The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,319 Desperate Situation

"He also has a treasure armor on him, a condensed formation!"

The four of them saw that he was protected by treasure armor and that ordinary flying swords could not cause damage. They immediately formed a formation and used the strength of the four of them to merge into one, turning into a hundred-foot-long mysterious energy and attacking fiercely.

Under the collision of this mysterious energy, the ground along the way continued to break. Xiao Chen secretly thought that something was wrong, and he used up his last true energy to barely make a zither sound.


After all, he was a little behind. Xiao Chen didn't have time to adjust his aura, but the overwhelming force from the opposite side was already approaching fiercely!

Unable to stop his attack in time, Xiao Chen only felt pain all over his body. He was already in mid-air, and was actually blown away by the combined force of the four people.

But just as he flew backwards, he felt a pair of arms as soft as jade in the air, catching him from behind. When he looked back, it was Xiao Meng'er who was holding the seat at some point. The lotus platform appeared.

"Three thousand lotus flowers!"

Xiao Meng'er caught Xiao Chen with one hand and swept the dust with the other hand. Thousands of green lotus flowers suddenly appeared, taking away the remaining energy of the four people who were rushing towards him.

"What a powerful Taoist method..."

Those four people's eyes were so sharp that they could see at a glance that Xiao Meng'er's magic was extraordinary. Otherwise, how could they easily remove their magic power?

Are these two people really cultivators from the human world?

At this moment, doubts arose in the four people's hearts. No wonder they had doubts in their hearts, but they didn't expect that there would be such a powerful young person in the world.

Just when the four of them were confused, a strange light suddenly shot into the sky deep in the secret realm, and then, an extremely chaotic spiritual power surged out.


Outside the secret realm, the expressions of all the elders of Tongtian Valley changed. In the direction deep in the secret realm, one mountain after another collapsed. It would soon spread to this side. At that time, the entire secret realm would collapse. The worst result would be , Tongtian Valley disappeared in an instant! Everyone must evacuate as soon as possible...

Feeling the spiritual power coming from behind, Xiao Meng'er sent a secret message to Xiao Chen, "The formation has collapsed, and soon, the power of the spiritual veins will rush out..."

Xiao Chen naturally felt the violent spiritual power at this time and said, "It seems that we really have no way out this time. Let's be prepared for a last-ditch fight."

While he was speaking, rays of mysterious light shot into the sky from all directions in the entire Tongtian Valley. It was obvious that they could no longer escape.

Xiao Meng'er looked at the mysterious lights in the distance. Even if she had the Immaculate Lotus Platform, she could not break out of these restrictions.

But before that, Xiao Chen had already sent an order to Qingyun Beast. Probably Qingyun Beast could break through the restrictions of Tongtian Valley and take them away. Now the two of them have to resist the attacks of these people in Tongtian Valley.

"Get these two!"

At this moment, another sonorous and powerful voice came from the distant sky, and then countless figures were seen rushing towards this direction. The leader was an imposing middle-aged man, and beside him, there were A white-haired old woman holding a wooden staff.

These two people are also the peak masters of the Twelve Peaks, and their cultivation levels are also extremely profound. When they saw this scene, their faces were full of shock.

At this moment, there are six peak masters. Even if Xiao Chen and Xiao Meng'er join forces, it is absolutely impossible to break out of the secret realm. What's more, even if they rush out, they can't break through the restrictions outside.

However, both of them remained calm in the face of danger and remained calm and composed. When the first wave of cultivators rushed in from outside, Xiao Meng'er used "Three Thousand Lotus Flowers" to resist, while Xiao Chen still used the sound of the piano to fight off the enemy.

The two of them cooperated quite well, but it was a pity that Qian Yu Nishang was not there, otherwise Xiao Chen might have been able to break out of the encirclement with the help of Qian Yu Nichang's "Qiu Shui Wu Wu" together.

After a while, more masters from the ancient immortal clan rushed in from outside. In addition, there were also six peak masters with high magic power who were casting spells. Even though the two of them had artifacts in their hands, they were unable to resist and could only fight and retreat. , and kept retreating to the depths of the secret realm.

"No, we can't go in any further..."

When she was halfway back, Xiao Meng'er had already felt the terrifying spiritual power behind her. Even if she had the ancient Xiao family's mysterious skills, she could not withstand this terrifying spiritual power at all. Once she was involved in the spiritual storm, she would be destroyed almost instantly. Will be broken into pieces.

"Watch out!"

Suddenly, a terrifying spiritual power rushed out. Xiao Chen reacted immediately. Ling Xian stepped out and pulled Xiao Meng'er away. Almost in an instant, the spiritual power passed by the two of them. However, in front, the Tongtian Valley disciples who were attacking them were unable to avoid them. They were rushed by the spiritual power and were instantly destroyed physically and mentally!

Seeing this scene, not only the elders and disciples of Tongtian Valley turned pale with fright, but even Xiao Chen and Xiao Meng'er were shocked. The spiritual veins of Tongtian Valley are the hub of countless spiritual veins in the immortal world. The spiritual power here is too terrifying. .

Unless it is the body of the gods and demons in Dugu Tianxia, ​​no one can withstand it. Even the masters of the Twelve Peaks cannot withstand such terrifying spiritual power.

Now Xiao Chen finally knew how lucky he was when he jumped from the Immortal Burial Cliff.

Under the seven peaks of Xuanqing, a spiritual vein of the earth is suppressed. The spiritual storm under the Immortal Burial Cliff is enough to tear apart everything. It is far stronger than the spiritual power of Tongtian Valley. Even gods who fall from the Immortal Burial Cliff can see it. The whole body was not found, so it had such a terrible name.

At this moment, the entire secret realm of Tongtian Valley is raging with spiritual power, and no place is safe. If you are not careful, you will be turned into powder under the spiritual power storm.

Now, the six peak masters are afraid of this spiritual storm in the secret realm, so they don't dare to attack rashly, but even if they approach like this little by little, they will eventually drive Xiao Chen and Xiao Meng'er into desperation.

"what to do?"

Xiao Meng'er, who had always been calm, could not help but frown at this moment, but looking at her whole body covered in lotus flowers, the lotus platform under her feet and the Chenxin Sword in her hand were both blooming with green light, which could slightly resist the erosion of some spiritual power.

The spiritual power behind them was getting stronger and stronger, and the two of them could no longer retreat. Once they retreated there, no matter how fast Xiao Chen's Lingxian Steps were, it would be difficult to dodge them again and again.

Unexpectedly, today, the two of them would find themselves in such a desperate situation. It was not that they had never thought about this situation. It was just that they were lucky before they came, thinking that they could get out of trouble in time.

"Get them both!"

Seeing that the two of them had no way out, the Master of Tianxiang Peak gave an order, and countless masters immediately rushed forward.

By now, Xiao Chen had exhausted his true energy, and Fu Xiqin could no longer exert its power. In desperation, he had no choice but to use the Emperor Gu Sword, and knocked back the people who came forward with one blow.

Although the Emperor's Gu Sword is strong, each sword will consume the power of the soul. With this sword strike, Xiao Chen actually felt a little dizzy. When Xiao Meng'er saw that his power was exhausted, she immediately flew up and condensed her palms. , put a beam of true energy on his back, "How are you?"


As Xiao Meng'er's true energy entered, Xiao Chen quickly recovered, but more and more people rushed up in front of him. If this continues, there is no solution after all. Although there are still golden crow feet, the golden crow feet can't hurt this place. All of them are useless in the end.

Could it be that... I can only use the divine and demonic bodies of Dugu Tianxia? There was no other way. If he continued like this, when the spiritual energy behind him surged up, it would swallow them both up in an instant.

Just when Xiao Chen was about to sacrifice the body of Dugu Tianxia's god and demon, the bone demon's rather nervous voice suddenly sounded in his mind: "Boy... wait!"

And at this moment, Xiao Chen seemed to have noticed something. Just now, there seemed to be a spiritual consciousness coming from an extremely far away place, and from such a far away place... it was locked on him accurately in an instant!

How is it possible, how is it possible...

At this moment, Xiao Chen felt as if he was falling into an abyss, and a bone-chilling chill suddenly rose from his back. Ever since he came to the Ancient Immortal World, he had never felt such a suffocating chill in the past few months. That chill just now Divine consciousness, what exactly is...

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