The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,336 Changes in the World

When she returned to Youdie Valley and saw this scene in front of her, even though Fairy Yudie was as calm as water on weekdays, she couldn't help but change her expression at this time.

The crack here is dozens of feet deep. If it were in other places, there would be nothing to make a fuss about. With the power of an immortal, it would be strange to move mountains and fill seas.

It's just that in Guidie Fairyland, with the support of formations, who can cause such great damage?

Even several nearby mountain peaks almost collapsed. The force just now shook thousands of miles. Such a powerful force, if it were not supported by the Guidie Formation, the entire Guidie Fairyland would really have been destroyed just now. It shattered in an instant.

what happened……

Fairy Yudie had a look of surprise on her face, and finally looked at Xiao Chen, who was sitting under the ancient pine on the edge of the cliff. Xiao Chen saw her looking at him with an innocent look on her face, "I I don’t know anything, it’s none of my business, there’s something wrong with your formation here.”

Is there something wrong with the formation?

Fairy Yudie looked around, but no matter how she looked, it didn't seem like there was something wrong with the formation.

But if it was the kid in front of me, the power just now was definitely not something he could unleash. If he could unleash such a powerful force and directly break through the Returning Butterfly Formation, wouldn't that be okay?

Who is he...

At this moment, Fairy Yudie looked at Xiao Chen, and her eyes were full of questions. Why was the empress far away in Kunlun, and even in retreat to realize enlightenment, she sent a dream consciousness to her, telling her to protect herself no matter what? This person……

"It's useless for you to look at me like that, I told you it's not me." Seeing her looking at him motionless, Xiao Chen spread his hands helplessly.

And recalling the punch just now, even he himself didn't know what happened, why it was so powerful at that moment...

What level of power is that power? Even he himself doesn't know...

"Uncle Master, what's going on?"

At this moment, Fairy Shuiyue's voice came from outside the valley. Apparently she had been alarmed by this power just now and rushed over.


Soon, Fairy Yudie's face returned to calmness, and she said, "The formation here may be a little loose. It caused a collision of spiritual energy just now."

"Spiritual collision..."

Fairy Shuiyue was stunned, and walked in from the outside. Looking at the scene in the valley in front of her, her eyes were also filled with surprise. This doesn't look like it was caused by a collision of spiritual powers?

And the force just now was so strong, how could it be a collision of spiritual powers...

"Xiao Yichen, did you see anyone just now?"

Fairy Shuiyue had some confusion on her face and looked at Xiao Chen. Although she knew that Xiao Chen's abilities were far superior to those of other cultivators in the world, the power just now seemed to be beyond the ninth realm. She There is no way he would be connected with Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen was sitting under the tree and said casually, "Yes, a lot of people have come to make trouble recently. You should be careful. I can't get out from inside, but there is no guarantee that powerful people will come in from the outside..."

"Uncle Master?"

Hearing what he said, Fairy Shuiyue frowned and looked at Fairy Yudie next to her. She seemed a little worried that someone with great magical powers had sneaked in from outside.

"During this period, you have people strictly guarding them. No corner can be spared. If you see anyone suspicious, capture them immediately."

Fairy Yudie spoke slowly, but her eyes still fell on Xiao Chen.

In the end, even she believed that the power just now was not sent by Xiao Chen. As for what happened, she could only make a guess and could not be sure.

In this way, another three months passed. During these three months, the spiritual energy of the fairy world became more and more abundant day by day. Xiao Chen thought of countless ways to escape, but in the end, he still failed to escape successfully. He tried to escape about seven or eight times. Caught back by Fairy Yudie.

On this day, he still didn't give up, and counting the days, it was exactly one year since the door to the fairy world opened, and he didn't know what was going on in the human world now.

As for the affairs of the Ancient Immortal Realm, although he has been trapped in Guidie Immortal Realm during this period, he occasionally learned from the disciples of Guidie Valley that many immortal world spiritual veins were destroyed, not just Yunzhou, but also Even places like Zifuzhou were also destroyed by spiritual pulses.

The spiritual energy in the ancient immortal world is becoming more and more abundant, and some spiritual energy even flows back to the human world, making the spiritual energy in the human world suddenly become very abundant.

Perhaps within half a year, the rain and dew of the Immortal Realm will be condensed. At that time, it will surely alarm cultivators from all over the Immortal Realm. The ten thousand years of Immortal Realm rain and dew can bring people back to life. Drinking it will make you live forever. You can even directly cross several realms and reach the realm of Taisheng. , no matter how high the Taoist heart is, how can it be unshakable?

Now the entire ancient immortal world has already been boiling, and the spiritual energy of the immortal world has suddenly increased countless times. For some immortal forces that have taken the spiritual veins of the immortal world as their own for a long time, this may be an unprecedented disaster loss, but for some scattered immortals who travel around the world. For me, this is a God-given opportunity.

Others naturally also know that under such a strong fairy spirit, the rain and dew of the fairy world will definitely condense. Therefore, both the casual cultivators and the forces of the fairy world have begun to make plans for the rain and dew of the fairy world that will condense.

Although no one knows where this fairyland rain and dew will eventually gather, we can imagine the fierce competition when the time comes.

At this moment in the Butterfly Valley, Xiao Chen frowned. Over the past few months, although he had been thinking of ways to leave, he had not forgotten to practice. After all, the power he gained that night was just a flash in the pan. Since then, he has never been able to leave again. He had never felt it before, and he couldn't explain what the power was that night.

As for the spiritual energy in Guidie Fairyland, it will also increase as the spiritual energy in the fairyland outside increases. Indeed, as Fairy Yudie said, practicing here is far better than other places outside.

So after these days, his skill has become much deeper. At least it is much stronger than when he first entered the ancient immortal world a year ago. He can even have a glimpse of the holy realm, but there is still one opportunity, and ...a tribulation.

In the past, if you wanted to become a saint, it was as difficult as ascending to heaven. You had to go through "three thousand tribulations." Although the three thousand tribulations are a bit exaggerated, in fact, they are only about thirty-three tribulations. However, this is no longer comparable to that of becoming a saint now. .

To become a saint now, due to the influx of a large amount of spiritual energy between heaven and earth, and the advent of the era of annihilation, the restrictions of the laws of heaven and earth have gradually weakened, so it is much easier to become a saint now than before.

But even so, one cannot step into the Holy Realm casually. They also have to go through the tribulations of the Heavenly Tribulation. Recently, more and more people have become Saints, but it is inevitable that some will be wiped out under the Heavenly Tribulation, or they may fail to overcome the Tribulation. , re-enter the reincarnation.

In short, the word "cultivation" is never easy to say. If Xiao Chen can practice quietly in Guidie Fairyland for three years, then he will have the confidence to step into the holy realm in one step. It's just that he can't stay here any longer. He will try again tonight to see if he can leave the Butterfly Wonderland.

That night, the moon was still as cold as frost, and the cold wind was blowing in the valley. Xiao Chen gathered all the breath from his body, bypassed the guards, and cautiously arrived outside the Butterfly Valley.

Nowadays, his skills are much more agile than a few months ago. Of course, part of the reason is that he is now extremely familiar with Guidie Wonderland, and even the "little fairies" here usually bathe and play. He knows how to navigate the watery fairy lake.

After skillfully crossing several valleys, Xiao Chen came to a deep valley. A few days ago, he had made a good foothold here. It took him many days of searching before he found his footing here.

If it were an ordinary formation, he would be able to open it as long as he found one formation, but this Butterfly Formation was not an ordinary formation. Even if he found one or even more formations, there was no guarantee that he would be able to open it. Keep trying.

Until late at night, with the moon and stars in the sky sparse and the cold wind blowing in the valley, Xiao Chen kept trying until he heard the sound of footsteps behind him.

"Are you serious and want to leave here?"

Fairy Yudie appeared behind him again, as if no matter how hard he concealed his aura, no matter how careful he was, he could not escape the other party's consciousness.

Xiao Chen also turned around, and this time he looked at her no longer as before. His expression became very serious, and his tone was very clear, "This time, I have to leave."

Fairy Yudie put her hands in her sleeves, and with an elegant posture, she slowly came to his side, looked at the formation he had just found, and said slowly, "Do you know how many formations there are in the Returning Butterfly Formation?"

Xiao Chen was silent, and Fairy Yudie continued, "Up to now, there are more than 30,000 formations in the Guidie Formation. Even if you find ten of them a day, it will only be more than 3,000 a year. It will take you ten years." , to find out where all the positions are, and if the positions change during this period, you have to start all over again.”

At this point, Fairy Yudie turned around, looked at him and said, "So do you know what I'm talking about?"

The atmosphere suddenly became a little cold. Xiao Chen stared at her without saying a word. After a long time, he slowly said four words, "I want to go out."


Fairy Yudie shook her head.

"I want to go out!"

"Then tell me where you are going."

"I want to go out!"

"No, you have to tell me where you are going."

"I want to get out! Get out, get out... get out!"

Xiao Chen stared at her coldly, but Fairy Yudie never liked to smile, but she was stared at by him at this moment and said, "Do you know what you look like when you stare at me like this? It's like a person venting his anger on his sister. , the angry brother."

At the end of her words, she slowly stretched out her hand and said, "Go back with me."


Xiao Chen slapped her hand away with all his strength and walked forward alone. Fairy Yudie said, "Where are you going? There is no road ahead, it's a cliff."

"Yes, I'm going to jump off a cliff."

Listening to his complaining tone, Fairy Yudie stood behind, shook her head, and said to herself, "What a naive brother. Do you know how dangerous it is outside now..."

Just as she finished speaking, a shock suddenly came from somewhere, causing the entire Guidie Wonderland to shake.

"what happened?"

Fairy Yudie's eyebrows condensed. She noticed it immediately. This shock came very strangely!

At this moment, Xiao Chen also stopped, and the expression on his face suddenly became very solemn. This shock was not only shaking the Guidie Fairyland, but the entire Ancient Immortal World... the entire Ancient Immortal World was shaking!

And the source of this shock... seems to come from the human world!

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