The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1308: Making an attack in the east and attacking in the west

"What's going on? Why did Immortal Wu Wu suddenly leave?"

In the fairyland, everyone looked confused and didn't know what happened. On the Qiongtai, Qinghong Immortal Lord's expression condensed. Could it be... Oops, this time, something was wrong with him.

To the north of Yunzhou, in the Wuqing Valley, this place was originally filled with immortal energy, as if it were a place outside the world. However, just after noon today, there was a sudden surge of demonic energy outside, and in all directions, in an instant, layers of A layer of dark clouds shrouded the place.

The 30,000 disciples in the valley were all frightened to death. They had been in the Heartless Valley for many years and had never seen such a terrifying scene today!

"I don't know if any fellow Taoist is visiting, but I would like to see you."

Several old men who seemed to have good morals quickly flew out of the fairyland in the valley. However, just as the words fell, they saw black clouds surging in the sky outside the defense barrier of the Merciless Valley, and above the clouds, it was like a The eternal demon god stood there, with two terrifying blood-red eyes, which immediately made their hearts tremble, and they could no longer breathe. At this moment, they actually had the urge to fall to the ground and worship!

The disciples in the valley were also frightened. Under the majesty of the Merciless Immortal Lord, they were working diligently on weekdays and did not even dare to say a word loudly. Let alone seeing such a terrifying thing today, they were like gods and demons thousands of years ago. How can they not be frightened?

And the person on the black cloud is naturally Xiao Chen who appears in the form of Dugu Tianxia, ​​but he is wearing a black robe at the moment. No one can see his appearance. They can only see the two people under the robe. A blood-red and terrifying gaze.

Soon, seven or eight old men wearing cloud-patterned Taoist robes came out of the fairyland in the valley. A dozen people looked at the man in the sky who looked like a god and demon, and they all trembled.

It would be okay if Immortal Wuqing was here at this moment, but Immortal Wuqing went to Tongtian Peak for a banquet today. Even if he had the Immortal Realm Teleportation Formation, he would have to come back at least at night.

At this moment, more than a dozen people were trembling with fear. One person whispered, "I don't know how to call this fellow Taoist. Today, the Immortal is driving in the Heartless Valley, but something happened..."

Recently, Xiao Chen's destruction of the spiritual veins of the Immortal World has been widely spread throughout the Ancient Immortal World. Maybe even the Gods and Demons Abyss knew about it. How could the people in the Wuqing Valley not know about it?

At this time, the faces of a dozen old men were pale, and they had probably guessed who the person in front of them was. But now, they could only force themselves to calm down. They had just sent a spiritual message to Tongtian Peak, and now they could only try to delay as much time as possible. Wait until the immortal king comes back.

"Open the defensive barrier here, otherwise if we break through it, the entire Heartless Valley will be stained with blood."

The cold voice was transmitted word by word from above the black cloud, immediately making everyone in the valley tremble. Under the suppression of this terrifying aura of gods and demons, everyone was as silent as a chill. Even many years ago, They had never been so afraid when the war started with the Divine Demonic Abyss...

The dozen or so old men had already lost their composure. It was only because of the energy of the immortal spirit of Wuqing Valley that they could stand so firmly at this moment. One of them said in a trembling voice, "Fellow Taoist, I have no enmity with Wuqing Valley. Why today..." "

"It seems that you don't understand what I'm saying.

Xiao Chen knew in his heart that these people were still trying to delay the time for the Merciless Immortal Lord to come back. At this time, without saying anything, he directly took out the Emperor Sword and slashed at the barrier below with one sword.


With a loud noise, the entire Heartless Valley shook, and the billowing energy of gods and demons surged straight towards the fairyland in the valley. The disciples were so frightened that they ran away in panic in the valley.

In the past, in front of mortal cultivators, they were aloof immortal cultivators, but now in front of ancient gods and demons, what are they?

"Your Excellency... Your Excellency, please stop!"

A dozen old men were horrified, but their shouts were useless. Xiao Chen still slashed down the barrier below with one sword after another, sparing no effort.


The surrounding mountain peaks had begun to crumble, and the prohibition formations collapsed one after another. Eventually, even the defensive barrier outside the Heartless Valley had numerous cracks.

The overwhelming energy of gods and demons has penetrated into the fairyland of Wuqing Valley. Those fairy formations that were originally full of spiritual power, when eroded by this gas of gods and demons, immediately dimmed. Without these fairy formations, the entire Wuqing Valley's The defensive barrier suddenly became more fragile.


The faces of more than a dozen old men changed drastically, as if they had encountered a disaster. They did not expect that this man's cultivation level was so terrifying. In just a short moment, he could forcibly break the prohibitive circle left by the Immortal Lord before he left, and also regained his strength. There is a defensive barrier in the Heartless Valley, what should we do now?

And in the fairyland in the valley, the disciples were even more panicked. Everyone was too distracted to take care of themselves, and it seemed that a disaster was coming!


With the last slash of the sword, several surrounding peaks collapsed, and dust and smoke filled the sky. The layers of defensive barriers outside the Heartless Valley finally shattered.

At this moment, all the disciples in the fairyland in the valley were too frightened to move. Looking at the shadow of gods and demons in the sky, they all seemed to have lost their souls. Their faces were pale, and even their breathing seemed to have stopped.

It is obvious that this time Xiao Chen is attacking from the east to the west, pretending to attack Tongtian Peak, but the real target is the Heartless Valley. Today, an ambush has been set up on Tongtian Peak, and the four Immortal Lords are there. He is not stupid. Is it possible? He also tried to throw himself into a trap but failed.

Immortal Wuqing was too arrogant and thought that no one could break the formation restrictions he had set up here when he left. Unexpectedly, the other party only used a stick of incense to break the formation restrictions he left behind. .

"Boy, find the location of the spiritual vein quickly. It's not advisable to stay here for a long time."

At this moment, the Bone Demon's voice came into his mind again. It didn't sound like he was joking. I was afraid that something might happen today.

"Yes." Xiao Chen nodded slightly, no longer hesitating, and quickly found the location of the spiritual vein with a sweep of his consciousness.

In the Loveless Valley Wonderland, there are thirteen valleys, and these thirteen valleys suppress the main line of the Heartless Valley, which only needs to be destroyed.

With his feet in the air, Xiao Chen immediately flew into the Immortal Realm of the Heartless Valley. When the disciples in the valley saw him flying towards it, they were all frightened to death. They held their heads with their hands and squatted on the ground, not daring to move.

It's not that they are so timid, but that Xiao Chen appears in the body of a god and demon in Dugu Tianxia at this moment. This immortal aura of gods and demons will make even the Qinghong Immortal Lord tremble. What's more, these ordinary disciples? Just like when a foundation-building cultivator sees a god-transformation cultivator, can he not be afraid?

After arriving at the first valley, Xiao Chen didn't hesitate at all, and slashed downwards with one sword. The unparalleled sword energy of the Emperor Sword, coupled with the power of the world-destroying gods and demons in Dugu Tianxia, ​​even though there were people around the valley Even with its extremely strong defense, it collapsed in an instant.

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