In Tongtian Valley, everything seems to be in order. Xiao Chen and Xiao Meng'er sneaked into the secret realm last night, and no one has noticed it yet. Even the elders on the Medicine Refining Peak are still rushing. Refining the elixir Yun Zhongjun wants.

Until this morning, two people came outside the valley, a man and a woman. The man was wearing a green dress, and the woman was wearing a red dress. They both seemed to be well-educated, and both looked a little arrogant. In the end, they actually claimed to be here to fetch Of elixir.

At this time, the disciples at Taniguchi were quite shocked. A few days ago, weren't there two people who came to get the elixir? Why are there two more people here today, and these two look like...

The disciples did not dare to make decisions without permission, so they had to immediately inform the elders. After hearing this, the elders of Tongtian Valley were also shocked. Only after seeing the two people who came today with their own eyes did they finally understand what was going on and immediately secretly thought that something was wrong.


Several elders suddenly became distracted, especially the old man in green who greeted Xiao Chen and the two that day. His face was ashen, and he said quickly to the disciple in front of him, "Where were those two people that day? Did you see them?"

The disciples panicked when they saw the elder, how could they stay calm? One of the disciples trembled and stammered, "Well, those two seems like I didn't see them this morning..."

"What are those two people? Tell me clearly what's going on."

The two people who came from Yun Mengze had stern expressions. They even looked colder than Xiao Chen and Xiao Meng'er that day. The elders of the Tongtian Valley Medicine Refining Peak all trembled. Only then did the old man in green put the words on his face that day. Things, tell the truth.

After listening, the man in green and the woman in red both stared at each other and muttered to themselves, "Someone is pretending to be us..."

"Elder... Elder! It's not good!"

At this moment, another disciple from outside the hall ran in in a panic. The old man in green was frightened. He already had a premonition that something bad was going to happen, and he said quickly, "Why are you panicking! Say it!"

"Go back...back to the elder!"

The disciple turned pale, choked with anger, swallowed hard, and said, "Over there in the secret realm... something happened over there in the secret realm!"

"The secret terrible!"

The old man in green clothes suddenly felt like the world was spinning. His vision went dark, and he almost fainted. He murmured to himself, "Why didn't I think... Why didn't I think that those two people sneaked into Tongtian Valley for what else... ...Oops! Oops... Go to the secret realm!"

In the secret realm, Xiao Chen and Xiao Meng'er could already feel the people gathering quickly outside, but their faces were very calm.

Xiao Meng'er said, "It seems... they have discovered it."

Just as he finished speaking, outside the secret realm, in all directions, rays of mysterious light suddenly rose into the sky, and a terrifying sealing power shrouded it. Even Xiao Chen felt faintly suffocated.

"It seems that they have sealed off the entire Tongtian Valley."

Looking at the approaching mysterious lights in the sky, Xiao Chen remained calm and composed, but the aura outside was getting closer and closer. Soon, a large number of masters would rush into the secret realm. The two of them were in this secret realm. Here, I can't go anywhere.

At this moment, the two of them looked at each other, and Xiao Menger said, "You stay here, or I stay here."

"You stay here, I'll go outside and block them."

After Xiao Chen finished speaking softly, he was about to leave, but Xiao Meng'er suddenly stopped him again, "Wait..."

"What's wrong?"

Xiao Chen turned around and saw Xiao Meng'er's slightly concerned eyes. After a while, she said, "Be careful."

"You too." Xiao Chen nodded lightly, no longer hesitated, and immediately turned into a ray of light and flew towards the entrance of the secret realm.

On this side, Xiao Meng'er held the Chen Xin Sword in her hand. Xiao Chen went outside to fend off the masters of Tongtian Valley, but she wanted to stay here to cut off the spiritual power of the formation.

What the two of them have to do is very dangerous. Xiao Chen has to resist so many masters, which is dangerous; she wants to cut off the spiritual power here. Once the formation collapses and the spiritual power rushes out, it is equally dangerous.

But for the sake of what they each want to accomplish, they will never take a step back even if they know they can't do it.

Xiao Chen witnessed Xiao Meng'er's persistence in Fengyuntian with his own eyes, and Xiao Meng'er also witnessed Xiao Chen's persistence with his own eyes.

The two of them probably have their own obsessions in their hearts, so they can come together.

Outside the secret realm, a large number of masters from Tongtian Valley rushed over. Now only the elders and elite disciples from each peak came. In a moment, once the matter becomes serious enough that the elders from each peak cannot handle it, then the masters of the Twelve Peaks should come out. .

When they saw the two guards at the entrance of the secret realm who had lost their five senses and six senses, as well as the chaotic spiritual energy in the secret realm, all the elders were shocked, "Sure enough, I went to the secret realm..."

"Quick...go in! Stop them!"

With the elder's order, hundreds of elite disciples immediately rushed into the secret realm, while the elders were outside, gathering their true energy to protect those disciples from being hurt by the spiritual storm inside.

However, before the disciples could rush in, a sound of piano suddenly surged out from inside, knocking all the hundreds of elite disciples away.

"It's's him!"

When they saw the white-haired figure coming out of the spiritual storm, and the gleaming seven-stringed Yaoqin he held in his hand, all the elders of the peaks were shocked! What a strong breath!

In the distance, the man in green and the woman in red who came from Yun Mengze also stared at Xiao Chen motionlessly. This person...

Originally, they thought that the person who came to Tongtian Valley pretending to be their senior brother and sister must be some young boy from the immortal world. But when they saw it now, they were surprised by his cultivation level, especially the abyss-like aura, and the fact that he was holding a Playing the Yao Qin...

And the Xuan Gong all over his body was able to withstand the spiritual storm in the secret realm. At this moment, even the two brothers and sisters felt a little shocked in their hearts.

"Your Excellency...who are you?"

The old man in green clothes had a look of shock on his face before. Under the shock of Xiao Chen's power of the divine musical instrument, his body could not help but tremble. Not only him, but also the other disciples were trembling.

However, Xiao Chen didn't say much, he just slowly sat down cross-legged, placed the Yao Qin on his knees, and started playing the Qin leisurely.

Waves of clear piano music, like mountains and rivers, like the cool breeze under the pine tree, came straight to the outside of the secret realm. The music had no lethality and was even pleasant to listen to. However, everyone outside had already been stunned. They did not expect such a tense situation. , he can still play the piano so calmly, he is too...

Everyone is really frightened. Who is this person?

"Your Majesty, don't be so arrogant!"

Suddenly, the expressions of the two elders in purple sank, and they all flew into the secret realm. However, as soon as they flew in, Xiao Chen plucked the strings, and the rhyme of the piano remained undisturbed, but there was an invisible sound from the piano. The sound was already coming towards the two of them.


The two of them were shocked by the sound of the piano, and they both flew backwards, with a mouthful of blood gushing out from their mouths.


The disciples behind all turned pale with fright and hurriedly stepped forward to support the two elders. The others did not expect that this man's piano music was so powerful!

"This piano sound..."

In the distance, Yun Mengze and the two men also stared at each other. Yun Zhongjun was also familiar with music. They had naturally seen their master playing the piano, and the person in front of them seemed to have particularly good piano skills, but who did he pass it on to? ?

"Get this guy!"

Even though the sound of the piano just now was quite powerful, it was still difficult to intimidate everyone in Tongtian Valley. With the order, more people rushed into the secret realm, either sacrificing magic weapons, or taking off. Sword, for a moment, spiritual power surged near the secret realm!

In the face of such a ferocious offensive, Xiao Chen still looked calm, but the sound of the ancient harp, which was originally like the breeze among the pines, suddenly seemed to have turned into an iron horse, with the tone rising sharply, and murderous intent coming one after another!

"Zheng! Zheng! Zheng!"

After several consecutive sounds of the harp, those people from the ancient immortal clan who rushed into the secret realm all flew out. Under Fuxi's harp, these people were vulnerable to a single blow.

There are many restrictions in this secret realm, which are very powerful. In addition, there is also the surging spiritual power. No one can enter from other places and can only enter through this entrance. However, Xiao Chen is guarding the entrance of the secret realm alone, and there is no one outside. People can attack and get in.


Soon, more people rushed up one after another, but Xiao Chen was guarding the place alone. The sound of the piano seemed to turn into thousands of sharp sword lights, knocking away all the magic flying swords that were attacking from the sky.

After about half a stick of incense, everyone was still unable to break through the place. Xiao Chen was still cross-legged on the ground, playing the piano leisurely and leisurely. He really had an invincible aura.

Just listen to him saying calmly, "I have no intention of hurting your lives. If you know yourselves, you should retreat. If you still insist on coming forward to test, I will not show mercy anymore."


Another piano sound sounded, and the sound was calm and unhurried, making many people outside feel trembled. Xiao Chen did not hurt anyone from just now to now. With his ability and Fu Xiqin's magical power, he wanted to kill the people who rushed just now. It can be said that it is easy for people to come in.

But he didn't want to kill people wantonly here. After all, this ancient immortal clan was probably just ordered to stay here for generations. It was isolated from the world and was different from those of the Ruthless Immortal Lord.

The purpose of his visit this time was just to break through the spiritual hub of the immortal world here, not to start a killing spree here, unless of course these people were determined to fight him to the death.

"Your Excellency...who is he?"

The faces of the elders of the Twelve Peaks were all pale, and cold sweat was pouring down their backs. They never expected that this person was guarding inside, and so many people outside could not attack them. Where did this person come from? Seeing as how young he is, when did such an outstanding young man appear in the fairy world?


At this moment, a shock suddenly came from the depths of the secret realm, and at the same time, a surging spiritual power rushed out. Everyone was even more shocked. It turned out that someone was destroying the formation inside!

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