The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,307 The Four Immortals

"Qinghong Immortal Lord..."

Xiao Chen has already decided where he will go next. Tongtian Peak is the dojo of Qinghong Immortal Lord. On the top of the mountain, there is the "Tongtian Fairyland". perform

As for the main vein, it is suppressed by the entire Tongtian Peak, and is called the "Tongtian Spiritual Vein". In order to prevent people with evil intentions from coveting the spiritual veins, Qinghong Immortal Lord has already set up a ban near the entire Tongtian Peak, and there are people around it. There are seven or forty-nine forbidden peaks where seals are located, so it is very difficult to destroy this spiritual vein.

"Boy, have you thought clearly? I don't know much about the cultivation level of Qinghong Immortal Lord, but thinking about it, since he can be among the four Immortal Lords of Yunzhou, he must have some means, even if this Yunzhou The Four Immortals, if I had been back then, I could have wiped them out with one palm, but now it seems that even if you have the body of a god and demon in Dugu Tianxia, ​​you may not be able to deal with it easily..."

The Bone Demon's voice rang in his mind, and Xiao Chen concentrated in silence. Now he naturally knew that there were four Immortal Lords in this Yunzhou, namely the Qinghong Immortal Lord, the White Feather Immortal Lord, the Chiyang Immortal Lord, and the Wuqing Immortal Lord. Jun.

If we say which immortal king has the strongest magic power, no one in the ancient immortal world can tell clearly for thousands of years. Anyway, the four of them all have some abilities. ✩

Although the four of them have been scheming over the years, especially regarding the distribution of spiritual veins in the immortal world, the immortal sects under the four of them almost always have conflicts.

However, when encountering major events, these four people can still work together, especially when it comes to secretly absorbing human spiritual energy. The four of them are "like-minded" and "enjoyed".

But this time, Xiao Chen wreaked havoc on Yunzhou's immortal spiritual veins, which obviously caused unprecedented serious losses to their interests. In this case, how could the four of them sit back and watch?

Now among the four people, no one wants to get rid of him quickly. Not only is he just talking about it, but his men have also started to take action.

So now, Xiao Chen knows his own situation. At present, he is only facing these four immortal kings in Yunzhou, but if he continues to destroy them, I believe that soon, he will become the mortal enemy of the entire ancient immortal world.

Even because of the exposure of his identity as a cultivator in the human world, during this period, Qinghong Immortal Lord and others have ordered the arrest of cultivators from the human world, not only the human cultivators who came to the ancient immortal world this time, but also those human cultivators who came to the ancient immortal world in the past. , were even implicated.

Just a few days ago, the four Immortal Lords had already announced that if he did not go to the law and plead guilty, from now on, mortal cultivators would never come to the Ancient Immortal World again. All mortal cultivators who came to the Ancient Immortal World privately would be punished. They are wanted and arrested without mercy.

"Capture mortals...heh."

At this moment, Xiao Chen only felt it was a bit funny. These so-called immortals and gods from the immortal world had been secretly absorbing spiritual energy from the human world for thousands of years, and now they were targeting cultivators from the mortal world. It would be too much to deceive others.

But he also knew that those immortal kings did this just to force him to show up. Once he showed up, the other party would have laid a trap for him and ambush him from all sides.

So now, he can't show up easily and fight with these immortal kings, and he can't show off his bravery. After a while, the Bone Demon's voice came into his mind again: "Boy, do you have a perfect plan?"

The sky outside gradually turned gray. Xiao Chen came to the entrance of the cave, looked at the mountains where the night fell, and said, "Next month will be the birthday of the Qinghong Immortal Lord. It is said that he will hold a big banquet and will entertain the immortal world from all over the world. Cultivators..."


The bone demon's voice condensed, "What? So you are planning to take action at the birthday banquet? In this way, you may really become famous in the immortal world. If someone discovers the body of the god and demon in Dugu Tianxia, ​​I'm afraid, There's going to be trouble..."

Xiao Chen looked at the full moon rising slowly on the top of the mountain in the distance. He slowly put his hands behind his back and said no more.

A month passed quickly. During this month, the ancient immortal world was not peaceful. Many cultivators from the human world were arrested by the four immortal kings.

As for Xiao Chen, during this period, he did not destroy the spiritual veins of the immortal world as much as he did in the previous two months. He only destroyed a few spiritual veins under the influence of Qinghong Immortal Lord, and also injured many people from those sects. To outsiders, this looks like a declaration of war, specifically against Immortal Qinghong.

Today, July 15th, is the birthday of Qinghong Immortal Lord. Every sixty years, Qinghong Immortal Lord will hold a banquet on Tongtian Peak. Every time, many immortal cultivators will be invited. In addition, The three Immortal Lords will also attend the appointment.

In fact, it is called the birthday banquet. The real purpose of Qinghong Immortal Lord is to secretly discuss the matter of spiritual energy in the human world with the other three people. Over the years, the four of them have not only taken the spiritual energy drawn from the human world as their own, but have even stolen it. He came up with the idea of ​​​​the spiritual vein of the earth, but he must not let Yun Zhongjun know about this matter.

Today, people from all the forces in the immortal world have also arrived. In addition to the elders of some sects, there are also some loose immortals who travel around the world. They have also prepared birthday gifts. After all, the status of the four immortal kings in Yunzhou is also high. No small matter, all forces from all directions must be respectful.

However, this birthday banquet on Tongtian Peak was obviously different from the past. However, everyone saw through it without saying anything. Their faces were still full of spring breeze, and they brought birthday gifts to Qinghong Immortal Lord to wish him a birthday. However, who among the people present was not worried?

The recent destruction of spiritual veins in various places has been widely spread in the immortal world. Who is not afraid of getting burned?

It can be said that the heads of various sects have to come to Qinghong Immortal Lord's birthday banquet this time. If they don't come, wouldn't they not take Qinghong Immortal Lord seriously? I'm afraid there will be trouble in the fairy world in the future.

It is precisely because of this that everyone has to come, but they are all thinking in their hearts that that person will definitely come to have a big banquet today. They don’t know what to do then. I heard that that person is so powerful that even several immortal kings If they can't catch him, this man's methods are extremely cruel, how can they not be afraid?

Until noon, the entire Tongtian Peak became even more lively. In the fairyland, white clouds lingered, and peach blossoms bloomed. Everyone sat in the pavilion or under the tree, drinking, talking and laughing, and felt very happy.

However, this is just an appearance. The more it is like this, the more everyone is hiding their uneasiness. But at this time, who dares to stand up and say that there is something going on in his family and he wants to leave first? If you don't give Immortal Qinghong any face like this, I'm afraid you won't get any good fruits in the future.

The seemingly peaceful Tongtian Peak is actually full of murderous intent. Qinghong Immortal Lord has already arranged countless people to ambush nearby, and has also set up layers of restrictions. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is an ambush from all sides and a dragnet. Today I am waiting for Xiao Chen to arrive.

At this time, in addition to Qinghong Immortal Lord, the other three Immortal Lords were naturally present on the Qiongtai of Tongtian Wonderland.

The White Feather Immortal Lord looks the most immortal and the most handsome. He is dressed in white clothes that are not stained by dust. He holds a jade bottle in his hand. Behind him is a peach blossom tree. Pieces of peach blossoms fall on his white clothes. I don’t know what’s underneath. How many women are fascinated by it.

Immortal Chiyang is tall and strong, wearing a red fire robe with nine flames entwining around his body. He looks bold and unruly, not as elegant as Immortal White Feather.

The Merciless Immortal Lord looked the coldest. He was wearing purple clothes, his eyebrows were like frost, and his hair was like snow. His whole person exuded a very cold temperament, making people afraid to approach him.

Time passed moment by moment. Seeing that noon had passed and the sun's shadow was gradually setting, the immortals present felt even more uneasy. Some even wanted to get up and leave on the pretext that there was something wrong with their family, but no one took the lead. None of them dared to stand up.

Looking at Qinghong Immortal Lord again, his face is still very calm. On the contrary, several elders from Tongtian Peak in the distance have felt an uneasy feeling in their hearts since just now.

At this moment, Immortal Chiyang sent a spiritual thought to Immortal Qinghong, "Immortal Qinghong, it's past noon, why is there still no movement outside? Will that person really come today?"

Qinghong Immortal Lord's face was still calm. He gently put down the wine bottle in his hand and sent back his spiritual thoughts: "If he wants to continue to destroy my spiritual veins, he must first break the spiritual veins of Tongtian Peak. He will definitely do it today." Come, Immortal Lord Chiyang, don’t be anxious..."

At this time, Immortal Qinghong sent another spiritual thought and said coldly, "That boy is full of treasures. Isn't Immortal Qinghong intending to take it all for himself? Also, according to my men's investigation and knowledge, the skills he possesses, It is most likely the technique in the remaining scroll of the book that day. I won’t beat around the bush. I must use this technique..."

Immortal Lord Qinghong smiled and sent back his spiritual thought: "Immortal Ruthless Lord, you are worrying too much. This time the three of you have joined forces with me to take down this person. How dare I take the credit alone?"

At this time, Immortal Baiyu also put down the wine glass in his hand, smiled faintly, and said with a spiritual thought, "The skills can be shared, but as far as I know, that man has a sword in his hand. This sword is very powerful. Qing Qing Could it be that Lord Hongxian also likes this sword?"

After hearing this, Qinghong Immortal Lord stopped talking. As for the four of them, Xiao Chen hadn't come today yet, and the four of them had already planned how to divide Xiao Chen's treasures.

About another incense-burning time passed, but there were still a few clouds outside, and there was still no movement. At this moment, an elder from the Wuqing Valley hurried over to the Wuqing Immortal Lord.

But seeing that the elder's face was pale and he was acting in a panic, the Merciless Immortal Lord said coldly, "Why are you so panicked?"

"No, that's not good, Immortal Lord, that, that... that person..."

The elder's face turned pale, he choked with anger, and was speechless for a moment. At this moment, the Immortal Wuqing seemed to sense something, and with a "bang", he crushed the wine glass in his hand, scaring the people next to him. Everyone looked at him.

"The Merciless Immortal Lord...what's wrong?"

The originally good atmosphere suddenly became stiff. At this moment, everyone felt the terrible chill coming from the ruthless Immortal Lord. At this moment, it seemed that even the air was frozen.

Immortal Qinghong's face seemed to be smeared with lead and became extremely ugly. Before Immortal Qinghong could speak, he stood up and said, "Something happened in the lower gate. Please take your leave."

After that, he had no time to explain anything to Qinghong Immortal Lord, and instantly turned into a purple light and flew into the distant sky.

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