came to a mountain ridge. The mountain ridge was shrouded in layers of Shura aura. It looked more powerful than the previous Shura mist world. Much more powerful.

"It's the Hidden Mist Realm..."

Shangguan Ruoxue's brows slightly condensed, looking at the heavy Shura Qi in front of her, and said, "The Hidden Mist Realm is much more powerful than the ordinary Shura Mist Realm. Even after it is broken, it will gather again within a stick of incense, unless the inner world is completely broken. The Hidden Mist Formation.

"What should we do?"

An old man stood up, with a slightly startled look on his face, looking at the mountains shrouded in black mist in front of them. They had never gone deep here before. They thought they would just break through the Shura mist outside, but they didn't expect that they would be here. , there is such a powerful Kirigakure, how can we break it?

"Little friend Xuanyue... do you see it?"

Since Xiao Chen broke through the Shura Mist Realm outside earlier, everyone naturally looked at him now.

At this time, Xiao Chen's eyebrows were slightly furrowed. At that moment, he didn't know if it was an illusion or something, but he sensed something abnormal in the spiritual power here.

"You guys stand back."

Xiao Chen came back to his senses and stopped thinking about it. His mission this time was to help the four alliances capture Guiluo Rock. After completing it, he would be able to get the Illusion Sea Glazed Glass. Everything else had nothing to do with him.

Everyone stepped back after hearing this, holding their breath and watching him nervously. However, this time, after many attempts, even he could not break through the Kirigakure.

"what happened……"

Seeing that the Hidden Mist Realm was so powerful that even he could not break it, everyone's faces slowly showed signs of anxiety, and then Chu Qingyu and others also flew up. However, even if there were four more of them, they would not be able to break it. It is also impossible to break through the hidden world of mist.

"Let's try it together."

The cultivators from the four alliances behind also flew up. However, even with the combined efforts of everyone, they could only barely disperse some of the Shura demons. But not long after, these Shura demons would gather again, and no one could get in at all.

"what to do?"

After trying several times to no avail, everyone frowned. Seeing that they had come inside, they were blocked by the Hidden Mist Realm. Could it be that they had to go back again?

"The formation is inside. If you want to break through the Kirigakure, you must first go inside and break the formation."

Shangguan Ruoxue looked at the dark fog in the mountains and said attentively. After that, she turned around and looked at everyone.

"That is to say, someone must enter the Hidden Mist Realm and break the formation..."

The two old men frowned deeply and lowered their heads in meditation. After a while, they raised their heads and looked inside and said, "But in this hidden world of mist, the evil Shura evil spirit is extremely heavy. Even if we have true energy to protect our bodies, it will be difficult for us to protect ourselves." After a while, this..."

Everyone was at a loss what to do. At this time, Xiao Chen walked away from the Hidden Mist Realm. Everyone was stunned when they saw him walking in, "Young Hero Xuan Yue, you..."

Xiao Chen turned around slightly and said, "Everyone, please wait outside for a moment." After saying that, he moved and instantly disappeared into the hidden world of mist.


Seeing him entering the Kirigakure Realm like that, many people were shocked. To put it bluntly, even if they were a strong man from the Holy Realm who came here and entered the Kirigakure Realm rashly, they would not dare to say that they would not be affected by the heavy Corroded by the Shura demon, he actually... Where did this person come from?

Chu Qingyu also focused her attention, looking at the place where Xiao Chen disappeared just now, thinking to herself, does this person really have no fear of Shura?

At this time, the Kirigakure Realm is shrouded in heavy illusory mist. People who enter it will definitely lose their way within a moment, and then they will be eroded by the Shura Demon and eventually become a monster.

But Xiao Chen's consciousness seemed to have become sharper inside, and the Shura Qi around him slowly eroded him, and even when he got close, the Shura Qi would dissipate on its own.

It didn't take long for him to find the location of those formations and the center of the formation. For some reason, ever since he went to the Tomb of Gods and Demons, encountered the Ten Thousand Bones Formation in the Bone City, and had a connection with the ancient god's consciousness. , he has become particularly sensitive to battle tactics since then.

The formations in the Kirigakure Realm are designed to be very secretive. Even if someone breaks in, it will be difficult to find every foothold of the formations, and it will be even harder to find the center of the formations and destroy them.

However, Xiao Chen seemed to have a clear vision of all this. Under the induction of his spiritual consciousness, these formations seemed to shine at him, allowing him to see everything at a glance.

Why did he have such a keen insight into battle tactics? Maybe even he himself never noticed it before...

Time passed moment by moment, and the people outside were waiting extremely anxiously. But just when everyone was sitting on pins and needles, they saw that the layers of Shura demons inside the mountain range actually dispersed.

"The fog has dispersed...the hidden world of fog has been broken!"

Everyone stepped forward excitedly. Soon, the heavy Shura aura had completely dissipated. Looking from a distance, the mountains were as clear as green, and there was no longer the gloomy feeling before.

"The Kirigakure Realm has been broken, you can enter."

Xiao Chen's figure also slowly appeared in everyone's field of vision. At this time, the cultivators of the Four Alliances were a little unbelievable. Not only was he not afraid of this Shura Demon, he could also break through the Hidden Mist Formation inside...


After a while, everyone came back to their senses and immediately headed in in a mighty manner. Some time ago, because of the Shura Mist Realm, the cultivators of the Illusory Sea suffered repeated defeats and suffered heavy losses. Now their morale is undoubtedly boosted.

Chu Qingyu glanced at Xiao Chen, then stepped forward and flew into the Ghost Luo Rock.

The Kirigakure Realm was broken, which Shura obviously did not expect. At this time, many Shura rushed out to defend the enemy, but there were not many Shura soldiers stationed at Guiluo Rock. They had won again and again before because of the Shura Mist. boundary.

But now that the mist world has been broken, their numbers are far inferior to those of the nearby Illusion Sea cultivators. How can they resist the Four Alliance cultivators coming like a tidal wave?

Soon, the Shura clan was retreating steadily, and the morale of the cultivators in Huanhai was greatly increased. The flying swords in the sky were stained with blood, and spells rained down!


The dragon war's divine power was terrifying, causing mountains to collapse and the ground to crack. Almost every time the halberd struck, more than a dozen powerful Shura warriors were killed by the halberd.

Chu Qingyu's attack was even more fierce, and the sword energy filled the sky like rain. Under his unparalleled sword energy, those Shura were as vulnerable as withered grass.

Shangguan Ruoxue also had sharp eyes, hanging in the air, activating the sword energy. Every time the sword energy was struck, Shura would be killed by the sword!

Bai Yuhan, on the other hand, was bound by magic, which made it impossible for those Shura to escape, and in the end they could only die in the rain of sword energy.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

In the past, the Huanhai cultivators suffered defeats again and again, with countless casualties. Now they immediately became red-blooded and attacked the Guiluo Rock all the way. They killed the Shura clansmen when they saw them, leaving no room for maneuver.

The entire Guiluo Rock suddenly filled with the sound of killings, and was soon shrouded in a thick smell of blood. Looking from a distance, corpses were everywhere, and blood flowed into rivers. This was the devastation caused by the war.

Just the war between Huanhai and Shura is already so terrifying. Thinking back to the last era of annihilation, those battles between gods and demons frequently destroyed the heaven and earth. How terrifying is that?

The pungent smell of blood rushed straight into his nose. Xiao Chen suddenly felt dizzy. The shouts of killing kept ringing in his ears. For a moment, he seemed to have an illusion. He saw that even the sky was dyed red with blood. He saw The sky is full of immortals, demons, gods and Buddhas, and they continue to fall, and the sound of killing is loud...

"Young Hero Xuan Yue... Young Hero Xuan Yue!"

Just when he was unconscious, two old men covered in blood suddenly rushed to him, "Young Hero Xuan Yue! What's wrong with you?"

"I...I'm fine, what's wrong?"

"A large number of Shura warriors are coming here. Young hero, you must be careful and don't get distracted at this time... In addition, there are some Shura mist realms over there that we can't break through, so I'll bother you young hero! But young hero You must be careful, Xia, the Shura there is very cruel..."

"Okay, just leave it to me. You can capture this place as soon as possible..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Chen no longer hesitated, and with a movement of his body, he flew towards the last few demons of Gui Luo Yan. But when he arrived here, he suddenly felt that something was wrong...

However, at this moment, the sound of killing behind him was loud, and the blood was coming layer by layer, which made him upset. At this time, he could not think about it so much. With a "clang", he raised Zhongxiao and aimed at the Shura Mist Realm with a sword. Broken.

When the last Shura Mist World nearby was broken, the cultivators of the Four Alliances in the distance immediately rushed inside as if they were in a deserted place.

Xiao Chen immediately unfolded his body and flew into Guiluo Rock, but when he entered and saw the scene in front of him, he was stunned.

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