The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,326 Death Qi Erosion

In this way, for the past three days, there has been no movement in Guidie Valley. Xiao Chen stayed in this valley for the past three days and carefully observed the Guidie Formation outside. He found that there was really no way to open it. In this case, he could only wait. Fairy Yudie is back.

But three days have passed and Fairy Yudie has not returned yet. The disciples don't know what happened. They are only talking about Xiao Chen these days.

Fairy Shuiyue felt more and more uneasy, but now, she did not dare to rushly send spiritual messages to the other party. Once intercepted, it would be easier to expose Fairy Yudie's location.

So anxious and uneasy, I waited until dusk fell. Finally, there was a breath coming from outside the fairyland. Fairy Shuiyue sensed it. It was Master Yudie's breath. She immediately started to control the wind and headed towards the mouth of the valley. .

"Uncle Master!"

When they arrived at the mouth of the valley, they saw Fairy Yudie coming back. Fairy Shuiyue finally breathed a sigh of relief, but when she was about to walk over, Fairy Yudie suddenly raised her hand: "Shuiyue, don't come here!"

"What...Uncle Master, what's wrong?"

Fairy Shuiyue was stunned for a moment, and then she saw clearly that Master Yudie's face was slightly pale. Could it be that he was injured by that person? Asked, "Uncle, that person..."

"It's nothing."

Fairy Yudie shook her head and didn't seem to care much. She looked around the fairyland and saw that the Returning Butterfly Formation had been opened and asked, "Did you open the Returning Butterfly Formation?"


Fairy Shuiyue frowned deeply and said, "I was afraid that the man would run away, so I asked someone to open the Returning Butterfly Formation and wait for Master Uncle to come back."

"You did very well."

As Fairy Yudie said that, she went back to the Butterfly Valley Fairyland. While Fairy Shuiyue looked at her back, why did she always feel that her uncle was a little weird? Not even a word to say...

"Shuiyue, what are you doing?"

Seeing her standing behind, Fairy Yudie stopped, turned her head slightly, and asked.

"Ah... no." Fairy Shuiyue came back to her senses and immediately followed her.

In the fairyland, in the deep valley, Xiao Chen was sitting cross-legged and meditating. At this time, he also sensed the breath of Fairy Yudie. He slowly opened his eyes and looked towards the entrance of the valley, with a faint doubt in his eyes.

After a while, I heard footsteps approaching outside the valley. Xiao Chen still sat cross-legged under a big tree and closed his eyes again, ignoring the footsteps outside.

The fairy spirit in this Butterfly Realm is indeed very pure and rich. If he hadn't been busy with something important, he really wouldn't mind cultivating here for ten or eight years, and maybe he could even step into the Holy Realm.

"Xiao Yichen, are you in there?"

After a while, the footsteps stopped, and then the voice of Fairy Yudie sounded.

Xiao Chen slowly opened his eyes at this time and said casually, "Three days ago, I was caught here by the Fairy's people. I can't break the formation outside. If it's not in this valley, is it still in the Fairy's palace?" No."

" are presumptuous!"

Hearing his frivolous words, Fairy Shuiyue immediately shouted from outside. Fairy Yudie raised her hand, her face still as calm as water, and said, "The situation in the fairy world is in chaos now. You have destroyed so many spiritual veins. Now there are Many people want to find you. You should be aware of your current situation. Now, you can stay in my butterfly realm peacefully and wait for this storm to pass. As for the fragment of the book that day, you can give it to me if you are willing. If you don't want to give it, then I won't force it..."

"Uncle Master..."

Fairy Shuiyue next to her was stunned for a moment when she heard that she didn't want the Book of Heaven anymore. She had managed to snatch the fragments of the Book of Heaven. At that time, she didn't know how many people lost their lives for it, and she also narrowly escaped death and suffered After being plotted against him, now that the Book of Heaven is in the hands of this kid, is there any reason not to come back?

"Then I won't disturb you. Just stay here and have a good time practicing. The Butterfly Realm is full of spiritual energy. I think with your cultivation method, one day of practicing here will be enough to last three days outside."

Fairy Yudie said calmly, and at the end of her words, she took Fairy Shuiyue away again.

"You keep me here, aren't you afraid if I do something in your butterfly realm? I see you have quite a few female disciples here."

Xiao Chen's voice came from the valley again. Fairy Shuiyue was stunned for a moment, then turned around and scolded, "You dare to try it!"

"Oh? Then why wouldn't Xiao dare to do it?"

Xiao Chen still spoke indifferently. At this time, Fairy Yudie turned back and said towards the valley, "If you feel that the entire butterfly realm is too big and you just want to stay in this small valley, you can come out." , as you just said, do something."

Finally, there was no longer Xiao Chen's voice inside, and Fairy Shuiyue chuckled, "Huh, I don't believe it. Uncle Master has lived for thousands of years, and even those immortals don't dare to be so presumptuous. They can't cure you, a little guy."

"Shuiyue, let's go."

Fairy Yudie was still elegant, with her hands slightly raised, and her long robes fluttering in the wind, while Fairy Shuiyue looked more playful, and she snorted into the valley before following her out. .

After a while, the two people disappeared, and Xiao Chen appeared at the entrance of the valley, staring at the direction where the two people left just now, thinking that this Fairy Yudie was above him, unless she had the body of a god and demon in Dugu Tianxia, ​​otherwise For now, it's impossible to compete with that.

It seems that if the other party doesn't let him leave, then he really has no way to get out of this butterfly realm.


At this moment, Xiao Chen seemed to notice something again. He walked forward and came to the place where Fairy Yudie was standing just now. He found that there were several flowers here that seemed to be withered...


Xiao Chen's eyes narrowed. Ordinary people might not notice anything strange, but he has the power to control life and death. How could he not notice this trace of residual death energy.

"I see."

At this time, he had already thought of something. Fairy Yudie seemed to be fine, but she must have been injured by that person and was corroded by the other person's death aura. However, with her Taoism and magic power, she forcibly suppressed the death aura. That's all, but continuing like this is not the answer after all.

What is a bit strange is, how could there be such an evil person in this vast land of immortality? Who is that man, and why do you want to capture him? Is he here for the Book of Heaven, or something else...

At this time, Xiao Chen couldn't guess. He condensed his palm slightly, causing some wilted flowers nearby to regain their vitality.

This night, the moonlight was clear and as bright as snow, as if the entire fairyland of Guidie Valley was covered with a light veil. Even at night, the butterfly realm was still full of fairy charm.

In Fairy Yudie's palace, the lights were out, and only the faint moonlight fell into the room through the windows on both sides. At this time, Fairy Yudie's complexion was not as good as it was during the day, and she even looked very bad.

There was a layer of dense sweat on her forehead, and her face was a little pale. She was only wearing a thin dress, which was soaked with cold sweat and clung tightly to her body. Under the moonlight, she could see That trace of black energy is looming.

As Xiao Chen had guessed, she was eroded by that person's death aura. If she were an ordinary person, she would probably be unable to hold on for three days, but she used her skill to suppress the death aura forcibly. After all, this is not a long-term solution.

As for this matter, she should not let Shuiyue know about it for the time being, let alone the disciples in Guidie Valley, so as not to cause panic.

Seven days passed like this. During these seven days, Xiao Chen stayed in the valley and didn't go anywhere. But until today, there was still no strange thing coming from Fairy Yudie. He thought that her Taoism was really so high. Can that death energy be removed?

It wasn't until the afternoon that there was sudden movement outside Guidie Valley, and there were actually many immortal cultivators gathered at the entrance of the valley.

But look at the menace of these people, and the leaders are three old men with different appearances. They all seem to have very strong magic powers. If it weren't for the Returning Butterfly Formation, I'm afraid these people would have broken in.

"Who are you! How dare you break into Guidie Valley without permission!"

Hundreds of disciples came to Gu Zhong immediately. However, these hundreds of disciples alone were unable to intimidate those outside. The leader saw an old man with white hair and a black wooden cane stroking his beard and saying, "We don't have any Malice, I just have something to do today, I want to see Fairy Yudie, please open this formation!"

These people were menacing, and it was obvious that they were coming with bad intentions. However, the disciples of Guidie Valley were calm in the face of trouble. After all, no one had dared to break into Guidie Valley for so many years. There were fierce formations everywhere in the valley, and they were the ones who broke in. Come, I am determined not to get any favors.

A leading female disciple said coldly, "Your Majesty has been practicing in seclusion in the valley recently. No visitors are allowed. I see if you have anything to do, I'd better come back another day!"

At this time, another person behind the old man said, "Since there is something wrong, how can there be any reason to come back another day? Could it be that Fairy Yudie is not in this valley? Or maybe she was injured and is recuperating in the valley?"

"You can't guess what your Majesty is doing. I would like to advise you, this is Zifu Xianzhou, not Yunzhou. If you know what you are doing, get out of here!"

To this group of Yunzhou cultivators and Guidie Valley disciples who broke into the valley without permission, they were not polite at all. No matter how high their cultivation level was, this Zifu Immortal Continent was the place of the Empress above the Kunlun Yaochi. It is not the people under him, Yunzhongjun, who can run wild as they please.

"You little pussies are harboring felons in the fairy world. I don't think you will shed tears until you see the coffin!"

Suddenly, more than a dozen people rushed up to the Butterfly Valley from outside, and at this moment, a cold female voice came from the valley, "Noisy!"

"Master Shuiyue!"

Seeing that Fairy Shuiyue was coming, the disciples immediately retreated to both sides. They saw Fairy Shuiyue, wearing a white dress, floating lightly at the mouth of the valley. Her face was cold and indifferent, and she said to the people outside, "Don't you know? How noble is my uncle? Is it okay for you to see me if you want to? If you dare to make noise in the Butterfly Realm, you are welcome!"

Fairy Yudie is not a person from the fairy world. Six hundred years ago, the empress granted her immortal status and ordered her to guard Guidie Valley for thousands of years. If she were to be called the owner of Guidie Valley, she might be nothing, but if the empress Qin If you click here, it will be different.

Everyone here obviously knows the identity of Fairy Yudie, and Fairy Yudie herself is not weak. In addition, there are powerful magic circles in the valley. Normally, these people would not dare to attack easily, but today, for some reason, it seems that It's like being confident.

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