The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,320 The Merciless Immortal Lord

"What’s wrong with you?"

Xiao Meng'er obviously noticed something strange about him at this time. She swept the dust in her hand and condensed a stream of true energy. While resisting the flying sword coming from outside, she moved closer to him.


Xiao Chen frowned deeply, what happened at that moment just now? Now that his consciousness is sharp, his induction will definitely be correct. Where did that cold consciousness come from...

Last time in the gap between the fairy world, in the ancient battlefield of gods and demons, he realized the sixth level of the realm of immortality, the "no-self realm", which meant he realized the realm of the strong, so it was difficult for anyone to be able to intimidate him. , let alone the cultivators of the fourth and fifth realms in front of him, even the strong men of the ninth realm may not be able to intimidate him.

But just now, that ray of divine consciousness, just a ray of divine consciousness, made him feel like he was falling into an icy abyss. Who could it be... ★✾

At this time, outside Tongtian Valley, on top of a green peak a hundred miles away, two figures were seen standing on the top of the mountain, using the technique of "clairvoyance" to observe the situation here in Tongtian Valley.

But look at the fluttering clothes of the two people, and the faint fairy spirit on their bodies, especially the fairy wearing aqua blue clothes, looks even more extraordinary.

"Uncle Master, what's wrong?" Fairy Shuiyue stood aside and asked when she saw Uncle Master suddenly frowning.

The fairy in blue was attentive and silent, still looking in the direction of Tongtian Valley, but her eyes gradually shifted from Xiao Chen to the northeast. That direction was the direction from which the spiritual consciousness came just now.


Fairy in blue shook her head, hoping that her senses were wrong, and Fairy Shuiyue looked in the direction she was looking, and said to herself, "That direction is... the Abyss of Gods and Demons? It seems that the Abyss of Gods and Demons has been there for a long time." , there has never been any strange movement, but my uncle sensed something just now..."

In Tongtian Valley, the sound of killing became louder and louder. Many masters from Tongtian Valley rushed in from outside the secret realm. The situation became more and more critical. Xiao Chen and Xiao Meng'er had no way to retreat. If they retreated further, that would be There was a terrifying spiritual storm.

Are the two of them really going to die here today?

Xiao Chen can make the Nine Yin and Nine Yang Mysterious Techniques and the Heavenly Book run retrograde. In this way, it will only make the three corpse demons wake up faster.

And Xiao Meng'er can unlock the power of her ancient Xiao family bloodline. Both of them have the final trump card, but they cannot use it easily. Once used, there is really no way out, and whether it is the reversal of Xiao Chen's Heavenly Book, or Xiao Meng'er's ability to unlock the bloodline will definitely attract the attention of the ancient immortal world.

Facing more and more masters outside, the two of them needed to make an immediate decision. Just as they were hesitating, a clear and long roar suddenly came from outside the secret realm.

"It's Qingyun Beast..."

Xiao Chen immediately realized that it was the Qingyun Beast. He looked up and saw that outside the secret realm, among the mysterious lights reaching into the sky, there was indeed a ball of cyan flames rushing towards this side. It was the Qingyun Beast.

Seeing the Qingyun Beast breaking through all the restrictions, Xiao Meng'er finally breathed a sigh of relief, but the Tongtian Valley disciples outside were all shocked. What kind of spiritual beast was it? It could actually ignore Tongtian Valley's restrictions...


The Qingyun Beast was getting closer and closer, and it let out another thundering roar, which made the nearby Tongtian Valley disciples, as long as their cultivation level was slightly lower, tremble in their hearts, and were dizzy by the deep sound.

"It's the Qingyun Beast of the Merciless Immortal Lord..."

The disciples of Tongtian Valley failed to recognize the Qingyun Beast, but after all, the peak masters present were well-informed and could not recognize that this spiritual beast covered in green flames was used by the Immortal Wuqing to guard it. Qingyun Beast from the Heartless Wonderland?

But how could this ruthless immortal king’s mountain-protecting beast come here? He also broke through the defensive restrictions outside...

"It seems that the rumors from the past few days are true..."

Several peak masters are still not sure about the destruction of the Heartless Valley some time ago, but how could the two people from Yun Mengze not know the details?

The man in green said, "This Qingyun Beast is originally a spiritual beast under the Immortal King Wuqing. It is very powerful and can break many restrictions. But not long ago, this man broke into the Wuqing Valley and not only destroyed the spiritual veins, but also destroyed the entire Wuqing Fairyland." In order to level the ground, in the end, the spirit beast of the Merciless Immortal Lord was also captured..."


Upon hearing this, the expressions on the faces of the peak masters present changed. When they looked at Xiao Chen again, their eyes were obviously more fearful. 【】

Originally they only thought that this person was just destroying some spiritual veins in the immortal world, but they did not expect that this person was so courageous that he destroyed the entire immortal world of the Merciless Immortal Lord, and also took away his mountain-protecting beasts. Captured away, this would be too shocking...

"Stop this spiritual beast quickly!"

The Master of Tianxiang Peak immediately reacted. This Qingyun Beast was originally the mountain-protecting beast in the Immortal Monarch’s Immortal Realm, but now it has been tamed by this person. It must be here to save this person, but today no matter what, this beast cannot be allowed to People get out!

After receiving the order, the masters in the valley immediately moved towards the Qingyun Beast to stop it. However, they could not stop the Qingyun Beast. The Qingyun Beast was already quite capable, not to mention it could forcibly break through the restricted formation. Unless several peak masters joined forces, otherwise It's hard for anyone to stop it.


Seeing that the Qingyun Beast was getting closer and closer, several peak masters secretly thought that something was not right, but now, they had to stay here to maintain the formation to prevent the secret realm from collapsing, not to mention blocking the entrance to prevent Xiao Chen and Xiao Meng'er. The two men broke out.

"Go and stop that beast!"

Seeing that the forbidden defense in the valley was about to be broken through by the Qingyun Beast, several peak masters became anxious. The elders of the Twelve Peaks also reacted immediately. Without hesitation, they all stopped the Qingyun Beast flying in the distance.

In the secret realm, Xiao Chen and Xiao Meng'er were unable to retreat. At this time, they saw that the Qingyun Beast was getting closer and closer, and it also broke through the restricted mysterious light outside. They should have been happy, but at this moment, the two of them Everyone's expressions were extremely solemn, as if they had sensed something.

"Something is wrong..."

At this moment, Xiao Chen finally discovered the abnormality. He had put a seal on Qingyun Beast before, but now it seemed that there was no trace of the seal on Qingyun Beast. Since the seal had been lifted, Qingyun Beast was heading towards Tongtian at this time. If he came from the valley, he definitely wasn't here to save him...

"It seems that we are really in big trouble this time..."

Xiao Meng'er's eyebrows were slightly condensed. When she spoke, she swept her whisk away, and a layer of green lotus flowers had formed all over her body. Just as she finished speaking, a voice came from the distance: "You don't need to be nervous, Qingyun Beast is I’m here to help you capture that man.”

Hearing this rich voice, many people in Tongtian Valley were startled. The voice came first before anyone arrived. The person who came had a high level of cultivation. Could it be...

"The Merciless Immortal Lord!"

The dozen or so elders who were about to take action against the Qingyun Beast were stunned at this moment. They all looked in the direction of the sound. They saw clouds surging in the sky over there, and a vague figure appeared.

At first, it seemed that the man was still far away in the horizon, and he could only see a shadow as promised. But in the blink of an eye, he was already less than ten miles away from Tongtian Valley, and in the next blink of an eye, he had already entered Tongtian Valley.

But looking at the man dressed in purple, with white hair and white eyebrows, he looked very cold, like the frost in the harsh winter. Just one look at him made people feel inexplicably frightened.


At this time, the Qingyun Beast had also broken through the restrictions outside and rushed towards Xiao Chen inside the secret realm. It was like an enemy meeting, extremely jealous, and wanting to tear the opponent into pieces.

When he was in the Heartless Valley before, Xiao Chen had seen how powerful this Qingyun beast was. It was not only rough-skinned and thick-flesh, but also very powerful. It could smash a mountain with one claw.

He knew that he could not confront it head-on, so when the Qingyun Beast rushed over, he made a move of his palm and directed the spiritual storm coming from behind him towards the front.

After all, spiritual beasts are not as cunning as humans. I didn't know how powerful this spiritual storm was. At this time, I still rushed forward angrily, but with a "boom", Qingyun Beast was hit by this spiritual storm. No matter how powerful the beast's body was, , also dripping with blood, and flew backwards.

"Qingyunmon, come back!"

At this time, the Immortal Wu Wu had already arrived at the top of the secret realm and shouted to the Qingyun Beast. The Qing Yun Beast dragged its injured body and glared at Xiao Chen bitterly, and finally slowly returned to the Wu Wu Immortal.

"The Merciless Immortal Lord..."

Seeing the arrival of the Immortal Wuqing at this time, several peak masters were stunned. At this time, the aura of the Wuqing Immortal was cold, and his cultivation level was obviously higher than theirs.

"We finally meet..."

The ruthless Immortal Lord's face was gloomy, as if he had been covered with layers of frost. He did not pay attention to the several peak masters of Tongtian Valley. His eyes stayed on Xiao Chen from beginning to end, and even looked at him. Xiao Meng'er beside her ignored him.

At this moment, feeling the cold murderous intent in him, even the peak masters of Tongtian Valley couldn't help but tremble in their hearts, let alone the elder disciples.

Under the shock of this powerful Immortal Lord's aura, all the elder disciples of Tongtian Valley were as silent as cicadas. They stood in place, not daring to move, let alone make a sound.

At this time, Immortal Wu Qing looked at the peak masters of Tongtian Valley and said coldly, "I want to take this person away today."

After hearing this, several peak masters trembled. Tianxiang Peak Master said, "This person has destroyed the spiritual veins of Tongtian Valley. I think it is better to take him to Yunmeng Ze and hand him over to Lord Yun Zhong." …”

Obviously, everyone in Tongtian Valley knows that Tongtian Valley cannot escape the blame for what happened today. No matter what, they must take this person to Yun Zhongjun.


At this time, the two men from Yun Mengze also came up, and the man in green said, "In the past few months, this person has destroyed many spiritual veins in the immortal world, and must be handed over to the master."

After saying that, he looked at the woman in red next to him. Both of them were thinking in their hearts that this person's origin was particularly extraordinary, as well as the Yao Qin and the sword in his hand, as well as the weird Kung Fu. The Dharma must be made known to Master...

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