This night was the night of the new moon. Xiao Chen put away his breath and quietly walked behind Fairy Yudie's palace. At this time, the light inside the palace was a little dim, but the faint light emitted by some spiritual energy still allowed him to see. Clear everything inside.

Inside the palace, Fairy Yudie's whole body was covered with death energy, and these wisps of death energy were constantly eroding her fairy body.

If this continues, even if the death energy is finally cleared, her immortal body will definitely not be preserved, most of her mana will be lost, and even her lifespan will be reduced a lot.

The more Xiao Chen looked at it, the more he frowned. He didn't expect that the backlash of her death energy would be so severe. It seemed that it was due to the battle with two immortals that day. Fortunately, he came to see it tonight, otherwise what would have happened? It's really hard to imagine.

But what is she doing at this moment?

At that moment, Xiao Chen held his breath and did not approach immediately, but looked at him from a distance. This time, Fairy Yudie didn't seem to notice him at once like last time.

After about a stick of incense, a chill suddenly filled the hall, and Xiao Chen's heart condensed, this is...

I saw bursts of black energy between Fairy Yudie's brows, and she put her palms towards her Dantian. The death energy that originally enveloped her body continued to seep into all the veins in her body. Not only did she not force the death energy out, Outside her body, this death energy invaded her heart instead! ♦


Xiao Chen's eyes narrowed, why is this scene so familiar?


At this moment, he remembered that when he was in the Qinling Mountains, he helped the Qin family retreat from the enemy and set up a competition with Xiahou Jie.

The content of this competition is that Xiahou Jie will poison him, and he must detoxify it before dark, otherwise he will die from the poison and he will not be able to blame others.

Xia Houjie was the Poison Saint Zang Fengyun back then. His cultivation level may not be very powerful, but how powerful is this poison skill and the art of using poison?

Even for Xiao Chen, it was not something that could be solved by just trying to solve it, so at that time, he took a desperate risk. Instead of forcing the poison out, he introduced all the poison into his heart veins, and then used himself as a cauldron to condense the poisonous elixir!

At this moment, what Fairy Yudie is doing is actually similar to what he did back then. She also wants to use herself as a cauldron to completely refine this death energy!

But, how powerful is this death energy? How can it be compared to toxins? She had no idea what this death aura was, and taking such a desperate risk would probably lead to a narrow escape!


Seeing Fairy Yudie trying to use herself as a cauldron to condense death energy, Xiao Chen's expression suddenly changed. He must stop her, otherwise she will die!


At this moment, Xiao Chen unfolded the Lingxian Step and moved behind Fairy Yudie. Without further ado, he held her down and his inner energy shook, dispelling the death energy that was invading her body.

"what you do?"

Fairy Yudie frowned, turned her head slightly, and said coldly, "Don't let me go yet!"

At this moment, she was only wearing a light gauze dress, and her body was extremely cold. But just now, her true energy had obviously gone away, and now it was difficult to move for a moment.

Xiao Chen also frowned and said coldly, "I still want to know, what are you doing? Did you just want to use yourself as a cauldron to refine these dead energy?"

"so what?"

Fairy Yudie's eyes were cold, and even her tone was cold at this moment, which was very different from usual times.

Xiao Chen glanced at her, "So what? If I hadn't stopped you in time, you might be dead now."

He knew more about this death energy than Fairy Yudie. Although he had the power to control life and death, it caused the death energy to backfire.

Fortunately, there were seeds of Dieffenbachia that extended his life for twenty years. Later, he absorbed a ray of Hongmeng purple energy and cast a spell from Fairy Suwen to suppress his death energy again.

But even so, this death energy in him is always a hidden danger, and it may explode one day.

Although Fairy Yudie has profound spiritual knowledge and powerful magic power, she does not have the ability to control life and death. Once her heart is eroded, she will definitely die, and she will not even have time to change her heart.

"Aren't you going out yet?" Seeing that his palm was still on her shoulder, Fairy Yudie frowned and said coldly.

The death energy around her was still condensed. Xiao Chen slowly took his hand back from her shoulder and said, "The death energy in your body is already backfired. You should be very clear about the consequences of this."

"Oh? So what?"

At this moment, the expression on Fairy Yudie's face is actually calm and composed. It is really not easy to cultivate her kind of character. If it were another person with such heavy death energy in her body, I am afraid she would have been anxious already. How could she be so calm? .

Xiao Chen turned around, looked at the night outside the palace, and said, "It's very simple. I will remove this death energy for you. After that is completed, you immediately open the Returning Butterfly Formation and let me leave."

Hearing this, Fairy Yudie stretched out her hand, and a piece of clothing flew from a distance and landed gently on her. She only heard her say lightly, "If you came here tonight for this reason, then please come back."

Seeing her casual look, Xiao Chen turned back, looked at her and said, "Do you think I'm joking with you?"

"Then do you think I'm joking with you?"

Fairy Yudie stood up and looked at him as well. The two just stared at each other in silence, and the palace slowly fell into silence again.

After a long time, Xiao Chen said, "Why do you insist on trapping me in your butterfly realm?"

"Then I like it and am happy to do it, okay?"

"Too bad you're dying."

"Even if I die, you can't get out."

"Then when you die, I will kill all your disciples in Guidie Valley."

"Then you never want to go out."

Fairy Yudie walked toward him step by step, looked into his eyes, her expression was still calm and composed, and said softly, "I'm going to bed, Mr. Xiao, please come back."

At this moment, the atmosphere in the palace was cold, and even the air became extremely quiet. At this moment, Xiao Chen suddenly used his grappling hand, and with lightning speed, he grabbed her arm with one hand and the other He grabbed her throat with his hand and said coldly, "I want to kill you now, it's easy..."


Fairy Yudie had already lost a lot of her mana just now and suffered the backlash of the death energy. Now that her throat was pinched by him, she felt even more suffocated. However, her eyes were still cold and stern, "Don't think that I have lost a few percent of my mana, so you can You can do whatever you want here."

Xiao Chen's eyes were equally cold, "Then you can give it a try... If you don't open the Returning Butterfly Formation, I will kill you now!"

"Kill me and you will never get out, uh..."

Before Fairy Yudie finished speaking, her face suddenly turned pale. Then, the layers of death energy that she had temporarily suppressed surged up again at this moment, and even seemed to be heart-eating!


Seeing the death energy attacking his heart, Xiao Chen secretly thought something was wrong, and immediately let go of her throat. When he was about to support her, Fairy Yudie pushed her away with a flick of her sleeves and said, "Get away!"

However, she was unable to stand firmly and fell to the ground. A mouthful of blood came out of her mouth. It turned out that that day, she suppressed her life force and fought with the two immortals. She seemed fine, but in fact she was injured. She knew her heart pulse, but she kept hiding it.


At this moment, Xiao Chen looked at her, and his heart began to beat violently. He didn't expect that she would be so stubborn...

"Uncle Master!"

At this moment, Fairy Shuiyue's voice came in, and Xiao Chen instinctively turned around and looked outside the hall. At this moment, Fairy Yudie slapped her palm on the ground, and her whole body bounced up, with two fingers. And, in an instant, a stream of immortal energy was gathered, and it struck Xiao Chen like lightning.


Xiao Chen secretly thought that something was wrong, but when he reacted, he could no longer move. Fairy Yudie was seriously injured and spent a lot of her immortal energy to seal him. At this time, another mouthful of blood gushes out.

"Uncle Master!"

Fairy Shuiyue's face changed, and she rushed over. At this moment, Fairy Yudie was covered in black energy, her mouth was full of blood, and her clothes were stained red by blood. She looked a bit scary, but she was not the same as usual. A fairy with peerless charm?

"do not come!"

Seeing that she was coming, Fairy Yudie hurriedly stepped back. At this time, Shuiyue was completely stunned. When she saw the death energy that was constantly seeping out of her uncle's body, she was completely at a loss.

She originally thought that Fairy Yudie had suppressed the death energy that day, but she didn't expect that it would become so serious in just a few days!

Seeing Fairy Yudie's deadly aura, Xiao Chen couldn't help but change his expression, and said hurriedly, "What are you doing standing still! You haven't unlocked the acupuncture points on my body yet!"

"Ah, ah..."

Fairy Shuiyue realized at this moment that she had just been tapped on her acupoints by her uncle, and when she was about to reach out to do it, Fairy Yudie suddenly shouted, "How dare you!"


Fairy Shuiyue was shocked. She had never seen her uncle look as scary as tonight. She was stunned for a while, not knowing what to do.

Xiao Chen frowned and tried to use the Nine Yin and Nine Yang Mysterious Techniques to open the acupuncture points. However, no matter whether he was running in a forward or reverse direction, he was unable to break through the seal of Fairy Yudie. He had to send his spiritual thoughts to Fairy Shuiyue next to him. Unlock my acupuncture points! Your uncle is going crazy and is unconscious. You don’t have to listen to her anymore. If you delay for three seconds, her life will be in danger!"

"Teacher, uncle..."

Fairy Shuiyue's face turned pale. Now she didn't know who to listen to. Xiao Chen once again sent his spiritual message to her, "What are you still waiting for!"


Fairy Shuiyue raised her head, but at that moment, she felt the cold and terrifying eyes of Fairy Yudie, and she froze in place, not daring to move.

"Shuiyue, you immediately take him back to Youdie Valley and seal the entire valley with the Returning Butterfly Formation. Don't let him come out again before I leave!"


"This is an order!"

Fairy Yudie's eyes were cold and stern, and her tone was unquestionable. Fairy Shuiyue had never dared to disobey her words. Now she turned around and looked at Xiao Chen, but Xiao Chen kept winking at her.

"Go quickly!"

Fairy Yudie shouted coldly again. At this moment, Fairy Shuiyue seemed to have finally broken through her psychological defense, and finally had to carry Xiao Chen and go outside.

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