"Stop them!"

After realizing that the formation that suppressed the spiritual veins had been destroyed, the people outside rushed forward desperately.

Xiao Chen's infuriating energy condensed at his fingertips, and another sonorous and powerful piano sound came out, knocking back all the people who rushed in. Now he could only rely on Fuxi Qin to buy more time for Xiao Meng'er inside. Cut off the spiritual power of the formation.

At this time, in the depths of the secret realm, the spiritual power in the sky was even more surging. Even if Xiao Meng'er had the Xiao family's mysterious power to protect her body, she could not be careless.

Nearly half of the eighty-one formations had their spiritual power cut off by her. All she had to do was cut off the remaining formation's spiritual power and add another sword to make the entire formation collapse.

But judging from the current situation, the spiritual power below is getting more and more fierce. It is not easy for her to successfully cut off the remaining spiritual power of the formation.


A sudden shock caused the Wushou lotus platform she was holding in mid-air to shake violently. Waves of lotus blossoms swayed like ripples on the water, which could also block part of the incoming spiritual power for her.

At this time, she had already felt the aura outside the secret realm. It must be that the master of the Twelve Peaks would come out soon. She didn't know how long Xiao Chen could hold on. She needed to cut off the remaining spiritual power of the formation as soon as possible. .

At the entrance to the secret realm, the sound of the piano was extremely intense. In just a short moment, countless masters came to Tongtian Valley. The bursts of spells were no small feat.

Even though Xiao Chen has Fu Xi Qin in his hand, he doesn't know how long he can last. If the other party also brings out some powerful artifact, the situation will probably be a little bad. Now, he only hopes that Xiao Meng'er can be inside as soon as possible. Break the formation.

In an instant, many masters rushed in from outside. These people's cultivation levels were not high, but they were not low either. Xiao Chen's infuriating energy condensed on his fingertips, "Zheng!" Another sound of the piano flew out, knocking those people away. Go out, but at this moment, there seems to be a finger force coming from the sky, and it arrives suddenly!

Xiao Chen's strings condensed again, and with a "zheng" sound, a piano sound flew out, causing the surrounding valley to tremble violently, but it was offset by the force of the finger coming from the sky.

However, even so, at that moment, he felt his hands tremble. It was obvious that the person who issued this finger power had extremely high cultivation, and was definitely not comparable to the so-called elders in front of him. It seemed that a certain peak master had come out.

Most of the people around him were stunned by what happened just now, and their ears were still buzzing. Xiao Chen quickly adjusted his inner breath, knowing that an expert was nearby, and said lightly, "Since the peak master is here, , why don’t you just show up..."

Upon hearing this, many nearby disciples were startled. It turned out that it was a peak master who took action just now, but I didn't know which peak master among the twelve peaks?

Just when Xiao Chen finished speaking, a figure fell from the sky, but he was dressed in white and looked very majestic. He was actually a middle-aged man with golden hair. He had a golden immortal mark between his eyebrows and a faint immortal mark on his body. Surrounded by it, it seems that the Taoist practice is indeed very high. As for what realm it is in, Xiao Chen can't tell for a while.

"Meet the Master of Tianxiang Peak!"

Seeing the arrival of this middle-aged man, all the elders and disciples immediately paid homage to him. It turned out that this man was the peak master of Tianxiang Peak, one of the twelve peaks of Tongtian Valley.

At this time, the Tianxiang Peak Master's eyes fell on Xiao Chen. Seeing the unruffled music in his hand, he couldn't help but secretly said in his heart, "What an amazing piano skill."

Although Fuxi Qin is an ancient divine harp with great power, if it fell into the hands of ordinary people, they might not even be able to pull the strings apart, let alone release such a powerful sound.

The Master of Tianxiang Peak focused his gaze, still holding his hands behind his back, and looked at Xiao Chen and said, "Your Excellency, you have extraordinary cultivation. I don't know why you came to my Tongtian Valley today to destroy the formation in my valley."

And Xiao Chen still played the piano and said only four words: "It's hard to describe in one word."

This statement caused many people present to hold their breath. The elder in green from the Medicine Refining Peak reacted first, quickly came to the side of the Tianxiang Peak Master, and said quickly, "Tianxiang Peak Master, this person's accomplice is in the secret realm. Inside, the formation is about to break down..."


The Master of Tianxiang Peak's eyes were fixed and he said no more. He suddenly turned into a flash of light and rushed into the secret realm. Immediately, a strong wind was set off nearby, and everyone who was a little closer was shaken back. go out.

Seeing the menacing approach of this person, Xiao Chen had already secretly gathered his true energy. At this moment, he plucked his fingers on the strings of the piano. The moment the sound came out, the spiritual energy around him was also gathered by him, turning into a green light a hundred feet tall. , and slashed towards the master of Tianxiang Peak!

Who can stop the power of such a mighty divine harp?

However, he saw that the master of Tianxiang Peak remained calm. With a flick of his palms, the seal suddenly came out. The sound of "dang" actually blocked Xiao Chen's piano sound.

The two people's strength confronted each other in mid-air, causing strong winds all around. Many people felt their breath was suffocated and retreated further away.

Although the power of the piano sound encountered obstacles, it did not decrease even a little bit. However, Xiao Chen already felt a bit strenuous. Even though he had Fuxi Qin in his hand, the Taoism of the person in front of him was really too high. At first glance, at least he was a A strong man who has reached the early stage of the Five Realms.

Don’t underestimate the twelve realms of saints. Once you reach the third realm, every subsequent realm is as difficult as climbing to heaven. Especially after you reach the sixth realm, even in this fairy world, it may not be possible to achieve the so-called supreme immortality. Successfully climb a level.

At this moment, everyone outside was watching with bated breath, and the Master of Tianxiang Peak was also thinking carefully in his heart. He couldn't see through the cultivation of the child in front of him, especially this artistic conception. What kind of artistic conception was this?

Not only was he unable to intimidate the other party, he seemed to be suppressed by the other party's artistic conception at the moment... This uneasy feeling had not occurred to him for a long time.

However, he does not believe that there is an artistic conception beyond the way of heaven in this world. All things are surrendered to the way of heaven. What he understands is the artistic conception of the way of heaven that "spring brings life and autumn kills, and withering and glory flows"!

I saw him flicking his palms, and a surging force of artistic conception was crushed directly towards Xiao Chen. At this moment, even the disciples of Tongtian Valley outside were enveloped by this artistic conception of "spring is born, autumn is killed, withered glory flows" , I couldn't help feeling cold all over and held my breath.

It took the Master of Tianxiang Peak hundreds of years to realize that the artistic conception of "Spring and Autumn Death" is indeed no small matter. Within a certain range, it is almost equivalent to a small manipulation of life and death.

As long as you are enveloped by his artistic conception of "Spring and Autumn Death", unless you are a person with a higher moral conduct than him, you will never escape his subsequent "Wither and Prosperity" judgment. If he judges it as "Wither", the person who falls in the trap will be Even if he doesn't die, he will be seriously injured, and he will be suppressed by his artistic conception forever, making it difficult to turn over.

At this time, the power of this artistic conception enveloped Xiao Chen in an instant. At the same time, dead leaves continued to fly around him, and the original green leaves also withered in an instant.

At this moment, Xiao Chen really felt the meaning of spring and autumn, and the flow of prosperity and decline. Under the way of heaven, all things work together and cannot escape the ups and downs.

It's just his fate, how can he allow others to change it? Even if it is the way of heaven, so what!


A piano sound sounded, Xiao Chen closed his eyes, and the dead leaves swirling around him were all shattered into pieces in an instant. The withered and glorious artistic conception that enveloped him was shattered by his piano sound!

The Master of Tianxiang Peak immediately turned pale, and he stepped back as if he had been hit hard. At this moment, he looked at Xiao Chen again, with complete disbelief in his eyes. He had never failed in his artistic conception of glory, so why just... This person was broken instantly!

Outside, the elders of the Twelve Peaks and the disciples were also shocked. They had never seen anyone who could so easily destroy the Heavenly Dao conception of the Master of Tianxiang Peak with just a single sound! This person, he, who is he...

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