The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,337 The Abyss of Heaven

“The abnormal movement came from the human world.

Xiao Chen walked up and looked at Fairy Yudie. The two of them immediately started their wind control skills and headed up the valley.

When they reached the top, they saw that many disciples from Guidie Valley were panicking and came outside. Fairy Shuiyue was maintaining order. At this moment, when she saw Uncle Master and Xiao Chen in the distance, she immediately flew over, "Uncle Master...what? What’s going on?”

"I'll go take a look outside, Shuiyue, you take him back to Youdie Valley."

Fairy Yudie frowned. As soon as she finished speaking, she immediately launched her wind control technique and flew towards the mouth of the valley.

Xiao Chen was about to catch up, but Fairy Shuiyue stopped him. "Wait a minute...Uncle Master won't let you go out, so forget it."

Finally, Xiao Chen looked at the disappearing figure of Fairy Yudie, and his eyebrows became deeper and deeper. What's going on? This strange movement seemed to really come from the human world. Did something happen in the human world? I have only been away for a year...

"Everyone listen to orders! Be on guard and don't panic!"

Fairy Shuiyue sent a voice to the disciples behind her. After a moment, she turned around, looked at Xiao Chen and said, "Let's go back to Youdie Valley first."

In the end, Xiao Chen returned to Youdie Valley, but along the way, he was contemplative and silent. Fairy Shuiyue on the side saw that he was deep in thought and did not disturb him.

After a while, the sudden movement slowly stopped, and it was early in the morning when Fairy Yudie came back from outside.

Seeing her coming back, Fairy Shuiyue immediately walked up and said, "Uncle Master, did you find anything?"

Fairy Shuiyue was not a cultivator from the human world, so she couldn't sense it. The strange movement last night was faintly transmitted from the human world. What she was worried about was undoubtedly the recent massive destruction of spiritual veins in the fairy world. She thought that the strange movement just now was caused by Due to the destruction of the Immortal Spirit Pulse.

Like her, most cultivators in the immortal world thought that it was just because of the destruction of the spiritual pulse. But even Fairy Yudie and Xiao Chen could not determine what the cause was at this time. They could only guess that there might be other things besides the human world. reason.

"How is it? Have you found out where the strange movement last night came from?

Seeing Fairy Yudie walking towards the valley, Xiao Chen also stood up and walked over. Fairy Yudie looked at him, and after a while, she shook her head and said, "A lot of the spiritual pulses in the fairy world have been destroyed recently, maybe it's just that the spiritual energy in the fairy world is unstable. "

"You know that's not the case."

At this moment, Xiao Chen's eyes suddenly became sharp, like the sharp edge on the tip of a needle, staring motionlessly at Fairy Yudie's face.

"Shuiyue, during this period, you should take good care of him."

Fairy Yudie's eyes also fell on him. After speaking, she turned around and walked out of the valley.


Xiao Chen was about to catch up, but Fairy Shuiyue next to him grabbed him and said, "Forget it..."

As he spoke, he kept shaking his head and winking at him, "With so many things happening recently, if you continue to make trouble like this, my uncle will definitely ask me to seal this place with the Returning Butterfly Formation. By then, you won't even be able to get out of here." Already..."

At the end of her sentence, when she saw that her uncle had left, she looked at Xiao Chen and said, "Otherwise, I will take you to Fairy Lake in the afternoon. The scenery there is so beautiful, so just think of it as a way to relax."

"If you're not in the mood, just leave."

Xiao Chen flicked his sleeves, with a slightly sullen look on his face, and walked under the green pine trees on the edge of the cliff. Fairy Yudie wouldn't let him leave Guidie Valley at the moment, but he had to find a way to leave.

Just like that, another month passed. During this month, strange movements often occurred in the fairy world. As for what caused it, no one can tell clearly until now. But thinking about it, with the recent massive destruction of spiritual veins in the fairy world, the fairy world The spiritual energy suddenly strengthened a lot, which cannot be separated from the relationship.

And in the human world, a strange thing happened this month. A crack appeared on the dome. Inside the crack, it was pitch black, and no one knew what was inside.

Because of this sudden crack in the sky, all forces in the world have been panicking for the past month.

No one knows what it is, and no one knows when it appeared in the world. It seems to have slowly appeared in the past month.

At first, this crack was just a black spot, and few people noticed it. But after only a month, it actually expanded into an abyss. It looked like an abyss hanging upside down in the sky, and it was pitch black inside. Can't see the bottom.

Therefore, this crack is called "Tian Abyss" by people, and the reason why people feel fear is because of the unknown in their hearts. Because they don't know how the Tian Abyss was formed, and they don't know what is inside, so they feel fear.

In the past month, people have searched through historical records and cannot find any relevant records. The only similar record is that in ancient times, when the pillars of heaven collapsed and the heaven and earth collapsed, Nuwa made five-color stones to mend the sky.

But now it seems that the crack in the sky is not really a crack in the sky. As for what it is, no one knows.

No matter where you are in the human world, you can clearly see this crack. You can clearly see this crack in the Lingxu Realm, the Five Immortal Yuan Realms, the Eastern Continent, the Xianbei Ancient Realm, and even the Wuwu Sea in the West. This thing in the sky is like The hanging abyss.

In the past month, countless cultivators in the world have volunteered to fly to the abyss of the sky, either by controlling flying sword magic weapons or by virtue of their extremely high Taoism.

However, no matter how fast you fly, no matter how high you fly, the distance to the abyss has never changed. After this month, no one can reach it.

"Hmm... Senior Sister Nishang, what is that crack in the sky... Why does it seem so close to our Xuanqing Gate, Ruoshui is a little scared..."

At the Xuanqing Gate at this moment, Ruoshui was tightly pulling Qianyu Nishang's sleeves, and the crack in the sky looked like it was shrouded over Xuanqing Mountain, very close.

But it only seems to be very close. Similarly, even from Xuanqing Mountain, you can't fly there. No matter how high you fly, the distance between Tianyuan seems to have never changed.

At this time, Qian Yu Nishang was also staring at the abyss that seemed to be hanging upside down in the sky. After a long time, she said, "That is the abyss of the sky..."

"The Abyss of Heaven..."

Ruoshui stared blankly at the crack in the sky and said in a daze, "Senior Sister Nishang, what is the Abyss of the Sky? Why haven't I heard Master talk about it before..."

Qian Yu Nishang frowned deeply, looked at the crack in the sky, and said slowly, "Behind the abyss of the sky, there is the sky outside the sky..."

"The sky is outside the sky..."

Hearing these three words, Ruoshui's little body trembled obviously, and his face turned a little pale. He tightly pulled the sleeves of Qian Yu Nishang and said, "Are there all evil people in the sky outside that day... "

Qian Yu Nishang took a deep breath and said nothing.

At this time, on Tianshu Peak, in the Tianshu Hall of Master Qingxuan, all seven of them were present. It was obvious that they were discussing the crack in the sky today.

"Junior brothers and sisters, what do you think?"

At this time, Master Qingxuan was sitting at the head of the palace. His beard was white and his aura was reserved. His Taoism was already unfathomable. I am afraid that even some of the so-called immortals in the ancient immortal world may not be as high as him.

No one in the hall spoke, and after a while, Lord Tianji really opened his mouth and said, "The seal that the Qing Emperor placed on the human world thousands of years ago has long since been loosened. The sky has been peeping at the human world for a long time. I think it will be long before the abyss of heaven comes." It had appeared decades ago, but had always been hidden. Until now, the imbalance of spiritual energy between the ancient immortal world and the human world caused the spiritual energy condensed outside Tianzhi Abyss to disperse. As a result, Tianzhi Abyss appeared. "

"Yes, I think what Junior Brother Yizhen said makes sense. Senior Brother, what do you think?" At this time, Master Xuanyang also stroked his white beard and nodded.


Master Qingxuan nodded slightly and said, "The original heaven outside the world is called the 'Filthy Realm'. It is a place condensed by all kinds of filth, turbidity, demonic obstacles in the world, as well as the hostility, greed, and resentment of living beings in the three realms." world."

At this point, he paused for a while and continued, "Up to now, the strength of Tianwaitian has been extremely strong, and the entire Tianwaitian has thousands of forces, but it is divided by six major forces. These six The major forces are the Palace of Lihen, the Nine Nether Clan, the Platform of Nirvana, the Abyss of Greed, Anger and Crazy, the Abyss of Gods and Demons, and the Gate of Wonders."

After listening, several people in the hall fell into deep thought. After a long time, Yu Hengzun's Hidden Mysterious Mirror spoke again, "The six forces of Tianwai Tian have been coveting the world for a long time. Once they succeed in opening the passage to the Abyss of Heaven, , when the time comes, no one can stop them from coming to the human world, and the entire human world will surely be devastated..."

Lord Meiyue continued, "The difficulty is that we still know nothing about them at present, but they know the forces in the world very well..."


Lord Li Yuan added, "It seems that a long time ago, they found a way to open a channel for people to sneak into the human world. There must be people from heaven and earth in the human world now. I even suspect that more than 300 years ago, that time The demonic factions have joined forces to attack, perhaps it is the people from the outer world who are planning secretly. Their purpose is to split the various forces in the world and plunge the cultivators in the world into civil strife..."

Lord Xuanyang's eyes narrowed, he looked at him and said, "Senior Brother Liyuan, do you mean that there are people in the devil's path who are beyond the sky?"

"Tianwaitian has already penetrated into all the forces in the world. Even among the righteous people, there may not be any of their people. It's just that the depth of what that person hides is beyond our ability to guess."

At this time, Yi Hua really spoke again, and as soon as he said this, several other lords looked at him. Lord Meiyue said attentively, "Junior brother, what do you mean by this? Could it be that you are talking about it?" , even among my Xuanqing Sect, there may be people from Tianwaitian.”

At this moment, the hall fell into silence, and no one spoke anymore. If this person is on the right path, he must have a very high status, otherwise he will not be able to influence the situation in the world.

The first thing that Xuanyang Zun and Zang Xuanjing thought of was Shen Cangming, who betrayed Xuan Qing back then. Could it be that Shen Cangming was actually a person placed in the human world by Heaven?

Of course, they would never think that Xiao Chen was a person placed in the world by Heaven. No matter how people outside looked at Xiao Chen, they knew in their hearts that Xiao Chen was just naughty when he was young. Later, unfortunately, he encountered He fell in love with that witch Hua Weiyang and went astray.

At this time, Yi really didn't say clearly who that person was. He just looked at Ling Yin and said, "Junior sister, what do you think?"

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