The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,357 Escape from the tiger’s mouth

"Brother...what's wrong?" Seeing Xiao Chen's suddenly serious expression, Xian'er opened her big eyes and asked.


Xiao Chen slowly calmed down. According to the calculation of the distance of his spiritual consciousness, Taoist Qingdeng is still far away from him now, and in this fairyland, it is not like outside, where he can fly with a sword at will.

There were many ancient restrictions in the environment. Although most of these ancient restrictions had been loosened, they still posed a certain threat, so he expected that Taoist Qingdeng would never dare to break in.

"Xian'er, let's go."


Xian'er didn't know that danger was approaching, and still looked innocent and carefree, while Xiao Chen was already carefully planning how to get rid of Taoist Qingdeng behind him.

This person has already reached the Seventh Realm. If he is a Sixth Realm cultivator, he can still use the swords collected at Wanjian Pass last time and can barely deal with it. But for a Seventh Realm cultivator, unless he steps into the Holy Realm in one step, Otherwise there is absolutely no chance of winning.

Fortunately, he is still in this fairyland. It is absolutely impossible for the other party to catch up in a day or two, so he still has a chance to escape. This chance is not slim, unless there is a dead end ahead, and there is no way to leave this place. wonderland. ✬

Three days passed like this, and during these three days, although Xiao Chen was escaping from Qingdeng Taoist's pursuit, he did not show it, and still seemed very relaxed, because he didn't want to know that Xian'er had just escaped from Ten Thousand Years. When you wake up from a deep sleep, you have to live a life of escape in fear.

So these days, Xian'er is always jumping around, innocent and happy, without the slightest idea that there is a terrifying person behind him, getting closer and closer.

That afternoon, Xiao Chen felt that Taoist Qingdeng was less than three hundred miles away from him. A seventh-level cultivator was really powerful, but he had underestimated him after all.

Originally, he thought that the dozen cultivators he met later might still be above Qingdeng Taoist, but now it seems that he may have underestimated this Qingdeng Taoist. Otherwise, those dozen people would not be able to come in. Why? This Qingdeng Taoist just ran in?

"Brother, brother, look... how beautiful these flowers are blooming..."

The girl was innocent and endearing. She ran towards Xiao Chen with a bunch of colorful flowers in her hand.


Xiao Chen gently stroked the hair around her ears, then knelt down, carried her on his back, and said, "Xian'er, it's getting dark soon, let's walk faster."


Xian'er didn't know that a powerful enemy was approaching from behind, but she still had an innocent look on her face, while Xiao Chen was carrying her on his back, and his Ling Xian Steps under his feet had been used to the extreme, and all the ditches and ravines were like walking on flat ground.


However, at this moment, a fierce vibration came from nowhere, as if the entire Penglai Wonderland was shaking violently at this moment.

", what's wrong..."

The girl Xian'er also seemed to be frightened by this sudden shock, while Xiao Chen held his breath and concentrated. This shock... did not come from Taoist Qingdeng, but...

Suddenly, he thought that people outside wanted to break through the formations outside the fairyland, but he didn't know that this fairyland was not complete. The reason why it had not collapsed for thousands of years was precisely because it was supported by countless formations, and once the formations After the collapse, the entire fairyland will probably collapse as well.

Once the fairyland collapses, no one who is still in the fairyland will be able to escape alive.

"Xian'er, don't be afraid."

Xiao Chen carried the girl on his back, his feet still moving as fast as the wind, and walked forward, looking for a way out.

In just a short moment, the tremors in this fairyland have become more and more fierce. Even the sky seems to have faint cracks. Some of the surrounding mountain peaks have begun to collapse, frightening those fairy deer whites. Ze, fled in all directions.

At this time, in the back, Qingdeng Taoist held a fly whisk in his hand and walked with Qi. He naturally felt the shock. I am afraid that this fairyland is about to collapse. The more this happens, the more he wants to find Xiao Chen as soon as possible. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time.

But now, the spiritual energy in this fairyland was chaotic, which hindered his consciousness. Then he put two fingers together and moved a little toward the center of his eyebrows. A streak of blood flew out and disappeared into the sky in an instant. It seemed to be some kind of soul-searching magical power.

Let's talk about Xiao Chen. He was walking fast all the way. It was not until dusk was approaching that the vibrations in the fairyland finally stopped. But the last vibration came very fiercely. It was probably some formations that had collapsed.

The wonderland's ability to keep from collapsing now is probably all supported by the spiritual energy in the sky, but even this spiritual energy in the sky may not be able to support it for long.

Xiao Chen knew in his heart that he had to take Xian'er out of this fairyland that was about to collapse as soon as possible. Otherwise, even if Taoist Qingdeng didn't catch up, and without the group of fairy cultivators outside, once the fairyland collapsed, he and Xian'er would die inside. .

While he was thinking about it, suddenly, a breath came from in front of him. Xiao Chen stopped suddenly and saw a figure standing in the forest in front of him.

The man was dressed in a green Taoist robe, with white hair blowing in the wind. He was holding a whisk in his hand. He looked like an immortal and unparalleled person. He was none other than Taoist Qingdeng.

"My little friend, where do you plan to go?"

At this time, Taoist Qingdeng's cold voice came out from the forest, but Xian'er was startled and exclaimed, "It's a bad guy..."


Taoist Qingdeng's two sharp eyes fell on Xian'er. He had discovered that there was something wrong with this girl before, and now it seemed that it was more in line with his previous guess... It was really a blessing that conquered the world.

"Xian'er, don't be afraid, this senior is not a bad person." At this time, Xiao Chen slowly pulled the frightened Xian'er out from behind.

And Xian'er realized it immediately. Although she was naive and ignorant of the world, she had the mind of a fifteen or sixteen-year-old after all, and knew that the person in front of her must be a bad person. But her brother couldn't beat him now, so she said that he was not a bad person. In this way Once this happens, he will not harm himself and his brother for the time being...

Xian'er was very smart. She rolled her eyes and smiled at Taoist Qingdeng, "Hello, old uncle, my name is Xian'er..."


Qingdeng Taoist's eyes narrowed, and he secretly thought about the magic of heaven and earth. This girl was actually transformed by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and all the rain and dew of thousands of years were condensed into her body. It's amazing, amazing...

He risked his life and death to come in this time, and it was indeed not in vain. With this girl, he could have a glimpse of the Taisheng Realm, and even step into the legendary Fangwai Realm in the future. It was very good. very good……

At this moment, Xiao Chen naturally saw at a glance what Qingdeng Taoist was thinking. This man was smarter and more ruthless than the dozen or so people outside, but now, he was no match for him...

However, fortunately, this fairyland is about to collapse, and the other party cannot find the exit. This gives him another chance.

Thinking about this, he just heard him say: "I think senior is trapped in this fairyland like me, and this fairyland is about to collapse. If we can't find an exit, I'm afraid senior and I will be buried here." It’s in wonderland.”


Taoist Qingdeng nodded, and naturally he had an idea in his mind. After leaving the fairyland, he could kill this boy and capture the girl.

But now, it is still useful to keep this kid. After all, he alone may not be able to open the exit of the fairyland. Even if he finds it, it will be useless. He must work together to open it.

In the next few days, Xiao Chen had been closely guarding Taoist Qingdeng, and was also looking for opportunities to escape. However, the other party was following him all the time. He had no chance to escape with Xian'er. If you can no longer escape, it will be dangerous once you find a way out.

And Taoist Qingdeng has always been like a fairy these days, without showing his sinister look at all, because he doesn't have to be in a hurry now, he just needs to find a way to get out.

In the afternoon of this day, the three of them came to a flower valley, and saw a mirror-like green lake in the valley, flowers blooming like brocade, butterflies dancing gracefully, and many fairies running around.


Xian'er showed a look of yearning on her face, and pulled Xiao Chen and kept saying, "Brother, brother, look, look, that Fairy Valley is so beautiful, Xian'er wants to go in and play..."


Xiao Chen frowned slightly, looked at Taoist Qingdeng next to him, turned around, and said softly, "It's getting late today, we still need to hurry, otherwise Xian'er..."


Xian'er immediately pursed her lips, looked at Taoist Qingdeng again, blinked her big eyes, and said innocently, "Old uncle, let's go together..."

Taoist Qingdeng smoothed his white beard with his hands and glanced into the valley. He thought that the valley was ordinary and there was no other way out, so he said, "It doesn't matter, you go ahead, I won't go."


Xian'er smiled and pulled Xiao Chen and ran towards the fairy valley. He ran here and there, with an extremely innocent look.

Taoist Qingdeng stood outside, stroking his white beard. With his ability, he didn't have to worry about Xiao Chen slipping away from under his nose.

Just like this, after a while of burning incense, the lake in the Flower Valley suddenly rippled, and then, a very strong power of the formation came out!


At this moment, Taoist Qingdeng immediately discovered the problem. However, when he was flying towards the flower valley, a sudden surge of power from the formation came, and with a "bang", he was knocked back.

But inside the Flower Valley, Xian'er was seen hanging in the air, her eyes lightly closed, her hands quickly forming seals, her spiritual power flowing out, and an extremely powerful ancient formation actually being activated in an instant!

At this moment, even Xiao Chen couldn't help but be startled. Now his sense of formation has become very keen, but just now he didn't even notice that there was an ancient formation hidden here. How did Xian'er discover it? And in an instant, this ancient formation was activated...

At this time, outside the Flower Valley, Taoist Qingdeng also changed his expression. Xiao Chen didn't notice the formation here, and even his seventh-level cultivation didn't notice it at all. By the time he discovered it, it was already too late. Although the formation was not as terrifying as the formation outside the fairyland, he could not enter it no matter what.

In the Flower Valley, Xian'er slowly fell back to the ground and said with a smile, "Brother! He is trapped outside by me and can't come in!"

Xiao Chen slowly came back to his senses, thinking just now, it turned out that Xian'er wanted to lure Taoist Qingdeng into the flower valley and trap him inside, but he didn't fall for the trick, so she had no choice but to seal the place. The Valley of Flowers prevents the other party from entering.

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