"Your uncle, she has gone crazy. Did you hear that?"

Along the way, Xiao Chen kept asking Fairy Shuiyue to unlock the acupuncture points on his body. However, at this moment, Fairy Shuiyue seemed to be possessed by a demon. She just looked for a way forward and ignored him.

"She is already filled with death energy. No one can save her except me. She thinks she can force out this death energy, but she doesn't know that she is sinking deeper into the quagmire step by step."

"Did you hear me?"

No matter how Xiao Chen shouted, Fairy Shuiyue never spoke, and finally came to the deep valley. Fairy Shuiyue sent him in and said, "The acupuncture points on your body will be unlocked in six hours. You...you Just stay here."

After she finished speaking, she leaned back a little, and then made a spell with her hands to cast a spell. Several rays of mysterious light flew out, attracting the power of the Returning Butterfly Formation and completely sealing this small Butterfly Valley. .

"what you do?"

Seeing that she had sealed the valley, Xiao Chen wanted to move but couldn't. Now it's better, he can't even get out of this small valley.

But now he is not worried about not being able to get out, but about Fairy Yudie. The death energy has already eaten into his heart. If it continues like this, it will only last three days at most. Even if he takes action by then, he will not be able to be saved.

After finishing everything, Fairy Shuiyue finally stopped, looked into the valley again, and said, "Just stay inside during this period of time, and wait until the master uncle...the master uncle comes out." After saying that, he turned around. Went far away.

"Come back! Come back! Your uncle's life is so heart-wrenching that no one can save her! Come back!"

However, no matter how Xiao Chen screamed, Fairy Shuiyue never looked back and finally disappeared under the dark night.

Three more days have passed. Fairy Shuiyue has not been to Youdie Valley in these three days, and Xiao Chen is locked in and cannot get out. It is difficult to practice quietly these days. All he thinks about is Fairy Yudie. If she goes out If something happens, then I really won’t be able to get out.

At noon on this day, Xiao Chen was pacing back and forth in the valley. It had been three days. According to his understanding of the death energy, Fairy Yudie must have had the death energy in her heart now. There were still six hours at most. If it was delayed for another six hours, Xiao Chen was walking back and forth in the valley. For an hour, even Daluo Jinxian was unable to save him.

"No, we must find a way to get out..."

He came to the entrance of Youdie Valley. Although the seal here was only the power of Guidie Formation, it was difficult for him to rush out. After several attempts, he had to give up. Even with Fu Xiqin, Emperor Even a single sword cannot break through the seal of the Returning Butterfly Formation.

"what to do……"

Until it was almost dark, he was unable to break through the seal here. Counting the time, there were only three hours left. After midnight tonight, Fairy Yudie would either die from death, or become obsessed. Death means injury.

But right now, he is trapped here and cannot get out.

On the top of the mountain, a crescent moon gradually rose. It was already dark, but the entire Guidie Valley felt indescribably quiet tonight.

The cold wind blew in waves, and Xiao Chen suddenly felt a chill in his heart. Will someone come to attack Butterfly Valley tonight?

At this time, in the fairy palace of Fairy Yudie, the flowers, plants and trees near the palace were all withered and withered, and were filled with a heavy and dead air. The disciples who returned to Butterfly Valley thought that the Lord was just in retreat, so they did not Let them in.

That night, Fairy Shuiyue was worried and sneaked in again, but Fairy Yudie was no longer in the palace, but in her secret training hall.

There are many restrictions outside the secret palace. Even if Fairy Shuiyue is very familiar with this place, she must enter carefully.

"Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock..."

In the dark corridor, the sound of water drops kept coming, and Fairy Shuiyue's heart was tense. After about half a stick of incense, she finally arrived outside Fairy Yudie's secret palace.

As for the current scene, even though Fairy Shuiyue had been prepared for it, when she saw it with her own eyes, her whole body changed color.

In the secret hall, Fairy Yudie was surrounded by black energy, and a black mark appeared above her eyebrows. It was her original Immortal Seal, but now, it seems that she has been eroded by this death energy. It's the same, dark and weird.

"Master...Uncle Master..."

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, how could Fairy Shuiyue believe that this was her former uncle? Who was that person who came out of the mist that day? He was able to turn his uncle into such a terrifying figure...

Suddenly, Fairy Yudie was seen in the secret palace, her hands constantly forming strange seals, but it was difficult to tell whether these were fairy seals or demonic seals.

At this time, not only did layers of death energy gather on her body, but she also seemed to be possessed by a demon. Her lips became blood red, and even her pupils seemed to become blood red.

"Uncle Master!"

Fairy Shuiyue finally couldn't bear it anymore. She couldn't let her uncle go crazy, but how could she get in with the death aura that filled the palace?

"go out!"

At this moment, Fairy Yudie suddenly heard a cold shout. Her voice was so cold, she was completely different from her usual self!

"Uncle Master... stop quickly, you will go crazy!"

"I'll let you out!"

Another cold shout came, and at the same time there was a palm force. Fairy Shuiyue couldn't bear the palm force and kept retreating outside. At this moment, she had a faint feeling that her uncle had gone crazy.

What should we do now? Do you want to go to the Guidi Secret Realm and invite some elders?

However, several elders had already lived in seclusion in the secret realm hundreds of years ago, not to mention that they had always been at odds with their uncle...

Just when Fairy Shuiyue was at a loss, Fairy Yudie's situation seemed to be getting worse in the secret palace. Death energy rushed out one after another, causing her to keep retreating.

"Uncle Master!"

Fairy Shuiyue looked shocked. Seeing Fairy Yudie's almost demonic appearance, her heart almost jumped out of her chest.

No, if this continues, my uncle will definitely go crazy. What should I do? What should I do now...

Xiao Yichen!

Yes...go find him! He must have a way!

It was only now that Fairy Shuiyue thought of Xiao Chen. At this time, she didn't hesitate anymore and immediately turned around and went outside. When she arrived at Youdie Valley, she saw Xiao Chen pacing back and forth in the valley, still counting something in his hands.

"Xiao Yichen!"

Fairy Shuiyue ran over in a hurry, and Xiao Chen saw the eager look on her face. He already guessed something, and said in a concentrated voice, "Open the formation!"

Fairy Shuiyue didn't even hesitate. She made a slight seal with her hands, muttered something in her mouth, and immediately opened the sealing formation of Youdie Valley with a spell.

"Your uncle, how is she now?"

"Uncle Master, Uncle Master, she..." Fairy Shuiyue turned pale and told what she had just seen in the secret palace.


At this moment, Xiao Chen seemed to suddenly have a very bad premonition. He did not expect that the person's death aura would be so powerful...

"There are still less than two hours, hurry!"

At this moment, the two of them did not hesitate and immediately went to Fairy Yudie's secret palace.

When they entered the secret hall, everything around them became extremely quiet. Only the sound of water dripping from the darkness of the corridor gave people a particularly nervous feeling.

"Something's wrong..."

Suddenly, Xiao Chen frowned, and as soon as he finished speaking, he immediately sacrificed the Chongxiao Sword. Chongxiao could break evil spirits, and it was even more obvious in this fairy world.

"You, what are you doing..."

Fairy Shuiyue was also a little nervous, and when she saw him using the fairy sword, the expression on her face became even more nervous.

Xiao Chen frowned and said, "This death aura has dissipated. Your uncle...she may be possessed by a demon."

"What did you say……"

Fairy Shuiyue's face suddenly turned pale, as if five thunders struck her head, she looked at him with wide eyes, her body kept shaking, her uncle was possessed by a demon, her uncle was possessed by a demon...impossible, absolutely impossible!

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