A brave player who started by touching corpses

A brave player who started by touching corpses


503 Chapters Ongoing Status


Luke traveled through time, with a mutated Diablo 2 broken barbarian template, and traveled to a different world full of video game elements.
With the only remaining "Find Potion" and "Find Item" skills, Luke chose to start with the monster corpses that no one cared about.
Along with the sincere shouts of the thin dog barbarian, the items dropped from the corpses gradually went from normal to outrageous.
S gun, Poké Ball, Vacuum Blade, Hunting Horn, Large Purple Bottle, Grown Mushroom, Bat Suit, Transformation Belt, Digital Armor, Steel Slug, Wufang Tianji, Space Cruiser, Hyperion, Psycho Gundam, Trinity Universal Man -
As long as there are corpses, Luke has unlimited possibilities!

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