The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,318 A tense situation

"The cycle of life and death, the flow of prosperity and decline... You have never experienced it, so how do you know what the cycle of life and death is.

The rhyme of Xiao Chen's piano was still melodious, but at this moment, these two simple sentences seemed to hit the spot. Not only was the master of Tianxiang Peak completely stunned, but also the elders and disciples of Tongtian Valley behind him. They all seemed to be petrified, standing in place, motionless.

"you you……"

The Master of Tianxiang Peak turned pale. It was really unbelievable. Just now, it seemed that it was just the sound of the other party's piano that broke the power of his artistic conception. But that was not the case. It was the other party that completely broke his artistic conception, not just him. The power of the artistic conception just now.

At this time, the sound of the piano was still lingering outside the secret realm. Xiao Chen was lying cross-legged on the ground, with his hands and ten fingers plucking the music gently and slowly. The white hair behind his shoulders was flying in the wind, and green leaves and red flowers were flying around him. At this moment, he really looked like that great man from outside the world, who was nothing more than a mediocre person.

"What a handsome kung fu, what a wonderful piano sound..."

At this moment, a clear man's voice came from the clouds, and then another figure flew down from the sky.

But seeing that this man was dressed in white flawlessly, holding a folding fan in his hand, with green hair as black as ink, a handsome figure, and extraordinary immortal aura, all the elders and disciples of Tongtian Valley were stunned. Until this man landed in front of the secret realm, each of them The talent reacted and quickly paid homage, "See the Master of Tianji Peak!"

It turns out that this handsome man in green is actually the peak master of Tianji Peak among the twelve peaks of Tongtian Valley. He has already cultivated his immortal body in his early years, and his cultivation level is not inferior to that of Tianxiang Peak Master.

"Fortunately for me, in a short time, two peak masters were attracted to come in person." ♦

Even though there is another peak master with extraordinary cultivation outside the secret realm, Xiao Chen is still calm and composed, and he is still playing the strings in his hand, and the sound of the piano is like an ancient spring in the mountains, with elegant and leisurely rhythm.

"Such a touching piano sound, I'm here to listen to you."

After the Master of Tianji Peak said this, the folding fan in his hand suddenly turned into a simple Yao Qin. However, looking at the extraordinary carvings on this Qin, it seemed to be an unusual Qin. ׺°”˜˜`”°º×

"Tianji, be careful, this person's piano is very powerful..."

Seeing that the two were about to play the harp, the Master of Tianxiang Peak had just seen the power of the harp in Xiao Chen's hand, so he sent a spiritual reminder to the Master of Tianji Peak.

"One person and one piano can seal the entire entrance. It's interesting. I want to see who he got his ability to play the piano from."

Master Tianji Peak's voice was light, as if he had something in his mind. As soon as he finished speaking, he moved his fingers, and with a "zheng" sound, a sound of the piano struck at Xiao Chen!

A seemingly simple and ordinary piano sound, but it hid a profound magical power. Even though Xiao Chen had the Fuxi Qin in his hand, he did not dare to be careless. When they came out, the two people's piano sounds collided, causing the surrounding area to tremble.

In their first encounter, both sides seemed to have figured out the opponent's base. The main tune of Tianji Peak changed again, and in an instant there were several continuous piano sounds, flying towards Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen also played the zither to fight back. The sound of the two people's zithers seemed to have turned into sharp and fierce swords in an instant. The sound of "clanking" was endless, sometimes like the rugged mountains, sometimes like the raging waves of the sea, and sometimes like two The army is fighting, and thousands of horses are galloping.

The surrounding area gradually became filled with smoke and dust, and the people in the distance could only hear the sound of the piano continuously playing, and their ears were ringing and they were dizzy. In a trance, from the sound of the piano, everyone seemed to hear the sound of fighting and iron horses, and even more seemed to see the two armies fighting, the flash of swords and the shadow of swords!

Suddenly, the sound of the piano changed, and the tones of both sides suddenly rose. It seemed that they had reached the most intense moment, and the illusions everyone saw from the sound of the piano also suddenly changed. At this moment, it was as if they had come to an ancient battlefield, and saw corpses scattered everywhere, and blood. The river flows, the magic weapons are everywhere, and the sword energy is flowing wildly. The scene seems to be real!


As the last sound of the piano sounded, the dust and smoke in the sky was finally dispersed, and everyone suddenly woke up from the illusion. Everyone's face was pale and their bodies were dripping with sweat.

The moment they woke up, everyone happened to see the master of Tianji Peak being shaken by the sound of a piano and moving back. Looking at Xiao Chen in the secret realm, he was still calm and calm, playing the piano leisurely as if nothing had happened.

"Master Tianji Peak!"

The expressions of all the elders and disciples present changed. Among the Twelve Peaks, the Master of Tianji Peak was the best at rhythm. Even his music was no match for him!


The master of Tianji Peak raised his hand, but at this moment, he could clearly see his gradually pale face. In the end, he still couldn't hold it back, and a wisp of blood slowly flowed out from the corner of his mouth. It was obvious that the last blow just now had caused him to Injured by Xiao Chen's piano music.

This is what happens when two people play the piano. No matter how high or low their cultivation level is, even if there is a huge difference in strength between the two sides, the piano duel is not only about the depth of cultivation. The most important thing is the use of the piano, just like arranging troops. , every tune must be arranged extremely delicately, otherwise, if you have no cultivation, you will be easily harmed by the opponent.

Obviously, Tianji Peak Master's piano skills are not as good as Xiao Chen's, so he was hurt by the opponent's piano sound. If Ling Yin had taken action just now, he probably wouldn't be able to last even ten rounds and would definitely be defeated.

"Master Tianji Peak, I accept the concession..."

Xiao Chen moved his fingers gently, and the faint sound of the piano came out from the secret realm again, and at this moment, the face of Master Tianji Peak seemed to become even paler.

In the distance, the two people who came from Yun Mengze also looked a little ugly at this moment. Looking back on the scene just now, they still felt that if they had not seen it with their own eyes, they would never believe that there could be such a powerful piano sound in this world.


At this moment, another ferocious shock came from the depths of the secret realm. This time the shock was more violent, and the spiritual power became more surging. It actually caused several nearby peaks to sway, and huge boulders continued to roll down from the cliffs, raising huge waves. The dust of the sky.


The expression of the elder in green at the Medicine Refining Peak suddenly changed. Seeing the bursts of strange light coming from the depths of the secret realm, he was even more frightened. He hurriedly said to the Master of Tianxiang Peak and the Master of Tianji Peak, "Two peak masters... Can’t wait!”

Obviously, the two peak masters also realized at this time that Xiao Chen was guarding the entrance of the secret realm alone. The purpose was to delay time so that the person inside could successfully destroy the formation.

"I see……"

In the distance, the two people who came from Yun Mengze seemed to finally see something at this moment. The man in green said loudly, "You are the one who has destroyed countless spiritual veins in the immortal world in the past few months, right?"

As soon as these words came out, many disciples in Tongtian Valley were startled. What did this sentence mean?

Apparently they lived deep in the isolated Tongtian Valley and didn't know much about the outside world. Only the two peak masters and a few elders suddenly changed their expressions.

"The person who destroyed the spiritual veins of the immortal world..."

At this moment, the expressions of Master Tianxiang Peak and Master Tianji Peak both changed, and without any further thought, they rushed inside in unison.

Seeing the two people rushing towards each other at the same time, Xiao Chen condensed his energy on his fingertips and made three consecutive piano sounds, "Zheng Zheng Zheng!" With the help of the spiritual power in the secret realm, the power of the piano sound was unstoppable and knocked the two of them away at once.

However, he himself also felt a shock in his body. Although Fu Xiqin was powerful, it consumed a lot of his true energy. If he hadn't taken a piece of "Withered Wood Flower Powder" refined by the Medicine Saint Bu Yundian in advance when he came out, how could he have survived? Until now?


The shock coming from the depths of the secret realm has become more and more fierce. It must be that Xiao Meng'er is about to break the formation. The disciples of Tongtian Valley outside the secret realm are already panicking. Even the elders of the Twelve Peaks are panicking at this moment. God, the spiritual veins of Tongtian Valley are the hub of countless spiritual veins in the immortal world. Once destroyed, the consequences will be disastrous!

"Stop them!"

Thinking of the consequences of having their spiritual veins destroyed, at this moment, the elders of the Twelve Peaks rushed into the secret realm with their disciples as if they were about to die.

Seeing so many people rushing in, Xiao Chen plucked the strings. Just when the sound was coming out, a sharp pain suddenly came from his Dantian. Apparently, even though he had taken Kumu Shenghua Powder in advance, he could not use it again and again. Fu Xiqin's consumption was beyond his expectation.


Enduring the severe pain from his dantian, Xiao Chen still sent out the sound of the string, knocking away the cultivators who were swarming in.

However, at this moment, two more figures fell from the sky, and two deep breaths enveloped him, making him feel a little suffocated. It was obvious that two more peak masters with advanced cultivation levels had arrived.

What came back this time was a woman in green clothes and an old man in black robes. They seemed to have very high cultivation levels.

When the two of them saw the situation here, they couldn't help but be slightly startled. They were practicing in seclusion in the mysterious realm on their respective mountain peaks. They just received the urgent news and came out of seclusion in a hurry. Unexpectedly, someone came out of this secret realm. such a big thing.

"Get this guy!"

As soon as the two gave orders, many more disciples rushed into the secret realm. At the same time, the two of them joined forces with the masters of Tianji Peak and Tianxiang Peak to attack Xiao Chen.

Faced with the simultaneous attacks of the four masters, Xiao Chen was already extremely exhausted. He fired several piano sounds in his hand before knocking the four people away.

Fortunately, the situation of this secret place is special, and there are restrictions everywhere. There is only one direction to attack from outside. Otherwise, if four people attack from all sides at the same time, even if he has three heads and six arms, it will be difficult to resist.

But even with Fuxi Qin in hand, if a few more peak masters with advanced cultivation levels come out later, I am afraid he will not be able to support it. Does he have to use the gods and demons of Dugu Tianxia in front of so many people? If you do this, I'm afraid...

While he was thinking about it, many people rushed up from outside. Xiao Chen endured the severe pain in his dantian, and another sound of the piano came out, knocking all these people back. However, he was screaming in his heart, Xiao Meng'er, Xiao Meng'er, How long do you want...

"He is already running out of real energy and can't last much longer... Come on!"

Four peak masters with advanced cultivation levels once again joined forces to attack. After half a stick of incense, Xiao Chen finally couldn't hold on anymore. Cold sweat was dripping on his face. If it weren't for the black armor to protect him, he would have been killed just now. One person's flying sword was severely damaged.

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