The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,299 Immortal World

Volume 4·The Sapphire Case

"The crowd searched for him thousands of times. Suddenly I looked back, and there he was, in a dimly lit place." - Xin Qiji, "The Sapphire Case, Yuan Xi"

Chapter 1,299 Immortal World

In front of you are fairy valleys one after another. In the morning, there are clouds and mist, and hundreds of birds sing in harmony. At dusk, there are thousands of rays of light, and the forests are dyed. The fairies are not frightened when they meet people. Every evening, you can see many colorful fairy deer drinking water by the stream. , Xiao Chen passed by and even gently touched their antlers.

This kind of fairyland is really hard to find in the human world. For a moment, Xiao Chen was reluctant to leave. He thought of Weiyang. If he could bring her to this fairyland and walk with her in this fairy forest of drunken dreams that alternate between morning and dusk, all the worldly worries would be gone. I probably just forgot about it.

Just like this, three days have passed. Perhaps the entire Ancient Immortal World is much bigger than he imagined before coming here. It took three days and he didn't get out of this mountain range.

Although the scenery in this mountain forest was strange and surrounded by the aura of the fairy world, he never relaxed his vigilance for a moment. He still remembered that he had heard the Medicine Sage and the Medical Sage say before that there seemed to be a very powerful Taixuan in Wutian Temple. The real person has entered this ancient immortal world many years ago.

What would happen if Master Taixuan of Wutian Palace knew that he almost destroyed Wutian Palace and killed two palace masters in the human world?

But no matter what, Xiao Chen has already remembered what the Bone Demon said that day before entering the Killing Forbidden Area, "What do you think the road to cultivation is? Is it led by the common people in the world? I tell you, the road to cultivation is Paved with the blood of countless people.”

In the past, he always remembered Ling Yin's words, those who cultivate immortality must put the common people in the world first... This sentence is certainly true, but now, he also understands that this road to immortality is a bloody road. What the devil said is even more correct.

This is still the case in the human world, and this fairy world seems to be full of the atmosphere of the fairy world. It looks like a paradise that cannot be compared with the human world, but in fact, what is hidden deep inside is probably more terrifying killing than the human world.

Otherwise, how could there be a place like a forbidden area for killing?

Otherwise, in the gap between the immortal world, how could those cultivators from the immortal world become so bloodthirsty? How come everyone is crazy?

Xiao Chen knew what the next road was going to be. Before entering the ancient fairy world, the Bone Demon made it clear to him that the world always thought that the fairy world was a paradise and uncontested. In fact, it was just the opposite. The battles here were bloody. , cruel, more terrifying than the human world, this is reality.

Therefore, the gods and demons in Dugu Tianxia will become his most powerful means at present. If anyone wants to trouble him, he will not mind turning this place upside down. Sometimes killing is not for the sake of killing, but a law of survival.

While he was thinking this, he had already arrived in a valley ahead, and at that moment, there seemed to be two powerful auras coming from the front, getting closer and closer, until the nearby peaks began to tremble violently, thousands of miles away. The clouds were also billowing.

"Someone is fighting..."

Xiao Chen's eyes narrowed and he immediately hid his breath. He had just come out of the gap in the fairy world, how could he not feel the danger?

Although in that ancient battlefield, he had comprehended the sixth level of "Selfless Realm", and the so-called aura of a strong man could not deter him, but the two auras getting closer and closer now were indeed no small matter. I am afraid that they were three. Even the strong men in this realm should tremble!

Having just entered the ancient immortal world, Xiao Chen didn't want to cause trouble to himself, so he immediately hid behind a huge rock. Not long after, he saw two rays of light, green and white, speeding towards the sky in the distance, and the clouds in the sky followed suit. They spread out on both sides, like immortals fighting.

"Xuan Daozi, you have been chasing me for three days and three nights, and you still refuse to let me go?"

"Fairy Shuiyue, I think you should keep this heavenly book. I don't want to hurt your life."

"Hurt my life? Xuan Daozi, you are a little too confident."

I saw two rays of light, one green and one white, flying close, but turned into two figures. 6̳̳

Flying in front was a fairy wearing white clothes, but her originally spotless white clothes were now stained with a lot of blood. However, judging from the fact that she was not injured, the blood stains should not be hers.

The person chasing behind him was a white-browed Taoist wearing a blue Taoist robe. He was not injured, but he was also stained with a lot of blood.

Looking carefully at the white-clothed fairy's hand, she was holding a secret book tightly, and the whisk in the green-clothed Taoist's hand also turned into a golden aura, clinging to the secret book and refusing to let go. It turned out that the two of them But they are fighting for this secret book fragment.

"Book of Heaven..."

Hearing the word "Book of Heaven", Xiao Chen also condensed his expression and looked at the secret book held by the white-clothed fairy. He thought, could it be the fragment of the Book of Heaven that the good and the devil in the world are constantly fighting for? Do even the cultivators in the immortal world want to get that ancient book so much...

When the two chased to this area, they finally stopped. Xiao Chen also watched the changes, but at this time, a bold idea came into his mind. The Heavenly Book he practiced was not complete, and at this time this woman Could it be that the fragment of the Book of Heaven in my hand is another volume?

"Boy, you don't want your life. How dare you make decisions about the things they snatched?" At this time, the Bone Demon's voice suddenly came into his mind, and it seemed that he could read his thoughts at this time.

"Why don't you dare?"

Xiao Chen sent back his thoughts and said, "Look, both of them are stained with a lot of blood. They must have killed many people to grab this book. Anyway, it's just you and me fighting for it. It's better to wait for them to fight and lose both sides." When the time comes, I’ll take action again…”

The Bone Demon didn't expect that he would actually dare to take advantage of these two people. Not to mention that these two people were not low in cultivation. God knows what kind of power was behind these two people. He thought that with the body of a god and demon in Dugu World, he would be able to do it. Are you walking sideways in this fairyland?

Of course Xiao Chen knew it, and he could also see at this time that the two people were almost fighting for their lives for this secret book, but if it was really a fragment of the Book of Heaven, then he would probably borrow the body of Dugu Tianxia's gods and demons again, and he would definitely I want to get the fragment of this heavenly book.

The backlash of life and death in his body originated from the incomplete fragments of the Heavenly Book. Although the heart-changing method mentioned by Fairy Suwen was useful, it could not solve the source problem after all, and this source was none other than the Heavenly Book.


In mid-air, I saw the Taoist in green snorting coldly, and flicked his palm towards the woman in white, causing the mountain to shake. Even though they were far away, Xiao Chen could feel the terrifying power of these two people. With his cultivation level, I am afraid that he can really kill a Third Realm cultivator with one palm.

Seeing the palm power of the Taoist in green coming, the woman in white also recited a formula, swiped her fingers, and a mysterious light flew out. With a "boom", the surrounding mountains trembled, and large pieces of gravel rolled down.

How can this woman still have such power? No... The old man in green concentrated his mind and said tentatively, "Fairy Shuiyue, your magic power is inferior to mine. Why do you have to work so hard to this day? If I read it correctly that day, you should have suffered from Mr. Ding." Guaibian's palm before his death. You deliberately smeared his blood on your body to cover up your own blood, right?"

Seeing that he was starting to attack his heart, the woman in white sneered and said, "I just happen to be feeling unwell these days. After I pass these days, how dare you, a mere immortal, fight me? Besides..."

When she said this, her eyes suddenly became very sharp, and her voice became much colder. "The Book of Heaven is what the Empress wants. If you come to grab it today, you won't be afraid of being beaten to death by the Empress and never be reincarnated? Do you think you can offend her?" If you make the empress angry, will Lord Yun Zhong be able to protect your soul?"

"Hmph, don't use the Empress to suppress Pindao."

Hearing the word "empress", Xuan Daozi was not only not afraid, but there was even more murderous intent in his eyes.

After feeling the sudden murderous look in his eyes at this time, Fairy Shuiyue felt something was not right. If Old Monster Ding's dying palm had not been for her mysterious power to protect his body, he would have been seriously injured. But in the past few days, he has also been It's too much to bear. If Xuan Daozi is allowed to find out the truth at this time, I'm afraid it will be very bad...

But the heavenly book in my hand...

Fairy Shuiyue glanced at the Heavenly Book in her hand. At this time, the Heavenly Book was entangled with Xuan Daozi's "golden silk". She couldn't put it away. Should she throw it away? No, absolutely not...


Xuandaozi snorted coldly, and suddenly made a seal with his left hand. With a "pop" sound, a ten-foot-long cyan mysterious seal suddenly appeared in the void, and quickly hit Fairy Shuiyue.

This happened very quickly. Even though Fairy Shuiyue reacted in time, she was unable to move in time. She was finally shocked back by the cyan black seal, and her face finally couldn't hide it and turned very pale.

"Hmph, it seems you are indeed injured."

Xuandaozi snorted coldly, his eyes suddenly became like snakes and scorpions, and as soon as he finished speaking, another attack like a rain came.

Faced with the stormy attack, Fairy Shuiyue still refused to let go. She moved lightly with lotus steps under her feet, and her figure moved, leaving several afterimages on the spot in an instant. She had already moved dozens of feet away.

However, no matter how far she left, she still couldn't get rid of Xuan Daozi's golden silk. In desperation, she had no choice but to pinch it with one hand, and countless sword energy appeared in the void, overwhelming Xuan Daozi.

"Hundred Flowers Sword Array? Humph!"

Xuan Daozi snorted coldly, swept the dust, and instantly gathered more than ten layers of true energy. There was a rapid "clang, clang, clang" sound, and he actually blocked all the sword energy that came like rain from the sky.

After sending out this round of sword energy, Fairy Shuiyue's face became obviously paler. Her cultivation level was actually still higher than that of Xuan Daozi, but she was plotted by the other party that day and was hit by the five poisons by Old Monster Ding before he died. The divine palm hit.

If it weren't for her advanced cultivation, body protection with mystical arts, and the timely use of the Hundred Flowers Secret to force out the poison, the poison would have already attacked her heart. But even so, she was injured after all, and running the Hundred Flowers Secret cost her too much mana. At this time, it was difficult to deal with Xuan Daozi.

"Okay, I'll give you the remaining scroll of the Heavenly Book."

Suddenly, Fairy Shuiyue waved her hand and threw the fragment of the Heavenly Book that she had finally obtained with great difficulty towards Xuan Daozi.

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