Finally, in the middle of the night, this night happened to be the night of the quarter moon. Everything in the valley became hazy, allowing the two of them to better hide their bodies in the dark night.

When they arrived outside the secret realm of Tongtian Valley, the two of them had already felt the forbidden atmosphere inside. At the entrance of the secret realm, there were still two disciples of Tongtian Valley guarding them. They had to deal with these two people before they could enter the secret realm.

When he came to the bush, Xiao Chen held his breath and concentrated, waved his fingers, and silently sent out two silver needles, hitting the two people's eyebrows, temporarily closing the five senses and six consciousnesses of the two people.


The two guards at the entrance to the secret realm had lost all consciousness and just stood there like logs. Xiao Chen and Xiao Meng'er immediately went there. When they got closer, they felt the terrifying spiritual power coming from inside.

Obviously, even after getting rid of the guards, the two of them still couldn't force their way in. Firstly, it was too dangerous inside, and secondly, forcing their way through the restriction would definitely arouse the vigilance of the masters in the valley.

However, both of them are not ordinary people. Their consciousness is extremely sharp and their abilities are not small. Even if there are many restrictions outside this secret realm, it will not be difficult for them to join forces.

About half an hour later, as the moonlight gradually faded to the west, the two of them had quietly entered the secret realm of Tongtian Valley. As soon as they entered, they immediately felt the forbidden atmosphere in the secret realm, as well as the surging spiritual power.

If there were only restrictions, the two of them could move forward cautiously and try not to touch each other, but the spiritual power in the sky was similar to the storm in the fairy world. Even Xuanwu armor could penetrate it. How to avoid it? ✪

Even those who are powerful in the Holy Realm do not dare to take it lightly. If they are accidentally involved in these spiritual storms, they will often be shattered into pieces in an instant. Even if the soul can escape, it will be extremely weak.

If Xiao Chen sacrifices the god and demon body of Dugu Tianxia, ​​he will be able to withstand the spiritual storm here. However, this will undoubtedly alarm the masters of Tongtian Valley and even some other strong men in the fairy world. It will be difficult for him Cover up the aura of gods and demons in Dugu Tianxia.

"no need to worry."

Looking at Xiao Menger again, it seems that no matter what time, she always has a calm look on her face, which is really not consistent with her age.

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw her hands forming seals continuously, which looked like Dao seals, but not like...

Immediately afterwards, I saw streaks of golden Qi flowing around her body, and this breath... Xiao Chen couldn't help but feel a shiver in his heart. This was... the ancient Xiao family's mysterious skill!

Everyone in the world thought that the Xiao family only practiced martial arts, but little did they know that the Xiao family, one of the six ancient aristocratic families in the past, was also unique in Xuan Gong. What was even more amazing was that they were able to perfectly integrate Xuan Gong with ancient martial arts. Unparalleled in the world at that time. It can be surpassed! He is well deserved to be the head of the six great families.

It's a pity that the Xiao family has declined to this point, and all its essence has been lost. Such profound ancient mystical skills are almost no longer available. Even if there are still one or two broken pages in the secret book, who in the Xiao family today can practice it? But today, it happened to Xiao Menger...

Even Xiao Chen was a little surprised at this time. Her talent was really unimaginable. If she had been born a hundred years earlier, the youngest of the Ten Saints might not be her father.

At this moment, Xiao Meng'er's body was covered with a layer of golden light. This layer of mysterious power was definitely not comparable to the infuriating shields of some practitioners, and there was even no comparison between the two.

However, it was still not difficult to see that there was a layer of dense beads of sweat on her forehead. It seemed that with her current level of cultivation, it was not entirely easy to perform this ancient Xiao Family Mysterious Technique.


While she was talking, she focused her fingers and gathered a layer of mystical power on Xiao Chen. It turned out that she had gathered a level of mystical power that could protect the two of them. No wonder she felt difficult.

"Let's go."

Xiao Chen immediately walked into the depths of the secret realm. On the surface, it seemed calm and calm, but in his heart, he was thinking that this ancient Xiao family's mysterious skill was really powerful and could withstand the raging spiritual power here.

And as he felt the slightest breath coming from the mysterious skill on his body, and felt Xiao Meng'er's inner energy flowing through his body, he couldn't help but wonder, why did the Xiao family of the past decline to this point?

Even if the six major aristocratic families today are not the six ancient ancient clans of the past, the current Xiao family was once the strongest among the six aristocratic families. How could it have declined to this level? It always feels like their luck has declined. Could it be...

"Watch out!"

At this moment, Xiao Meng'er suddenly caught him, and in front of him, there was a faint dangerous forbidden aura. Xiao Chen was in a trance just now, and he didn't realize the danger in front of him.


At this time, Xiao Chen came to his senses and stopped thinking about other things. Looking at Xiao Meng'er's nervous look, she had never been so nervous before when she was under the Yellow Spring Valley.

Seeing him looking at her strangely, Xiao Meng'er subconsciously let go of his hand and said, "There are some very powerful restrictions in front of you. Don't be distracted anymore."


Xiao Chen nodded slightly, and the two of them continued to move forward. About Yin Shi, the two of them finally avoided the many restrictions in front and saw the ancient formation that suppressed the spiritual vein hub deep in the secret realm.

"This is it."

The two of them stopped. Not only could they feel the surging spiritual power, they could even see the strange glow of some condensed spiritual power.

"This formation..."

Xiao Chen's consciousness condensed slightly, and he went to explore the ancient formation in front. Although this formation was powerful, it had been in disrepair for a long time. It only relied on the spiritual power here to operate normally.

And if every formation is accurately found and the spiritual power is cut off, the formation will soon collapse, and once the formation collapses, the spiritual power here will also be unbalanced. There is no need to destroy the spiritual veins at all. Due to the violent spiritual power, and Without the suppression of the formation, the spiritual veins here will be destroyed by themselves.

Just to cut off the spiritual power of the formation, the process will inevitably be a bit dangerous. At this time, Xiao Chen looked at Xiao Meng'er, "Can you do it?"

"no problem."

Xiao Meng'er's eyes were fixed, and she slowly took out her Chenxin Sword. The Chenxin Sword was passed down to her by Immortal Lord Donghua back then. It is the most precious treasure of the Immortal Family. It is not difficult to cut off the spiritual power here.

Next, the two began to search for the location of all the formations of the ancient formation. This ancient formation also had some tricks. Even if Xiao Chen's sense of formations became extremely sensitive, it would not be possible in a short time to accurately find all the formations. Completed.

At dawn, the two men finally found all the positions. There were ninety-nine and eighty-one positions in total.

As for these eighty-one positions, it is difficult to cut off the spiritual power, but it is not simple either. However, one thing is certain, once the two of them choose to take action, there will be no way out. What they will face is , most likely the entire ancient immortal clan in this Tongtian Valley.

"Are you ready?" Xiao Meng'er looked at him with a calm expression.

Xiao Chen looked at the eighty-one formations in front of him and frowned in silence. From the moment he stepped into Tongtian Valley, there was no way out.

The spiritual veins of Tongtian Valley can be regarded as a hub of the spiritual veins of the Immortal World. He does not care what consequences will be caused by destroying the spiritual veins here. In short, no one can stop him this time, and he will not hesitate to fight against the entire Immortal World in the future. Be an enemy.

At this moment, there was a wisp of breath coming from outside. Xiao Chen's expression condensed and he immediately looked in the direction outside the secret realm. "Wait, it seems someone is coming..."

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