"People from the Shenmo Abyss dare to come to the Immortal Realm unless they want to die, let alone they can't get through now.

Qinghong Immortal Lord's eyes were cold, and he directly ruled out the Gods and Demons Abyss. Hearing this, the few old men below fell into confusion. They were not sent by Empress Ziwei, nor were they cultivators from the human world, nor were they demons from the Gods and Demons Abyss. , who could that person be?

"I'm afraid if we continue to make trouble like this, we will eventually alarm Yun Zhongjun..." An old man spoke slowly, and couldn't help but sigh as he spoke, with a deep look of worry on his face.

"It's impossible to keep making trouble like this..."

At this moment, Qinghong Immortal Lord's eyes became extremely sharp, and he said in a deep voice, "Send the order to each faction to capture this person. No matter what the cost... you must capture this person for me!"

Seeing the stern look on the Immortal Lord's face at this time, several old men in the palace couldn't help but feel their hearts tremble and looked at each other. This time, the Immortal Lord might be serious about it.

After a while, someone asked again, "Look, Immortal Lord, will the birthday banquet in two months' time continue to unfold?"

Hearing about the birthday banquet, Qinghong Immortal Lord's eyes became even colder. All his plans were now disrupted by that person. The murderous intention hidden in his eyes gradually became stronger.

This month, Xiao Chen destroyed more than a dozen spiritual veins in the immortal world. This incident has caused an uproar in the entire ancient immortal world. No one can guess who has the ability to destroy so much in one month. Do you really want to make an enemy of the entire immortal world?

For a time, speculations and rumors about Xiao Chen spread one after another, and many sects in the immortal world felt panic and uneasiness, especially those near the spiritual veins, which were greatly affected.

It is said that more than ten days ago, a sect rushed over due to the power of spiritual veins, and the entire sect was wiped out in an instant under the violent power of spiritual veins.

Now this matter has alarmed the four immortal kings of Yunzhou. If it continues like this, it will definitely alarm the Lord of Yunzhou... Yunzhongjun.

Everyone is speculating on who the protagonist of this incident is. After all, in the past thousands of years, such a shocking thing has never happened.

At this time, on the top of a certain mountain in Yunzhou, only white clouds were visible, and spiritual energy gathered at the bottom of the mountain. At the top of the mountain, there was a woman in white clothes, with an immortal energy that was beyond the world. She really looked like the heaven that could not eat the fireworks of the world. Like a fairy.

She was none other than Xiao Menger. As early as a month ago, she had successfully entered the Ancient Immortal Realm. Naturally, she had heard about the major events in the past month.

I heard rumors that the man had white hair, and every time he appeared, he was enveloped in a terrifying aura of gods and demons, which could forcefully knock people out, so no one could ever see his face clearly. Could it be that he was …

At this moment, she seemed to have thought of something. That day in the gap between the fairy world and the forbidden area of ​​killing, that white-haired mysterious man whose whole body was filled with the aura of gods and demons. Why did that man want to save her? And he even came back specifically to remind himself to be careful of ruthless people...

Judging from recent rumors, could it be that the person who destroyed the spiritual veins of the immortal world in this month was the same person who saved him in the gap between the immortal world?

Could it be...it's him!

Xiao Meng'er suddenly felt a cold feeling behind her. When she entered the ancient immortal world, she naturally discovered that the spiritual veins of the immortal world here were constantly absorbing the spiritual power of the human world.

But even if she discovers it, she will never tell anyone about it before returning to the human world, otherwise it will only cause great trouble.

But now it seems that the person who destroyed the spiritual veins of the immortal world is actually Xiao Yichen...

Thinking of this, Xiao Meng'er felt cold all over again, remembering that he saved her that day in the gap between the immortal world, but how could he have such a terrifying body of immortal gods and demons? Could it be that he found it in the gap between the fairy world...

But even if he finds such a god-demonic body, who can control it as perfectly as he does? It's simply impossible. No one can withstand the energy of gods and demons that lasts for thousands of years, but why can he... Who is he?

At this moment, the doubts in Xiao Meng'er's heart became more serious, and there was another thing that made her upset. A few days ago, she heard rumors somewhere that it was this person who had been there for decades. Before, after Xiao Zhufeng left the Xiao family...

Nowadays, no one in the Xiao family wants to mention these three words, Xiao Zhufeng, especially several elders, who are very secretive about what happened back then.

Back then, the Xiao family was actually in a state of gradual decline. Just when the entire family was at its darkest, a genius descended from heaven. The words Xiao Zhufeng resounded throughout Yu Ding, and he became... the youngest ten-year-old in history. Holy!

Even among the Ten Saints, no one was his opponent. But back then, he was still so young, and even countless figures from the older generation were no longer his opponents. Among the young people from the six major families, there was no one. One person can hold his own.

At the time, it seemed that Xiao Zhufeng was almost an unsurpassable myth, but who knew that so many things would happen later.

At this moment, Xiao Meng'er was standing on the top of the mountain, her black hair fluttering in the wind. She bowed to the Immortal Lord Donghua. Her Taoist skills were extremely high, and her Taoist heart was even higher than that of some seniors.

But for some reason these days, her mood is so changeable, especially when she thinks about that day of killing the forbidden area, the first time the other party just saved her, but the second time, why did he come back to remind herself...

Unknowingly, her feelings for Xiao Chen seemed to have become more and more complicated, and even she couldn't explain clearly.

But one thing was very clear to her. After knowing that Xiao Chen might be related to Xiao Zhufeng back then, she didn't want to accept any of his feelings anymore. If that person was really Xiao Chen, then she would rather immerse herself in blood. She fought her way out of the siege and didn't want to see that it was the other party coming to save her.

At this time, in another mountain range, a figure was seen passing quickly. That person was Xiao Chen. In order to avoid being seen by others, he wore a robe during this period. Even when he appeared as Dugu Tianxia, He was also wearing a black robe, so no one could see his appearance.

"Boy, where are you going next?"

When he reached a cliff, Xiao Chen stopped. During this time, he had destroyed more than a dozen spiritual veins in the fairy world. All forces in the fairy world were already targeting him, so he had to be more cautious in his next actions than before.

After this period of time, he has already gained a certain understanding of the Ancient Immortal World. He knows that he is in Yunzhou at the moment, and he also knows that there is a God-Demon Abyss to the north of the Ancient Immortal World.

There is another fragment on the other side of the Shenmo Abyss, but it is only separated by a thin line from the ancient immortal world. Due to the existence of some ancient restrictions, the demon cultivators on the other side of the Shenmo Abyss cannot come to the immortal world.

At this moment, there was a cold wind blowing on the cliff. Xiao Chen came to the edge of the cliff. Since he had destroyed many immortal spiritual veins during this period, the immortal spiritual energy in the entire Yunzhou was obviously richer than before, but it was not enough. This level of The aura of the fairy world is not enough to condense the "rain and dew of the fairy world".

But now, he has seen hope that these fairy spiritual energy can save Weiyang. Next, he only needs to destroy more fairy spiritual veins.

But he also knew that the next one might not be as easy as the previous month. He had already alarmed the four "immortal kings" in Yunzhou. Under these four people, not only were there many forces in the immortal world, but their own Taoism was also very high. Extremely high and very difficult to deal with.

But nothing can stop him. Anyway, he has become enemies with all the forces in the fairy world. Even if he stops now, those people will never let him go.

In this case, it is better to get the matter through to the end. At worst, he will return to the human world immediately after he gets the rain and dew from the fairy world. He does not believe that these people can still chase him to the human world.

Seven days later, Xiao Chen came to another valley. He saw bursts of spiritual light at the bottom of the valley, and the aura of spiritual veins was constantly seeping up. He could feel that the power of the spiritual veins here was very strong. If it was destroyed, it would be comparable to destroying some other valleys. Two spiritual veins in a small place.

"Boy, I feel something is wrong..."

At this moment, the voice of the Bone Demon suddenly entered his mind, and at this moment, Xiao Chen also felt that there were countless murderous intentions hidden around him. It seemed that someone was already waiting for him here.

"Your Excellency is indeed here."

A cold voice sounded. There was originally no one around, but at this moment, there were all immortal cultivators in all directions, and there were also seven or eight old men, who looked particularly good at Taoism.


Just one cold word came out from under Xiao Chen's battle robe, which made many people around him feel trembling. The aura on this man's body was really terrifying...

No one could see clearly the face under the robe. At this time, an old man wearing a cloud-patterned robe said coldly, "Your Excellency, you have destroyed many spiritual veins in the immortal world in the past month. Can you tell me the reason?"


Xiao Chen didn't want to talk to these people. Over the past thousands of years, they had used these immortal spiritual veins to secretly absorb spiritual energy from the human world, and even regarded human cultivators as inferior. Have they ever said the reason?

"If you don't want to die, please step aside and don't block me. I'm going to cut off the spiritual veins here, and I have to go to other places tomorrow..."


Everyone's expressions changed. They didn't expect this man to be so arrogant and dare to say such arrogant words in front of them!

"I'm afraid you won't be able to get out of here today!"

Suddenly a shout came, and then on the surrounding mountain peaks, bursts of mysterious light suddenly shot into the sky, and in the sky, a huge golden Tai Chi diagram instantly appeared, and a terrifying power of the formation enveloped the world in an instant!

"Watch out boy!"

At this moment, the Bone Demon's voice suddenly came into his mind, "This is the Demon Subduing Formation in the Immortal Realm. Your body of a god and demon may be in some trouble..."

There is no need for the Bone Demon to remind Xiao Chen that he has already felt the terror of this formation. In the final analysis, he is just borrowing the body of Dugu Tianxia, ​​not the real Dugu Tianxia. His strength is far less than that of Dugu Tianxia thousands of years ago. Therefore, at this time, this fairy world demon-suppressing formation must have some restraint on his current body of gods and demons.

"Suppress the demon!"

With a shout, hundreds of people immediately entered the formation. Suddenly, a strong wind surged, and the huge Tai Chi Demon-Suppressing Seal in the sky suddenly pressed down on Xiao Chen!

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