The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,364 The Return of the Soul

Inside the Penglai Fairyland, the Heavenly Tribulation has completely dissipated. Looking around, you can see clear skies, towering mountain islands, and faint fairy energy. Outside the Fairy Valley, Taoist Qingdeng seems to have noticed that the restrictive formation outside the fairyland will be broken. Within ten days, those people outside will definitely come in.

However, he still has no way to open the formation in this Immortal Valley to this day. If he keeps waiting, it will take almost ten days for the power of this formation to gradually dissipate.

Although he was able to go in at that time, the dozen or so people outside who had similar cultivation levels to him had also come in. He knew very well what those people wanted to do. If those dozen people discovered this Immortal Valley, How could the little fairy inside still have his share?

What's more, there is an ancient clan outside, the Murong Yi clan. Even if they use all their strength this time, they will not let anyone take away this fairy spirit. Even if there are not more than a dozen people by then, how can he be alone? Against an entire ancient tribe? It's impossible even if you think about it. ✺❂✹

Thinking about this, Qingdeng Taoist's eyes gradually became a little vicious. He finally ventured into this fairyland, but he didn't expect that it was just a moment of negligence that caused the current situation. He had to find a way before those people came in. , opened the formation of the Immortal Valley, went in and captured the little fairy.

At this time in the Immortal Valley, the girl Xian'er's eyes were red and tears were still on her face, but she did not dare to go to the strange abyss behind the Immortal Valley. She was afraid that if she left, the bad guy outside would break through the formation and break in. Came in.

On the second day, Taoist Qingdeng still couldn't find a way to break the formation, so he had to shout into the Immortal Valley, "Girl, you'd better open this Immortal Valley quickly. If you delay it for two more days, I'm afraid your brother's soul will disappear. Then we really won’t be able to save him…”

"Girl, listen to Pindao, I am a member of the Immortal Sect, so how can I harm you? There must be some misunderstandings, and you are on guard against Pindao..."

"Girl, if you continue to delay like this, the spirit of this formation will disperse sooner or later. By then, the poor man will be able to come in, but it will be too late. I am afraid that I will not be able to save your brother by then..."

Qingdeng Taoist shouted outside for almost two hours, and still didn't give up until the afternoon, but Xian'er never listened or answered, and simply covered her ears to not listen to the nonsense he said.

"Girl, are you still in there?"

Qingdeng Taoist walked closer to the Immortal Valley, but just a little closer, the power of the formation hit him again, forcing him back.

"Girl? Did you hear what Pindao said? Today is already the fourth day. If we delay it any longer, we really won't be able to save your brother. By then, the girl will cry every night, but she won't be able to cry back to your brother. ……well!"

Taoist Qingdeng could not get close to the mouth of the valley, so he pretended to sigh and said inside, "You two brothers and sisters were originally at the top of Kunlun. One is an immortal flower in Langyuan, the other is a flawless jade. They were supposed to be an eternal romance, but the way of heaven is unkind." , were forced to separate, and finally ended up separated by thousands of years, and now they finally met again, but within a few days, they were separated again, like the moon in the water, the flower in the mirror, alas! Afterwards, Kong sighed to himself, it was really a trick of fate. …”

At the end of his words, his inner energy burst into tears, and he kept sighing, and his voice gradually became choked. It made people listen to it, as if he was singing an opera on the stage, and the listeners were also immersed in the opera. On the verge of tears.

In the Immortal Valley, Xian'er has been feeling sad these past few days. Now when she heard him singing those desolate words outside, a soreness surged up in her chest. Finally, she could no longer hold back, and her tears seemed to have stopped. The thread-like pearl burst into tears.

As soon as she cried, it started to rain again in the originally sunny Fairy Valley, and each tear turned into the ten thousand years of rain and dew.

Taoist Qingdeng heard crying outside, and knew that what he just said was effective. He was secretly happy in his heart, but pretended to be more sad on his face, and continued to sing the lyrics of the play "The brother's soul flies into the sky, and Yin and Yang are separated in the end. The sister cries." My heart is broken, and I wonder how many tears there can be in my eyes, how can autumn flow to winter, and spring flow to summer..."

"woo woo woo woo……"

Listening to him singing those lamentations outside, I thought about how happy I was with my brother a few days ago, but then the yin and yang were separated forever, and I could no longer see my brother. Xian'er even buried her head in tears and cried until the sky was dark. land.

What was originally a gentle drizzle suddenly turned into a violent storm. The aura of the entire Immortal Valley became thicker, and the spirit of the formation suddenly strengthened a lot.

"what happened……"

Taoist Qingdeng was outside, but it wasn't raining outside. It was only raining inside the Fairy Valley. He thought to himself that the fairy was indeed born from heaven and earth. If he kept crying like this, something would happen.

If something happens to her inside, then he will lose more than he gains. He hurriedly said, "Girl, girl, it's a poor thing. I'm talking about those who are sad. Don't cry anymore. Listen to me, your brother is still here." You can be saved, but you have to let the poor guy come in first?"

After crying for a while, Xian'er finally stopped, looked outside, and sobbed, "Is what you said true?"

"How can it be false? I am a member of the Immortal Sect. If I talk in vain, it will damage my practice..."

Taoist Qingdeng was secretly happy. The little girl was indeed a little girl. Even if she was transformed by an eternal fairy, she was still so easy to trick. If it were that kid, he wouldn't be able to trick her.

After a while, Xian'er came to the mouth of the valley. Taoist Qingdeng saw that she had finally come out. He was overjoyed in his heart, but did not show it on his face. He said, "Girl, you are finally willing to come out. In that calamity a few days ago, your brother The physical body must have been destroyed, and the soul has not yet completely disappeared. Please quickly open this formation and let Pindao enter. Maybe you can help him reunite his soul and his physical body."

"You, didn't you lie to me?"

Xian'er was still a little wary of the Taoist outside. Taoist Qingdeng smiled and said, "Girl, I am a member of the Immortal Sect, how can I deceive you? I see that this little friend is not easy to cultivate, and I really can't bear him to do it." To fall here like this, alas..."

Seeing him sighing, Xian'er finally let down her guard a little and said, "Then, you must swear an oath first. If you lie to me, then you... you will become a puppy!"

Qingdeng Taoist thought, this girl is really easy to deceive, so he smiled and said, "Okay, okay, I will make an oath in front of the girl. If I deceive the girl, I will immediately turn into a puppy, woof... woof woof!" "By the end of the conversation, I actually learned how to bark like a dog twice.

Xian'er was still feeling sad, but when she saw his weird and funny look, she couldn't help but smile. Just when she was about to break the formation, she suddenly noticed something and hurriedly stepped back, "You lied to me." ! You want to trick me into opening the formation!"

"Hey... I, why did I lie to the girl? Look, girl, I made this oath just now. How can the girl still be a poor man, so that you are willing to believe me?"

Taoist Qingdeng spread his hands with a look of helplessness, but at this moment, Xian'er seemed to become much smarter, humming, "You are just lying to me, how do you know that it is a natural disaster, how do you know that your brother is behind you?" Overcoming the tribulation? How do you know that my brother is no longer physically alive? From the beginning to the end, you were just deceiving me when you sang those words, so that my brother is fine... Huh!" At the end of her words, she immediately turned around and went back to the Immortal Valley.

Seeing that she was about to leave, Taoist Qingdeng stretched out his hand and said anxiously, "Hey... no, girl, listen to me..."

"I won't listen, I won't listen, the dog is chanting sutras..." Xian'er covered her ears, went back and forth a few times, and then disappeared from Taoist Qingdeng's sight.

"This stinky girl..."

Taoist Qingdeng's eyes narrowed, thinking how could she, a newly awakened fairy, be so clever? That boy must have told her something. There was nothing I could do this time. Since I couldn't deceive her, I had to think of other ways to open this formation...

Just like that, two more days have passed, and today is the third day since Xiao Chen's body was shattered. On the altar of gods and demons, it was still deathly silent, without any movement.

But Xiao Chen's soul did not completely dissipate. It just turned into fragments, as if hanging in the void. It was always on the altar of gods and demons. It did not float away with the wind, nor did it enter the path of reincarnation. .

"The yin and yang turn around, fortune takes over life and death, and the soul returns..."

In the vague void, Xiao Chen seemed to hear the voice of the leader Qingxuan Zhenren when he reunited his soul and body for him.

The sound came over and over again, incessantly. At night, a bright moon gradually rose into the sky, and on the altar of gods and demons, his soul slowly began to regroup little by little.

On the fourth day, the souls had gradually condensed together, but they still had no independent consciousness. On the fifth day, the originally broken body slowly appeared, and the skin and flesh began to grow again, and then slowly came together again.

By the seventh day, the soul had gradually taken shape, and the physical body had gradually taken shape. The eyes, ears, mouth and nose were already vaguely visible, and the hands and feet gradually appeared.

This scene cannot be explained. If the group of immortal cultivators outside saw it, I am afraid that all of them would subvert their understanding. They had clearly been wiped out by the catastrophe, but at this time, they were reborn with the help of the power of gods and demons. It is simply incredible.

It is true that without the power of gods and demons here, Xiao Chen would really be wiped out. Even a person with great magical powers like Qingxuan Zhenren would be difficult to reunite his soul and body for him.

And now, the reason why he is able to condense the body of the soul by himself is precisely because of the power of the gods and demons here. This power of gods and demons is also an immortal force. At the same time, he also has his immortality. Artistic conception, these conditions are indispensable.

On the eighth day, the physical body had completely re-condensed, but the soul had not yet returned to its original position. With its eyes closed, it looked like the body of a god or demon in the world of Dugu, without any life.

On the ninth day, the soul began to return to its original position and gradually entered the body. It was not until the tenth day that the soul completely integrated into it. At this time, a mark appeared on his eyebrows.

This mark is not a pure mark of gods and demons, nor a pure mark of immortality, but one green and one red... It is actually a mark of immortality and devil!

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