The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1356: Ten Thousand Years Situation

At this time, outside the Penglai Fairyland, the colorful fairy lights have still not dispersed, and more fairy cultivators have gathered here today. They are all trying their best to break through the restrictive formation outside, and then go Go inside the fairyland and get a glimpse of it.

In addition to these foreign cultivators of the Immortal Realm, many people from the Murong Yi clan, the ancient clan who guard the Penglai Realm, have also come out today. It seems that they are preventing these foreign cultivators from damaging the aura of the Immortal Realm and the immortality in the Immortal Realm. spirit.

The disciples didn't know why, and were still a little confused at this time, thinking that the fairy light in the sky was just a vision caused by the rain and dew in the fairy world. However, all the elders with some experience felt that the vision in the sky was the fairy spirit. This world...

The vision in the sky continued all night last night, and did not seem to subside until this morning. It seems that the fairy spirit mentioned in the ancestor's oral instructions must have appeared in the world, but now...

Now they had no idea what was going on inside. If no one had gone in before, they wouldn't have to worry. But that day the white-haired man had already gone in, and there had been no movement until now. How could they not be worried?

But seeing several elders of the ancient clan frowning deeply as they looked into the forbidden formation, they were all worried. Now, they hope that the restriction can be opened so that they can go in and find out. But now the restriction cannot be broken. They I couldn't get in, and I had no idea what was going on inside.

"Elder...what should we do now?"

Seeing the worried expressions of the elders, the disciples gradually became worried. There was always an uneasy premonition in their hearts. This time, I am afraid that something big is about to happen. They, Murong Yishi, are guarding Is the peace that has existed here for thousands of years finally broken...


At this moment, the entire mountain peak suddenly shook violently, causing everyone to stand a little unsteadily. This shock was so fierce that even the cultivators holding swords in the air were almost shaken down.

It lasted for about half a stick of incense before the shock slowly stopped. At this time, looking at the prohibition formation in front of the fairyland, it seemed to be faintly loose.

"It seems that this restriction is finally broken."

The dozen or so cultivators from the Immortal World had already arrived in front of the formation. They looked at each other and already had their thoughts in mind.

When the formation is broken, they must go in and catch the kid as soon as possible, but this matter should not be known to others. After all, only the demons of Shenmoyuan can do such things as using people to refine living pills. Come out, they are immortals in the immortal world, how can they do such a thing.

But at this time, on the other side, Taoist Qingdeng took advantage of these people not paying attention, and went to the other direction, and soon disappeared from everyone's sight.

In the fairyland, Xiao Chen felt the strange movement coming from outside and thought that the forbidden formation outside was probably about to collapse. Once the formation collapsed, the group of cultivators from the fairy world outside would definitely rush in...

"Brother, brother...what's wrong..."

The girl Xian'er still looked innocent and ignorant of the world, thinking that everyone was like Xiao Chen, but she didn't know how sinister those people outside were.

Those people have been crazy for hundreds of years for the so-called immortality and the so-called ascension to the heaven. If they knew that she was transformed by the spiritual energy of this world, and that thousands of years of rain and dew had condensed in her body, it would definitely be detrimental to her.

The so-called immortals, as long as they have a trace of desire, are no different from demons. The only difference is that the former often try their best to hide this desire, while the latter, on the contrary, just express this desire vividly.

The noise coming from outside was getting louder and louder. At this moment, Xiao Chen no longer hesitated, squatted down gently, caressed the girl's face, and said softly, "Xian'er, can I take you out of here?"

"Are you leaving?"

Xian'er pouted her moist little mouth and looked around the Yaochi, but she felt a sense of reluctance to leave. At this time, the nearby deer and rabbits slowly gathered around her, jumping around, and even It's joy.

"Brother, why do you want to leave? Isn't it good to stay in this Immortal Valley with Xian'er..."

Xian'er blinked her big, watery eyes. Even though she knew the person in front of her was not her brother, she still regarded him as her brother. It was probably like an innate attachment.

Could it be that in the past life, there really was an endless connection?

Xiao Chen took a deep breath. The girl in front of him was too innocent. She knew nothing. It was no wonder. After all, she had been sleeping for ten thousand years. She had just woken up, and all her memories from ten thousand years ago had been lost. , how do you know that this world is dangerous.

I hope she can always be so innocent and not be affected by this troubled world.

"Xian'er, listen to me, there are bad people outside who are coming in. We must get out of here before they come in and find us."

Xiao Chen didn't know how to explain to her, but he hoped she could understand what he said at this time.

"Bad guy..."

Xian'er tilted her head and thought for a while, as if she suddenly understood. "I know, I know, Xian'er knows. My brother told me before that I must not let those bad people see them. They are all bad..."

"Well, let's go then."

"Hehe, brother, I want a hug!"

Xian'er smiled at him and opened her hands. She was such an innocent fairy girl. No matter how cold Xiao Chen was, he felt a little more tenderness in his heart. He hugged her gently like a princess. He got up and walked deep into the forest.

Along the way, the girl was innocent and cute. She would either hug him or let him carry her on her back. Even if she walked alone, she would still hold his hand.

Until dusk fell, the forest was full of colors, and the girl fell asleep leaning on his back. Xiao Chen turned around and called out twice. When there was no response, he continued walking forward.

At this moment, he knew in his heart that he could not go back the same way, otherwise he would easily run into those people outside. In this case, he could only look ahead to see if there was another way out of this fairyland.

And this fairyland is still far beyond his expectation. He originally thought that the Yaochi where the girl was conceived is the center of the fairyland. He can't go far before he can find the way out.

But now it seems that he was completely wrong. There may be a deeper and invisible place ahead. As for what is in the depths of the fairyland and what he will encounter, he has no idea now. He can only go all the way. Explore ahead.

Gradually, night fell, and the night in this fairyland was very different from the outside. The stars in the sky were bright and colorful, just like a dream.

The moonlight is as clear as water, making every flower and tree in the fairyland clearly visible.

", where are we?"

The girl Xian'er leaned on Xiao Chen's back and woke up. Xiao Chen turned around slightly and whispered, "Is Xian'er awake?"

"Well... Xian'er dreamed of many deers, little rabbits, and father-in-law goats. They were surrounding Xian'er, spinning around, spinning around, and the sun was going down. He said to Xian'er, get up quickly. Get up quickly, so Xian'er wakes up..."

The girl had an innocent smile on her face, which was also due to her nature. Xiao Chen slowly put her under a flower tree and asked, "Are you hungry?"

"Xian'er is not hungry."

The girl shook her head gently, and looked at him motionlessly with a pair of watery eyes. After a while, she murmured, "But Xian'er still wants to sleep, what should I do...Does my brother think that Xian'er is too greedy every time?" Sleepin……"

"how come."

Xiao Chen shook his head gently, picked her up again, flew her to a cliff cave, and said, "Then we'll wait until you wake up and we'll leave tomorrow morning."


Xian'er nodded vigorously, but she didn't fall asleep. She still looked at him with her big eyes open, motionless. Xiao Chen asked, "What's wrong with Xian'er? Can't you sleep?"


Xian'er shook her head, rested her hands on her shoulders, and muttered, "I want my brother to hold me to sleep..."


Such a pure and lovely fairy girl, no matter how cold and ruthless Xiao Chen has become over the years, it is difficult to refuse her at this time. The moonlight outside is as gentle as water, and he holds her in his arms, just like he did thousands of years ago, gently coaxing her to sleep. .

The moonlight shines into the cave, and it is clearly visible that the girl's eyelashes are trembling gently like fine feathers. Why is she so attached to him? Xiao Chen couldn't understand either...

And at this moment, he suddenly felt the spiritual power in the girl's body, so pure and flawless, so boundless...

He suddenly thought of something!

Weiyang is a body of Xuanyin, and this ten-thousand-year destiny is difficult to change. Ku Lingzi told him before that if he wanted to change his ten-thousand-year destiny, he would have to pay a price...

And the girl in front of her has such pure spiritual power, which is exactly the kind of spiritual power that suits Wei Young...

Slowly, Xiao Chen's eyes fell on the sleeping girl in his arms, watching her gently trembling eyelashes as she breathed, and her chest slowly rising and falling...

Take her life in exchange for Weiyang's life...

Is all this just a coincidence? Why would you let yourself meet her...

Why does she appear now...

Why does she have such pure spiritual power...

Is all this really a fate that cannot be changed even in ten thousand years?

"Brother this time... don't leave Xian'er again, okay... Brother promised Xian'er that he would always, always stay with Xian'er... Xian'er will always remember... Brother said that if we beat away those bad guys, we will Come back to find Xian'er... Xian'er has been waiting here for brother. Listen to brother and won't go anywhere..."


Listening to the girl's whisper in her sleep, Xiao Chen suddenly felt a sharp pain in his heart. Why... was it so painful?

After waiting all night, the next day, warm sunlight shone into the cave. Several fairy grasses in front of the cave entrance were still stained with dew. Under the sunlight, they flickered and emitted colorful light.

"Xian'er, are you awake?"

Xiao Chen held her like this all night. At this time, he felt that his body was a little stiff, and his hands and feet were already sore and numb. The girl rubbed her eyes and murmured, "Good morning, brother... Well, Xian'er dreamed a lot again last night." Lu'er, they are so well-behaved..."

The sun gradually rose outside. Xiao Chen led her outside, thinking that he must find a way out today, otherwise he would be in trouble when those people outside broke in.

While he was thinking this, suddenly, a spiritual consciousness seemed to lock onto him from thousands of miles away, and at that moment, his spiritual consciousness also locked onto the other party.


Xiao Chen immediately secretly thought that something was wrong. Someone had entered this fairyland, and that person... was the Qingdeng Taoist who had snatched his Ding Haizhu before! The restriction outside has not been broken yet, how did this person get in?

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