The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,243: Weary of the Moon and Ruthless

Inside this Guiluo Rock, it is not a terrifying Shura place, but actually a place with clear mountains and clear waters, and villages scattered here and there.

It's just that the people who live here are all Shura people. Although they are Shura people, they are not demons or cultivators. They are just Shura people, just ordinary mortals.

The cultivators from the Four Alliances outside had already poured in. Without any explanation, they were slashed down by the fierce sword energy all over the sky. Under the sword energy, the villages were wiped out and disappeared in an instant. However, the ordinary Shura tribesmen fled in fear. , but how to escape from the flying sword of the "immortal"?

Soon, the entire Guiluo Rock was filled with tragic sounds. The many ordinary Shura tribesmen had no resistance at all under the flying swords of the cultivators. With one sword, they were destroyed physically and mentally. , there are children, there are women, even strong adult men cannot withstand any sword...

"What's going on, what's going on..."

At this moment, Xiao Chen only felt the world spinning. Why were there so many ordinary Shura people here?

At this moment, another trace of strange spiritual power came from deep underground. This was the power of spiritual veins, the power of spiritual veins he had felt outside Guiluo Rock before.

At this moment, he finally understood that although Huanhai and Shura had been fighting for thousands of years, this time Shura was not the aggressor, Huanhai was!

Everything became clear at this moment, and he figured it out. It turned out that all this was actually the Four Alliances of the Illusion Sea who wanted to seize Shura's spiritual power, not Shura, who wanted to capture the Illusion Sea.

It was the leaders of the four alliances and the people in the royal court who deceived everyone. They coveted Shura's spiritual power, so they started this war on the grounds that Shura invaded the fantasy sea.

From beginning to end, this was a conspiracy. They deceived all the cultivators in the Fantasy Sea, just because they wanted the power of Shura's spiritual veins...

But he himself was actually helping the tyrants to do evil.

"I see……"

At this moment, listening to the tragic sounds all around, and seeing the unarmed ordinary Shura tribesmen lying in a pool of blood, Xiao Chen suddenly felt a sharp pain in his head, and in his mind, the tragic scene of Ningcun's destruction suddenly emerged in his mind.

"Grandma... Grandma, no, no! Ah——"

Suddenly, his eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, and Zhongxiao suddenly made a "clang" sound and surrounded him, constantly emitting green light.

"Master, you said that a person with a pure heart will not be deceived by evil spirits... But what should I do now... Ah!"

"I want to get the Huanhai Glazed Glass, I want to go to the Ancient Immortal World, I want to save Weiyang...ah!"

Suddenly, black energy appeared between his eyebrows, and a wisp of black energy appeared on his wrist. The three corpse demons actually seemed to be awakening again.

It turns out that as long as he has demonic obstacles in his heart, this is the best nourishment for the Three Corpse Demons.

"Those who have an innocent heart will not be confused by evil spirits... Yes, what is right, what is wrong, what is wrong... Ah!"

The signs of the Three Corpse Demon's awakening are getting heavier and heavier. Even on his body, there is a faint black energy emerging. The body of the Chongxiao Sword keeps making a whistling sound, and the sword's light also increases, as if it wants to kill the master. Wake up from the sea of ​​suffering at this time.

"What's up with him?"

In the distance, Chu Qingyu and the others also noticed that Xiao Chen was abnormal at this time, and wondered whether he had been infected by Shura Qi on the way just now?

"I'll go over and take a look."

Bai Yuhan's eyebrows furrowed slightly, and he immediately flew towards him, landing behind him. He was slightly on guard, stretched out his hand and said, "Brother Xuan Yue... what's wrong with you?"

Xiao Chen's eyes were blood red, and he looked very scary at this moment. Without turning around, he flicked his sleeves and flew away into the distance.

After a while, he came to another place and saw a dozen cultivators going on a killing spree, and those who died under their swords were not Shura warriors, but ordinary Shura people and even children. Women included.


With a sword cry, the Chongxiao Sword instantly turned into a hundred-foot-long sword light and flew over, knocking back the cultivators of the Illusory Sea.

"Don't you even let the children go..."

Xiao Chen's eyes were bloodshot, and his face seemed to be covered with a layer of frost, which frightened the cultivators of the Illusion Sea.

One person looked at him and said in a trembling voice, "Young Master Xuan Yue, you don't know that these Shura are ferocious in nature. As the saying goes, they have to eradicate evil. If they are not eradicated today, when they grow up in the future, they will also..."

"Your opponents are those Shura warriors, not these unarmed villagers... Get out!"

With a flick of Xiao Chen's sleeves, the dozens of people were sent flying out, but looking at the pale faces of those people, they were a little afraid of Xiao Chen and did not dare to stay here any longer. They immediately sacrificed their flying swords and went to other places. .

The Shura tribesmen in the whole village were still scared. They hugged each other and looked at Xiao Chen in horror. And there are still many such villages nearby...

They don't know how to wield a sword, let alone fly, and they can't outrun the cultivators of the Four Alliances. If this continues, there will only be one death.

Xiao Chen swept his consciousness outside and discovered that there were countless cultivators from the Four Alliances coming to Guiluo Rock. Sure enough, there were countless people from the Four Alliances hiding outside. He was careless and didn't notice before.

But now, after the Kirigakure Realm was broken by him, those people all attacked, and the Shura warriors stationed at Guiluo Rock were unable to resist at all.

This place will be breached in half an hour at most, and there are at least hundreds of thousands of ordinary villagers within a hundred miles nearby. They cannot wield swords or fly, and they will all be wiped out in the flames of war.

"Auntie, I'm afraid..."

"Good boy, don't be afraid, the king will definitely come to save us..."

Seeing those ordinary Shura tribesmen huddled in the ruins and shivering, Xiao Chen felt soft, raised his palm, and immediately rolled up a cloud of mist, leading these hundreds of people to fly towards the Shura Sea. go.

But there are hundreds of thousands of ordinary Shura tribesmen in the entire Guiluo Rock. Although those people are desperately trying to escape in the direction of the Shura Sea, how can their speed be faster than the flying swords in the sky?

Seeing that the cultivators from the Four Alliances outside had already attacked with overwhelming force, their numbers far exceeded his imagination. Even if all the Shura warriors from Guiluo Rock gathered at this time, they could only withstand three waves of attacks at most before they collapsed.

"Gui Yunshan, Yun Tianzi, Lu Yan!"

Three terrifying dead souls suddenly appeared in mid-air, frightening the Shura tribesmen who were already trembling and uneasy to tremble even more.

"Go find all the nearby villagers and take them away."

"As ordered..."

The three soul generals immediately flew in all directions, and soon found the ordinary Shura tribesmen on the ground who were running for their lives in a panic.

Xiao Chen's consciousness searched in all directions and accurately found the location of the villagers. He immediately raised the clouds and flew over. With his current level of cultivation, it was not easy to fly away with hundreds of thousands of ordinary people in the clouds. Difficult matter.

Soon, the hundreds of thousands of ordinary Shura tribesmen in Guiluoyan were brought into the clouds by him, but at this moment, a voice came into his mind: "Boy, there is the Shura Sea in front of you. This time you broke their Hidden Mist Realm, let King Shura catch you, even if you don’t save your ten lives, turn back immediately!”

The sound was made by the Bone Demon. When the Storm Sky collapsed last time, Xiao Chen brought the Bone Demon out, and the Bone Demon has been following him since then.

Because this bone demon has occupied the complete skeleton of an ancient immortal, and its aura is too strong, it will definitely cause trouble if anyone discovers it, so it usually stays in Xiao Chen's sleeves and does not show up.

At this time, Xiao Chen naturally understood that after passing through Guiluo Rock, there was the Sea of ​​Shura in front of him. The strong men of the Shura clan would never be weaker than the cultivators of the Sea of ​​Illusion. But now there were hundreds of thousands of people behind him. If he hadn't If these people are sent there, they will definitely die if they stay in Guiluoyan.

"Boy...did you hear what I said? Turn around immediately! If this was my heyday..."

"If you keep making noise, I will throw you away."


Xiao Chen ignored the Bone Demon and flew forward with concentration. The closer he got to the Shura Sea, the more naturally he could feel the aura there.

After about half a stick of incense, many figures appeared in front of them. It was the soldiers of the Shura tribe who were rushing here. And further ahead is the Shura Sea. If you meet the strong men of the Shura Sea, it may not be easy to escape. Miss you At this point, Xiao Chen immediately rode the clouds and fell down.

Those Shura soldiers were shocked when they saw a cultivator from the Huanhai coming with more than 100,000 members of their tribe. Among them was a woman in red, who was Princess Shura, Yanyue Wuqing.

"It's turns out you broke the Kirigakure Realm!"

Yanyue Wuqing recognized him right away, because that day in Yunling, she saw with her own eyes that Xiao Chen was not afraid of Shura's energy, so who else could break through the Kirigakure Realm?


Without any explanation, Yanyue Qingqing slashed at her with one strike. The Shura knife was covered with blood, showing that it was extremely sharp. Xiao Chen put his two fingers together and made a "clang" sound. At this moment, he actually clamped the blade of her knife. .

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