The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,325 Return to Butterfly Valley

"Be careful..."

Seeing that the other party never showed up, Fairy Yudie became more vigilant. She raised her hand slightly and asked Fairy Shuiyue to take Xiao Chen to the back, while she herself cautiously explored the front step by step.

The surrounding mist seemed to have become much thicker in just a short moment. Just when the atmosphere was at its most tense, a gloomy voice finally came from the front: "If Fairy Yudie wants to pass through here, then she will be gone." Let that person stay..."

The voice was cold and deep, not like the Merciless Immortal Lord, but I couldn’t tell who it was. Fairy Yudie’s eyebrows condensed, and a magic power was secretly condensed in her palms. She tentatively said, “Your Excellency has not shown up yet, so you have to let me stay.” People, is there something unjustifiable..."

"If I show up, you will definitely die. Fairy Yudie, it is not easy for you to practice Taoism, but have you thought clearly..."

The sound was getting closer and closer, and the surrounding fog was getting thicker and thicker. This strange aura lingered around the three of them, and it couldn't be dissipated, making people feel chills behind their backs.

"Don't let me go yet..."

At this moment, Xiao Chen's face became extremely solemn. He could feel that the identity of the person in front was unknown, but it must not be simple. He was now bound by Fairy Yudie, at least the other party would not hurt him, but if he fell to the front In that person's hands, that may not be the case.

"Don't move!"

Fairy Shuiyue held him down and held out a fairy sword in her hand. In fact, her moral character was not low, but at this moment, under the aura of the mysterious man in front of her, she actually felt like she could not breathe.

"Uncle Master, what should I do..."

At this time, Fairy Shuiyue could only send her spiritual thoughts to Fairy Yudie, but Fairy Yudie was still paying close attention to the approaching aura in front of her, and sent back her spiritual thoughts and said: "This person may be just a clone, but Tao Xing Ji Gao, I will hold this person down later, and you take Xiao Yichen back to the Butterfly Realm. Remember, you must take him back to the Butterfly Realm.


Fairy Shuiyue frowned. She had never felt so uneasy before, but for some reason today, she was always worried that something might happen to Uncle Yudie alone here...

"Hurry up and untie me... I can help you too."

Feeling that the breath in front was getting closer and closer, Xiao Chen struggled hard, but the magic power on this bundle of immortal ropes was not something he could break free at the moment.

Unless he has the body of gods and demons in Dugu Tianxia, ​​he might be able to give it a try, but now that he is imprisoned by the Immortal Binding Rope, he cannot even use the flying sword magic weapon, let alone the body of gods and demons in Dugu Tianxia.

"Don't move! If I untie you, wouldn't you just run away?"

Fairy Shuiyue pressed him hard, and she was getting more and more nervous. At this moment, a figure finally came out of the thick fog in front of him, but the figure was wearing a black robe, and The surrounding fog was so thick that it was impossible to see his appearance.

Fairy Yudie's eyes narrowed, but even with the insight spell, she couldn't clearly see the person's appearance. At this moment, there were suddenly black mist surrounding the person, and he was filled with a heavy death aura. , it doesn’t look simple.


At this moment, Fairy Yudie did not hesitate, she formed a seal with her hands, and immediately a dozen green lights flew up from all over her body, directly resisting the strange black energy that was coming quickly.

"Uncle Master..."

Fairy Shuiyue was stunned for a moment, but she immediately calmed down and took Xiao Chen to escape far away. But as soon as she started, before she could escape a hundred feet away, a black mist came straight towards her, full of deathly energy. Its momentum is actually unstoppable!

"Three Thousand Butterfly Dreams!"

Fairy Yudie shouted in a deep voice, and in an instant, butterfly shadows turned into thousands of feet. The sky was filled with butterfly shadows, and she and the mysterious man were enveloped in it, as if the void nearby was forcibly imprisoned.

"Uncle Master..."

Seeing that Uncle Master actually used three thousand butterfly dreams to imprison the void, Fairy Shuiyue's expression changed. At this time, Fairy Yudie's voice came from the layers of butterfly shadows: "Shuiyue, leave quickly! This person is extremely high in moral practice. I The butterfly dream of three thousand may not be able to trap him for long..."

"Untie me now!"

Xiao Chen's face darkened. Of course he saw the man's methods. The aura of death just now was clearly there, and he said, "If you don't untie me, your uncle will definitely die in his hands!"

"Shut up!"

Fairy Shuiyue turned around and glared at him, "Isn't this all just to save you! Let's go!" At the end of her words, she finally softened her heart and stopped caring about the back. She took Xiao Chen with her and immediately headed forward. went.

Three days later, Fairy Shuiyue finally took Xiao Chen back to the "Guidie Valley Fairyland" in Zifu Fairy Continent, and it was finally safe.

Guidie Valley has never accepted male disciples, and almost no men enter the valley on weekdays. Today, when they saw Master Shuiyue bringing back a strange man, all the disciples were a little surprised, and they all thought in their hearts, could it be that Master Shuiyue brought back a strange man? The rumors are actually true?

Yu Diezun went to Tongtian Valley in Yunzhou, and rescued the man who destroyed the spiritual veins of the immortal world and destroyed the entire Wuqing Valley fairyland from the hands of the Wuqing Immortal Lord?

At this time, I saw that the Guidie Valley was full of colorful exotic flowers and plants, with swarms of bees and butterflies, and the scenery was very quiet. The breeze blew by the mountain spring, and there was a faint fragrance filling my sleeves.

On some mountain streams, spiritual energy gathers to form waterfalls, and above the clouds and mist, five-color fairy deer and white fairy spirits are occasionally seen running past. Such a fairyland is rare even in this ancient fairy world.

"Master Shuiyue, he, he is..."

At this time, a dozen female disciples with fluttering white clothes and fairy aura walked up.

When looking at Xiao Chen, the dozen or so female disciples all had expressions of astonishment on their faces. Men have always been unable to enter Guidie Valley.

But at this time, they saw that this man was handsome and handsome, just like those immortal kings. The dozen or so female disciples seemed a little shy, their eyes wandered, and they only focused on Master Shuiyue, embarrassed to keep staring at him. Xiao Chen looked.

Fairy Shuiyue said, "Don't tell anyone about this person's entry into the valley. In addition, Your Majesty will be back in a few days. Go and open the Returning Butterfly Formation. Before Your Majesty comes back, no one is allowed to leave the valley, and no one is allowed to enter the valley." ”

After hearing this, all the disciples were a little confused. Why should they activate the Returning Butterfly Formation? But I didn't dare to ask any more questions at this time, so I had to do as told.

After about a stick of incense, Fairy Shuiyue brought Xiao Chen to a clear valley with blooming flowers and swarms of bees and butterflies. The place is full of spiritual energy and the scenery is refreshing. On weekdays, no one comes to disturb you. It can be said to be a place for cultivating immortals. An excellent place for practicing Taoism. If you practice here for three days, you may be able to spend ten days outside.

But no matter how nice this place is, Xiao Chen still feels like he is being imprisoned at this moment. Even the Fairy Shuiyue hasn't untied the immortal rope on his body yet.

"What do you want?"

With his eyebrows condensed, Xiao Chen asked, and just when he finished speaking, he saw rays of mysterious light rising into the sky outside, and then seemed to turn into a huge barrier, covering the entire Guidie Valley Fairyland. Locked inside.

At this moment, Xiao Chen immediately noticed that it should be the Returning Butterfly Formation that Fairy Shuiyue mentioned just now. Although he was imprisoned by the Immortal Binding Rope at this time, his consciousness was still sharp and he could feel it. This Returning Butterfly Formation was very powerful. , even more powerful than those restrictions in Tongtian Valley. Now that this formation is open, I am afraid that I really won’t be able to get out.

Fairy Shuiyue frowned slightly and said, "Just stay here and stay well. No one will bother you, and no one can cause trouble for you."

After saying that, she could not help but form seals with her hands and recited a spell in her mouth. The bundle of fairy ropes on Xiao Chen's body was immediately released and turned into a golden rope, returning to her hand.

"In addition, once the Returning Butterfly Formation outside is opened, don't even think about forcing your way out. If you accidentally hit the restriction in the formation, even I will not be able to escape the end of being wiped out."


Seeing that she was about to turn around and leave, Xiao Chen stretched out his hand to stop her, "Do you want to imprison me here?"

Fairy Shuiyue turned around and glanced at him with a frown, "So what? You can't go anywhere until Uncle Master comes back, so give up."

After saying that, she went outside Qinggu, but her eyebrows were furrowed all the way, and she always had an uneasy feeling in her heart. Uncle Yudie was ahead of her. It had been three days, if she could get rid of that person. If so, then she should be able to catch up with him, but why until now, there is no movement at all...

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