The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,306 Cutting the Spiritual Veins

" careful!"

The Bone Demon has issued a warning, but he seems to have underestimated the other side of Xiao Chen. Although the Immortal Demon Subduing Formation has a certain suppression on Xiao Chen's body of gods and demons at this time, his own Taoism is not low. No matter how powerful the magic array was, it couldn't suppress his own Xuanqing Taoism!

The moment the demon-subduing Tai Chi Seal in the sky was suppressed, he could not stop forming seals with his hands, and continuously struck the sky with more than a dozen mysterious lights. In addition, there were more than a dozen mysterious lights that struck the surrounding mountain peaks. Almost in an instant, the Tai Chi seal on the sky became much darker.

"It's the Taoism of the cultivation sect in the human world!"

Seeing the Demon-Suppressing Formation suddenly dimmed, the faces of several elders nearby also dimmed, with a bit of shock in their eyes.

When Taoism is performed, it is often accompanied by Taoist seals. This is also the most obvious feature to distinguish a person's inheritance. Most of the Taoism in the human world is passed down from the Qing Emperor, which is slightly different from the Taoism in the ancient immortal world. Ordinary people can temporarily You may not be able to tell the difference for a moment, but if you are a shrewd person with a higher level of ethics, you can see it at a glance.

Although Xiao Chen had concealed himself a little at this moment, he could not help but be observed by those old men with high Taoism. Now, not only those old men looked shocked, but also the other cultivators in the immortal world who heard that it was the Taoism of the human world. Everyone looked frightened, this man...he was a cultivator from the human world!

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, no one would have believed that a mere human Taoist method could actually break the demon-subduing formation in their fairy world!

And this person, he, he...he is a cultivator in the world! How could there be such a powerful person in the world?

"What? It's surprising, isn't it..."

Xiao Chen's voice was calm. In fact, what he used just now was the "breaking formation" in Xuanqing Taoism. It may not be able to break some ancient forbidden formations, but it is not easy to break the temporary formations set up by the group of people in front of him. What a difficult thing.

Of course, the most important thing is that after coming to the immortal world, his inner energy has become much more abundant, and it will not be as difficult to perform this method as it is in the human world.

"You are a cultivator in the human world..."

Those advanced old men couldn't believe it. How could it be possible? Although the Qing Emperor had passed down the humanistic method to the world thousands of years ago, over the past ten thousand years, they had been fighting endlessly, and now they had already lost the essence of their former cultivation method. How could they return it? There is such a powerful Taoism spread in the world...

And this person's own cultivation level can only be described as "horrible". How could there be such a powerful cultivator in the world?

And it seems that this person is actually a Taoist and demon cultivator...otherwise, how could he have such a heavy aura of gods and demons in his body? To be able to use such profound Taoist techniques to break the demon formation, what is it if it is not a combination of Taoist and demonic cultivation?

Of course, at this time, these immortal cultivators did not know that Xiao Chen controlled the bodies of gods and demons in Dugu Tianxia, ​​and no one would think about it, because it was too unbelievable to say that no one would have thought of it.

"You, who are you..."

Those old men were already trembling. In fact, in terms of Taoism, they were obviously above Xiao Chen. But the reason why they were trembling at this time was because the Taoist technique they had just used had broken the demon-subduing formation in one go. , and secondly, the terrifying aura on the other side shocked them.

No one dares to believe that this is a cultivator from the human world. In their eyes, human cultivators are not worth mentioning at all. They are inferior insects, a group of whimsical people who want to live forever and become immortals like them. Ordinary people.

But today, how can they believe that the person who destroyed more than a dozen immortal spiritual veins in the past month is actually a cultivator in the human world!

"Have you been discovered? Then I have no choice but to kill someone and silence them."

Suddenly, Xiao Chen's voice turned cold, and he waved out a palm, and layers of divine and demonic energy surged out, immediately knocking out the people around him. Even those senior old men couldn't bear this for a while. There was a terrible smell, and he had to keep retreating.

After repelling these people, Xiao Chen did not hesitate and jumped into the air. The purpose of his coming here today was to destroy the spiritual veins of the immortal world here, not to kill people. His identity as a human cultivator has been exposed. It is not advisable to delay any more at this time to avoid a long night and many dreams.

Thinking of this, he saw a flick of his sleeves, and the Emperor Gu Sword immediately appeared in his hand. Feeling the terrifying sword evil spirit coming from this sword, those cultivators in the immortal world trembled. That sword yes……

Several old men were also horrified. When they saw that he was about to cut off his spiritual veins, one of them said quickly, "Your Excellency, you can't do this! If you cut off your spiritual veins, once the spiritual energy of the immortal world leaks out, then the world will be..."

Before he could finish speaking, Xiao Chen ignored what he said and slashed at the spiritual veins at the bottom of the valley with his sword.


Who can resist the power of the gods and demons in Dugu's world, plus the power of Di Gu? Even those old men with high moral standards were also shocked at this moment, vomiting blood and flying backwards.


The entire valley collapsed in an instant, the spiritual veins were cut off, and the violent spiritual power at the bottom of the valley rushed out fiercely, and everything in the way was wiped out!

"Oops, oops... something big is going to happen this time!"

The old men in the distance had frightened faces, but they did not dare to go over at this time. Seeing that Xiao Chen was going to continue cutting the spiritual veins, one of them shouted in shock, "Sir, stop! You will cause a big disaster. The spirit here is The pulse is..."

Without even listening to what he said, Xiao Chen slashed at the spiritual veins at the bottom of the valley with another sword. One sword after another, until the spiritual veins were cut to the point that they could no longer be repaired, he turned into a swift shadow and left. .

In a radius of hundreds of miles, the mountains collapsed and the earth sank. It was as terrifying as a scene of doomsday. Many sects were implicated, and there were even several small sects. Under the collision of spiritual power, the whole thing was wiped out. Only some Taoist practices were more powerful. Gao's disciples and elders escaped.

The next month seemed to become a nightmare for all factions in the immortal world. The spiritual veins were destroyed one after another, and the spiritual energy of the entire ancient immortal world gradually began to become chaotic.

What's even more frightening is that no one can stop them. They originally thought that this person was a demon cultivator and would be able to subdue him with the Taoism of the Immortal Realm. However, they did not expect that this person's Taoism might be better than theirs. .

In the past two months, the entire Immortal World Yunzhou seemed to be shrouded in layers of dark clouds. Anyone who mentioned the Immortal World's spiritual veins would be overshadowed.

At this time, in an ancient mountain range, Xiao Chen had already put away Dugu Tianxia's body of gods and demons, and also completely concealed his own aura.

In the past two months, he has destroyed more than 30 spiritual veins in the fairy world outside, and he has hardly stopped for a day. Even if he comes to the fairy world, no matter how abundant his inner energy is, and how powerful he is in the body of gods and demons in the world, he still can't stop. He was also physically and mentally exhausted.

Due to being highly stressed for a long time and consuming a lot of real energy, his eyes were red and swollen at the moment, and there was a circle of green stubble around his mouth. He looked a little haggard. I wonder if Weiyang would feel distressed if he saw it. .

At this time, he came outside the cave, feeling the abundant spiritual energy of the fairy world outside, and felt somewhat comforted in his heart.

It is precisely because he destroyed many spiritual veins in the immortal world during this period and caused the spiritual power to flow out, that the ancient immortal world has such rich spiritual energy.

I believe that soon, as long as he destroys a few main veins, the entire ancient immortal world will be full of spiritual energy, and the rain and dew in the immortal world will definitely condense. As for where it will condense, it must be where the spiritual energy meets. Hard to find.

"Weiyang, wait for me, I will definitely bring back the rain and dew from the fairy world to save you..."

At this moment, feeling the faint cold spiritual power coming from the Xuanwu Armor, Xiao Chen became even more determined. Even though he was tired at this moment, he would never fall down in order to save Weiyang.

But now, he is in some trouble. He must cut off a main vein in the immortal world before he can continue to destroy the spiritual veins in other places, and this main vein is under the seat of a powerful "immortal king".

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